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 Thoracic aortic emergencies are associated with
ANEURYSMS high morbidity and mortality rates, but with the
 It’s a localized sac or dilation formed at a weak point emergence of endovascular aortic repair there is an
in the wall of the artery. improvement in the mortality rate; in particular, the
 It may be classified by its shape or form. mortality rate for patients treated at high volume aortic
 The most common forms of aneurysms are: centers can be as low as 4.8%
 Saccular aneurysms projects from only one side of
the vessel. If an arterial segment becomes dilated, a  Symptoms vary and depend on how rapidly the
fusiform aneurysm develops. aneurysm dilates and how the pulsating mass affects
 Very small aneurysms due to localized infection are surrounding intrathoracic structures.
called mycotic aneurysms.  Some patients are asymptomatic
 Pain is usually constant and boring but may occur
only when the person is supine.
 Other conspicuous symptoms are:
Dyspnea, the result of pressure of the
aneurysm sac against the trachea, a main
Cough, frequently paroxysmal and with a
brassy quality,
Hoarseness, stridor, or vocal weakness
or aphonia (complete loss of the voice),
resulting from pressure against the laryngeal
Dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing) due
to impingement on the esophagus by the

 Historically, the cause of abdominal aortic aneurysm, ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSTIC FINDINGS
the most common type of degenerative aneurysm,  When large veins in the chest are compressed by the
has been attributed to atherosclerotic changes in the aneurysm, the superficial veins of the chest, neck, or
aorta. arms become dilated, and edematous areas on the
 Aneurysms are potentially serious; if they are located chest wall and cyanosis are often evident.
in large vessels that rupture, this can lead to  Pressure against the cervical sympathetic chain can
hemorrhage and death. result in unequal pupils.
 Diagnosis of a thoracic aortic aneurysm is principally
made by:
Chest X-ray
Computed Tomography Angiography
Transesophageal Echocardiography
 CTA’s are typically performed because they are
widely available, can be completed rapidly, and can
remove cardiac motion artifacts, enhancing their

 Treatment is based on whether the patient is
symptomatic and whether the aneurysm is
expanding in size, caused by an iatrogenic injury,
contains a dissection, or involves branch vessels.
 General measures such as:
 Approximately 70% of all cases of thoracic aortic
Controlling blood pressure and
aneurysm are caused by atherosclerosis.
correcting risk factors are helpful
 Occur most frequently in men between the ages of 50
 Beta-blockers (e.g., atenolol, metoprolol,
and 70 years.
carvedilol) have been the mainstay of medical
 Thoracic area is the most common site for a
treatment for aortic aneurysms; however,
dissecting aneurysm.


 Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) cyanosis and mottling of the toes (also referred to
(e.g., losartan, valsartan, irbesartan) may also as trashing or trash toes).
retard aortic dilation.  Signs of impending rupture include severe back or
 Controlling blood pressure is also important in abdominal pain, which may be persistent or
patients with dissecting aneurysms. intermittent.
 Preoperatively, the systolic pressure is maintained  Abdominal pain is often localized in the middle or
at approximately 90 to 120 mmHg in order to lower abdomen to the left of the midline.
maintain a mean arterial pressure at 65 to 75 mmHg  Low back pain may be present because of pressure
with a beta-blocker such as esmolol or metoprolol. of the aneurysm on the lumbar nerves.
 Occasionally, antihypertensive agents such as  Indications that the abdominal aortic aneurysm may
hydralazine are used for this purpose be leaking, or rupturing include constant, intense
 Sodium nitroprusside is the most established drug back pain; falling blood pressure; and decreasing
used for this purpose; it is given by continuous IV drip hematocrit. Rupture into the peritoneal cavity is
to emergently lower the blood pressure, as it has a rapidly fatal.
rapid onset and short action of duration and is easily  A retroperitoneal rupture (contained rupture) of an
titrated. aneurysm may result in hematomas in the scrotum,
 The goal of the surgery is to repair the aneurysm perineum, flank, or penis.
and restore vascular continuity with a vascular  Signs of heart failure or a loud bruit may suggest a
graft rupture into the vena cava. If the aneurysm adheres
 Intensive monitoring is required after this type of to the adjacent vena cava, the vena cava may
surgery, and the patient is cared for in the critical become damaged when rupture or leak of the
care unit. aneurysm occurs.
 Repair using endovascular grafts placed
 Rupture into the vena cava results in higher-
percutaneously in an interventional suite (e.g.,
pressure arterial blood entering the lower-pressure
interventional radiology, cardiac catheterization
venous system and causing turbulence, which is
laboratory) or combined interventional suite and
heard as a bruit.
operating room (hybrid suite) may decrease
postoperative recovery time and decrease
 The high blood pressure and increased blood
complications compared with traditional surgical volume returning to the right side of the heart from
techniques. the vena cava may cause heart failure.
 Thoracic endografts are made of PTFE material
reinforced with nitinol or titanium stents. ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSTIC FINDINGS
 It is inserted into the thoracic aorta via various  The most important diagnostic indication is pulsatile
vascular access routes, usually the brachial or mass in the middle and upper abdomen.
femoral artery. Because a large surgical incision is  A systolic bruit may be heard over the mass.
not necessary to gain vascular access, the overall Duplex ultrasonography or CTA is used to
patient recovery time tends to be shorter than with determine the size, length, and location of the
open surgical repair. aneurysm.
 There is still a chance of spinal cord ischemia as a  When the aneurysm is small, ultrasonography is
potential complication, by decreasing the chances conducted at 6-month intervals until the aneurysm
of spinal cord ischemia and paraplegia, lumbar spinal reaches a size so that surgery to prevent rupture is of
drains are usually placed in patients undergoing an more benefit than the possible complications of a
endovascular repair of thoracic aortic aneurysms. surgical procedure.
 Cerebrospinal fluid drainage is performed to
decrease the arterial to cerebral spinal fluid GERONTOLOGIC CONSIDERATIONS
gradient, thereby improving spinal perfusion.  Occur in patients between 60 and 90 years of age.
 Rupture is likely with coexisting hypertension and with
ABDOMINAL AORTIC ANEURYSM aneurysms more than 6 cm wide.
 The most common cause is atherosclerosis  If the older patient is considered at risk for
 Most of these aneurysms occur below the renal complications related to surgery or anesthesia, the
arteries (infrarenal aneurysms). Untreated, the aneurysm is not repaired until it is at least 5.5 cm
eventual outcome may be rupture and death. (2 inches) wide.


 Some patients complain that they can feel their heart
beating in their abdomen when lying down, or they
may say that they feel an abdominal mass or PHARMACOLOGIC THERAPY
abdominal throbbing.  If the aneurysm is stable in size based on serial
 If the abdominal aortic aneurysm is associated with duplex ultrasound scans, the blood pressure is
thrombus, a major vessel may be occluded, or smaller closely monitored over time, because there is an
distal occlusions may result from emboli. association between increased blood pressure and
 Small cholesterol, platelet, or fibrin emboli may lodge aneurysm rupture.
in the interosseous or digital arteries, causing  Antihypertensive agents, including diuretics, beta-
blockers, ACE inhibitors, ARBs, and calcium


channel blockers, are frequently  Hemorrhage that leads to shock is a serious
prescribed to maintain the patient’s blood pressure adverse consequence that must be treated decisively.
within acceptable limits.  The patient who has had an endovascular repair must
lie supine for 6 hours; the head of the bed may be
ENDOVASCULAR AND SURGICAL MANAGEMENT elevated up to 45 degrees after 2 hours.
 When an abdominal aortic aneurysm measured at  Patient needs to use a bedpan or urinal while on
least 5.5 cm (2 inches) wide or was enlarging, the bed rest.
standard treatment had been open surgical repair of  Vital signs and Doppler assessment of peripheral
the aneurysm by resecting the vessel and sewing a pulses are performed initially every 15 minutes and
bypass graft in place. then at progressively longer intervals if the patient’s
 However, endovascular aortic repair has become a status remains stable.
mainstay of therapy for treating an infrarenal  Nurse assesses for bleeding and hematoma
abdominal aortic aneurysm and involves the formation.
transluminal placement and attachment of a suture  Skin changes of the lower extremity, lumbar area, or
less aortic graft across the aneurysm. It is under local buttocks that might indicate signs of embolization,
or regional anesthesia. such as extremely tender, irregularly shaped,
cyanotic areas, as well as any changes in vital
signs, pulse quality, bleeding, pulsation, swelling,
pain, or hematoma, are immediately reported to the
primary provider.
 The patient’s temperature should be monitored
every 4 hours, and any signs of post implantation
syndrome should be reported.
 Post implantation syndrome typically begins within
24 hours of stent graft placement and consists of a
spontaneously occurring fever, leukocytosis, and
occasionally, transient thrombocytopenia.
 Because of the increased risk of hemorrhage, the
primary provider is also notified of persistent
coughing, sneezing, vomiting, or systolic blood
pressure greater than 180 mm Hg.
 An IV infusion may be continued until the patient
can drink normally. Fluids are important to
maintain blood flow through the arterial repair site
and to assist the kidneys with excreting IV contrast
agents and other medications used during the
 Postoperative care requires frequent monitoring of
pulmonary, cardiovascular, renal, and neurologic
 Possible complications of surgery include arterial
occlusion, hemorrhage, infection, ischemic bowel,
kidney injury, and erectile dysfunction.
 Endovascular grafting of abdominal aortic aneurysms
may be performed if the patient’s abdominal aorta and
iliac arteries are not extremely tortuous, small,
calcified, or filled with thrombi.
 Potential complications include bleeding, hematoma,
or wound infection at the arterial insertion site;
distal ischemia or embolization; dissection or
perforation of the aorta; graft thrombosis or
infection; break of the attachment system; graft
migration; proximal or distal graft leaks; delayed
rupture; and bowel ischemia.

 Nursing assessment is guided by anticipating
rupture and recognizing that the patient may have
cardiovascular, cerebral, pulmonary, and renal
impairment from atherosclerosis.
 Medical therapies designed to stabilize physiologic TOPIC
function should be promptly implemented.






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