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Journal of the Marine Invertebrate recruitment on artificial substrates

Biological Association of the

United Kingdom in the Red Sea: role of substrate type
and orientation
A.A. Siddik, A.A. Al-Sofyani, M.A. Ba-Akdah and S. Satheesh
Department of Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Original Article
Cite this article: Siddik AA, Al-Sofyani AA,
Ba-Akdah MA, Satheesh S (2018). Invertebrate Surface physical properties, hydrodynamics, biochemical cues, orientation and temporal scales
recruitment on artificial substrates in the Red play an important role in invertebrate larval recruitment on artificial substrates. In the present
Sea: role of substrate type and orientation. study, invertebrate recruitment on four different substrates (acrylic, stainless steel, ceramic and
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of concrete panels) was investigated in two different orientations (vertical and horizontal) in the
the United Kingdom 1–10.
central Red Sea. Results showed significant variations in the abundance of benthic inverte-
brates between the different substrates. While barnacles and bivalves preferred panels placed
Received: 1 June 2018 in vertical positions, the abundance of bryozoans was high on horizontal panels. Artificial
Revised: 17 September 2018 panel submersion season plays a significant role in the recruitment of benthic invertebrates
Accepted: 18 September 2018
on surfaces in the Red Sea. In conclusion, this study supports the overall notion that marine
Key words: invertebrate recruitment on hard substrates is regulated by a combination of factors which
Artificial panels; artificial reefs; benthic include substrate type, orientation and submersion season.
ecology; biofouling; coastal ecosystem
functioning; larval settlement; Red Sea

Author for correspondence:

S. Satheesh, E-mail:, Introduction
Most marine invertebrates have a complex life cycle which includes a planktonic larval stage
and juvenile or benthic adult stages (Degnan & Degnan, 2010; Calado & Leal, 2015).
Generally, in the marine environment, hard substrates host sessile invertebrates such as bar-
nacles, mussels, ascidians, bivalves, bryozoa, porifera, cnidaria and annelids (Connell, 1999;
Holloway & Connell, 2002; Perkol-Finkel & Benayahu, 2006). The competent larvae in the
pelagic stage begin to search for suitable substratum, where settlement and metamorphosis
occurs. The larvae of sessile invertebrates are induced by a variety of physical, chemical or bio-
logical cues to settle (Rodriguez et al., 1993). Settlement is a process which includes the search
of substratum using larvae-specific sensory mechanisms (Matsumura & Qian, 2014) before
finally metamorphosing to a benthic juvenile.
Biotic and abiotic factors strongly influence invertebrate larvae during the settlement pro-
cess (Rodriguez et al., 1993; Vermeij & Sandin, 2008; Penin et al., 2011). Initially, habitats are
colonized by bacteria and diatoms (Zardus et al., 2008; Satheesh & Wesley, 2011), which may
alter the substrate properties (Lozano-Cortés & Zapata, 2014). Extracellular polymeric sub-
stances from the microbial biofilm (Camacho-Chab et al., 2016), settlement cues from
surface-associated diatoms (Patil & Anil, 2005) and conspecific cues (Da-anoy et al., 2017)
are reported to induce larval settlement. In addition to biotic factors, the experimental results
from many studies reveal that abiotic factors like surface topography, luminous intensity, prox-
imity, surface orientation, hydrodynamics, size and substrate colour influence invertebrate
assemblages on substrates (Thorson, 1964; Maldonado & Young, 1996; Thomason et al.,
2002; Satheesh & Wesley, 2010; Muhammad et al., 2014; Spagnolo et al., 2014; Whalan
et al., 2015).
Introduction of artificial materials due to increasing urbanization is part of major habitat
modifications in coastal ecosystems throughout the world (Vaz-Pinto et al., 2014).
Anthropogenic structures introduced in the water column become a suitable habitat for inver-
tebrate colonization (Chase et al., 2016). Materials used in construction offer potential hard
substrates for settlement of fouling organisms (Whomersley & Picken, 2003; Yan et al.,
2006; van der Stap et al., 2016) and non-indigenous organisms (Cariton & Geller, 1993;
Bax et al., 2003; Page et al., 2006; Ruiz et al., 2009). Numerous studies report higher abundance
© Marine Biological Association of the United
Kingdom 2018
and species richness of non-indigenous species on artificial substrates rather than natural habi-
tats (Glasby et al., 2007; Airoldi & Bulleri, 2011; Dafforn et al., 2012). The effect of an artificial
substratum on benthic community recruitment has been studied for the assessment of macro-
fouling assemblages (Anderson & Underwood, 1994; Satheesh & Wesley, 2008), non-
indigenous species (Bumbeer & Rocha, 2016; Marraffini et al., 2017) and artificial reef con-
struction for the purpose of recreational diving, fishing and coral reef restoration (Baine,
2001; Dupont, 2008; Oh et al., 2008). Considering the role of artificial materials in benthic
community colonization and introduction of non-indigenous species, it is important to
study the effects of substrates and their orientation on larval recruitment.
Invertebrate larval settlement studies have shown variation in the community structure
between horizontal and vertical surfaces (Connell, 1999; Glasby & Connell, 2001). Studies
determining the effect of orientation revealed that macrofouling organisms (tube worms

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2 A.A. Siddik et al.

and barnacles) are influenced by substrate orientation (Glasby &

Connell, 2001). In our study, four different substrates: acrylic,
concrete blocks, ceramic tiles and stainless steel plates, which
mimic the materials used in marine applications (Glasby &
Connell, 2001; Stachiw, 2004; Dobretsov, 2015), were used to
test the invertebrate settlement pattern. The following questions
were addressed in our study: (i) Does the artificial substrate
have an effect on larval recruitment? (ii) Is there any significant
variation in invertebrate larval recruitment between different
orientations? (iii) Is the variation in invertebrate recruitment in
relation to substrate type and orientation consistent across tem-
poral scales in the Red Sea? Since the central Red Sea is ultra-
oligotrophic in nature (Almahasheer et al., 2016), studying inver-
tebrate recruitment on artificial substrates assumed significance,
particularly due to the unique environmental conditions.

Materials and methods

Study area
This study was conducted in Obhur Creek, central Red Sea, 35 km
north of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (21°42′ 33.52′′ N 39°5′ 45.71′′ E).
Obhur Creek (Figure 1) is about 10 km long with a maximum
width of 1.2 km and depth of 35 m and is connected directly to
Fig. 1. Map showing the Obhur Creek and the study area (station) in the central Red
the Red Sea (El–Rayis & Eid, 1997). The creek is a popular
Sea coast of Saudi Arabia.
place for recreational activities and marinas. The temperature of
Obhur Creek varies between 27.16 and 33.22°C and the salinity
varies between 39.82 and 40.22 psu during winter and summer organisms (mean ± SE) was described for the panel surface area
respectively (AlSaafani et al., 2017). of 225 cm−2 (one side of the panel).

Experimental design Statistical analysis

Treatment panels were prepared using four different types of sub- Marine invertebrate settlement on four different substrates was
strate material: acrylic (colourless, transparent sheet, ISO 9001 analysed using nested ANOVA (analysis of variance) with sub-
grade), concrete blocks (a material used in pontoons or jetties), strates (nested within season and orientation), seasons and orien-
ceramic tiles (white polished surface) and stainless steel plates. tation as factors. Additionally, a two-way ANOSIM (analysis of
Treatment panels (each panel: 15 × 15 cm) were randomly similarities) was carried out using seasons and substrates as fac-
attached to a PVC raft using a cable tie. Each PVC raft contained tors. ANOSIM was made based on the Bray–Curtis similarity
four panels (one panel from each substrate) and eight rafts were index with 9999 permutations. Non-metric multidimensional
deployed. Of these, panels on four rafts were placed in a horizon- scaling (n-MDS) analysis was used to visualize the similarity
tal position and the other four rafts in a vertical position (Bray–Curtis similarity) in benthic community recruitment on
(Figure 2). In brief, the experimental design consists of replicate treatment panels submerged in different seasons. SIMPER (simi-
treatments (N = 4 for each substrate and position, i.e. one panel larity percentage) analysis was also carried out based on the Bray–
from each raft) in all the four seasons. Curtis similarity index to understand the percentage contribution
The rafts were submerged at a depth of 2 m at Obhur Creek of each invertebrate group to the dissimilarities between treatment
near King Abdulaziz University Marine Research Laboratory panels. ANOVA was carried out using STATISTICA (data analysis
(KAU marine station). The PVC rafts holding the treatment software system, version 10). All other analyses were conducted
panels were hung (in vertical and horizontal positions) using a using PAST (Paleontological Statistics Software Package, version
nylon rope from the KAU marine station jetty and positioned 3.2; Hammer et al., 2001).
at the bottom using sufficient weight (concrete blocks).
Treatment panels were submerged for 4 weeks during winter
(December 2016), autumn (February 2017), spring (mid-April–
mid-May 2017) and summer (July 2017) seasons. Panels were The abundance of invertebrates such as bryozoans, barnacles,
retrieved from the seawater after 4 weeks of submersion in each tubicolous polychaetes (tube worms), bivalves and gastropods
season. Panels were immediately transferred to the laboratory was studied in detail as these organisms were commonly recruited
and stored (maximum storage duration: 24 h) at less than 4°C on panels. Results showed that the recruitment of marine inverte-
in a refrigerator for further analysis (Glasby & Connell, 2001). brates was high (though it differed with submersion season) on
Marine benthic invertebrates recruited on the panels were ana- stainless steel panels followed by acrylic and concrete panels
lysed under a dissecting microscope (Leica DMI 3000B) and the (Figure 3). The total number of invertebrates recruited on the sub-
number of organisms recruited on each test substrate (only one strates showed significant variations between substrates, seasons
side) was counted (manually) and recorded (Dobretsov et al., and orientation (Table 1). The orientation of the panels showed
2013). For horizontal orientation panels, the upper side was ana- significant effects for the recruitment of most of the invertebrate
lysed. Organisms from the panels were scraped carefully and kept groups in a nested ANOVA (Table 2). Further, n-MDS analysis
in 95% ethanol for further identification using a marine inverte- indicated the effects of season and substrate types on invertebrate
brate field guide (Hibberd & Moore, 2009). The abundance of recruitment (Figure 3). Two-way ANOSIM also indicated a

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Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 3

Fig. 2. Test panels with PVC raft submerged in the marine waters in (a) horizontal and (b) vertical positions. Test panels were prepared from four different
substrates: acrylic, stainless steel, ceramic and concrete.

Fig. 3. Recruitment pattern of marine invertebrates

on artificial panels of four different materials in the
central Red Sea. (A). Total number (abundance,
mean ± SE, N = 4) of organisms recruited on artifi-
cial panels. (B) n-MDS plot showing the interaction
of season and materials on invertebrate recruitment.

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4 A.A. Siddik et al.

Table 1. Three-way nested ANOVA (analysis of variance) results for total number of invertebrates recruited on artificial panels

Factor Test Value F Effect – df Error – df P

Season Wilks 0.1642 15.6641 15 254.3729 0.0000

Substrate(Season × Orientation) Wilks 0.0026 7.9485 135 458.7848 0.0000
Orientation Wilks 0.6002 12.2529 5 92.0000 0.0000
Season, substrate (nested within season and orientation) and orientation were used as factors. P < 0.05 = significant.

Table 2. Three-way nested ANOVA (analysis of variance) results for the recruitment of marine invertebrates between four different substrates (acrylic, stainless steel,
ceramic and concrete)

Barnacles Tube worms Bivalves Bryozoans Gastropods

Factor df F P F P F P F P F P

Season. 3 31.2706 0.0000 36.7945 0.0000 6.1067 0.0007 15.3781 0.0000 8.0522 0.0000
Substrate(Season × Orientation) 27 13.2095 0.0000 12.0347 0.0000 3.0295 0.0000 11.2996 0.0000 5.4655 0.0000
Orientation 1 13.9237 0.0003 13.5490 0.0003 4.3016 0.0407 24.6152 0.0000 0.2700 0.6045
Error 96
Total 128
Substrate (nested within season and orientation), season and orientation were used as factors for ANOVA. P < 0.05 = significant.

significant variation in the abundance of invertebrates in relation stainless steel (3.25 ± 1.12 summer, vertical position), ceramic
to test panel submersion season and substrate types (Table 3). (2.25 ± 0.6 summer, vertical position) and concrete panels (2.75
Among the invertebrates, tubicolous polychaetes were the ± 1.13 autumn, vertical position), the abundance of gastropods
dominant recruits on all the substrates during the four seasons, was very low (Figure 6). The abundance of gastropods showed sig-
though significant seasonal variations (Table 2) were observed nificant variations between different seasons and substrates
(Figure 4). The maximum abundance of tube worms on acrylic, (Table 2). The orientation of the panels did not show a significant
stainless steel, ceramic and concrete panels was 160.5 ± 42.16 effect on the recruitment of gastropods (Table 2).
(autumn, vertical position), 123.75 ± 19.42 (winter, horizontal SIMPER analysis indicated an overall average dissimilarity of
position), 101.5 ± 22 (autumn, horizontal position) and 49.75 ± 68.97% on the abundance of invertebrates between substrates
8.03 (autumn, horizontal position) individuals 225 cm−2 respect- (Table 4). Tube worms topped the list with an average dissimilar-
ively (Figure 4). Nested ANOVA indicated significant variations ity of 37.89% and their total contribution was 55.09%. Bryozoans
in the recruitment of tube worms in relation to season, substrate showed an average dissimilarity percentage of 10.77 (contribution
type and orientation (Table 2). Bryozoans were the other import- 15.66%) and for barnacles, the dissimilarity was 9.28% (contribu-
ant group found on the panels with a maximum abundance of tion 13.55%). Bivalves and gastropods showed an average dissimi-
18.5 ± 3.84 (summer, horizontal position), 53.75 ± 10.96 (spring, larity of 6.72 and 4.07% respectively (Table 4).
horizontal position), 3 ± 0.91 (summer, vertical and horizontal
positions) and 5.75 ± 1.6 organisms 225 cm−2 (winter, vertical
position) respectively for acrylic, stainless steel, ceramic and con-
crete panels (Figure 4). Bryozoan recruitment also revealed signifi- Artificial panels are frequently used by marine ecologists to
cant variation in relation to season, substrate type and orientation test various ecological hypotheses (Keough, 1984; Anderson &
(Table 2). Underwood, 1994; Connell, 1999; Satheesh & Wesley, 2011) due
Barnacle recruitment revealed a maximum abundance of 7.25 to their ease of handling and determining marine organism
± 1.25 (autumn, vertical position), 67.25 ± 14.82 (autumn, vertical behaviour under various environmental conditions (Glasby &
position), 12.25 ± 2.65 (autumn, horizontal position) and 11.5 ± Connell, 2001; Satheesh & Wesley, 2011). In this study, treatment
4.48 organisms 225 cm−2 (autumn, horizontal position) respect- panels of four different materials (acrylic, stainless steel, ceramic
ively on acrylic, stainless steel, ceramic and concrete panels and concrete) were used to understand the recruitment prefer-
(Figure 5). Nested ANOVA showed significant variations in bar- ences of marine invertebrates. The influence of environmental
nacle recruitment among seasons, substrate types and orientation variables on the settlement and development of benthic commu-
(Table 2). Bivalve recruitment was also high on stainless steel nities has been reported by many previous studies, particularly
panels with a maximum of 17.75 ± 4.49 individuals 225 cm−2 from the biofouling ecology point of view (Rajagopal, 1997;
(spring, vertical position). The maximum abundance of bivalves Satheesh & Wesley, 2011; Masi et al., 2015). In addition to envir-
on acrylic, ceramic and concrete panels was 6 ± 1.29 (autumn, onmental factors, the substratum type and submerged position
horizontal position), 8 ± 3.3 (summer, vertical position) and (orientation) in marine waters may also influence the settlement,
9.75 ± 3.25 individuals 225 cm−2 (spring, vertical position) recruitment and development of benthic organisms (Glasby,
respectively (Figure 5). Bivalve recruitment also varied signifi- 1999a, 1999b; Glasby & Connell, 2001; Azevedo et al., 2006;
cantly between the seasons, substrate types and orientation Tyrrell & Byers, 2007; Walker et al., 2007; Satheesh & Wesley,
(Table 2). 2010; Vaz-Pinto et al., 2014). Results of our study indicated a sig-
The recruitment of gastropods was high on acrylic panels, par- nificant difference in the abundance of invertebrates among treat-
ticularly during the autumn season on the panels submerged in ments. Overall, barnacles, bryozoans and bivalves preferred to
the horizontal position (22.75 ± 7.99 individuals 225 cm−2). On settle on stainless steel panels throughout the study period.

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Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 5

Table 3. Two-way ANOSIM (analysis of similarities) results for the recruitment of invertebrates in relation to substrate type and season

Factor Total organisms Barnacles Tube worms Bivalves Bryozoans Gastropods


Season 0.4313 0.0001 0.2393 0.0001 0.2544 0.0001 0.1338 0.0005 0.1122 0.001 0.0558 0.023
Substrate 0.3739 0.0001 0.1572 0.0001 0.2341 0.0001 0.1096 0.0012 0.0844 0.005 0.0455 0.044
ANOSIM was made based on Bray–Curtis similarity index with 9999 permutations. P < 0.05 = significant.

Fig. 4. Recruitment (abundance, mean ± SE, N = 4) of tube worms and bryozoans on artificial panels submerged in horizontal and vertical positions. (A) Tube
worms, (B) Bryozoans.

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6 A.A. Siddik et al.

Fig. 5. Recruitment pattern (abundance, mean ± SE, N = 4) of barnacles and bivalves on four different materials submerged in horizontal and vertical positions in
the central Red Sea. (A) Barnacles, (B) Bivalves.

Besides stainless steel, ceramic tiles also showed higher recruit- epifaunal assemblages associated with macroalgal beds in the
ment of marine invertebrates. Further, SIMPER analysis indicated Saudi Arabian coast of the Red Sea. The influence of season on
that tube worms and bryozoans were the major contributors of recruitment was very much apparent in tube worms with a higher
dissimilarity between different substrates used in this study. abundance on acrylic and ceramic panels during autumn and
Results also indicated that the abundance of invertebrates on stainless steel panels in winter. Seasonal variations in benthic
panels varied significantly among the seasons. Seasonal variations community recruitment may also depend on larval availability,
in biofouling community development on artificial panels have breeding biology of the invertebrates and water current pattern
been reported from the Red Sea (Salama et al., 2018). Ba-akdah of the study area (Young & Gotelli, 1988; Bertness et al., 1992;
et al. (2016) also reported significant seasonal variations in Brown & Swearingen, 1998; Satheesh & Wesley, 2011).

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Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 7

Fig. 6. Abundance (mean ± SE, N = 4) of gastropods on artificial panels submerged in horizontal and vertical positions.

Table 4. Similarity percentage (SIMPER) analysis on invertebrate recruitment patterns between different substrates

Overall average dissimilarity: 68.79

Taxon Average dissimilarity Contrib. % Cumulative % Mean acrylic Mean stainless Mean ceramic Mean concrete

Tube worms 37.89 55.09 55.09 34.8 46 19.4 32.1

Bryozoans 10.77 15.66 70.74 5.06 11.8 1.91 2.06
Barnacles 9.288 13.5 84.25 0.969 15.3 3.78 2.25
Bivalves 6.762 9.831 94.08 1.78 6.13 2 3.31
Gastropods 4.075 5.924 100 4.5 0.875 0.594 0.781

This study revealed that the settlement behaviour of marine substrates than vertical substrates due to high sediment cover
organisms is specific to particular benthic groups and the obser- on the horizontal surfaces. Azevedo et al. (2006) observed higher
vations obtained for one group cannot be applied to another. For recruitment of barnacles on the upper side of horizontal sur-
example, except gastropods, all other invertebrate groups observed faces but reported high mortality due to sedimentation. The
in this study showed a significant difference between horizontal only invertebrate group that showed a significantly higher abun-
and vertical orientation panels. Hence, the abundance of inverte- dance on the horizontal surface was the bryozoans. Normally,
brate larval recruitment may also depend on orientation. Generally, bryozoans prefer horizontal surfaces, which could increase
more diverse and abundant communities were found on the lower their resistance to the stress from environmental factors and pre-
side of surfaces placed in the horizontal position due to limited dators or their ability to grow over the sediment layer (Irving &
stress from physical and biological factors (Sokolowski et al., Connell, 2002; Walker et al., 2007). While an abundance of the
2017). In this study, lower side surfaces of the panels placed in bryozoan Watersipora subtorquata on the shaded side (lower
the horizontal position were not analysed due to the differences side) of artificial substrates was reported by Connell (1999), a
in surface topography of ceramic tiles (one side polished with the higher abundance of bryozoans observed in the present study
other side being rough). on the upper side of the horizontal panels indicates that this
Substrate orientation is an important physical factor influen- encrusting invertebrate group can also settle on sediment-covered
cing the settlement of larval forms on surfaces (Glasby, 1999a, surfaces.
1999b; Walker et al., 2007). The results of our study revealed Generally, colonization of marine invertebrates on hard sub-
that recruitment of benthic invertebrates such as barnacles, poly- strates depends on many features of the substrate such as physical
chaetes and bivalves was high on panels placed in a vertical factors, chemical composition, surface roughness, surface charge
position. Bryozoan and gastropod recruitment was high on hori- and mechanical properties (Chaudhury et al., 2005; Flemming
zontal panels. The observed differences in invertebrate abundance et al., 2009; Aldred et al., 2010; Satheesh & Wesley, 2010;
between vertical and horizontal orientation substrates may be due Brzozowska et al., 2017). Surface roughness is cited as one of
to the smothering by sediment on horizontal surfaces (Baynes & the major influencing factors determining the settlement of larvae
Szmant, 1989; Irving & Connell, 2002). For instance, Walker et al. on hard substrates (Bers & Wahl, 2004). While many laboratory
(2007) reported a lower abundance of barnacles on horizontal studies confirmed that surface topography is important for larval

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8 A.A. Siddik et al.

settlement (Schumacher et al., 2007), under natural conditions improve our understanding of benthic community recruitment
other factors such as microfouling and environmental factors and coastal ecosystem functioning in the Red Sea.
overplay the role of surface characters in larval settlement
Financial support. This project was funded by the Deanship of Scientific
(Vucko et al., 2013; Brzozowska et al., 2017). The results of this
Research (DSR) at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, under grant no.
study indicate that surface roughness may not be an important
G-222-150-38. The authors, therefore, acknowledge with thanks DSR for
factor for larval recruitment of many invertebrate groups. This technical and financial support.
observation is based on the concrete panels used in this study.
Concrete is one of the common materials used for the construc-
tion of artificial reefs (Fabi et al., 2011) due to its stability and References
suitability to create more complex structures (Spagnolo et al.,
Airoldi L and Bulleri F (2011) Anthropogenic disturbance can determine the
2014). The surface roughness of the concrete panels may also
magnitude of opportunistic species responses on marine urban infrastruc-
be high compared with other materials used in this study tures. PLoS ONE 6, e22985.
(Azevedo et al., 2006). The recruitment of marine invertebrates Aldred N, Scardino A, Cavaco A, de Nys R and Clare A (2010) Attachment
on concrete panels was lower than that on stainless steel and strength is a key factor in the selection of surfaces by barnacle cyprids
acrylic panels (except tube worms). The possible reason for the (Balanus amphitrite) during settlement. Biofouling 26, 287–299.
low abundance of invertebrates on concrete panels might be Almahasheer H, Duarte CM and Irigoien X (2016) Nutrient limitation in
environmental factors, particularly accumulation of silt in the sur- central Red sea mangroves. Frontiers in Marine Science 3, 271.
face crevices. The accumulation of silt on surfaces may inhibit the Alsaafani MA, Alraddadi TM and Albarakati AM (2017) Seasonal variability
colonization of many benthic organisms (Azevedo et al., 2006). of hydrographic structure in Sharm Obhur and water exchange with the Red
There are conflicting reports in the literature regarding the Sea. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 10, 315.
Anderson MJ and Underwood AJ (1994) Effects of substratum on the recruit-
influence of substrate material on benthic community recruit-
ment and development of an intertidal estuarine fouling assemblage.
ment. While some studies (Connell & Glasby, 1999; Glasby, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 184, 217–236.
1999a, 1999b; Nandakumar et al., 2003; Azevedo et al., 2006) Azevedo FBB, Carloni GG and Carvalheira LV (2006) Colonization of ben-
reported variations in benthic community composition between thic organisms on different artificial substratum in Ilha Grande bay, Rio de
different substrates, others (Creed & DePaula, 2007; Burt et al., Janeiro, Brazil. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 49, 263–275.
2009; Dobretsov, 2015) observed no difference in benthic com- Ba-Akdah MA, Satheesh S and Al-Sofyani AA (2016) Habitat preference and
munity among the substrates. In this study, results strongly sup- seasonal variability of epifaunal assemblages associated with macroalgal
port the hypothesis that benthic community recruitment varied beds on the Central Red Sea coast, Saudi Arabia. Journal of the Marine
between different substrates. It should be noted here that the pre- Biological Association of the United Kingdom 96, 1457–1467.
sent study focused on the abundance of benthic groups instead of Baine M (2001) Artificial reefs: a review of their design, application, manage-
ment and performance. Ocean and Coastal Management 44, 241–259.
the diversity of organisms. The abundance of organisms was
Bax N, Williamson A, Aguero M, Gonzalez E and Geeves W (2003) Marine
indeed higher on stainless steel than on other materials, at least invasive alien species: a threat to global biodiversity. Marine Policy 27,
for barnacles, bryozoans and bivalves. Many of the previous 313–323.
reports on the difference in benthic communities between sub- Baynes TW and Szmant AM (1989) Effect of current on the sessile benthic
strates suggested that the variations may be due to the orientation community structure of an artificial reef. Bulletin of Marine Science 44,
of the substrates, environmental conditions of the material 545–566.
immersion site and submersion time (Osman, 1977; Qiu et al., Bers AV and Wahl M (2004) The influence of natural surface microtopogra-
2003; Field et al., 2007). Although the orientation of the substrates phies on fouling. Biofouling 20, 43–51.
in this study was found to be significant for most of the inverte- Bertness MD, Gaines SD, Stephens EG and Yund PO (1992) Components of
brate groups, the differences in the abundance among treatments recruitment in populations of the acorn barnacle Semibalanus balanoides
(Linnaeus). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 156,
such as acrylic, stainless steel, ceramic and concrete raise further
questions as to whether the variations are due to substrate prop- Bumbeer J and Rocha RMD (2016) Invading the natural marine substrates: a
erties or environmental conditions. case study with invertebrates in South Brazil. Zoologia (Curitiba) 33,
Many previous studies (Tamburri et al., 2008; Hadfield, 2011; e20150211. doi: 10.1590/S1984-4689zool-20150211.
Hadfield et al., 2014; Freckelton et al., 2017) suggested that the Brown KM and Swearingen DC (1998) Effects of seasonality length of
microfouling developed on the substrates may induce settlement immersion locality and predation on an intertidal fouling assemblage in
of marine invertebrates. Nandakumar et al. (2003) reported con- the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology
siderable variations in microfouling development between three and Ecology 225, 107–121.
substrates. Further, microbial community assemblage on artificial Brzozowska AM, Maassen SJ, Goh ZhiRong R, Benke PI, Lim CS,
panels has been shown to be influenced by substratum type Marzinelli EM, Jańczewski D, Teo SLM and Vancso GJ (2017) Effect of
variations in micro–patterns and surface modulus on marine fouling of
(Chung et al., 2010; Witt et al., 2011; Li et al., 2014). Hence, it
engineering polymers. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 9, 17508–
is noteworthy to study the site-specific variations, mainly differ- 17516.
ences in microfouling development between the materials and Burt J, Bartholomew A, Bauman A, Saif A and Sale PF (2009) Coral recruit-
their further role in benthic community settlement. ment and early benthic community development on several materials used
In conclusion, the results obtained in this study can be sum- in the construction of artificial reefs and breakwaters. Journal of
marized as follows: (1) benthic community recruitment in the Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 373, 72–78.
central Red Sea showed strong seasonal variations; (2) preference Calado R and Leal MC (2015) Trophic ecology of benthic marine inverte-
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