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Submitted To: Mohammed Abdul Mumin Evan (MEV)

Date Of Submission: 30.05.2024

North South University

Department Of Marketing & International Business
Course Title: Introduction to Marketing
Course Code: Mkt202, Section: 22
Semester: Spring 2024
Submitted By,
Name Student Id Signature
Md. Touhidur Rahman 2322406630 Touhid
Rafia Islam 2322224030 Rafia
Tanaz Khan 2311317630 Tanaz
Suraiya Yasmin 2311772030 Suraiya
Farhana Momotaj 2411742030 Farhana


Table of Content

Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................................3


Company Summary.....................................................................................................................................5
Mission..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Goals and objectives................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6

Marketing Environment analysis...............................................................................................................8

Micro Environment................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Macro Environment.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9

SWOT Analysis....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Market Analysis.........................................................................................................................................13
Segmentation:......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13

Targeting:............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14

Market size:............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 15

Growth:.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16

Market trends:........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 17

Target Customer Buying Behavior:....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19

Marketing Strategies.................................................................................................................................22
Positioning:............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 22

Marketing Mix (4Ps).............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23

1. Product:.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23

2. Price:.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24

3. Place:.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24

4. Promotion:.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24

Marketing Intermediaries/Channels....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25

Financial Forecasting.................................................................................................................................27




Tanaz Khan Id: 2311317630

Executive Summary

This report aims to provide a detailed analysis of the healthcare logistics market in
Dhaka, Bangladesh and the current use of drone technology for medical supply delivery. Thus,
based on the micro and macro environment, market dynamics, marketing strategies, marketing
channels, and financial projections, it provides a strategic plan for the development and
functioning of a successful drone-based healthcare logistics company in the region. To this end,
we segmented the market based on customers like hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, and patients,
and suppliers like drone makers and medical suppliers, to mention but a few, in order to enable
the development of segmentation marketing strategies. This report has proposed the following
strategies: speed, reliability, accessibility, innovation, safety, sustainability, and emergency
response, which focuses on the needs of the healthcare ecosystem and the achievement of
competitive advantage for the organization. Partnership with marketing intermediaries including
distributors, wholesalers, retailers, logistics providers, legal advisers, and insurance providers is
recommended for improving distribution channels and increasing the firm’s market coverage,
compliance with rules and regulations, and managing risks effectively. Financial forecasting is
very important for strategic planning since it helps the firm predict its revenues, expenses, and
profitability in advance to inform decisions on pricing, resources, capital investment, and
managing risks. Emphasis is given to the understanding of customer buying behavior, especially
in the context of healthcare facilities, emergency responders, government agencies, NGOs,
international aid organizations, and people in general for success. In conclusion, the report
presents the main findings and implications for the potential drone-based healthcare logistics
company in Dhaka healthcare logistics market. Therefore, this paper will outline how the firm
can reap the benefits from current trends, meet the dynamism of the customers and play a
significant part in enhancing the provision of healthcare services in the region, given proper
strategy positioning, technological enhancement, strengthened collaboration with stakeholders
and accurate financial planning.


Tanaz Khan Id: 2311317630


At MediDrones, we are driven by a clear mission: it is focused on addressing the problem of the
absence of effective methods for shipping supplies and other essential equipment in the medical
field with the help of the solution based on contemporary drones. For healthcare products and
services needed in the modern society, somewhere is swift; However, the entailing transport and
communication means which are available to access the central place for procuring the
healthcare items the transport of the healthcare products has been restricted traditionally.

It denotes our understanding of the aforementioned challenges in as much as the identified

patients and the greater health care providers, and our useful apology for repost natal changes
where necessary in the delivery process. It is our goal for sure that patients who require access to
essential life-saving care, do not face real impossibilities. As we nurture our new line of business
in the use of unmanned aerial vehicles – the drones, we have aimed sharply at these deficiencies
of supply-demand opportunities and challenges; such as inadequate infrastructural requirements
and lack of transportation necessities in needy and disaster-stricken regions. At MediDrones,
the favorite company that offers global leaders in solutions in logistics, the following are some of
the objectives we have formulated: To be efficient, reliable at the same time as delivering our
services and more importantly, putting many lives at risk. Assist us in the process of doing more
and achieving better in order to have a positive impact on the possibilities of the better
tomorrows of tomorrow in the field of health care. Some of the benefits that clients could receive
from MediDrones include firstly, it is ready to offer the best delivery service currently on the
market in terms of its efficiency in terms of the speed of delivery, as well as the reliability
and the necessity of delivering time-sensitive products in the sphere of medical
requirements. Greetings, it is my pleasure to introduce the methods of achieving a better and
available health care system here and you are most welcome.


Tanaz Khan Id: 2311317630

Company Summary

This is a healthcare logistics firm, and it operates with a vision that focuses on applying
the concept of the single managing solution especially within the healthcare industry and use of
drones in delivering medical supplies. Hence our primary focus is to supply the basic standard
medical equipment and equipment that are required to be transported to the regions, medical
facilities, hospitals, clinics and even some few hospitals are situated at distant places even in the
remote transport networks. MediDrones possess a huge number of drones fitted with GPS
tracking utility and self-flight functionality that provides detailed tracking of delivery on real
time about the capacity for delivery of drones particularly during storms and hilly terrains. For
this reason, the compartments within our drones are specifically built to easily adapt to the
regulation of their temperature so as to accommodate the medical products which are inclusive of
blood and plasmas, vaccines, antivenom and all other sensitive substances without further
affecting the quality of the perishing products in the slightest manner. We are involved in
supporting emergency medical supplies logistics and tenders that hold number of logistic
hospitals, logistic store and cost. Also, we also offer transport of medical products and
equipment and engage in the tele delivery of medical equipment and diagnostic tools that are
required for diagnosis during tele consultation answering the need to connect individuals who
may need medical attention with the doctors in other, sometimes more remote areas. In its aerial
services with dealers, MediDrones observes necessary precaution and corporate standard
etiquette universally prescribed in sectors including; aviation and heath care. So, let me thank
you for focusing on key business partnerships aimed at hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies,
governments, non-profit organizations and global health institutions for the last
floor Here on TYRE’S TOWERS’ side – our objective is to integrate the drone delivery service
as the complementary service apart from the current performance. We have also been focused on
eradicating long waiting time for healthcare products and services, cutting the transportation
costs in the health facility, and overcoming the social cost of having negative impacts on the


environment while aiming at enhancing patient care and coming up with better solutions to the
health challenges of any individual anywhere in the world.


The mission of our company is – “To overcome logistic challenges.”

To overcome logistical challenges, MediDrones uses drones to deliver medical supplies to

various regions, including remote areas. Our goal is to supply medical equipment to facilities in
distant or rural areas. Our drones are equipped with GPS tracking and temperature-regulated
compartments. We also support tenders for logistic hospitals and provide tele-delivery services
for remote consultations. Our partnerships and safety protocols ensure professionalism and

Goals and objectives

Developing reliable drone technology involves creating drones that can safely transport medical
supplies and ensuring consistent performance. Partnering with hospitals and governments to
strategically deploy drones, complying with regulations, optimizing delivery routes, providing
training, fostering innovation, and measuring impact on healthcare outcomes are essential steps
in this process.

Develop Reliable Drone Technology:

 Create drones that can safely transport medical supplies.

 Make sure the drones work well every time they're used.

Establish Partnerships for Strategic Deployment:

 Work with others like hospitals and governments to plan where to use the drones.
 Figure out the best places to send the drones for delivering medical supplies.


Ensure Regulatory Compliance for Safe Operations:

 Follow the rules and laws for flying drones safely.

 Make sure everything we do is approved by the authorities.

Optimize Delivery Routes for Efficiency:

 Find the fastest and most efficient paths for the drones to take.
 Make sure the drones can reach where they need to go as quickly as possible.

Provide Training for Effective Drone Utilization:

 Teach people how to use the drones properly.

 Make sure everyone knows how to get the most out of the drone technology.

Foster Continuous Innovation in Logistics Solutions:

 Keep coming up with new and better ways to use drones for delivering medical supplies.
 Always look for ways to improve what we're doing.

Measure Impact on Healthcare Outcomes for Improvement:

 Keep track of how much our work is helping people get the medical supplies they need.
 Use this information to make our system even better.


Md Touhidur Rahman Id: 2322406630

Marketing Environment analysis

Micro Environment
 Customers:

Hospitals, Clinics, and Pharmacies: These places can benefit from getting medical supplies
quickly, especially during emergencies. Working with them can help you reach more people and
build trust.

Individual Patients: People who urgently need medical supplies at home, especially in faraway
areas, could be a target market.

 Suppliers:

Drone Manufacturers: Finding good suppliers of drones that can carry medical supplies and
travel far enough for deliveries in Dhaka is very important.

Medical Supply Distributors: Joining forces with well-known medical supply distributors can
make sure you have a lot of different products for your service.

 Competitors:

Regular Delivery Services: Companies that already deliver packages might change what they
do to compete in the market for delivering medical supplies.

Other Drone Delivery Startups: New companies with similar ideas about using drones for
delivery could be rivals.

 Marketing Intermediaries:

Healthcare Associations: Working with healthcare groups can help people trust you more and
let you connect with more potential customers.

Tech Platforms: Joining up with online medical platforms can connect your delivery service
with what they offer, so more people know about it.

 The Company Itself:

Knowledge about Drones: Knowing a lot about drones or teaming up with experts who do is
crucial for making deliveries safely and well.

Understanding Logistics and Rules: Knowing how to store and handle medical supplies and
following all the rules is really important.

Macro Environment
 Political:

Stability: Political stability in Bangladesh for the most part has been good. But, the regulatory
landscape frequently shifts, and alterations in local drone policies could impede your operations.
Regulations issued by Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB) must be known by the
drone [1] folk.

Government Support: For its part, the Bangladesh government is actively involved in
entrepreneurship through technology. Healthcare could serve as e opportunity to collaborate or
navigating the paperwork for drone delivery services. The ideas for socially responsible
programs, initiatives supporting entrepreneurship and startups and modern technologies may be
beneficial for your company.

 Economic:

Growth: Nowadays, the economy of Bangladesh develops together with healthcare needs and it
attracts more sophisticated manufacturing services. Convenient and time-sensitive situations are
the most numerous customers in this market and your services will be adapted for this type of

Consumer Spending Power: Even though the economy is expanding, there exists a situation of
income disparity. Deciphering the economic profile of your prospectively customers the range of
which consist of hospitals and individual patients is very essential to development of pricing

 Social:


Tech Savvy Population: The Dhaka demography, handles the youthful population that is tech
adaptative. It can be a beneficial thing because they might be in favor of new plans involving
drone delivery.

Public Perception: We need to solve the issues surrounding safety and drone usage in the urban
areas as well as noise pollution and privacy affected by the drone usage. Creating trust in the
community by transparently dealing with issues and communicating in a way people will
understand is inevitable.

 Technological:

Drone Technology Advancements: Extremely fast pace in the drone technology development is
a capacity which on one hand can be positive or negative. The downside of capabilities upgrade
is the same as that of progress. It renders your previous drones obsolete faster, which in turn
increases your investment. It is absolutely vital for us to be in touch with the most recent of the
drone tech to keep still relevant in the market.

Digital Infrastructure: - Establishing a strong digital infrastructure in Bangladesh is on the

march. - However, internet quality is a big challenge to effectively run and control Dhaka goes
drones. This is where such a reliable telecommunication company plays a crucial role.

 Legal:

Drone Regulations: Despite the relative prominence of drone regulations in the country, their
development is still ongoing. Acquisition of permits and management of airspace limitation
might be a headache. For us, there is no necessity to collaborate with the CAAB with the purpose
of ensuring compliance is the top priority [5].

Data Privacy: Rules and regulations with respect to data privacy, particularly for relevant to the
medical supplies, are to be imposed. One of the issues is the establishment of the best security
measures to protect the patient information, alongside.

 Environmental:

Pollution Reduction: Drones for delivering may improve traffic jams in Dhaka. In fact, air and
sound pollution will be less comparing to methods car-using for delivery Though the

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manufacturing of drones that become obsolete and battery disposal are just a few of the concerns
I think we have to keep in mind.

SWOT Analysis
 Strengths:

Faster Delivery: Drones having the ability to go over the busy traffic which results in sending
medical supplies in a very short period of time when compared to the traditional form [1]. It will
be especially important for rapid intervention in the case of emergencies.

Accessibility: Drones can deliver supplies to remote places or areas with poor infrastructure. So
health facility across Dhaka will benefit from this therefore more supplies will be available
which can help the health of patients.

Cost-effective in the Long Run: Despite the initial investment expense being high, drone
delivery can prove cost-effective as it occurs in the long term. This is opposed to keeping vehicle
and driver costs.

Novelty & Public Perception: The possibilities of drone delivery are almost limitless, as an
option that is on the cutting-edge, possibly appealing to those who are choosy in terms of both
convenience and efficiency.

 Weaknesses:

Regulation: Drones regulations in Bangladesh are still in process and possibly you will have to
apply, course through the airspace provisions is going to be difficult.

Payload Limitations: The potential drone technology use nowadays for medical supplies can be
restricted with weight and size. Therefore, the omission of something here and there might also
be the case.

Weather Dependence: The data acquisition process can be affected negatively by unfavorable
climate phenomena like heavy rains and strong winds.

Public Acceptance: We may come across the problems such as safety, noise pollution and
privacy associated with the purpose of drone operations in the densely populated areas.

 Opportunities:
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Growing Demand for Medical Supplies: Delhi's population is rising; consequently, the need
for competent healthcare solutions is increasing markedly.

Partnerships with Healthcare Institutions: Partnership with institutions such as hospitals,

clinics, and pharmacy would be helpful for you to expand coverage and to build trust

Government Support: Bangladeshi administration has a craving for technological

improvement, and it would be easy to take advantage of, which may include cooperation or
reduced regulation.

 Threats:

Competition: Consumer drone delivery is still a niche business, and there are other companies
that might enter this market or launch the new startups to make competition.

Technological Advancements: Strategic drone technology undertakings by competitors are a

possibility of letting your early investment go out-of-date more quickly.

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Rafia Islam Id: 2322224030

Market Analysis


 Geographic Segmentation:

· Urban vs. Rural Areas: In urban regions the demand may be high and deliveries have to be fast
due to traffic congestion while in some regions there could be few hospitals and hence drones

· Regional Needs: Some of the factors, which may vary between regions include the nature of the
health care system that may affect the use of drones in delivery services.

 Demographic Segmentation:

· Healthcare Facilities: Hospitals, clinics and dispensaries which may need any emergency stock.

Patient Demographics: These supplies are therefore expected to be influenced by age, other
existing diseases, and emergency requirements.

 Behavioral Segmentation:

· Usage Rate: High usage customers: They are customers who often utilize a certain service
offered by a particular organization. g. heavy users (specifically large Clients such as a hospital)
or low users (For instance). g., small clinics).

· Emergency Frequency: Certain areas may need more frequent servicing due to the number of
emergencies and disaster that occur in an area regularly.

 Psychographic Segmentation:

· Healthcare Priorities: Being of technological nature and constructed to perform services - fast.

· Adoption Readiness: Factors such as cultural that predisposes an organization to accept

technology that is new such as drones.

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 Needs-Based Segmentation:

· Type of Medical Supplies: medications, products derived from blood, human organs, vaccines,
and other products and equipment’s used in the healthcare industry.

Urgency: Essentials in emergency obstetric kits: An analysis of items required for immediate use
in cases of emergency operations as compared to normal birth.

 Operational Segmentation:

· Infrastructure Availability: Policies that accept drones to establish infrastructure vs policies that
do not accept drone infrastructure at all.


1. Hospitals and Clinics: Transportation of critically needed goods such as blood products,
vaccines, medicines, and diagnostic samples, especially in hard-to-reach areas.

2. Disaster Relief Organizations: A means of providing medical consumables and equipment to

disaster zones since supply chains are either out of reach or unusable in the time of disasters.

3. Government and Health Agencies: Partnership and cooperation with the public health
departments and agencies to enhance the availability of medical products in emergencies: A
model from pandemics and epidemics.

4. Remote and Underserved Areas: Hence, because of geographical isolation of such

communities few or no health facilities and health supplies are available in these regions.

5. Pharmacies: Providing customers with their medications when they cannot come to the
pharmacy, thus enhancing the convenience of the prescribed therapy.

6. Emergency Services (EMS): Medical equipment and supplies delivered with transit time
measured in minutes to the scene of emergencies.

7. Humanitarian Organizations: Making it easier for non-governmental organizations and

other international organizations to support the provision of medical equipment to individuals in
conflict areas or those with limited access to basic amenities.

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8. Corporate Clients: For instance, it can be useful for corporations and industries that operate
in remote locations such as mines or oil rigs that require an EMS for on-site clinics.

Market size:

1. Global Healthcare Market:

• The global healthcare market is highly lucrative, it has been estimated that the market size is
several trillions of dollars. For instance, the World Bank states that the poverty rate in 2021 was
put at $8. 45 trillion and is steadily growing even today.

2. Healthcare Logistics Market:

• This is because the overall healthcare logistics market which entails the transportation of health
products and medical equipment is an even bigger segment. This market was worth over $ 80
billion in 2020, and should have a CAGR of 7% to 8%.

3. Drone Logistics Market:

• The identified market is highly dynamic and is constantly developing through innovations in
the field of logistics and transportation through drones. As per the estimate of 2021, it holds a
market value of approximately $11. 20 billion, and will have a compounded annual growth rate
of over 20% and reach a value of US $ 2.3 trillion by the year 2028.

• In this case the medical deliveries can be considered as a newly emerging market segment
within this market due to the advantage of time and speed that drones offer.

4. Specific Demand for Emergency Medical Deliveries:

• EMAR refers to products such as blood, vaccines, medications, and medical equipment that are
used in emergencies. These supplies are crucial in both the urban and rural areas especially
during emergencies it could be a disaster that has struck a certain area or an outbreak of a certain
disease which requires that the community gets a cure in a very short time.

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• There has been a validation of demand with early movers such as Zipline and Matternet
indicating that technology to enable drone based medical deliveries could have a vast market.


 Technological Advancements:

· Improved Drone Capabilities: Availability of improved versions of drones with extended range,
higher payload, improved GPS accuracy and safety features have placed them on the path where
they may be used for delivery of med-essential in future.

· Integration with Healthcare IT: The increased cooperation with HIS and EHR helps to organize
the transportation processes properly and deliver the required medicine and devices faster and
with less errors.

 Regulatory Support:

· Evolving Regulations: Various global agencies including the FAA of United States and the
EASA of the European Union are constantly working their way towards changing key policies in
order to allow for UAV delivery of medication.

· Pilot Programs and Partnerships: Google, Microsoft, and IBM's pilot programs along with
public-private initiatives are setting the stage globally for pilot scaling up and regulation
approval for broader implementation.

 Healthcare Demand:

· Increased Healthcare Access Needs: This has created a tremendous call for better service
delivery in health especially among people in remote and hard to reach areas that are not well
served and which utilization of drones can efficiently resolve.

· Emergency Response: He also noted the increase needed for fast emergency response solutions
especially in regions that are prone to disasters and during epidemics or pandemics due to an
efficient way of delivery

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 Market Projections:

· High Growth Rate: The market applies drones for delivering essentials such as medical supplies
and is estimated to progress at a CAGR of more than 20% through 2028.

Of this, the medical delivery segment is expected to grow highly especially with the increasing
demand of medical supplies, medication and equipment.

· Market Size Expansion: The market that has been estimated to be worth anywhere between $1
and $2 billion for current medical delivery by drones is expected to grow in size when more
people embrace the technology.

 Early Adoption and Success Stories:

· Successful Implementations:

Flying drones for delivering medical supplies have become an established model through
companies like Zipline, Matternet, and Wingcopter in different countries like

Rwanda, Ghana, and Switzerland.

· Scalability: Hence, the possibility of the growth of these models in different geographic and
economistic environments suggests the presence of vast potentials.

 Investment and Innovation:

· Rising Investments: Forces like VC and PE funds, and government aids improved the
innovation and growth of the sector.

· Innovation in Services: Advancements in technologies like automatic delivery, elongated

battery, and AI-enabled supply chain is adding up to the bamboo shoot of drone medical

Market trends:

1. Regulatory Advancements: National aviation authorities globally are weaving and

standardizing guidelines for the use of drone technology to make deliveries for medical purposes.
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For instance, the FAA in United States and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency are
enabling the utilization of drones for medical delivery.

2. Technological Innovations: Promising trends are increasing performance - big improvements

in categories that matter are here: Advancements of battery, load-carrying capabilities, self-
navigation, and AI algorithms that have caused the drone delivery functionality to become not
only faster but also safer.

3. Strategic Partnerships: More coordination is observed between industries that design drones,
hospitals, delivery services, and administration. It is important to have partners to help build this
framework and to help maintain and manage a more efficient flow.

4. Expansion to Remote Areas: In the recent past, delivery of medical supplies has been
undertaken through use of drones in the rural and remote regions where conveyance can be slow
and inapplicable. This is even more important for the developing countries as are in cases of
natural disasters.

5. Environmental and Cost Efficiency: Drones can be more environmentally sustainable

compared to other delivery strategies with lesser carbon footprint and probable lower expenses
involved. This sustainability aspect is currently being attended by government and private

6. Emergency and Disaster Response: Drones are thus being used by availing medical supplies
like blood, vaccines, and wearing personal Protective measures in emergency incidences. That,
coupled with the fact that they are mobile sources much more faster when it comes to disaster
affect or quarantine zones.

7. Customization and On-Demand Deliveries: Consequently, there has been an increased

inclination towards getting delivery services customized more and ordered as per one's schedule.
The new solutions in relation to the supply management allow the healthcare providers to order
certain varieties independently, thus enhancing the flexibility of the supply chains.

8. Public Acceptance and Trust: Increased testing of specific demonstrations, such as pilot
projects and real-world applications, are depicting the efficiency of drone deliveries and

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therefore making the general public to develop trust and acceptance towards the same. Positive
reports on many channels, and awareness campaigns are also further enhancing this trust.

9. Increased Investment: This sector is benefiting from the overall investment from the venture
capitalist firms, government funding and private equity. This influx of funding is pushing
additional concrete advances and adoption of drone technologies.

10. Global Market Expansion: Originally, the use of drones for transferring medical supplies
was used specifically in certain geographical areas but it has grown internationally. Some global
partnerships are expanding operations to additional markets, navigating local regulations and
serving the local healthcare demand.

Target Customer Buying Behavior:

 Healthcare Facilities (Hospitals, Clinics, Pharmacies):

Decision-Making Process: is usually a multi-person process involving medical personnel,

purchasing managers, and administrative personnel. The priority of needs, availability of services
and economic considerations often determine choices.

Purchase Frequency: Increased frequency, particularly in EDs and specialized units (e. G trauma,
intensive care).

Key Drivers: On-time delivery, performance, health and safety, and environmental, and
economic benefits.

Concerns: Security and safety of medical products during shipping, legal compliance, and
interoperability with current processes.

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 Emergency Responders (EMS, Fire Departments, Disaster Relief Organizations):

Decision-Making Process: Sometimes rapid and need based often under pressure during
emergencies. Some of the decision makers are the emergency coordinators and logistics

Purchase Frequency: Variable, with peaks during natural disasters, pandemics, or other
emergency situations.

Key Drivers: Readiness for action, speed of application, performance in critical situations, and
simplicity of action.

Concerns: Performance, dependability and handling of difficult conditions.

 Government and Public Health Agencies:

Decision-Making Process: Tends to employ planning and budgeting horizons that are quite
extended. Decisions are taken by officials in public health departments. emergency preparedness

Purchase Frequency: Regular and usually tied to accounting schedules but with provisions for
‘mop up’ purchases.

Key Drivers: Population reachability, efficiency, adherence to public health policies, and effect
on public health goals.

Concerns: Accountability, transparency, regulatory compliance, and scalability.

 Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and International Aid Agencies:

Decision-Making Process: Sometimes referred to as ‘project managers’, ‘logistics coordinators’

or ‘healthcare professionals.

Purchase Frequency: Short term, project-based: especially high during disaster relief.

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Key Drivers: Potential to connect the most remote and unconnected populations, rapid
deployment and utilization potential, and relevance to humanitarian objectives.

Concerns: Affordability, consistency, and capacity to service multiple and often hostile areas.

 Individuals (chronic patients Conditions, Remote Area Residents):

Decision-Making Process: The most personal and immediate orientation; Medical


Purchase Frequency: Routine for chronic condition patients; as required for people living
remotely based on their needs.

Key Drivers: Effective and timely delivery of critical medication or supplies.

Concerns: Price, consistency, and the confidence in the quality of the product.

Studying these behaviors will help a drone-based emergency medical supply business define
specific marketing and promotional techniques, services, and customer care for each group of

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Marketing Strategies
Rafia Islam Id: 2322224030


o Speed and Efficiency:

- Value Proposition: “Operated as a logistics company, which grows rapidly to serve as a

medical products delivery network.” – CNBC.

- Message: Emphasize the aspect of fast delivery of the goods mainly because this also reduces
the time with an aim of supplying the most important commodities to the most important areas.

o Reliability and Precision:

- Value Proposition: We take a notion of “Quality service on time –every time”.

- Message: Also stress the probability of delivering the supplies to specific target places
including the hard-to-reach areas with high levels of reliability and precision.

o Accessibility and Reach:

- Value Proposition: The role of digital health to break the gap in the accessibility of health

- Message: Stress on the capability of the platform to reach to the regions that may be remote or
are uncommunicative through other systems.

o Innovation and Technology:

- Value Proposition: Modern and Flexible Trends and Developments of Healthcare Logistics.

- Message: Advertise the service as a progressive technologically linked model that can be
adopted in the current healthcare facility through a drone.

o Safety and Compliance:

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- Value Proposition: “Achieved the following: delivered content safe and compliant. “.

- Message: The emphasis should be placed on safety and regulations and the issues linked to it in
order to ensure that the medical supplies are transported to their proper destination.

o Sustainability:

- Value Proposition: Systematic analysis of environmental effects of hospital air medical

transport service.

- Message: Inform consumers of the environmental impacts for instance, through the use of
drones as a method of transport which gives lesser carbon footprint compared to ground or
airborne transport.

o Emergency Responsiveness:

- Value Proposition: Medical service – when something bad happens, you can get the first aid
you need.

- Message: Drones: The perfect equipment for any crisis where time is of the essence.

Suraiya Islam Id: 2311772030

Marketing Mix (4Ps)

1. Product:
Service offering: The main offering is using drones to transport medical supplies. We can
deliver the medical supplies in less time and also can give emergency delivery to difficult-to-
reach locations.

Technology: The drones should be of good quality with advanced navigation systems and
temperature control systems for delicate medical supplies and safe packaging to ensure the
products' safety while in delivery.

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Reliability and safety: Highlight the advantages of drone delivery over traditional methods in
terms of dependability, safety, and speed. Verify that all applicable laws, rules, and certifications
are followed.

2. Price:
Cost structure: Price techniques could vary depending on the distance, weight, and type of
medical supplies transported. Subscription models for hospitals and clinics may provide better
prices and consistent service.

Value proposition: Highlights drones' cost-effectiveness compared to ground transport,

particularly in urgent or last-mile delivery scenarios. Consider providing different prices based
on urgency and service quality.

Insurance and partnership: Collaboration with insurance providers to cover drone delivery
services, making them more affordable for end consumers. Partner with pharmaceutical
companies, and healthcare providers to get bulk or contract pricing.

3. Place:
Channels: Use a central point concept with drones operating from strategically situated locations
to cover huge areas efficiently. This includes urban, rural, and remote areas.

Accessibility: Ensure that the service is easily accessible through an app or website that allows
people to plan and track delivery in real-time.

Expansion strategy: Begin in areas with the greatest need or where standard delivery techniques
are less successful. As the service grows in particularity, gradually expands its coverage to
include more places.

4. Promotion:
Awareness effort: Inform hospitals, clinics, and emergency services about the advantages and
dependability of drone-based medical delivery systems through focused marketing efforts. This
can involve attending conferences on health care and reaching out directly. We can also use the
internet and social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and other apps to promote our

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Success stories: To establish credibility and confidence, provide case studies and references
from early adopters. Emphasize instances that can save lives and effective emergency deliveries.

Collaboration and partnership: To encourage the use of drone deliveries, cooperate with
governmental bodies, nonprofits, and medical institutions.

Tanaz Khan Id: 2311317630

Marketing Intermediaries/Channels

How Marketing Intermediaries Can Help MediDrones

Marketing intermediaries play a crucial role in enhancing the operations of a drone-based

medical supplies business like MediDrones. By collaborating with marketing intermediaries, the
business can optimize its distribution network, expand its market reach to a wider audience, and
elevate customer satisfaction levels through efficient and effective supply chain management.

 Enhanced Distribution Network

Distributors and Wholesalers: These middlemen can keep a large supply of products in stock
so they can restock them when they run out. This is helpful for managing inventory, especially in
emergencies when supplies need to be moved to different areas.

Logistics Providers: Specialized logistics companies offer efficient solutions for managing
drone fleets. These solutions include optimizing routes and ensuring compliance with
regulations. They significantly improve the frequency and accuracy of deliveries, going beyond
current capabilities.

 Increased Market Reach

Retailers and Pharmacies: Specialized delivery companies have solutions to manage drone
fleets. They help plan the best routes and make sure the drones follow the rules. This helps
deliveries happen more often and be more accurate than they are now.

 Improved Customer Satisfaction

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Customer Support Services: Marketing middlemen help make sure that healthcare providers
and consumers have a good experience with MediDrones. They provide customer services and
after-sale support for the drones to ensure a smooth interface with the drones for everyone

Value-added Services: Intermediaries play a crucial role in adding value to medical supplies
through various processes such as packaging, labeling, and even repackaging. They ensure that
the supplies adhere to specific regulations and safety measures, thereby enhancing their
suitability for distribution and use within the healthcare sector.

 Market Intelligence and Feedback

Market Research Firms: Outsourcing with the assistance of market research intermediaries can
be highly beneficial for MediDrones. By leveraging the expertise of these intermediaries,
MediDrones gains valuable insights into customer needs, preferences, and market trends. This
can help the company make informed decisions and redesign the products and services to better
meet the demands of the marketplace.

Feedback Channels: Having other parties provide feedback can be helpful for MediDrones as it
will be able to gain more information about the services that it offers through the intermediaries
on how they are performing or how they can be improved and developed.

 Regulatory Compliance and Risk Management

Legal and Compliance Firms: MediDrones can use different middlemen to handle the legal
aspects of drone operations and the supply chain for medical products. This will help make sure
that we follow the rules and make it easier to deliver medical supplies.

Insurance Providers: Insurance agents can help MediDrones reduce the risks of using drones
for medical purposes. This includes accidents, losses, or damage to medical supplies during
emergencies. Working with insurance agents can ensure that MediDrones are properly covered
in case of unexpected events, allowing them to focus on providing reliable medical drone

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Farhana Momotaj Id: 2411742030

Financial Forecasting

Our target is mostly healthcare logistic firm, and it operates with a vision that focuses on
applying the concept of the single Managing solution specially within the healthcare industry and
use of drones in delivering medical supplies. Our focus is to supply the basic standard medical
equipment that are required to the region. Dhaka Bangladesh's capital, in considered a "primary"
city. Not only is it the country's largest metropolis, but it is also disproportionately bigger than
other Bangladeshi cities. Those who earn tens of millions to hundreds of millions of BTD
annually are known. Our service are categories into medical, clinics, hospitals, facilities and even
some hospitals are situated at distant place even in the remote transport network. drones are used
for a number of medical and healthcare applications. They are highly suited for reaching remote
locations and communities, such as those in mountains or on small islands, that are not well
served by roads and regular vessel routes or that are difficult to land a manned aircraft or
helicopter in. Medical drones may also be used in more urban areas, typically flying routes
between hospitals and laboratories. Approximately a monthly income Tk 100,000 to 190,000Tk.
Such as doctors, medicine also working in a senior doctor. Our service is categorized into...

1.Home healthcare service

2. Hospital service

3.Clinic service


Our service according to their ability. Our service customers are paying for day to day based on
Tk 1500-2000 per day. Or Tk 200-250 per hour (according to experience)

The caregiver will receive their salary at the end of the week.

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Md Touhidur Rahman Id: 2322406630


In conclusion, this report review affords insights into the potential viability of using
drone technology in the healthcare supply chain in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Analyzing the market,
marketing, and financial aspects of the project, the feasibility study reveals that there is great
opportunity for introducing a drone-based MDS delivery service. Thus, focusing on providing
fast and reliable delivery of essential medication and developing relationships with the key
players in the healthcare market, the endeavor is ready for growth. Furthermore, identifying the
various needs of customers and working in a very close relation with the regulatory authorities
and insurance companies are stressed as the key success factors. In the final analysis, using
drones for healthcare delivery can potentially bring about a significant improvement in the
availability of critical health facilities not only in Dhaka but also in other areas and therefore
contribute to the improvement of the general health of society.

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Contribution Table

Name Student Id Contribution

Md. Touhidur Rahman 2322406630 Micro environment analysis,
Macro environment analysis,
SWOT analysis, Conclusion
Rafia Islam 2322224030 Segmentation and Targeting,
Market size, Growth, Market
Trend, Positioning
Tanaz Khan 2311317630 Executive Summary,
Introduction, Company
Summary, Marketing
Suraiya Yasmin 2311772030 Marketing Mix
Farhana Momotaj 2411742030 Financial Forecasting

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