Int 02.lesson 13.clubs

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Lesson 13: Joining a Club

Warm-up questions:

Have you ever been a member of a club?

What kind of hobbies and pastimes do you enjoy?
Do you prefer individual or group hobbies?
Why do people join clubs? What are the benefits of joining a club?


I like (to do/doing)… I enjoy (doing)… I’m into…

… is not for me. … isn’t my cup of tea. I’m interested in…

Expressions(used to): Talking about events you did in the past but not now

I used to (do)…. I didn’t use to (do)…

I used to (play) football. I didn’t use to (play) darts.

I used to (stay) up all night. I didn’t use to (drink) wine.

What used to be your favorite hobby?

What food did you use to like or vice versa?
Who used to be your favorite singer/actor?
What did you use to be scared of?
What did you use to do when you were in elementary/middle/high school? University?

Discussion Questions:

How would you describe your personality?

What clubs would you like to join and why?

What clubs would you not like to join and why?

What hobbies are considered typically men’s or women’s?

Have you ever threw in the towel on learning a new skill or an activity? Why?

Have you ever tried to make a little money on the side with your hobby?


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