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a. Choose the correct answer

1. …………….. is a form of energy that allows us to see the things around us.
a. Sound b. heat c. light d. electrical energy
2. …………… is a main source of heat and light on the earth.
a. Sound b. heat c. light d. The sun
3. ……………… is a form of energy that we can hear.
a. Sound b. heat c. light d. The sun
4. ……………… is the most useful forms of energy.
a. Sound b. heat c. light d. electrical energy
5. Torches and lamp are example of ……………… energy
a. Sound b. heat c. light d. electrical energy
6. Sounds can be loud as a ……………
a. Raindrop b. thunder c. ticking clock d. whisper
7. Electrical devices such as lamp, fans and washing machines use ………………

a. Sound b. heat c. light d. electrical

8. Torches , calculators and alarm clocks use …………….. that provide electrical energy
a. Heat b. solar panel c. batteries d. wires
9. A moving object has movement energy or …………… energy
a. Potential c. kinetic
b. chemical potential d. gravitational potential

10. Potential energy is also known as ……….. energy

a. Movement c. kinetic
b. Stored d. chemical
11. An object above the ground has ………………… potential energy
a. Chemical b. gravitational c. kinetic d. elastic
12. Chemical potential energy strored in ………….. , ………….. and ………….
a. Food , batterie and wind c. water , wind and Sun
b. Food, fuels and batteries d. fire , wind and electric
13. The change in the form of energy is called ………………
a. Energy conversion c. energy movement
b. Elastic potential d. energy destroyed
14. Look at the picture

When we stretched a rubber band, we are storing energy in

this object. This energy is known as ……………. energy

a. Elastic potential c. gravitational potential

b. Chemical potential d. kinetic

15. A candle is made of wax which stores …………….… energy
a. Elastic potential c. gravitational potential
b. Chemical potential d. kinetic

16. When we light a candle it is converted to ……………. And

…………….. energy
a. Heat and sound c. light and sound
b. Heat and chemical d. light and heat
17. When we blow air into recorder ………………………….. energy
from food we eat is converted to ……………… energy and
converted into …………… energy
a. Chemical potential  light  kinetic
b. Chemical potential  kinetic  sound
c. Chemical potential  sound  kinetic
d. Chemical potential  kinetic  elastic
18. ………………… are the world’s primary source of energy.
a. Electrical energy c. fossil fuels
b. The sun d. water
19. ……………….. is our main source of energy.
a. Electrical energy c. fossil fuels
b. The sun d. water
20. Energy from the sun is called …………………. energy
a. Geothermal c. solar
b. Hydroelectrical d. biofuels
21. Coal, oil and ……………. Are some examples of fossil fuels.
a. Natural gas b. wind c. water d. biofuels
22. Source that can replace fossil fuels is called ……………..
a. Non renewable energy c. geothermal energy
b. Alternative energy d. solar energy
23. A heat that comes from within the earth is called ……………. energy
a. Running water c. geothermal
b. Geothermal d. biofuels
24. Windmill and wind turbines use the energy from the ………….
a. The sun b. kinetic c. wind d. water
25. A windmill uses the …………….. energy of wind to grind grain.
a. The sun b. kinetic c. wind d. water
26. Energy stored in the centre of an atom is called ……………… energy.
a. Elastic potential c. gravitational potential
b. Chemical potential d. nuclear

27. Biofuels are made from living thing matter such as …………. And …………
a. Sugar cane and oil c. sugar cane and corn
b. Sugar cane and wood d. sugar and seed

28. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas are ………………. Sources.
a. Limited b. unlimited c.alternative d. un-renewable
29. The sun, running water and wind are also knows as ………………….. energy.
a. Limited b. unlimited c.alternative d. renewable
30. The table below shows different sources of energy.
Sources of Energy
Renewable Non- Renewable
Wind Oil
Which of the Following correctly identifies X and Y?
a. The Sun , wind c. The Sun , coal
b. Natural gas , running water d. Coal , natural gas

b. Tick  the correct answer in the True or False chart below.

No Statement True False
1. Energy can be created
2. A windmill uses the light energy of wind to grind grain
3. Use an air conditioner to cool yourself is a way to conserve
4. A nuclear power station generates electricity by splitting
5. Oil can be refined to give products such as petrol.
6. Plants use heat energy from the Sun to make food.
7. Energy that a moving object is called potential energy.
8. Stretching a rubber band or compressing a spring are
examples of gravitational potential energy.
9. When we are throwing a ball, it moves forward. The moving
ball has kinetic energy.
10. Some forms of potential energy are chemical potential
energy, gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy.

c. Answer the Questions

31. List 3 ways to conserve energy!

32. Energy can be …………… from one form to another.

33. Make an energy conversion when we are Turning a Television.

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