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pos Mastering Use of English B2 Exams Edition GEORGIA GRAHAM WITH ANNA JOHNSON DB Burtington Books ee ing Use of English 82 Exams Edition Fé by Georgia Graham Anna Johnson Burlington Books PO. Box $4411 3721 Limassol Cyprus Baslingtoe Books isan inpint of Danos Books Lid, Acknowledgements ‘The publisher gratefully acknowledges the following for permission 1 use photographic material: Associated ress: page 75; Gety Images / Phoodis: pages 112,124,132, 136, 148 159, 172; Image 100: page 76; IMS Communications Li: page 82; Nova Dev: Co. andl Licensor: page 147; Te Peace Comps: pae 63: Reuters pages 108 and 120; Royal National Lifeboat Institution: page 23, www page 98. ‘The publisher has made every effort to contact the owaees of copyright material which appears inthis book, and will be pleased to hear from any copyright holder who could not bo located, All rights reserved by the publisher. No past ofthis publication may be reproduced, sored in a retrieval system oF transmitted in any form or by any means -elecinic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise — without permission in writing from the publisher, ISBN 978-9963-47-891-0 Copyright © 2008 Burlington Books 09876543 2 17 16 15 14 13 12 1 10 09 INTRODUCTION stering Use of English 82 Exams Eaition is designed to consolidate and extend students’ knowledge ‘and vocabulary forthe B2-leve! examinations. The book has boon revised to reflect the chenges in the FCE Is comprised of 28 alternating grammar and vocabulary units, 14 reviews, a glossary and four appendices. There ny of exercise types leading upto exam practice or the FCE, ECCE and State (KPG) exams. To help students, {and structures of special Importance are highlighted, indicating that these words should be learned carefully. examination strategy tips are given tvoughout the book. ‘opens with diagnose test page which is intended to help students assass their strengths and weaknesses. ‘grammar rite, the diagnostic testis followed by two pages of datalled grammar rules and a Common Mistakes “The units folow a comprehensive grammar sylabus, covering the structures tested in the B2-level examinations. 3 units ae al based on topics which commonly appear on exams at this level. The units practise topic 1 €esly confused words, useful colocation and phrasal vers. wing can be found at the back ofthe book: ‘ofthe vocabulary units containing English and Greek defitions with example sentences to show typical usage. Cefntions provided in the glossary reflect the context which the words and phrases ae used in the book. appendices: a list of imequiar verbs s comparison of Bish and American English on prefies and sutixes it of prepositions and prepositional phrases hope students and teachers enjgy using this book and wish students good luck i thei examinations. CONTENTS ace unt Grammar Present Tenses (active and passive): Present Continuous, Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous Zz unit2 Vocabulary Language and Communication 13 (REVIEW 1 17) UNIT3 Grammar —_Past Tenses (active and passive): Past Simple, Past Continuous, Pest Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Continuous; used to / would 19 UNITS Vocabulary People and Relationships ca REVIEW 2 29) units Grammar Future Tenses (active and passive): Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Simple, Future Perfect Continuous; be going to, Present Sime, Present Continuous a UNITE Vocabulary Living Conditions, Services and Places 7 REVIEW 3 41) unit7 Grammar Prepositions of Time, Prepositions of Place 8 UNITS Vocabulary Work and Employment 49 (REVIEW 4 53) unit Grammar Modals, Semi-modals, Modal Pertects (active and passive) 55 ‘UNIT 10 Vocabulary Education 61 REVIEW 5 65 ) unira1 Grammar The Passive: Review of all Tenses; The Causative 7 unit 12 Vocabulary Sports and Other Free-time Activities B (REVIEW 6 77) unit 13 Grammar Relative Causes bc ‘UNIT 14 Vocabulary Entertainment and the Arts 85 (REWEW7 89 unit 15 Grammar Concitonals, emporals, wish 91 UNIT 16 Vocabulary Travel, Tourism and Transport 97 (REVIEW 8 UNIT 17 Grammar Countable and Uncountable Nouns; Articles; Quantiirs 103 unit 18 Vocabulary Shopping, Consumer Goods and Money 109 (REVIEW 9 113) UNIT 19 Grammar _Demonstratives; it there is; Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives; Determiners: each / avery, all/ whole, both ether /nelther "5 unit 20 Vocabulary Food and Drink tat (ReweW 10 i 125) UNIT 21 Grammar Adjectives and Adverbs: Comparatives and Superfatives; $0/ such 127 unit 22 Vocabulary The Media and the News 193 (REVIEW 11 137) unit 23 Grammar Indirect Speech 139 UNIT 24 Vocabulary The Weather and the Environment 145 (REVIEW 12 143) uniT 25 Grammar Gerunds, Infritives and Bare Infntves; te / get used to, would rather, it's time 151 UNIT 26 Vocabulary Science and Technology 187 (Review 13 161 unit 27 Grammar Connectors, Inversion 163 unt 28 Vocabulary Health and Fitness 169 (REVIEW 14 173) GLOSSARY 176 APPENDICES Irregular Verbs 208 British and American English 208 Prefixes and Suffixes 209 Prepositions and Prepostional Phrases 210 — TEST YOURSELF Present Tenses (active and passive): Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous ‘ead the pars of sntences below and circe the sentence whichis comect. * EXAMPLE: A Water is boling at 100°C. ter bols at 100°C, | am always meeting my friends after school | always meet my trends after schoo} { have been studying English for fve yeas. | am studying English for fe years, ‘re you thinking of buying a new car? Do you think of buying @ new car? 1K oti hasnt come home already. ‘Joh hasa't come home yst ‘The house fs painting atthe moment. “The house i being painted atthe moment. | believe that he is working abroad. {1am believing that he is working abxoac. {te the fret time 've seen her since ‘she got maid. Ite the fret ime | see her sines ‘sho got marie. Dad's exhausted. He is working hard Inthe gardon al day. Dad's exhausted. He has been working hard in the pardon al day He can't speak to you just now ~ he has a shows. He can't speak to you just now ~ he's having a shower, | nave not seen them since they bought their naw house. 1 nave not seen them sina they have bought their new house, 2 4 5 18 "7 8 Ak So far today. | have writen three lt B So far today, | have been writing three Have you beon waiting here long? ‘Are you waiting here long? My sistr has always been borrowing my Clothes without asking My sister is always borrowing my clothes without asking Does this watch belong to Irene? Is this waton belonging to rene? A Do you want to speak to him now? ‘You want to speak to him now? This the frst time I've gone to London. This the frst time I've bean to London. A know my best friend sinoo 1906. "hava known my best fiend since 1998, My brother and | are going tothe cinema, ext Friday night. My brather and | wll goto the cinoma ret Friday nigh ‘Thay have been owning a house by the sea for soveral yours. ‘They have owned « house by the ea for several years [A This summer we have gone to Pais “This summer we are going to Pars eters FORM use EXAMPLES PRESENT SIMPLE ‘etive athebitu action oa fect 1 goo stl every mong. ‘bare infinitive +s/es in rd person b, a general truth The sun isos inte east and sts singular inte vest work eee: with statve verbs ited below) do ke santero Do you work? 4. fue (imetabes / schedules) Set ends tn.tune is year Does she work? Ay plane leaves c 6.00 am. We dont work @. naraives, sports ‘A boy walks ino lass and says He coast werk ‘commentaries, jokes tote eater He hicks eB. i's goa! Posse to stress the action rather than ‘The tes ae dthorad very wesk 5 foccanuean the agent / Pepe ieee Were"/there 04: Mere comes the bride PRESENT CONTINUOUS * There hese Active a. an action in progress it aw, he is writing are enya eerie 22 the time of speaking We ae working. . anincomplete action stiin Pm hing ty site athe moment. He's working progress, usualy temporary Ae you working? . an arrangement or plan forthe Shes He abt 6. an arangarent or lan forthe Ste ogni ewe "ra not workin orem 4. ction which happens very Tom savas rapping tings. dtten, can be used to cree or eomolin ith ave, forever, constant) Passive to svass the action rather tan Luh sein served row. amie are being + past participle the epent TIME EXPRESSIONS Prosent Simpl ways, often, usualy occasionally, sometimes, rary hardly ever, scarce nave every week, twice a year Present Continuous: ow, right now, atthe moment, today, tonight With a future meaning: this week, next week, tomorrow, son, on Mondly, next Saturday STATIVE VERBS 1 Stative verbs refer to a state rather than an action and are usually not used in the continuous form. ‘These verbs expross: ‘senses: fea, haar, notice, see, smell, sound, taste ‘mental activities: appsar, bails, consider, depend, coubt, expect, fel forget. guess, hope, imagine, nom, mean mind, prefer, reise, recognise, remember, seem, suppose, think, understand possession: belong fo, neve, own, owe, possess emotions: adore, dese, cite, fear, forgive, fat, lik, love, ne8d, want, wish ‘amounts: cost, equal, meesure, weigh 2 Some of these verbs have more than one meaning and can be used in the continuous form when the meaning changes from a state to an activity in progress. Wie have a smal! dog. (possess) This soup tastes doicious. (fact) {Ym having larch. (doing tat atv) I'm tasting tne soup to See if its ready. (doing that activity) | think e's = tonible dancer (my opinion) Now I see what you mean. (understand) ‘Ym thinking of going out tonight. (considering). She's seeing her doctor this aftemoan, (meeting) UNIT Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous tego 4, for an action that happoned soveral have heard tha ate several tes. times or repeatedly in the past FORM USE EXAMPLES PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE ative 1 anacton that took place at an ‘We have seen ta fim has /have + Unatres te nthe pst buts Sh a aon Brough he Pe einen i eelevant in the present : She hes worked. . anaction tat began inthe past Theyhave worked re she 1997. ‘Have you worked? and continues up to the present fa has owned a car fortwo years, > Have you work capo oreo aren : | haven't worked, for unfinished time peviods ‘haven't eaten anything al day. 5 (0. with This / 18 the fest/ sacond ‘tone ofthe est ims (hal ve that. and superatves ‘ever seen. Passive to-stross the action rather than the The uss has been sod have /has been + past participle agent PRESENT PERFECT ‘coNTINUOUS. ‘Active ‘an action that began in the past Tey ave Deen doing ther (euvifacteenteBae and continues into the present with Romewerk fore las three haus. ‘an emphasis onthe duration of that We have boon cleaning the house Hinsdale action (usually with forand since) all morning. He has been working. Have you been working? '. an action that has just fishot Her ais wat becuse she has Has he been working? ‘ands sl ralavant to tye preset baa watking in ne a I navan't baen working. ‘She hase Bean working, Passive No passive form ‘TIME EXPRESSIONS Present Perfect Simple: just, yet, reach, ever, never lately. recently, so far, always, or, since, how long Present Perfect Continuous: for since, al day, how long COMMON MISTAKES «The following sentences contain mistakes commonly made by students, Rewrite them corecty. 1. Every weekend, we ae visting our grandparents. 2, | am studying Enalish for five years. 3. [have three yoars to see my cousin, 4. Does your mother works fal-time? 5, He stays with fiends atthe moment. unr Grammar Practice A. Complete the following paragraphs with the correct form of the verb in brackets. i ED) aporene (you see) the new film at the local cinema yet? Everyone says ‘that it's the funniest film that (2) .. ee Peter and I (3) sts mewnnnnannsnens (Want) to see the film. You Oe ere Rare hes tno Well he (5) ‘but hes going back on Thursday. We (6) of secing the fm on Wednesday evening 1 (7) (star) at 830,50 We (8). at 815, Perhaps you'd lke to come with ust (stay) with his aunt this week, 2. Did you know thatthe continents of the earth (1) {for billions of years? Ths (2) seas and the continents (3). continue to change in the future, Scientists sil (4) (not understand) how this happens, but recent research (5) (give) them 2 great deal of useful information. (move) {mean} that the shape ofthe (Change) all the ie and will The police (1). : es | inthe city centre So far, 10 Peale (2) mension | thos. same 3) arn ae @ (lid release). The police 6 smn (not discover) the cause of the accident yet, but they (6) -(bope) to get | | more information shortly. 8. Complete the following sentences withthe correct time exprossion below. Use each time expression once only. aleady * ever * forever * lust © seldom » soar twice aweok * always * for + never « since » yet 1. Weve ‘s20n thet fm so we don't want to see it again 2, dull 902s tothe Health UB annem = On Mondays and Thursdays, 3. [Me snsnsnnenenn ROR! Such nonsense! Is an absolutely crazy idea! 4, Don't wake the baby! SRS nauseam GON to sloop. 5. Have YOU sn sve 8oKen to a famous person? 6. They've svovvon Been Interest in music and often attend concerts 7. Ws very annoying! Jane 8 sss fOxgattng where she's put things. 8. Susan's parents vg Out in the evenings because they finish work very Tate, 8. _ today, Mes Smits secretary has typed three letters for hor 10. ve only beer taking karate classes .~ 8 few weeks but Im aready quite good. 11. Hurry upt | can't believe you heven't done this @xEPI68 seasesnnnon! 42, Have you seen Tom _ his party last weak? sans ‘Complete the following sentences with he correct form ofthe most suitable verb from the list below, active or passive, positive or negative. teach + forgive * take © paint « see © study » read * work “Tis ie my cousin Judo ~ he oe 1 2. Alfie, | cidht understand what he wanted, but now | & “Thalrhouse .. 4, life ballet class ‘5. not inviting Kelly to my party because 6. can't walt for tomorrow! My dad 7. How tong o 8. My favourite author is Jane Austen — Fistory at university and he'l graduate next year his point {or years. They really should do something about it BY an @x-prima balerina. The pupis really look upto her her for ying to me, sme to 8 football match! {er the same company’? all of her books. ‘Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence, 1. hear that our examination papers and are ready now. 2. are being marked b. are marking ‘c._have markod have been marked 2 su the man in this pleture? ‘ee, he's the man who robbed me." [Are you recognized Do you recognize Are you recognizing You are recognizing 3. The photographs... at the moment ‘You should have them in an nour. 8 develop 1b, are developed ©. are being developed 4. have developed 4. Why ave you out of breath? ...? 2. Have you been running Have you rn Ave you running 4. Doyourun 5, "What time is Sue ariving?” “The bus at 8 pim., and I'm going to meet her at the bus station.” cetsin has gotin oes get in setting in apoe {8 She has not spoken to me sinoe we each other atthe library last weok a. were seeing be saw ©. have seen hava been sean 7. This isthe best piece of advice... on the matter. a. |amrocelving >. reoaive [am being received 6. Me received 8. They san totum off tho lights urten they leave the room, a. are never remembering . remember never ©. never remember 6. have never remembered |. KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS Complete the second sentence so that It has a similar meaning tothe first sentence, using the word given, Do nat change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given, TIP! remember tat contracted forms (0, |. The lat ime Susan went to Brain was two years ago. not ‘Susan 2. This is our first time in an aeroplane. never We joesn't, don't) count 2s two words. for two years. in an aeroplane before " var 12 3. Iestarted to snow at sx o'clock this morning. since t , snus 8k o'ock this morning. 4, What's the price of that camera, please? cost How me ns si o ed 5, The use of certain spray cans Is polluting the atmosphere, by ‘The atmosshere .» the use of certain spray cans. 6. Thaven' received my exam resus yet. stil is i 7. can’t remember aver seeing such a good programme on TV, best This the 8. We moved here 10 years ago. for We fOr my exam results seen on TV. = 10 yours. Read part ofa leafet about a music festival and il inthe missing words. Choose from among the words inthe table below by marking the corresponding letter. There are four words you won't need and two you may use twice) A been [B being [C has [Dis E have | F do Giae [mfr [1 since |} during | K defo [L often WORLDSONG MUSIC FESTIVAL “The Worldsong Festival has been around (1) ...25 years and is now the top musical even ats kind. The festival (2) non normaly eld in June but has (3). postponed this yenr because the venues (4)... used for the European Student Games. This year's Workdsong Festival (5). aking place on the weekend! of the 10th/110h of August. (6)... the early 19705, when just afew hundred spectators cane each yeas; the event (7) sme grown enormously and this year more than 30,000 people (8)... expected to turn up. Whether you rea regular at Worldsong, or have never been (9) uw. is sure to bean experience to remember! A varied programme (10)... Been put together, inluding performances by blues singers African shythm bands, rsh dancers and flk singers from South Americ, Tickets ae available at major ecord shops or by post. two-day ass costs just £30, and includes parking or transfer by bas from Fridley tation. OPEN CLOZE Road the text below and think ofthe word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. MOVING HOUSE think one of (1) _--»- most difficult things to do isto move house, particularly when you have 2) oosnssnnnsen Somewhere all your life. As wel as leaving your home, you also have the problem of packing everything (3) sass 0WM into boxes. You don’t realise how much you have until you have to pack ial up! We (4) ‘moving house in about two weeks’ time, so { know what I'm ta about! My father (5) found a new job in another ten about 100 kllometies from heve. He has 6 tooking for an opportunity ike this (7). agreed tha we should move. Our house is (8) found usa new one. cis much bigger than the one we lve in (10). -a long time so the whole family sold, and my parents have (9) «the moment, My sister and Iwill have our own rooms, which I'm glad about because she has been annoying me lately. She is 1) en borrowing my clothes without asking me. She isn't very enthusiastic about moving, but Tm quite excited about it, nd I don't (12) enone Find living in a new town. 18 16. ”. 18, 19, 20, lel eT ay Language and Communication ‘TEST YOURSELF ‘Complete the sentences with the correct form of @ word below. There are more words than you need. ‘Moke sure you understend all th words in tho vocabulary boxes, not just the correct answers. FORMS OF LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION accuse argue contact excuse interrupt protest admit chat criticise express interview regret advise communicate declare. gesture object threaten announce complain discuss getacross persuade warn apologise ——_contess exclaim grumble pronounce whisper I you dont 1 € Word propery, people may not understand what you ar trying to say. She vvnsnnens ‘or coming 90 late. She was sorry she had kept us waiting. ‘We waren satisfied withthe service inthe restaurant so we to the manager His tatnor 10 stop his pocket money if he didn't start helping in the house. My brother. me of breaking his MIP player, but | dich’ doit tis impolite to people when they are in the middle of a conversation. 1 give you my mobile phone number in case you want to ‘me wie 'm out They fell nnnnvonrnnmnnnnne NOt Coming tothe party. They are sorry they missed it “What great idea!” she They sass because they dant want anyone to hear what they were saying. ‘We rally + to being rested s0 unfit, He always finds fault with people anc everything they do. Sho. for us to take our seats The 1220N@F snes US MOE YO be Tae for morning assembly DESCRIBING LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION bilingual expressive foreign native oral conversational fluent multilingual noisy talkative Ityouknowe language, you can communicate with people from another country. The «part ofthe exam is often harder than the written part. Ehzabeth is ‘She grew up speaking both Franch and Russian. ‘Allan speaks Spenish very hesitant, He would like to be more in Spenish Mary's Gorman ie excellent ~ she sounds jut tke a. John dogsn't say much but hs sister isthe opposte ~ she's very (eck your answers with your teacher. How many of them are corect? ‘0-6 Start studying! 7-9: Try harder! 10-12: Quite good! 13-18: Good! 18-20: 13 oma a "Vocabulary Practice A. PHRASAL VERBS Circle the correct phrasal verb with got to complete the folowing sentences, \While | do the shopping, you can get over to / away with / on with your work, It's clit to gat by / away to in a forsign county if you don't speak the languags Russian le such a hard language to learn. 1 really geting me ott / by / down. He thought he would get down to / away with / out of copying on the exam, but he dn’ ‘Once ther French teacher arrives, they wll got over to / down to /on te work. ‘You promised to come and help me with my Spanish homework. Don't ty to get out of / up to/ ito it) you want to got on / In / away In lie and find a good jab, knowing a foreign language can be an advantage. ‘Joh's parents won't let him go to summer school but I think he'll get on / aver / out the disappointment quickly. 8, USEFUL GOLLOCATIONS AND EXPRESSIONS Complete the following sentences with the words below. ‘You will need to use some ofthe words more than once. have * Iolo * make * voice * up + get + excuse © tel © clue © tongue * over 4. Why are you shouting atthe top of your... ‘71m standing right beside you, 2, He's very nervous. He's been asked to ‘9 speech at his nephew's wedding 8. dt the point of what she was tying to eay. Dia you understand ner? 4. There's 80 much noise in the room that | can't hear you, Please speak. 7 5. Mlleave my phone number on the notice board in ease you nocd to. venous I touch with re. 6. twas a dificult subject to explain, but he managed to himself understood very wall. 7. Please don’ raise your voice to me, 1 OA WAN 0 ssesnnnesnee@R ARgUMENt about ths. 8. She's only three yeers old; she may have a watch, but she can't the time yet. 9. haven't a \what the answer to your question is. Maybe Mark can help you. 40. Some peopl find it ensy to ‘conversation: | find It quite hard. 41, Idon't believe he was il yesterday. He's just making an 12 ttyou have a probiom, taking it with someone often holps 13. We ‘ong conversation avery time we mee, 14, Please lower your seve « Everyone an hear you 15, Sho talked ue... sv going with er 16, Don't waste time on unnecessary deals to the point. 17. You should always be truthful tis wrong 10... 18, Tho name of the shop ison the tp of my. Te, bt just cant remember it now. (C._WORD FORMATION Complete the following sentences withthe correct form of the word given, 4. Thase instructions are in talian, Could | have an English plesse? ‘TRANSLATE 2. Students of a foreign language need to improve helt on as well as ACCURATE trying to speak witha degree of... FLUENT 3. IIs important Yo learn the COMB se.nnnvnnsnnnne OF8 ROW OR. PRONOUNCE 4, The gis in the 1688 a8 VEtY nnn «but he boys ars much quieter TALK 5. What she oid was wrong, I 6xpECt AM won rom ner APOLOGISE 6. Please tum offal mobile phones during the meating. We don't want any... bs INTERRUPT 14 0. EASLY CONFUSED WORDS i core mwe isi lsat emcee opac sBie 2 Whe Fc ay ed cing? tg / Singh o or a efi Sd hi a i awa To Nop 2 Tp wr ty ea agape BS sledel Peobicl gntod ate pet ache i from ded {acd ret hes wet ene Welle arc cr iirton[eendotbe ik wrizowie 4 Latta jose mane ean tom, Bia 7a Far a aa so re /wsa i t i a G 11, red a itpap ok al Si 12, agreed / agreed to / agreed with help her translate the article into French. She agreed / agreed to / ‘agreed with everything that | suggested, Exam Practice A. KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS Complete the second sentence so that ithas a similar meaning tothe frst sentence, sing the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word aiven. TIP! con't trget to use the key word. 1. He sid he was sony tat he ha tole 0 many hes, pelogised He so many lies. 2. Wet to phone our cousins regulary. touch We try to sao + Our cousins by phone. 3. You will have to help us tidy up. get You can't... rena 4. Because they were arguing, I left the room. argument Because they cn 5. When | went into the room, the poltical situation was under discussion. about When | went into the room, thay 6. finaly agreed to goto the concer with John. persuaded ohn faly - a “ 7. She was shouting very lousy and waving her hands in the i: volee ‘Sho was shouting at hsping us tidy up. «Heft the room. the political situation to the concert with him. and waving her hands inthe ai ‘8 You can contact me by e-mail you want. Hor's my address. got Hi give you my exmall address so that you can... i. 15 wore eo Below is some information about the languages spoken in Europe. Some words are missing, Decide what thy are, ‘Choose from antong the words below by marking the corresponding letter. (There Is one word you won't need and ‘one you may use twice,) ‘A themselves |B foreign © native D_ tongue E ge F_speak conversation | Hl multilingual | communicate [J tell LANGUAGES IN EUROPE ‘Did you know that there are currently 23 official European Union languages? A recent survey has shown, that nearly half of Europe is already (1) ... ~ 56% of European citizens can hold a (2) ... in more than r | fears tirom aoe tl % English is the number-one language — only 13% of the EU population (3)...... it as their mother (4) wut farther 38% know enough 0 (5) on. by i everyday stations, | Telngnge harass name (6). speakers German, but ony 4% of Baopn | L speak it as (7). language. People in Luxembourg are the most likely to be fluent in more than one language, followed by Slovakia and Latvia, where more than nine out of 10 people can easily make (8). tinderstood in another language. People inthe United Kingdom, Ireland and Italy are the east likely to speakca (9). language ~ more than half are not able fo (10) another language. (©. MULTIPLE CHOICE CLOZE Read the text below and decide which answer, A, B,C or D, best fits each space. GOOD COMMUNICATION ‘Throughout our lives, good communication isthe key to success. In our personal relationships, we need to be able to get our ideas and feelings (1) ne and to understand what others are trying to tell us, Paremts and children need to (2)... things without (3) a. arguments all the time. ‘Communication is important in other areas of life too; if we eat (A) wm ‘ourselves understood at work or at school, how are we going to manage? At work, if your colleagues fel they are being (5) .. or told what to do, they may complain, Some might do more than (6) (7) to cooperate. IF you want to (8)... in business, you need the ability to (9)... others into buying what you are selling. As well as choosing words carefully, it’s important to understand that we (10) «ourselves in other ways too. Ninety percent ofthe impression we make on others depends on things like body (11) appearance and (12) ..yand only 1086 on what you are saying. We ean all benefit from knowing more about ‘good communication. LA up B away © across D down 2A. discuss B owlk © speak D chat 3. A making B having © doing D_ getting 4A have B do © make D speak 5, A. objected B advised © complained D criticised 6 A grumble Bo mumble © van D giggle 7 A deny B regret C refuse D threaten BA. getoutof B gecon © gett D getover 9. A talk B tell © ay D. persuade 10. A exclaim B admit C apres D impress 1. A signs B language © tongue D gesture 12. A point B advice © noise D voice 16 Review 1 |A._ OPEN CLOZE Road the toxt below and think of the word which best fts each space. Usa only one word In each space. CAN ANIMALS TALK? ‘There ate many films with talking animals in them, and many people claim to be able to understand what their eat cor dog is trying to tll ther. Some animals can be taught to use words. Parrots, (1) enceenenene example, can learn to repeat things like their names but researchers (2) realy know (3) -they are saying. ip general scientists believe that the way humans use language wet). wat they mean is unigue. Animals use many different ways to communicate basic ideas: bees doa complicated dance to show other bees where to find flowers, and neaty all animals use movements (5) svn StURS for communication. But the way people use words (6) diferent. We il studying ther to discover if they use sounds (7) _mean specific things, and we can put together any meaning we want from BY ait sounds we make, The noises which are made (9). animals, such as bird calls cor dog barks, can only express (10) «few general ideas. The noise warns the others that an is danger, but they eannot expres what the danger is or say what £0 (12) ene about it, B, KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS Complete the second sentenca so that ithas a similar meaning tothe first sentence, using the word ven. Do not change the word given, You must use between two and five words, including the word slven. 4. We've neverbean to Canada before. time This is the fst i 10 Canada. 2. Tomy has a bad habit of not teling the truth, an itreally annoys me. always: Tony « eee E os, and it wally annoys me. 3. My fiends managed to persuade me to go climbing with them. Into My fiend cen . areata cw liming with them. 4. Wihat is his opinion of hie new French teacher? think What his new French teacher? 5. They ae talking about the plans fora new language echool today. alscussed ‘The plans for @ now language schoo! 6. She came to ve here in 1995. tiving $0 a ~ 11995, 7. When dle you fst mest Charles? long How . ibe ee z sens Chats? '8, Helen Is recovering from a rocent ness. getting Helen a 7 . Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 10. 18 ‘hat musical instrument “The guitar 8. playing your brother . dows play your brathar does your brother play lays your brother “Jennifer have you made any vacation plans yot?” "Wo, an» of going abroad. a.m thinking b thin ve thought | would think this car broke down yesterday It. a eepairs b. repaired &isrepainng is being repaired We fave baen waiting for you a. akeady b. sofer & for 8. since How long... this house? ‘have you owned . are you owning 0 you ovn have you been owning So far this month, three important speeches soe by th president. & are making bare baing made have made have Deen med “Would you lke (9 38 a movie tonight?” can. |. fnished my homework yet ‘a. donthave bi haven't & amnot . dian't “Tom is very tired. He... hard recenty. ‘a. hes basn working was working Is working works in the garage. 15 minutes [hope you're lstoning and a. write ba wring e. youwriting a. towite This fod a taste bs tastng & tastes, has tasted oiicious. .-down the new words. ah 12 18. 14, 18, 16, 7, 18. 19. ‘Sue. for forgalting Jane’ eter complanes b, regretted 8. exousad 4. apologized He had great aouty in... what he wanted to say. ‘a. getting on speaking up (getting across talking over +10 tall us what they knew about the matter. a refused b. denied, ‘8 objected 1. mjpoted “The principal... the class to tak to the students 8 interviewed '. Intenupted mentioned 4, exclaimed Hor name was on the. ‘count remambar 8 end b, top edge 4. tp ‘of my tongue, but When you learn @ new word, learn how to spel Tan ROW 10 oe ‘pronounce ‘announce express sound 10 tel his parents what he had done, Ho's never satisfied, Hes gesturing grumbling whisoening eclaing Past Tenses (active and passive): Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Continuous; used to/ would {din sloop well at al lastnight 1 wasnt sleeping well at l last night. [A When | went into the living reom, my father was watching TV 1B Wher | went into the ving room, my tether watched TV. [A Were you going swimming every day after sohool ast month? B ia you ga swimming every day after ‘schoo! last month? @) A whie | was crossed the road, | saw © ‘an accident. While | was crossing the road, | saw an accident @) A A cide't mean to upset her; I'm sorry about it BI wasrit meaning to upset her; 'm sorry about it @ 2 047g me intorvow, ans answers were recorded for a radio programe. 1 During the interval his answers were ecoring for a radi programme, (@) A wen coke out of the window, the sky was bu and he sun shone 1 When! looked out ofthe window the thy was Due andthe sun was airing {A I did't know that he had let B | didnt know that he let @ 4 We were phoning him mmestely 1 We phoned Ni medley A They did't use toe B Thoy didnt used to TEST YOURSELF fod th para setenes blow and cl tho setence which correct. BANE: A ya etng avr ood fim ast woo @ sw avery good th st week @ ee eee By the tie they arnve, al the preparations had been made By the time they arrived all the roparations had made. He was studying English fortwo years ‘when he fist went to Britain. He had been studying English for two years when he frst went to Birtain. ‘After they had done the shopping, they had started to prepare the meal. ‘ter they had done the shopping, they started to prepare the meal. His clothes were wet because he had been walking in te rain. His clothes were wet because he walked in the ain Unt he arrived, they were ea. By the time he arived, they were reac, | used to have short hai now it's long. | was used to have short hair; now it's ong |W would lve in smal lt ‘We used to Wve in smal fat. Di Jute buy anything new the ather day? Has Jule bought anything new the other day? [A Tey used to go to the cinoma every wook. ‘They would to goto the cinema avery Wook. The tamily had finished eating before wa anived, “The family has fished eating before we arrived 19 FORM USE BxaMPLes PAST SIMPLE Ri bie to Aetive '@. @ completed action that took ‘He Tet home two years ago. 2 versed (excont meguiar verbs) place at a definite tine in the past 2 worked , several actions inthe past which He got up, washed and went | eevee happened one after another corsa. E | Heididet work «the main events in narative He hissed her and asked ner : toma tim Passive tositess the action rather han The book was published 2 was/were + past participle the agent ln Novenb | { pastconrinuous 5 Active a an action in progress at 2 ‘AL 8.00 pm. tast righ, | was was / wore + verbing spect time in the past Siecex beceenat | was working. b, two incomplete actions taking Tm was lstoning ote rao We were working place atthe sametime in the past wile San was reading a bok. Was beciidt ‘an action in progress (Past The cidren were chating noisy Were you working Continuous) nterupted by Ie ther teacher entered ast working. ‘another action (Past Simpic) They weren't work m ~ 4. background to narrative weit the garden Theirs jks Passive to stess the ection rate then The ets were sti being put up was /were being + past participle TW agent hen eared Remember! We don't use the continuous form when a verb refers toa state, not an action (See Stative Verbs, Unit 1,) TIME EXPRESSIONS Past Simple: ago, yesterday, last week, in 1953, In November, widen, the other dy Past Continuous: yesterday a fve o'clock, ae, while used to / would FORM USE EXAMPLES sed to + bare infinitive can only bo used in past tensa — replacos Past Simple Negative {an action that happened regularly (used to pay ‘ens, but don't id use to / never used to inthe pest but no longer happens ave te eneray now. ‘Question b. a past state or stustion id you use to have 2 garden Did you use to... when you were a ci? would + bare infinitive past habits oF repeated actions ‘She would always step wit) (Pot usually Used in negative and _‘(OPly used to can refer to past the window open ‘quoation forms) am For information on be used to and get used to, see Unit 25, 0 Past Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Continuous Form Use EXAMPLES |__ PAST PERFECT SIMPLE Active fan action that happened before snother -—-—Teyhad moved horse betoe we had + past patciple action or period of tne inthe past ative ne altoid. | She had worked yt tine aie, rayon obo ‘ad gone ome | Had ste woe? ‘nad ro sare go wok than We hadi worked Ree Passive | hed been + past participle to stress the action rather than the agent ‘Theale ad been eaten PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS Active 2. an action which started belore another (ad Bean aang iran hau had been j verbing action in th past and was atin ten he dort an. ‘Sho had booa working. progress a the ime of the second action Had she been working? an action that ha jst finished at @ ‘is hans wre dt because he ‘We nad’ been working. parteuartme nthe past but wes stil a boon working nh gar. rolavant at that tims (660 Present Passive No passive form Perfect Gontinuous) NOTE ‘We can often use Past Simple instead of Past Perfect when the time expression ( rmakoe it clear which action happened fret. After she (had) finished tunch she took a nap. TIME EXPRESSIONS Past Perfect Simple: by the time, aftr, befor, whan, as soon a, already for, no soaner ... than Past Portoct Continuous: for since, all night / woek afternoon » before, ater) COMMON MISTAKES cS The following sentences contain mistakes commonly made by students, Rewrite them correctly. ey Ss 1. Last winter they were going skiing every weekend. 2, As. chil | would love ioe cream, but today | nate Ht 3, [twas raining heavily when we were leaving the house 4, ‘She haan t0 500 him for yoars 5. He was working there fortwo years wien he moved offices. 6, The ols house hadnt been painting fr years. A 22 Grammar Practice Complete te following sentences with he caret frm of the vet in brackos. Use past tenses. While we (play) tennis yesterday, it (ctart to rain 2. Thereport (complete) before WE ss esesnnn (eave) th office, a swe sesso fave the shop, we « (moet) our aunt, wo ‘ Anvite) us fo dinner, 4. By the tme my MOHET oo (come) home, we (tidy uo) our room. He snus nninnnnsns lk) 10 BS Herd for Several minutes wher his OLE nn (arrive) anc ssn iterrupt) ther conversation, 6. By thetime| cn (WARE UB), HE FIN se sense (tO) and the sun - (shine) again. ‘Complete the following sontonces withthe correct time expression below, Use each time expression once only. There are more words than you need. sill © the oer day * ago * for * since bythe time » already + until © while sou WE realloed oUF mistake, we had driven 20 km inthe wrong crecton We couldn't use the swimming pool because I WAS non being repaired, 1 2 3. Youll never guess wh | saw ~ our old maths tesched 4. Fity years ‘nobody had personal computers in their homes. 5. tread my book: ~ | was waiting for my doctors appointment 6. Simon's mum was angry because he had been playing computer games ha got home from schoo! ‘Compite the following paragraphs with the correct form of the verb In brackets. 1 Iewas the first time thet Harry (1) --suin (ever ly) in an aeroplane and naturally, he was very ‘excited, When the suiteases (2) natnnnsn (Pack), he and his family (3) c (set off) for the airport, Harrys parents Hiked travelling and they used (4) . sou (go) abroad quite often, so they (5) mw (always weer) comfortable clothes for such journeys. Two hours ater he let his house, Harry (6) ” ssn (uy) before he (8) (read) his magazine for an hour when lunch (10). 2, Last Saturday my friend and I (1) a) (sit) in the aeroplane, reading a magazine wich he - (board) the plane, He (9) serve) (decide) to go shopping in town. Once we v= (g0) straight to the new music (arrive) in the city centre, we (3) shop, wich (4). (open) by a local singer a few weeks before. We (5) (try) fora few days to find the time to go there and We (6) ernnesnnnn-ene (NOt Be) disappointed. There 1vas a wonderful selection of CDs in the shop, and we both (7) (spend) an enjoyable hhour there before we (8) shave) Lunch, Complete the following sentences withthe correct form of used fo or would. You may need to use the negative, ‘There may be more than one correct answer. Sam bbe in my clase at soho! but he moved a yoar ago. My brother lke Chinese food but now he tikes it very much, When we were young, OUF COUSINS .nsnnsnnone SONd the weekends with Us, My grancmother often telus about her fe when she was a gi {90 tothe beach a lot when you were a child? 1 .- know this area vory wel but ithas changed a lt . ed net i annette anneal “The Grace Darling Museu (1) ... bythe Royal Nationa Lifeboat Institution in 1938 in memory ofa young heroine who (2)... famous exactly 100 years eulin. Grace Darling (3)... in a lighthouse with her father on atiny rocky island in the [North Sea, She (A) «him keep the lighthouse working and (5)... watch for sailors i trouble. She was just 22 years eld when, on 7th September 1838, a ship (6) wun onto the rocks ina storm. Sh helped her father row a tiny boat out tothe ‘wreck to rescue nine survivors People at the time were amazed that a young woman ‘ould show such strength and courage, and portraits (7) .m« showing her batling against wind and waves, her hair lying behind her. The museum contains various items belonging to Grace and the boat which (8)... in the famous rescue 1. A was established B had established © established 2. A. hasbecome B. had become © was becoming 3, A haslived B. waslived © lived 3 4 A used to help B washelping Chad been helping 5. A wasalso keeping —-B_ would also heep © wasalso kept 6 A ran B used to run © hadrun 7. A. were painting B pained © were painted 8. A would use 1B was used C was being used Exam Practice |A._ KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS Complote the second sentence so that It has a silo meaning to the fist sentence, ising the word given. Do not change the word given You must use between two and five words, ineuding the word siven. TIPE ntoke sure your answer does not include any unnecessary words, Write only 2-8 words. 1. Thad to tidy my desk before | could got down fo work. until Houlan' get down t0 WOFK oon - uy dosk. 2, Jenefer never forgot her mother’s birthday. always: Senviter sconce _ hor mother's birthday. ‘2, An Italian drove the winning carn the race. by “The wining Car in the 1208 wwe : vf alan, 4. The postman arived inthe mile of our breakfast, while 5. hadn't ished checking my test when the examiner told me to stop, still i x st my test when the examiner told me to stop, 6. Allan studied hard all day so he was very tired that night. because Allan was vary ted that night. 2 hard al day. 7. The boys often played football The boys sn “ afterschool 8. This isthe house where lived whan Lwas.a boy. used ‘This isthe house where... | was boy. 23 wr B. Choose the word or phrase that best complotes the sentence, 1. They san on our street for several 6. "Why did they lower their volons?"™ weeks when [frst met ther "Thay obviously didn't want me to hear were living wat ana b. have lived ‘2. wes being discussed lived b. discussed had been living ©. would daouss 1. were discussing 2. Whan George... the bus stop, his fiends were already there, 7. “What... between 9,00 and 10.00 last a arrived right?” the policeman asked. b. had anived '& were you doing eas arving . had you done 6. was arived © have you done d.were you done 8, Sand leaked in her bag anc lecovered that her walt. 8. "Dia you understand the boo ‘8. was stolen NO, Ot wn a tad the translation, had been stolen a. since ©. hed stolen b. yet d. stole unt while 4. They 10 him immediately after the Interview, 9. The frst sirplane by tha Wright '2. had been wrtton| brothers in 1908, i wore wating 8. was fying ©. wrote was flown were written ©. few had flown 5. "Why did the boss send Linda home yesterday’ 10. Henny was out of breath because "Because she oI" be an. to catch the tain 2. was looked aren b. had looked had been running haa been looking was running looked used to run (6. OPEW CLOZE Read the text below and think ofthe word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each epace. TIP! nememer to read the winole text carefully before you start. A BIRTHDAY SURPRISE. Generally, fanet (1) » get home at about 6.30, but that evening she got home later than expected because she had missed her usual train, The house was very quiet and in total darkness; obviously nobody else had come home (2) snmnsnnnn «She had been in the house for only a few seconds (3) ssnsssmnn he heard a slight noise in the living room and she (4) there, wondering what todo. (3) she was trying to find the courage to go (6) « the living room and see ‘what was happening, she (7) --« someone laugh quietly, and then there was silence again. Finally, Janet went in, Suddenly the lights (8) vow Switched on, Her family and all her friends were in the room, singing “Happy Birthday” A surprise party had (9) ‘organised for her! Everyone had been sitting inthe dark living 100M (10) cenmnnn 8M hous, waiting for her to come home. They all (11). wonderfal time at the party, Janet had not (12) jrthday, so the whole evening was areal surprise for her, 110 celebrate her 2 Vocabulary People and Relationships TEST YOURSELF ‘Complete the sentences with the correct form of a word below: There are more words than you need. ‘Make sure you understand al te words in the vocatulary boxes, not just the correct answers. RELATIONSHIPS adolescent bridesmaid exwite nieve separated adopt couple father inlaw oly child single adult divorced Bancée orphan bride engaged infant Here's a photo of my friend Fim’s wedding, I was best man. As you can see, there were lots of guests, a8 Jim has alot of (1) and most of them came. Pm standing between the @ (Bridget) and irs new (3) (Bridge's dad). Bridget’s parents are (4) sae and her father has since remarried, but luckily he still gets on well with his (5) senna y$0 they both came to the wedding, Bridget is an Co + but Jim has two brothers: Tom, on the right is stil (7). 4 but Greg has just got (8) and is planning his wedding forthe summer. Thats his (9) semana standing next him Bdge itl ousing Sally and Donna, were (10) so - Don't they look eute? APPEARANCE bala feature middle-aged pretty straight beard elderly freckle ‘moustache stim wavy 11, you havea pale... nv YOU MUSt Be caraul nt to gat sunburnt 12, My father isin his mi-iies. | guess you could call HiT enn 418, A fow years ago he had thick black hai, but now he's completely i 14. We generally say that boys are good-looking, but gis are 15. Women should wear make-up te emphasive thei best . PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS conscientious enthustatic hospitable obedient selfcentred sympathetic considerate frithful independent outgoing stubborn tactful 16, fhwasn't very soos Of YOU ttl her that her new hairstyle doesn't sult hel 17. His nephew isa Very ns ensnssnsnsennnn Person. He cares about other people's feelings and wishes, 418, Hold her my problem but she wasn't very . 19, Paulis avery sss Student; he aay does his homework and works hard 20, Steven's parents are very They are always inviting people to thelr house. 25 airs is. Vocabulary Practice as oy" ‘A. USEFUL COLLOCATIONS AND EXPRESSIONS Complete the following sentences with a suitable word, 1. My brother is friendly person, He srsnnnninannn ONES Very easy 2. Denise's children are very noisy — don't know hove she PURE omnes with them. 8. like to introduce you te Pamela, She & C1088 ne nnnnnn OF IN, 4. don't know what's wrong with my sister today. She's bad mood. 5, George is sharing a flat with another student. They get wll 8. ims parent ...0.sssysunn GORGRG Many years ago and he grew up in a single-parent . 7. mot sure how old Mr Lewis is ~ probably his early thirties, 8. Thay had a bad quae! a few days ago, but they've now made. ‘and are fiends again 8. She LOOKS & lot nnnsnsrnnnn ROF Mother, But her seta resembles her father more, 10. Margaret and tan In love and decideatto married a few months lator. '.PHRASAL VERBS Complete the following sentences withthe correct form of one ofthe phrasal verbs with bring, bring about * tring down * bringin ® ring out bring back * bring off © brigen » bring up 4. When he saw his old house again it ‘memoras of his ehidhood, 2. She took on extra work three evenings a week, but it erly = afew pounds. 3. Jane's new boyfriend has «complete changs in her behaviour, 4. Thayve ust ‘new digital camera whichis excellent. 5. The governments trying very MAG 0 on 1 the rate of inflation. 8. It wasn't an easy thing to do, but | was sure she would ca 7. She has - her children to be very independant 8. Heriliness was by stress at work. ©. ADJECTIVES Compete the following sentoncos with the correct adjective below, flexible + rude » pessimistic * amblious + generous * softsh « introverted Pat has an optimistic attitude to Ife. She doesn't believe in being Furth fs stubborn, She should feam to 60 MOP@ enn Tom is very outgoing but his brothers. Linda only thinks about hase: sh ‘Simon is mean whereas his fend Alex is quit. Merk isnot interested in doing well in life but his cousin is ‘Sam isnot polite child. His behaviour is very 1D, EASILY CONFUSED WORDS Circle the correct answer 41. dont ike wearing bright colours. They don ft / sult mateh me. 2. After Susan's parents broke up, her methor brought her up / grew her up / brought her out alone. 8. Sophia looks after / takes after / agrees with her grandmather ~ she has the same looks and personaly. 4 Hor parents are celebrating their anniversary today. They have been manied / got married / married for 25 years. 5. Although the twins, Sue and Ann, look exacly alike, each one Is single / alone / unique in her own wey. ET E, PREFIXES Complete the following sentences with the negative form of the word in bold. (Choose from the prefixes un, in, in, ds- and i 1. Harry isso... obedient; he never doos what his parents tel tim My cousin is very ......esponsible; he naver keeps his promises, ve ia very ena of you tla ter ie that, Le, w Falvay very ay foil toe. ‘he 9 mature bau th yourget ils ne ei Ashcan ves pope ned dt have many a Pepe vo ta ora neat a must aap Garg ling ha got pin hon wot ese nen F COMPOUND ADJECTIVES Complete the following paragraph with the adjectives below to form compound adjectives. ‘You wil need to use two ofthe words twice. short * woll * good * brand * hard * easy © fair» tight © half + blue Jeffrey Sanderson is 2 19-year-old who lives in a small town outside London. He has « very pleasant personality and he is also very (1). -looking. He is (2) ined, (3). eyed and a). skinned, He is tall for his age and very (5) -built, and he is quite strong because he goes to the gym regularly effey likes to keep up with the latet fashions and is always very ©) dressed, Today he is wearing 3 (7) -sleeved shirt and (8) ting jeans. His also wearing (9) vevnnn-neW leather jacket that he bought at (10) -price in the sales. ‘As for his characte, he's very (11) yn ong, and he's popular with his bosses because he's (12) sane Working, Exam Practice |A. Read the sentences below and indicate which are logical. Mark A (YES) i the statement makes sense and 2B (NO) iit doesn't. Ith people look Ike each other, there's no resemblance ’An introverted person would fn it dificult to make frends easily. ‘An event is a success ifthe organisers bring it of “Two people ars no longer talking fo each other when they have made up, Parents usualy purish obedience, [Employers do not want their staff to be conscientious, {ts considered polite to be hospitable to guests. afelala|e lr |= 7 wr 8 KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS Complete the socond sontonce so that it has a similar meaning to the frst sentence, using the word glven. Do not change the word given You must use between two and five words, including the word siven, 1. Mrand Mrs Burton's wedding dey was 10 years ago, martied. Mr and Mes Burton a ra 5 v= 10 years 2, Wil you take care ofthe children for me tornonow sttemoon? look wii you si — . for me tomorrow aftemaon? 8. Doss anyone know why Erica and Sam started arguing? brought Wht nsensnninnsnininnnn . a ‘between Etion and Sem? 4. cant stand the way my brother behaves anymore. put Van. +» Behaviour anymore 5. The photos reminded Sam of his schooldays. memories The PROtO8 7 Sam's schooldays. 6, Because of his generosity, many people benefited from his kindness. 90 Because sna y MARY People benefited from his kindness. 7. They cidh't speak for a few weoks, but now they are fends again. made ‘They did't speak fora few weeks, but. lately 8. He didn't show much consideration for us when he phoned at micnight. him twas. phone us at midnight. WoO FORMATION Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals atthe end of some of the fines to form a word that fits inthe space inthe same line. Write your word inthe space. TIP! read the sontonoo caretuly to 500 it thes 2 positive or negative meaning. ‘Be prepared to form the negative or opposite form of the word glven. ‘THE GENERATION GAP. People talk about the generation gap asa kind of (1) =e DIVIDE something which is between young people and their parents. generally a problem when children enter their teenage years, and results in Q). on both sides. Parents, for example, can often be heard to ‘COMPLAIN say that young people are disrespectful and (3) and in addition, ‘OBEY tend to be (4) sw» when spending because they don't appreciate RESPONSIBLE the value of money, (3) vncssmunansensone OR the other hand, complain that ADOLESCENCE their parents don't understand them. ‘What has gone wrong? One (6) nnn lies in how society EXPLAIN das changed. In the past children would (7) ses Contin TYPICAL the way of life of their parents. In today’s world, parents are very (8) snmninsonne for their children because they want them to achieve more AMBITION than they did. The problem is thatthe children often don't agree with their pparente’ plans. Teenagers also r€ach (9) ns at an carier age than MATURE they used to and want their (10) sooner. The resulting eonfiet, INDEPENDENT is painful to both sides. Review 2 WORD FORMATION Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals atthe end of some of the tines to form 2 word ‘hat fits in the space inthe same line. Write your word in the space. HELPING A FRIEND ‘When was fourteen, Faye moved into the house next door. She was a fiend, @ and within afew hours of our rst meeting, she had TALK told me al about herself In fact, she talked so much that (2) her to offer information about myself was almost impossible, ae INTERRUPTION Faye and I became close, but overtime she became (3) mm INTROVERT and lost all her (4) ow for life, One day, when [asked what ENTHUSIASTIC was wrong, Faye told me quite (5) v= that it was none of my RUDE bbusiness, The next day she said that she owed me an (6) APOLOGISE ‘She then explained that her parents had been arguing a lot and she was afraid that they were going to get (7) ~ seve My parents rarely pIvoRCE, argued so I was (8). swith this kind of problem. FAMILIAR However, Iwas able to give her some 00d (9) a eevneensen#t0 speak ADVISE to an older (10). such as an aunt, about her concerns. RELATE ‘When she di so, she found out that there was nothing to worry about ata, Below isan article about teenagers. Choose the appropriate word (A, & or C) with which to fil in the gaps. PHER PRESSURE ‘unhappy at school because they ind it dffielt xo make (2) x poor grads. They may also worry about thee (4)... and often feel under enormous pressure to dress, tlk ‘and (5) sn» the same as others. This phenomenon is called peer pressure, and itis very comiman in today’s -society. Advertising contributes a lot to the social pressures teenagers (6) mw. «Advertisers know how important isto fel that you belong to a group when you are (7)... your teens so they ty to (8) teenagers that ‘ertain products will make them (8) sn. with their dassmates. Sadly; many teenagers act (10) dangerous things just to (11)... others accept them, Peer pressure is ofien the reason for teenage smoking, drug abuse or dangerous driving, Teenagers need to learn to say “no” to social pressure and to fin friends ‘who they can (12) aw things over with wen they have a problem, a. [CUA adolescents || 8 adults Gi |e infans 2 [COA relatives |B tiiends |e couples 3 [OA get lB pat Ce bein 4 | [A tooking (|B characteristic | [C appearance sla ft OT |B behave I [eobe (6. [ED [A feet |B belong OV [c_own ie Op on Cc in &_| OV | A_ persuade 1B getacross OIC argue | 9. [OF [A faithful |B popular Vc hospitable 10. | CJA iesponsibly | J | B flexibly CT [C comsideratly n. | O/A de |B make CY fc cause 12. | CPI A discuss O fe tak COC express 29 ~ Review 2 (C. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 10. "Why ... me that George wats nthe hospital?” “rm som | forgot.” ‘a haven't you told dict you tel ©. don't you tll hadn't you told \ havent spoken to Paul since | the concent ast Saturday had seen b. seen ©. have seen 6 saw Before she lt the ofc, sho made sue that ereryting fo the mestng was preparing tad prepared had been prepared Prepares reaktat when the dog started to bark were having im at 6 e a perce = ast 84 Jane as “2. Before two weeks . fortwo wooks (e. twoweeks ago since two weeks ‘The Empire State Building ‘a, had bull was bul were bult has been bul “Have you ever been to Parts? *Y68, |v: t0 Pas two months ago." have been b. been have gone . went ‘Tho vistors had arrived by the time Robert home from work a. has come: 'b, had come ‘8. wa5 coming 1m sony: Ive forgotten what .. ‘2. youtels me. . did you tell me © youtell ma 4. wore you teing me “They ..-» Spanish for two years when they ‘went on ther fre trp fo Spain, a. learned >, had been learning ewer learning have been learning = 1981 at 2 18, 4, 16. 7, 18. 18. 20, Lite can be dificult for... they are not chien ane they are not adults, a. young tants 2. orphans 1d. adolescents THey've on. thee eileen to know the: a. putup grown up & brought up 3. getup ‘When Jenny sits out inthe sun, she gst. al over her face. a complexion b. feokles elderly features Linge definite... her father ‘gets on brings about ‘gets across takes ator ohn ard his... spend all ther time planning ther wedding a fanede bridesmaid ©. widow engagement ‘Margaro’s boss is pleased because she is always vory on. about her work. ‘a. stubborn conscientious ©. theeatening 6. disebedtant ‘They are determined to got on in the worl. They are 20 a. easy-going relaxed ambitious 8. untarsiar ‘Sonia is aivays.... earn the mornings. ‘8. infer early twenties b. ina bad mood brand new &. wel-bult My brother is sl. a. single b unique . settish separate ibe not martied yet, She cid answer me ~ she ust ‘something | couldn't hoar. informed adopted mumbled blamed Future Tenses (active and passive): Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Simple, Future Perfect Continuous; be going to, Present Simple, Present Continuous EXAMPLE: & He phones you tomorrow. | Is she meeting her friend for lunch today? 3B Does she mest her rind for lunch today? [A You're going shopping? | come with you. 8B Are you golng shopping? If come with you. A Good luck! We'l be thinking of you. Good luck! We'ra going to tink of you. [A Whe eave schoo) 'm going to study law. 1B When {leave schoo), | am studying law, A Doctors predict that they vill soon be finding cure for cancer. 8B Doctors predict that they will soon find a cure for cancer. 'A. What time is the fim boginning tomorow? 'B- What time does the flm begin tomorrow? [A The now cinema wil bul just outside the city cent. BB The new cinema wil be bul just outsiée the city contre [A This time next week It be fying to London. This ime next week be flown to London, this winter. B Sly wil be working therefor 20 years this winter @ 2 Woroe carvan ve dobre by th one of the wor B The new car will have been delivered by the ‘ans of the week to wi phone you tomorow Sally wil have beon working therefor 20 years a a7 TEST YOURSELF ead the pars of sentences below and circle the sentence which is correct. You't be home by 7 o'clock, won't you? ‘You'l be home by 7 o'clock, aren't you?” Do you know when the new store opens? ‘Do you know when the new ster is opened? 'W.ask Dad as soon as he's going to get home, ask Dad aa soen 2s he gate home. By Eastor, well have lived here fr sk yoars By Easter, we are ling hore for six years, By next year, computers are going to come down @ lot in prio By next year, computers wil have come down alot in pic. ''m visting my grandmather the other day. rm visiting my grandmother the day ater foment \Wal you halp me with my homework, plaase? ‘Ae you ping me with my homework, please? Soon, they wll be modernised the old classrooms. Seon, the old classrooms will be moderised When you will larn to type it's quickor to use 8 computer. When you leam to type, H's quicker to use a computer. Joba is about to start a new jo. Joha stars a naw jab. a ’ Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Simple, “\ Future Perfect Continuous Form USE EXAMPLES ) FUTURE SIMPLE | ative 2. information about he ure uy te det oro wl ¢ bore inttve ba spontaneous ccton ely? come to! ‘wil Wor, ofr request yo ope ewido, ese? ‘Will she work? ie Sane ae apace oe Tet wil be terest 5 wilegness orretise to Joep yupck but ne wont | : ‘something ‘take you to the airport. i 4 opinions or speculations about /ekaec hay wil be to. | : {Rode ato: ink know unt ney Doe ROSS SPER, G5, (ORS, ‘I'm sure we'N be ready on time. rat Passive tostrosethecctonaherthan The ilte sted soon will be + past participle ‘the agent FUTURE conniNuous Active nen eine an action wile playing tstta veer : will be + verbsing. ‘be in progress at a certain time 8.00) and 9.00 tomorrow night. : | will be working. ae hiee 2 | ithebe waning? autre acon hathas been My ganar wl esting £ | Yuwentibe wan. bre-arangea (3 ot woken. = Passive No passive form | FUTURE PERFECT SIMPLE Active an acvtytat wl competed By ert ok owl av cored See ee: Eyecuninentetare oust wike ii ave worked Ui he have worked? They won't have wore E | ieee: to sves the acton rather hen Th ters il son have een will have been + past participle =o delivered. i FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS Active an acy hat sara begun 8 ett, owl bave Been ‘will have been + verb+ing ‘2nd will stil be in progress at a working here for five years, al a en eg specie te in the fulure | Wal they have been werking? ‘She won't have been working, Passive No passive form NOTE ‘The modal shallis used with / and we and can be used to talk about the future and to make offers oF suggestions, but itis not vary common, ‘Shall open a window for you? We shal never forget ths day we met be going to, Present Simple, Present Continuous FORM USE EXAMPLES bbe going to + bare infinitive 1. plans, intention or decisions ‘We're going to find out about the concert ‘already taken ». toppredict an event based on The sky is lack. There's going to be things we know orcan see aston Passive to stress the action rather than The projec! s going to be completed ‘be going to be past participle te agent aia PRESENT SIMPLE ‘planned future action or series My fight leaves at 8.30 a.m. next Tuesday. ‘of actions connected with timetables ora journey PRESENT CONTINUOUS personal arrangements and ‘Hei taking Jim othe 20 tomorow, ‘xed plans (usualy with a ‘Are you doing anything spec ogi? ‘ume expression) ‘NOTES 11 The following phrases are also used to express the future. They refer to something that will happen ‘very soon, ‘be about 10+ bare infinitive ‘She Is about to start a new job. ‘be on the point of + gerund He is on the point of opening his own business 2 The following words end phrases are followed by the Present Simple although they have a future meaning. + expressions of timo which refer to the future: when, once, as soon as, afr, before, the moment, ec Do the ashes betore you go out. | van to join the police when | leave schoo! ‘+ no matter what / who! where / when / how / which ‘No matter what no does, we'l fave him! No matter when you arrive, Ise you. COMMON MISTAKES The folowing sentences contain mistakes commonly made by students. Rewrite them correctly. 4. ve made up my mind. | wil study physics at university 2. Did you say you nese mik? 'm buying some for you. |. By next month, | illbe going out with my gititend for a yeac 4, This tine next week | wil swim inthe new swimming poo. 5. The concert wil start at 8:30 tomorrow evening, Don't be late! Se TT TEN TS Erm Grammar Practice ; ‘A. Completa the following sontoncos with tho correct form ofthe vet in brackets, Choose from Future Simple, Present Simple, Present Continuous or be going to. 41. They expect that about 200 people sonons ttond) the lecture. a (write down) your new address and phone number for me? 3, The sun's coming out It (be) a nice oy, | 4, Tm ure at YOU A€VI08 smn (not take); ho's vary stubborn '5, When | get my pocket money atthe end ofthe weak, I. (buy) a new oD. 6. The day after tomorow, |. (travel) to Spain for an international conference 7. Susan wants to go on holiday wih her trends but her perents so (not lot} her. £8, Look out! Drive more SlOWIY! We sens «(eras into the car in font! 9, My cousin and his ginfrend sn: (et married) soon. We're very pleased about i {finish et about fue o'lock. | hope we time, 40, The match next Satutday nnn 5 co (be abl) to gat hon 'B. Complete the following sentonces with the correct form ofthe ver in brackets. Choose from Future Continuous, Future Perfect Simple and Future Perfect Continuous (active or passive). 4. This time next year he (study) arenitecture in Nevr York, 2. Between 9.00 and 10.00 tomeroW” motriNg, WE ows nsnnnn (shop) at the mart. 8. Hopetly the fox machine - -n Pepi by is aternoon, 4 There no point in pning him; he eave) by now ‘5. leant hap you on Sunday | (st) my relatives al dy. 6. Bynext June, she (wor inthe bark for 12 years 7. Promise me that by tomorrow morning you sy Up) yu 0m, 8. By the end ofthe weak, a naw government (oles, 8. By Rent Yor, We sn ce ve in Ergin fortwo years. 10. By the time he fishes university he nn (ede) wnat kind of work he wants todo. ©. Complete the following paragraph with the correct form of the verb in brackets. There may be more than one ‘correct answer. Let Madame Claire Tell Your Fortune {predict that you (1) (have) a very successfl fe i ‘Yu have alceady told me that you (2) on sun (tudy) fashion design | at the moment. By the age of 30, you (3) (open) your own | dress shop and your othe (8) xn (be) very popula By then, YOU (5) sn . cs (already make) Tot of money, and you © (not have) any financial worries se a very happy marriage too. In 15 years time, you (7) (lve) in big house with your husband and four children, and you (8) ... (eeture) to fashion students all over the country. By the time | you retire, you () (teach) in fashion colleges for more than 20 years, But now we must top. (10). (meet) a group of fortune-tellers this evening, and our programme I an) ‘begin at 7.30. 'm sure that my predictions for You (12) nen (come) true~they always do! Goodbye and good hick! 4 ‘A. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 41. This time next month they... thelr exams. 7. By 7.00 tis evening, al the reparations a. are taking 2 willbe made b. wil take '_ are going to be made © willbe taking ill ave bean mado wl nave been taken date mace: 2. Petorhas to be atthe airport early on 8 By lunchtime, she... for three hours. Monday moming. His fight... at 8.00 a.m. willbe studying a eaves ®, willhave boon stung bil leave ©. ts studying wil have let J. Is about to stdy about to leave 9 “TH petal beating a ight 8. Don't Wony you choose a present vn e0ming Out for cates then, wl you?* a antiing” Sau wi be b wilelp b. Willyou be © going to help © Won't you be hel You won't be 44, Please don't phone between 8.00 and 9.00 40. By the time they ave, he on his homework this evening... my favourite sogp opera. 3. will ave fished 2 Miwateh wil have been fishing bm on the polnt of watching was going to finish eH have been watching wi be fished si inate 11. Heal you when .. what the decision 5. Next week, a new it... inthe town al, 2. Lam hearing a. wil instal bv hear ©. wil be instaing © Lam going to hear © will be installed d thear a loti 42, mur va wil look great no matter. ‘what will she wear 6. Sarah and |... next Friday atthe beach. aes ate not spending don't spend wil not have spent not going to spend ‘hal she fs wearing ‘what she will waar pore 'B, Below isan item from a newspaper. Some words are missing. Decide what they are. Choose from among the words ‘below by marking the corresponding letter. (There are three words you won't need and three you may use twice.) A will B_ going © about | D don't E becoming by G_ when Hobe Lis J_being ‘A recent report on the BEC described changes happening to our climate: the weather throughout the world 1s (1) we more difficult wo predict and unfortunately the situation is (2)... to get worse, Experts believe there (3) an be more storms, causing more damage than ever before. The sea level has already begun to rise and some places are in danger like the island of Tuvalu in the Pacific, which will (4) .. completely covered by ‘water soon. According to one prediction, sea levels (5) .. have risen 50 em (6) nthe year 2100. So what are We (7) wwe to do about iff The problem (8)... caused by our use of energy and, according tothe Friends ‘ofthe Earth, i wil not (9) «solved until we all take action to use less electricity, gas and oil. But (10). ‘imagine anyone is going to give up his car or airconditioning because afew experts are worried about what «will happen in the future. irs 96 mm 7 KEY WORD TRANSFORMATIONS Complete tho second sentence so that thas a similar meaning to te first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word siven. 1. Our intention isto buy tickets forthe concert as soon as possible, are We ai . forthe concert as soon as possible, 2. Ilheeme round ones | th my homework. 9 1 eome round ‘ 1 MY homework: 3, We have booked to pay tennis for 6.00 to 6.00 p.m. tomorow. playing Between 5,09 and 6.00 pm. tomorrow, 2 ss oi 4. They hope to finish writing al she invitations before the post office closes. will “They hope that al he ivietlons cen . vnsnnse Bole the post office closes, ‘5, Simon and Lucy ee calebrating thelr akth wedding anniversary on 28th Decembsx married By the and of the year, Simon and Lucy 66, have deckded not to apply for that job; the eelsry is not good enough, think 1 . apply for that job; the salary is not aood enough. 7. Thay wil open the new shopping cenire next Tuesday evening. be “The new shopping centre = . 8. Look! The athletes ar ready to start the race ary moment. about Loolt The race for six years ext Tuesday evening. wm ~the athletes are ready. ‘OPEN CLOZE Read the text below and think ofthe word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. SUMMER PLANS very summer, (1) «a5 Jong as I ean remember, my family has (2) holiday all, together. (3) mnnmnnnnne Matter Where We Bo, We always enjoy ourselves, Five yeas (4). swe ‘went camping in Wales. As (5) ‘as we got to the eampaity,it started raining, and it didnt stop for the whole week. evertheless, we had a great time. “This year, however We (6) ssnnsnsnnenne Ot be having a family holiday: My brother is (7) . the end of the holiday season, he thinks he will have 0) enough money to buy a second-hand car. 'm going on an adventure holiday with some friends, so the second week of our schoo! holidays will (10) sn _ spent in Scotland. Welll have the chance to try activities like canceing and climbing there. Mum (11) sou to do a lot of climbing ‘when she wes younger and she thinks I'l enjoy it. In fac, when I showed her a leaflet about the holiday, she said it brought (12), sous memories of similar holiday she had had as a teenager. spend the summer working at a hotel. (8)

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