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§ 60.370 40 CFR Ch.

I (7–1–99 Edition)
where: (4) Lead oxide manufacturing facil-
E=emission rate of particulate matter, kg/ ity.
Mg (1b/ton) of stone feed.
cs=concentration of particulate matter, (5) Lead reclamation facility.
g/dscm (g/dscf). (6) Other lead-emitting operations.
Qsd=volumetric flow rate of effluent gas, (c) Any facility under paragraph (b)
dscm/hr (dscf/hr). of this section the construction or
P=stone feed rate, Mg/hr (ton/hr).
modification of which is commenced
K=conversion factor, 1000 g/kg (453.6 g/lb).
after January 14, 1980, is subject to the
(2) Method 5 shall be used at nega- requirements of this subpart.
tive-pressure fabric filters and other
types of control devices and Method 5D § 60.371 Definitions.
shall be used as positive-pressure fabric
As used in this subpart, all terms not
filters to determine the particulate
defined herein shall have the meaning
matter concentration (cs) and the volu-
metric flow rate (Qsd) of the effluent given them in the Act and in subpart A
gas. The sampling time and sample vol- of this part.
ume for each run shall be at least 60 (a) Grid casting facility means the fa-
minutes and 0.90 dscm (31.8 dscf). cility which includes all lead melting
(3) The monitoring device of pots and machines used for casting the
§ 60.343(d) shall be used to determine grid used in battery manufacturing.
the stone feed rate (P) for each run. (b) Lead-acid battery manufacturing
(4) Method 9 and the procedures in plant means any plant that produces a
§ 60.11 shall be used to determine opac- storage battery using lead and lead
ity. compounds for the plates and sulfuric
(c) During the particulate matter acid for the electrolyte.
run, the owner or operator shall use (c) Lead oxide manufacturing facility
the monitoring devices in § 60.343(c)(1) means a facility that produces lead
and (2) to determine the average pres- oxide from lead, including product re-
sure loss of the gas stream through the covery.
scrubber and the average scrubbing liq-
(d) Lead reclamation facility means the
uid supply pressure.
facility that remelts lead scrap and
[54 FR 6675, Feb. 14, 1989] casts it into lead ingots for use in the
battery manufacturing process, and
Subpart KK—Standards of Per- which is not a furnace affected under
formance for Lead-Acid Bat- subpart L of this part.
tery Manufacturing Plants (e) Other lead-emitting operation
means any lead-acid battery manufac-
SOURCE: 47 FR 16573, Apr. 16, 1982, unless turing plant operation from which lead
otherwise noted. emissions are collected and ducted to
the atmosphere and which is not part
§ 60.370 Applicability and designation of a grid casting, lead oxide manufac-
of affected facility.
turing, lead reclamation, paste mixing,
(a) The provisions of this subpart are or three-process operation facility, or a
applicable to the affected facilities list- furnace affected under subpart L of
ed in paragraph (b) of this section at this part.
any lead-acid battery manufacturing (f) Paste mixing facility means the fa-
plant that produces or has the design
cility including lead oxide storage,
capacity to produce in one day (24
conveying, weighing, metering, and
hours) batteries containing an amount
of lead equal to or greater than 5.9 Mg charging operations; paste blending,
(6.5 tons). handling, and cooling operations; and
(b) The provisions of this subpart are plate pasting, takeoff, cooling, and dry-
applicable to the following affected fa- ing operations.
cilities used in the manufacture of (g) Three-process operation facility
lead-acid storage batteries: means the facility including those
(1) Grid casting facility. processes involved with plate stacking,
(2) Paste mixing facility. burning or strap casting, and assembly
(3) Three-process operation facility. of elements into the battery case.


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