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This part will give the learners an in-depth  In governance, citizens are rightly
understanding of the nature of governance concerned with a government’s
and the underlying principles of good responsiveness to their needs
governance from three sources namely the and protection of their rights. In
United Nations Development Program general, governance issues pertain to
(UNDP), the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the ability of government to develop
and the Institute of Governance (IOG), a an efficient, effective, and
non-profit think- thank. accountable public management
process that is open to citizen
Governance: Varying Definitions participation and that strengthens
rather than weakens a democratic
system of government. (USAID, Office
of Democracy &Governance)
 In broad terms, governance is about the
institutional environment in which citizens
interact among themselves and with
government agencies/officials.  promoting fairness, transparency and
accountability (World Bank, 1995)

 The manner in which power is exercised in

the management of a country’s social  Governance is about autonomous self-
and economic resources for governing networks of actors. (The
development. It is referred to as the emergence of self-governing networks
quality of the institutions to make, raises difficulties over accountability).
implement and enforce sound policies in Governance networks, in Stoker’s
an efficient, effective, equitable and terms, “involve not just influencing
inclusive manner. (The Asian government policy but taking over the
DevelopmentBank, 2005). business of government” (1998, p. 23).

 The exercise of economic, political, and  This reminds us of the privatization and
administrative authority to manage a deregulation policies of the Corazon
country’s affairs at all levels. It comprises Aquino's and her successor, Fidel
mechanisms, processes, and institutions Ramos' administrations. The “hollow
through which citizens and groups state” that networks have
articulate their interests, exercise their triggered (Milward, 1996; Milward and
legal rights, meet their obligations, and Provan, 2000) raises questions about
mediate their differences. how government can manage public
It refers to how any organization, including programs when they consist largely of
a nation, is run. It includes all the entities outside the public domain.
processes, systems, and controls that are Examples of this were the privatization
used to safeguard and grow of water delivery (case of Maynilad
assets. (United Nations Development and Manila Water concessionaires)
Program,1997) and energy systems (privatization of
NAPOCOR), which are basic public
needs that are supposedly state-
controlled and regulated. Network
theory and governance issues overlap,
and they are both directly linked to MODULE 1.2: GOOD GOVERNANCE AND
questions of implementation. This will PUBLIC ADMINISTARTION
be elaborated on the topic, fields of
Public Administration, wherein there is The historical roots of the development of
a need for modern governments to public administration in the Philippines as a
find ways to involve the private young nation-state can be traced back in
sector in governing the the post –WWII era, when the Philippines
state resources.
gained its independence from the
Americans. To a certain degree, it can be
 The dilemma of governance in this said that in the early years of its statehood,
context is that there is a broader concern the Philippines was heavily influenced by the
with the very real potential for leadership American brand of public administration (this
failure, differences among key partners in will be elaborated in our topic on nature of
time horizons and goal priorities, public administration and bureaucracy). So,
and social conflicts, all of which can result what is the relationship of governance to
in governance failure. Stoker draws on public administration?
Goodin as he suggests that design
challenges of public institutions can be
addressed in part by “revisability,
The many failed development
robustness, sensitivity to motivational
complexity, public dependability, and interventions in the 1950s into the 1990s
variability to encourage spurred the introduction of other
experimentation” (Stoker, 1998, p. 26, development reforms in the so called third
quoting from Goodin, 1996, p. 39-43). world or developing countries like the
Philippines. The “governance” paradigm was
introduced and advocated by the United
Nations (UN), World Bank (WB), Asian
 As Peters and Pierre note, “governance is Development Bank (ADB) and other
about maintaining public-sector international institutions. The word
resources under some degree of political “governance” suddenly “has become
control and developing strategies to something of a mantra in recent years,
sustain government’s capacity to act” in uttered by donors, reformers and pundits
the face of management tools that alike.” (Frechette 2000: 25)
replace highly centralized, hierarchical
structures with decentralized
management environments where
decisions on resource allocation and Governance entails a larger scope
service delivery are made closer to the and has a wider meaning. Though the term
point of delivery (1998, p. 232). “governance” has been used to refer mostly
to “government,” when correctly used,
“governance” really goes beyond
government. It involves the institutionalization
of a system through which citizens,
institutions, organizations, and groups in a
society articulate their interests, exercise their
rights, and mediate their differences in pursuit
of the collective good. (ADB 1995 as cited in
ADB 2005: 1)
UNDP describes it as “the exercise of “Good governance and sustainable
political, economic and administrative development are indivisible. That is the lesson
authority to manage a nation’s affairs. It of all our efforts and experiences, from Africa
embraces all of the methods- good and bad to Asia to Latin America. Without good
– that societies use to distribute power and governance – without the rule of law,
manage public resources and problems.” predictable administration, legitimate
(UNDP 1997: 9) power, and responsive regulation -- no
amount of funding, no amount of charity will
Cariño (2000), in her reflections on the
set us on the path to prosperity…We are fully
term “governance,” identified actors and
engaged in efforts to improve governance
factors that pushed for governance. She
around the world…good governance is
acknowledges that governance is not the
indispensable for building peaceful,
sole responsibility of the government per se
prosperous and democratic societies.”
but the role of the market and civil society
(Annan, 1997)
are of equal importance too and should also
be recognized. She then identified the Annan concluded that “good
factors or processes that pushed for governance is perhaps the single most
governance and some of these are: important factor in eradicating poverty and
promoting development.” (Annan 1997)
1. the quest for growth and
development, An ADB document (2005) affirmed
2. the environmental movement, that good governance is synonymous with
3. globalization and sound development management. They
4. consolidating peace. then identified some key principles of
development which may be considered as
These are practically the same values elements of good governance. These are:
or virtues found in the UN Charter. Likewise, accountability, participation, predictability,
governance promotes the virtues of and transparency.
decentralization, participation, FOUR BASIC ELEMENTS OF GOOD
responsiveness and accountability among GOVERNANCE BY ADB
others. From “governance”, the concept of
“good governance” has emerged and ADB likewise regards governance as
became prominent in international aid synonymous with sound development
circles around 1989 or 1990. It served as a management. It relates to governance to
general guiding principle for donor agencies the effectiveness with which development
to demand that recipient governments assistance is used, the impact development
adhere to proper administrative processes in programs and projects and the absorptive
the handling of development assistance and capacity of borrowing countries. To address
put in place effective policy instruments governance issues, the Asian Development
towards that end. When there is good bank has built upon the approach of the
governance, there is sustainable World Bank and has identified four basic
development. (Doornbos, 2003) elements of good governance

1. Accountability

Kofi Annan, in his inaugural speech in Accountability is imperative to make

the 1st International Conference on public officials answerable for government
Governance for Sustainable Growth and behavior and responsive to the entity from
Equity in United Nations, New York, in July 28- which they derive their authority. This may be
30, 1997 affirms this when he said that: achieved differently in different countries or
political structures, depending on the history, Participation is often related to
cultural milieu, and value systems involved. accountability but not necessarily so. In
representative democracies, where citizens
Accountability also means
participate in government through the
establishing criteria to measure the
electoral process, public officials are indeed
performance of public officials, as well as
accountable ultimately to the electorate.
oversight mechanisms to ensure that
This may not be the case however, in other
standards are met. The litmus test is whether
political systems. For all economies though,
private actors in the economy have
the benefits of participatory approaches can
procedurally simple and swift recourse for
be considerable.
redress of unfair actions or incompetence of
the executive authority. These include improved
performance and sustainability of policies,
Lack of accountability tends in time
programs, and projects as well as enhanced
to reduce the state’s credibility as an
capacity and skills of stakeholders. At the
economic partner. It undermines the
grassroots level, participation implies that
capacity of governments to sustain the long-
government structures are flexible enough to
term business confidence essential for
offer beneficiaries and others affected, the
growth-enhancing private sector investment.
opportunity to improve the design and
Looked at from this angle, accountability
implementation of public programs and
can help reduce sovereign risk.
The accountability of public sector
This increases “ownership” and
institutions is facilitated by evaluation of their
enhances results. At a different level, the
economic and financial performance.
effectiveness of policies and institutions
Economic accountability relates to the
impinging on the economy as a whole may
effectiveness of policy formulation and
require the broad support and cooperation
implementation, and efficiency in resource
of major economic actors concerned. To the
use. Financial accountability covers
extent that the interface between the public
accounting systems for expenditure control,
agencies and the private sector is conducive
and internal and external audit
to the latter’s participation in the economy,
national economic performance will be
enhanced. Participation in economic life
2. Participation by agents other than the state would cover
not only the role of the private sector but also
The principle of participation derives
the activities of NGOs. These elements of civil
from an acceptance that people at the
society offer an alternative means of
heart of development. They are not only the
channeling the energies of private citizens.
ultimate beneficiaries of development but
They can be helpful in identifying people’s
are also the agents of development. In the
interests, mobilizing public opinion in support
latter capacity, they act through groups or
of these interests and organizing action
associations (e.g. trade unions, chambers of
accordingly. Being close to their constituents,
commerce, NGOs, political parties) and as
NGOs can provide governments with a useful
individuals. (e.g through letters to newspaper
ally in enhancing participation at the
editors, participating in radio and television
community level and fostering a “bottom-
talk shows, voting). Since development is
up” approach to economic and social
both for and by the people, they need to
have access to the institutions that promote
it. 3. Predictability
Predictability refers to the existence Governments do need to respond
of laws, regulations and policies to regulate flexibly to changing circumstances and to
society; and their fair and consistent make midcourse corrections as necessary.
application. The importance of predictability Also, when government’s change, the
cannot be overstated since, without it, the successor administration will,
orderly existence of citizens and institutions understandably, want public policy to reflect
would be impossible. its priorities, rather those of its predecessor.

The rule of law encompasses both

well-defined rights and duties, as well as
4. Transparency
mechanisms for enforcing them, and settling
disputes in an impartial manner. It requires Transparency refers to the availability
the state and its subsidiary agencies to be as of information to the general public and
much bound by and answerable to, the clarity about government rules, regulations
legal system as are private individuals and and decisions. Thus, it both complements
enterprises. The importance of rules-based and reinforces predictability. The difficulty
systems for economic life is obvious. They are with ensuring transparency is that only the
essential component of the environment generator of information may know about it,
within which economic actors plan and take and may limit access to it. Hence, it may be
investment decisions. To the extent, useful to strengthen the citizen’s right for
therefore, that legal frameworks help ensure information with a degree of legal
that enforceability, for similar reasons.
a. business risks can be assessed Broadly restrictive laws that permit
rationally, public officials to deny information to citizens
need to provide for independent review of
b. transaction costs are lowered and
claims that such denial is justified in the
c. governmental arbitrariness is greater public interest. Transparency in
minimized, they should prove conducive to government decision making and public
risk taking, growth and policy implementation reduces uncertainty
development. and can help inhibit corruption among
public official. To this end, rules and
In an opposite scenario, the
procedures that are simple, straightforward,
capricious application of rules generates
and easy to apply are preferable to those
uncertainty and inhibits the growth of private
that provide discretionary powers to
sector initiatives. Regulatory uncertainty also
government officials or that are susceptible
tends to raise the cost of capital by
to different interpretations. The table below
increasing the risk of investment. Besides
shows the basic elements of good
legal and regulatory frameworks,
governance and its key dimensions, as
consistency of public policy is also important.
published by the Asian Development Bank in
Government policies affect the 2005.
investment climate directly and economic
actors require reasonable assurance about
the future behavior of key variables such as Key Dimensions and Specific Areas of
prices, the exchange rates, and the Actions in Good Governance
employment levels. However, it must be
emphasized that consistency does not mean ACTION
clear government
1. ACCOUNTABILITY • Public Sector rules, regulations,
• means making Management and decisions
public officials • Ensuring access to
answerable for • Public Enterprise accurate and
government Management timely information
• behavior and about the economy
responsive to the • Public Financial and government
entity from which Management policies
they derive Source: ADB, 2005
authority • Civil Service
• Establishing criteria Reform
to measure
• Institutionalizing
mechanisms to PROGRAM
ensure that
standards are met. Source: United Nations Development
Programme(1997): Reconceptualizing
2. PARTICIPATION • Participation of
Governance. Discussion Paper 2. New York:
• refers to enhancing beneficiaries and Management Development and
people’s access to affected groups Governance Division, Bureau of Policy and
and influence on
public policy • Interface Programme Support, UNDP, retrieved from:
processes between
• Undertaking government and -content/uploads/2013/01/Module_I.pdf
development for the private sector
and by the people service delivery
Good governance is participatory,
(empowerment of consensus oriented, accountable,
Local transparent, responsive, effective and
efficient, equitable and inclusive and follows
• Cooperation with the rule of law. It assures that corruption is
non-government minimized, the views of minorities are taken
into account and that the voices of the most
vulnerable in society are heard in decision-
3. PREDICTABILITY making. It is also responsive to the present
• refers to the
existence of laws, • Law and
and future needs of society. Much has been
regulations and Development written about the characteristics of efficient
policies to regulate government, successful businesses and
society and the fair • Legal Frameworks
and consistent for Private effective civil society organizations, but the
application of these Sector characteristics of good governance defined
• establishing and Development in societal terms remain elusive.
appropriate legal
Interrelated, these core
and institutional
arrangements characteristics are mutually reinforcing and
• Observing and cannot stand alone. For example, accessible
upholding the rule
of law
information means more transparency,
• Maintaining broader participation and more effective
consistency of decision-making. Broad participation
public policies
contributes both to the exchange of
4. TRANSPARENCY • Disclosure of information needed for effective decision-
• refers to the Information making and for the legitimacy of those
availability of
Information to the
general public and
Legitimacy, in turn, means effective that representative democracy does not
implementation and encourages further necessarily mean that the concerns of the
participation. And responsive institutions must most vulnerable in society would be taken
be transparent and function according to into consideration in decision making.
the rule of law if they are to be equitable. Participation needs to be informed and
These core characteristics represent the ideal organized. This means freedom of
- and no society has them all. association and expression on the one hand
and an organized civil society on the other
Even so, UNDP believes that societies
should aim, through broad-based consensus-
building, to define which of the core features 2. Rule of law
are most important to them, what the best
Legal frameworks should be fair and
balance is between the state and the
enforced impartially, particularly the laws on
market, how each socio-cultural and
human rights. Good governance requires fair
economic setting can move from here to
legal frameworks that are enforced
there. UNDP is faced increasingly with post-
impartially. It also requires full protection of
crisis situations and disintegrating societies.
human rights, particularly those of minorities.
For them, the issue is not developing good
Impartial enforcement of laws requires an
governance - it is building the basic
independent judiciary and an impartial and
institutions of governance. The first step is
incorruptible police force.
towards reconciliation - building society's
ability to carry on a dialogue on the meaning
of governance and the needs of all citizens.

Good governance has major

characteristics. It is participatory, consensus 3. Transparency
oriented, accountable, transparent,
Transparency is built on the free flow
responsive, effective and efficient, equitable
of information. Processes, institutions and
and inclusive and follows the rule of law. It
information are directly accessible to those
assures that corruption is minimized, the views
concerned with them, and enough
of minorities are taken into account and that
information is provided to understand and
the voices of the most vulnerable in society
monitor them. Transparency means that
are heard in decision-making. It is also
decisions taken and their enforcement are
responsive to the present and future needs of
done in a manner that follows rules and
regulations. It also means that information is
1. Participation/Participatory freely 38 available and directly accessible to
those who will be affected by such decisions
Participation by both men and and their enforcement. It also means that
women is a key cornerstone of good enough information is provided and that it is
governance All men and women should provided in easily understandable forms and
have a voice in decision-making, either media.
directly or through legitimate intermediate
institutions that represent their interests. Such 4. Responsiveness
broad participation is built on freedom of
Institutions and processes try to serve
association and speech, as well as
all stakeholders. Good governance requires
capacities to participate constructively.
that institutions and processes try to serve all
Participation could be either direct or
stakeholders within a reasonable timeframe.
through legitimate intermediate institutions or
representatives. It is important to point out 5. Consensus oriented
Good governance mediates differing governmental institutions but also the private
interests to reach a broad consensus on what sector and civil society organizations must be
is in the best interests of the group and, where accountable to the public and to their
possible, on policies and procedures. There institutional stakeholders. Who is
are several actors and as many view points in accountable to whom varies depending on
a given society. Good governance requires whether decisions or actions taken are
mediation of the different interests in society internal or external to an organization or
to reach a broad consensus in society on institution. In general, an organization or an
what is in the best interest of the whole institution is accountable to those who will be
community and how this can be achieved. It affected by its decisions or actions.
also requires a broad and long-term Accountability cannot be enforced without
perspective on what is needed for transparency and the rule of law.
sustainable human development and how to
After knowing the different perspectives of
achieve the goals of such development. This
good governance from the different sources,
can only result from an understanding of the
we can
historical, cultural and social contexts of a
safely say that:
given society or community.
Good governance is, among other things,
6. Equity and inclusiveness
participatory, transparent and accountable.
All men and women have It is also effective and equitable, and it
opportunities to improve or maintain their promotes the rule of law. Good governance
well-being. A society’s well-being depends ensures that political, social and economic
on ensuring that all its members feel that they priorities are based on broad consensus in
society and that the voices of the poorest
have a stake in it and do not feel excluded
and the most vulnerable are heard in
from the mainstream of society. This requires
decision-making over the allocation of
all groups, but particularly the most development resources.
vulnerable, have opportunities to improve or
maintain their well-being.
7. Effectiveness and efficiency

Good governance means that

processes and institutions produce results Definition: is the process of decision making
that meet the needs of society while making and the process by which decisions are
the best use of resources at their disposal. The implemented. It is not about making decision
concept of efficiency in the context of good but about the best possible process for
governance also covers the sustainable use making those decisions which are correct for
of natural resources and the protection of nation and helpful to the society.
the environment.

8. Accountability
Different Forms of Governance:
Decision-makers in government, the
1. Between governments and markets
private sector and civil society organizations
2. Between governments and citizens
are accountable to the public, as well as to
3. Between governments and the
institutional stakeholders. This accountability
private or voluntary sector
differs depending on the organization and
4. Between elected officials and
whether the decision is internal or external to
appointed officers
an organization. Accountability is a key
requirement of good governance. Not only Bad Governance:
1. Inefficiency  is a cooperative group effort in a
2. Red Tape public setting
3. Maladministration  covers all three branches –
4. Corruption executive, legislative and judicial
5. Secrecy and interrelationships
 has important role in the
formulation of public policy and is
, thus, part of the political process
Good Governance:  as a field of study and practice ,
it has been influenced by human
1. Rule of Law
relations approach
2. Transparency  is closely associated with
3. Participation numerous private groups and
4. Accountability individuals in providing services to
5. Sustainability the community

Rossenbloom, 1989
Benefits of Good Governance:
 PA is the action part of
1. Promotes community confidence government. The means by
2. Encourages elected members and which the purposes and goals of
council officers to be confidence government are realized. PA as a
3. Leads to better decisions field is mainly concerned with the
means for implementing political
 The process of PA consists of the
actions involved in effecting the
intent or desire of a government.
It is thus the continuously active,
“business” part of government,
Basically public administration refers to the concerned with carrying out the
cooperative human action or group efforts in law, as made by the legislative
public setting which covers all the three bodies (or other authoritative
branches of the government to achieve its agents) and interpreted by
basic purposes and finally to carry out courts, through the processes of
the will of the state. organization and management.

CONCERNS: De Guzman, 1993

1. institutional framework of  From a very broad perspective,

government PA may be viewed to refer not
2. socio-political milieu of the only in activities carrying out or
government implementing policies and
3. behavior of the individuals who programs of the government but
man the bureaucratic machine also to the processes and
contents of these policies and
 From a broader perspective, PA
Definition of Public Administration Caiden,
may refer to the cooperative
human action whether within the
public bureaucracy, the private
sector or in nongovernmental
organizations aimed at delivering
services to the people

 for public service

Gulick, 1937  implementation of public policy
and giving meaning to it by
 Public Administration is that part affecting economic and social
of the science of administration behavior
which has to do with government
and thus, concerns itself primarily
with the executive branch where
the work of the government is Hence, public administration requires:

Waldo, 1948 Problem-solving

 Public Administration is the art Decision-making

and science of management as
applied to the affairs of the state

 Refers to the capacity of

Conclusion coordinating various and
All above modern definitions of Public oftentimes conflicting social
Administration emphasize the value- energies in a single organization.
based character of Public Administration  as an institution: aggregate of
and Public Administration as a science and individuals running the
art of administration. A close scrutiny of the government for the period of their
definitions reveals that Public Administration term of office
has important characteristics or features.  it also refers to the aggregate of
persons in whose hands the reins
of the government are placed at
the time being
Characteristics of Public Administration  as a function: actual running of
the government
1. It is part of executive branch of
government. **Q: Is administration the same
2. It is related with the activities of with government?
the state.
3. It carries out the public policies. A: No. While the two concepts are intricately
4. It realizes the aspirations of the related, there are fundamental differences
people as formulated and between them. Government is that institution
expressed in the laws. or aggregate of institutions by which an
5. Waldo and other thinkers insist on independent society makes or carries out
the commitment and dedication those rules of actions which are necessary to
to the well-being of the people. enable men to live in a social state or which
Otherwise, Public Administration are imposed upon the people forming that
behaves in a mechanical, society by those who possess the power or
impersonal and inhuman way. authority of prescribing them.
6. Public Administration is politically
Administration, on the other hand, refers to  Quantitative analysis
that aggregate of individuals holding the
reins of government for the time being. Thus, As an Applied Discipline:
compared to administration, government
has a more permanent character.  It has practical use for
government, particularly in
improving government
Views of Public Administration As a Field of performance
Practice  it prepares persons for careers in
public service and trains them to
Example of PA as a field of study be good public administrators

 how a policy is made and As an Art:

 The interrelationship between PA involves creativity, leadership, a good
government institutions sense of the intangibles in administration. This
 Human Resource development view is closely related to the practice of PA
 Impact of environmental
regulation on communities and
 the behavior and attitude of
public officials as they perform The views of Leonard D. White (who
their official duties wrote the first published textbook in
 Leadership styles of public PA, Introduction to the Study of Public
manager Administration in 1926) and the traditionalists
 Mechanisms adopted by led by Gulick on the the one hand, and that
poverty-focused programs of the scientific management school
representing the prevailing view, differ
regarding the nature and scope of Public
Administration. Hence, we should
Views of Public Administration As: Both an Art understand various perspectives about the
and a Science scope of Public Administration.
As a science:

 There is a body of knowledge or The following are the three important

theories that can explain or perspectives about the scope of Public
predict phenomenon or variables Administration:
in the field of PA
A. Narrow perspective or POSDCORB
 The PA theories and concepts are
built based on empirical research
using systematic methods Luther Gulick (dubbed as the "Dean of
 These theories can be used not American Public Administration), is the main
only to explain but also improve exponent of this perspective. According to
the art and practice of PA him the scope of public administration is
(Bautista, 1990) narrow or limited. It is also regarded as
POSDCORB view. It insists that the Public
Hence, uses the following methods: Administration is concerned only with those
aspects of administration which are related
 Empirical studies with the executive branch and its seven
 Case method analysis types of administrative functions.
 Surveys
These seven types of functions which 7. ‘B’ means Budgeting which includes
shows the scope of Public Administration are accounting, fiscal planning and control.
as follows -

1. ‘P’ stands for Planning which is the B. Broad perspective or subject - oriented
first step of Public Administration. perspective
i.e. working out the broad outline
of the Prof. Woodrow Wilson (dubbed as the
"Father of PA" in the US) and Leonard D. White
things that need to be done. are the main exponents of this perspective.
They have taken a very broad approach
2. ‘O’ stands for organization which about the scope of Public Administration.
is the establishment of the formal According to them Public
structure of authority through Administration covers all three branches of
which the the government - legislative, executive and
judicial and their interrelationship. Legislative
work is sub-divided, arranged and organ makes the laws, the executive organ
coordinated for the defined objective. of the government implements the laws while
the judicial organ of the government
interprets the laws. There is interrelationship
3. ‘S’ means staffing which
among these three branches, considering PA
essentially refers to the
as part of the political process. It has an
recruitment and training of the
important role in the formulation of public
staff and maintenance of
policy at all levels, from national to grassroots.
It is closely associated with numerous private
favorable conditions of work for the groups and individuals in providing services
staff. to the community. It has been influenced in
recent years by the human relations
4. ‘D’ is Directing which includes the approach.
continuous task of making
decisions and embodying them
in specific
C. Contemporary Prevailing View (known as
"Scientific Management" School)
and general orders and instructions,
and thus guiding the enterprise. The Scientific management
theory/approach is one of the most
5. ‘Co’ stands for Co-ordination It important theories of traditional public
means inter-relating the various administration formulated by Frederick
parts of organization such as Winslow Taylor who was an engineer by
branches, profession and worked in the production
field, and whose principles led to the
divisions, sections of the work and successful creation of Ford's T-Ford
elimination of overlapping. Model. He always viewed each and every
thing and its aspects scientifically. Peter
6. ‘R’ refers to Reporting which Drucker always recognized him as the source
means informing the authority to of his 1954 book “The Practice of
whom the executive is Management”. Peter Drucker coined the
responsible as to what term “management by objectives” or
MBO. MBO compares the performance of
is going on. employees to the typical standards required
for that position which is the most basic under
Taylor's principles of scientific management.
Principles of Scientific management: The Structure, organization, functions
and methods of all types of public authority
engaged in administration, whether
1. Develop a science for each national, regional or local and executive.
element of a man's work instead
of traditional ways. By this best  Behavior
way of doing a task can be found
and standard operation can be The functions of administrative
determined. authorities and the various methods
2. Scientifically select, train, teach appropriate to different types
and develop workmen by of functions, the various forms of control
determining initial qualifications of administration.
and future potential for
development.  Public Personal Administration
3. Management should fully
cooperate with workers to ensure
The problems concerning personnel
work is done in accordance to
e.g. recruitment, training, promotion,
scientific principles.
retirement etc. and the problems relating to
4. Equal division of work and
planning, research, information and public
responsibility between
relation services.
management and workers.
Management should become
involved in job by planning,
organizing, controlling than just 2. Applied administration tackles the
being authoritarian. actual application of the government
functions in terms of the following:
Note: These principles if adopted in running
the government results to professionalization  Political functions include the
of the bureaucracy (thru continuing skills executive - legislative
training programs and promotion via the civil relationship, administrative
service merit system), efficiency and activities of the cabinet
effectivity in meeting the agency's mission  Legislative function refers to the
and vision. Moreover, this view emphasizes delegated legislation (quasi-
on the use of statistical tools or data analytics legislative function under the
as bases for policy formulation and principles of proper delegation of
implementation. legislative power)
 Financial functions
 Defense functions (internal and
The prevailing view divides the scope of
 Educational
Public Administration into two parts.
 Social welfare administration
1) Administrative theory which includes the activities of
the departments concerned with
2) Applied administration food; housing, social security and
development activities.
 Economic Administration is
concerned with the production
1. Administrative theory
and encouragement of industries
It includes the following aspects: and agriculture.
 Foreign administration includes
 Organizational Theory the conduct of foreign affairs,
diplomacy, international Public Administration is regarded as
cooperation etc. an instrument of change and is expected to
 Local administration It concern accelerate the process of development. In
with the activities of the local self- our country, the government has undertaken
governing institutions. the task of leveling down the economic
inequalities, spreading education, securing
equality of status, rights of women and
effective and all round economic and
Conclusion industrial development. The burden of
carrying out these social changes in a
The modern state cannot confine its planned and orderly way rests upon the
field of activities only in the maintenance of public administration of the country.
law and order, dispensation of justice,
collection of revenue and taxes. The modern
3. It plays vital role in the life of the
state is expected to provide more and more
services and amenities to the people. This
results in the tremendous growth both in the
governmental responsibilities as well as in the Today every aspect of human life
administrative machinery of the state. comes within the range of public
Naturally the scope of public administration administration. Various departments of
is constantly evolving. government such as education, social
welfare, food, agriculture, health, sanitation,
transport, communication etc. are run by the
department of Public Administration. Thus
ROLE AND IMPORTANCE OF PUBLIC Public Administration is rendering various
ADMINISTRATION types of services to the people from birth to
death of an individual.
In the modern state and in developing
countries functions and role of Public
Administration is very important, and they 4. It is a stabilizing force in the
are as follows: society as it provides continuity

1. It is the basis of government. It is a stabilizing force in the society as

it provides continuity public administration is
carried on by the civil servants who are the
It is possible for a state to exist without
permanent executives. Political executives
a legislature or judiciary; but not even the
i.e. ministers may come and go, systems of
most backward state can do without
government or constitutions may undergo
administrative machinery. The modern state
change but administration goes on forever.
cannot confine its field of activities to merely
Hence, Public Administration is a great
maintenance of law and order, dispensation
stabilizing force in society. It is a preserver of
of Justice, collection of revenue and taxes
the society and its culture.
and participation in welfare activities. The
modern welfare state is expected to provide
more and more services and amenities to the 5. It is instrument of national
people. Public Administration is the integration in the developing
machinery used by the state to place itself in countries which are facing class
a position to make plans and programs that wars.
can be carried out.
Since socio-economic inequality is a
2. It is the instrument of change in reality in all states, most especially within the
the society. less developed and developing states, there
is a need to bridge the economic gap and
lessen the poverty incidence in the society.
Class wars create political and economic
instability that impede the growth and This is related to the judicial functions in
development of the state. Public government which emphasizes the
administration seeks to unite both the administrators' role in applying and enforcing
government institutions, the citizens (as the law. It is also concerned with the
clients and beneficiaries of public good), adjudicatory role of public organizations. In
and the private sector towards the administrative law, this approach relates to
achievement of these common goals. the quasi-judicial function/power of
administrative bodies.

For a better understanding of these

MODULE 2.2: PHILIPPINE PUBLIC three Approaches to PA, the Table below
ADMINISTRATION shows the key differences in terms of their
origin/tradition, values, organizational
structure, and the view of the individuals.
There are three disparate
approaches to deal with the basic question
of what public administration is. These
 Origin/Tradition:
approaches are traditionally labeled
as managerial, political and legal and they Emerged in late nineteenth century in the
are often overlapped. Their primary influence USA as a result of the civil service reform
has been to pull public administration in three movement and was influential in the 1930s
separate directions.
These approaches are oriented to
follow the pattern of the separation of Woodrow Wilson: Advocated the business
powers of a state as established by the part of the government which should be
constitution. Thus, each of these approaches carried out in a sound businesslike manner or
has its own intellectual tradition, emphasizes in a “managerial endeavor”
different values, promotes different types of
organizational structures and views Frederick W. Taylor who focused on
individuals in distinct terms. protecting the values of efficiency and

LD White said that the study of

Managerial Approach administration should be started from the
base of management rather than from the
This is directly related to the executive foundation of law.
function of the government emphasizing on
the management and organization of public Luther Gulick and Lyndall Urlick, who
offices promoted the POSDCORB

 Values:

Political Approach three core values of PA:

This corresponds to the legislative function of  economy

the government and is concerned with
policy formulation  efficiency

 effectiveness

Legal Approach
Thus, this approach is oriented to minimize public administration is ultimately a problem
the distinctions between public in political theory.
administration and private administration.

 Organizational Structure
seeks to address the fundamental problem in
managerial approach to PA under the New democracy
Public Management thrust
*responsibility and responsiveness of the
Max Weber’s Bureaucratic Model of administrative agencies

It stresses on:  PA as integral part of the political

process since it engages the
1. functional specialization (division of work bureaucracy in public policy-
on the basis of functions) making
 Values
2. merit based and politically neutral
competence employees for promoting political values:
efficiency and effectiveness
 representation
 View of the Individual
 (political) responsiveness
impersonal view of individuals whether
individual may be an employee or a client or  (political) accountability through
a victim of a public agency. elected officials to the people, i.e.,
vertical accountability
 Organizational Structure
-Dehumanization i.e. lack of pity, sympathy,
kindness Stresses on:

-Nepotism and other type of favor towards  political pluralism within public
people administration

The structure of public administration should

2. POLITICAL be a microcosm of society (PA should has all
features of society)
 Origin/Tradtion
More precisely, public administration should
'New Deal' era
reflect the values, interests and competing
1933-1938 and the Second World War period forces/diverse groups to be found in a plural
in the USA society.

Pioneers: since public administration is a policy

making center of government, it must be
Paul H Appleby who viewed public structured by providing political
administration as a 'political process' and representation to a comprehensive variety of
public accountability and political character the organized political, economic and social
as the aspects of governmental functions. interests that are found in the society at
Wallace Sayre (Classic of Public
Administration-1978) who stressed that
 View of the Individual Governs the legitimacy of government
views individuals as:
Its concerns are:
part of an aggregate/organized group
legal authority of government, abuse of
It tends to identify an individual's interest
power, individuals' fundamental rights, etc. it
which is similar and identical to those of
tends to check unconstitutional practices
others within the same group
from the part of government and public

3. LEGAL  Values

 Origin/Tradition Key values are:

The legal approach to public administration  Constitutional Integrity

has historically been eclipsed by managerial  procedural due process
approach.  individual substantive rights (real
or fundamental rights of
It sought for the judicialization of public individuals)
administration and the constitutional law.  equity/fairness on the part of
the judges and justices
It has three interrelated sources:
Due process: it is viewed as requiring
1) Administrative law: it determines/describes procedures designed to protect
the position and liabilities of state officials individuals/citizens from malicious, arbitrary,
including official procedures to be adopted; cruel or unconstitutional harm at the hands of
civil rights and liabilities of private individuals government.
in dealing with public officials and official
Individual rights: protection of constitutional
and legal rights of individual people.
2) Judicialization of public administration: Equity and fairness: it prevents arbitrary or
(judiciary role of public administration) If invidious (unpleasant) treatment of
public officials/administrators engage in individuals
adjudication, they must exercise their
discretions. It may become legal matter  Organizational Structure

The legal approach advocates Adjudicatory

structure {formal legal structure for dispute
Frank Goodnow ((The Principles of the settlement
Administrative Law of the United States, 1905) Administrative agencies exercising
adjudicatory functions may enjoy a greater
Kenneth Davis (Administrative Law and
degree of independence from the rest of
Government, 1975) Marshall Dimock (Law
government since they are concerned with
and Dynamic Administration, 1980) have application of law [they should be free from
contributed to administrative law and political interference}
stressed legal approach to public
administration stresses on the formal official duties of
agencies and administrators; limitations of
3) Constitutional law: discretionary authority of public
organizations and administration; disciplinary
actions against employees, equal explores modern management techniques
employment opportunities, employee/labor such as reinventing, reengineering and other
relations and presence of regulatory improvement methods in organization and
commissions in public administration. management like total quality management
(TQM), which has largely contributed to
public administration reforms.
 View of Individual NOTE: TQM was adopted by Japan and US
to improve their production in a competitive
Considers the individual as a unique person
market vis a vis cost effective strategies with
in a unique set of circumstances.
the ultimate goal of improving customer
The procedure (adversary procedure) satisfaction. See Mangahas and Leyesa
enables an individual to explain his/her own 2003. “Improving Government Administration
unique and particular circumstances, his/her through TQM” and Mariano “TQM and
thinking, and motivation to the Philippine Local Government Units.”
governmental decision makers / in Introduction to Public Administration: A
administrators Reader.

MODULE 3.2: FIELDS OF PUBLIC Public Personnel Administration

Public administration consists of
administrative processes. It involves people,
its most important element, therefore public
Traditionally, the discipline of public personnel administration is an equally
administration itself has had the following important field. In here, the definition of
sub-fields: personnel management as “the recruitment,
selection, development, utilization of, and
1. organization and management; accommodation to human resources by
2. public personnel administration; organizations” (French 1990) is explored.
3. public fiscal administration;
4. Local government administration;
5. policy analysis and program Specifically, it discusses on the evolution of
administration; public personnel administration,
6. public enterprise management; arrangements of the personnel system, and
7. voluntary sector management; general attributes of personnel functions in
and the public sector. It is also concerned with
8. spatial information management the developments and current trends in
personnel administration.

In the traditional public administration,

Organization and Management organization and management and
personnel administration were emphasized
Organization and Management is one of the as salient features of study in public
oldest subfields of public administration. It administration. Personnel administration has
basically focuses on sub-areas like widened its scope and evolved
organization theory and practice, dynamics into human resource management or
of organization, decision-making in human resource development. The
administration, leadership and other sub- inspiration that not only these two fields
areas. It particularly discusses the theories, complement but supplement each other put
processes and techniques involved in them together into what is now
the organization and management of the called “Organization Studies.”
national government and its agencies. It also
topics on theoretical and empirical
perspectives of local government and
Public Fiscal Administration regional administration, community and
institutional development, local government
Public finance belongs to the branch of
systems/procedure, intergovernmental
economics but that was during the earlier
dynamics, local public finance or local fiscal
times. With the emergence of the field of
administration, local economic promotion,
public administration, much interest has
local and regional development planning,
been directed towards fiscal administration.
local government innovations and many
Again, this subfield of public administration
covers a wide range of issues and topics
affecting government operations like
taxation, public expenditures and borrowing,
resource allocation, revenue administration,
auditing and intergovernmental relations.
New Sub-fields of Public Administration
As Briones (1996) puts it, “public fiscal
administration embraces the formulation, As the field evolved, and in response to the
implementation, and evaluation of policies changing demands of the time, new sub-
and decisions on taxation and revenue fields emerged. These included the following:
administration; resource allocation,
Policy Analysis and Program Administration
budgeting, and public expenditure; public
borrowing and debt management; and The post-war years saw the emergence of
accounting and auditing.” Through the public policy as a subfield of public
years, many researches were devoted on administration. In the US, interest in policy
these topics and issues; the government has studies started in 1950s. In the Philippines,
also introduced reforms like reforms in tax however, it started not too long ago, in 1970s
administration, value added tax (VAT), in the then Institute of Public Administration in
expanded value added tax (E-VAT), the University of the Philippines.
procurement reforms, the medium-term
expenditure framework (MTEF), accounting Generally, policy studies can focus on the
reforms, re-engineering the bureaucracy content of public policy, its processes,
program (REBP), transforming local finance, models, theories and approaches of public
and many others. policy its impact as well as evaluation of
public programs and projects.

Other significant concepts, principles and

Local Government Administration techniques for systematic analysis and
decision - making in public policy and
This is another distinct subfield of public
management are also considered in policy
administration. In studying local government
analysis. Dye (1995) said that certain
administration, the concepts of
theoretical approaches and models have
decentralization are taken into account.
been introduced in studying public policy
Decentralization, as a process, is one of the
which include institutional, process, group,
widely researched topics in promoting
elite, rational, incremental, game theory,
development and democratic governance.
public choice and systems model.

Administrative organizations and operations

Public Enterprise Management (PEM)
of local governments; the structure and
processes of regional administration are
likewise discussed. In particular, local
government administration may also include Privatization is one of the foci of this area of
public administration. Other topics include
the nature and processes of public
enterprises; the relationship between the
government and the public enterprise Other systems are also introduced in SIM like
sector; issues on managerial autonomy, global positioning systems and remote
public accountability, corporate social sensing. Public administration indeed has
responsibility and the role of the state in the evolved both as a scholarly discipline and as
economy. In the graduate level, courses a profession. It has reached wider dimensions
include financial management of public of governance, from political, economic,
enterprise and management of public social, cultural aspects of public
enterprises. management. In the executive branch, for
instance, it has retained traditional functions
such as O and M (management functions like
planning, organizing) and personnel
Voluntary Sector Management (VSM) management but explored possibilities in
organizational development, fiscal
Voluntary Sector Management is another
administration (budgeting, accounting,
emerging field of Public Administration. In
auditing) and public policy and program
recognition of the growing voluntary sector in
administration which is concerned with the
the Philippines, UP NCPAG has pioneered in
processes and analysis of public policy.
offering Voluntary Sector Management
(VSM) as a field of specialization.


This field has developed expertise through Generally, bureaucracy refers to
the years through its institutional linkage with some organizing principles for the purpose of
UP Pahinungod with Dr. Ledivina Cariño as its achieving coordination of work in large
founding director. Voluntary sector organizations. It has been central to public
management can be referred to similar administration since it has at least stabilized
terms such as “voluntary sector, “third delivery of public service. It's an
sector”, “non-profit organizations,” “non- administrative system that relies on policies,
governmental organizations,” and “civil rules and hierarchy in both public and
society organizations.” private sector environments.

 Remember that even if there is a

revolution or political upheaval, the
bureaucracy constituting the rank and
Spatial Information Management (SIM) file and career service officers provide
continuity and stability of the operation
In delivering public goods and services
of the government, since only
efficiently and effectively, it is very important
the elected, non-career administrators
that we will be aided with support tools
in the executive branch of the
enabling the use of all kinds of spatial
government are the only ones who will
data/information. With the study and
be changed (we will deal more into
utilization of geographic information system
these types of officers in the next
(GIS), data/information can be processed
discussions of PD 807 or the Phil. Civil
immediately and can be transported easily.
Service Law)
This technology is currently used by many
government agencies and corporations; thus
the introduction and popularization of some For Max Weber (1864-1920), the noted
technology terms in government such as e- German sociologist, philosopher and
government, e-commerce, geo- jurist, believes that it is the most efficient form
visualization, e-finance, among others. of organization due to the
following characteristics:
1. there is division of labor--people procedures that are involved in
perform specific tasks; transactions or interactions with an
specialization of works follow that organization which hinder or prevent
results in efficiency prompt action or decision-making. It is
2. hierarchy of offices usually applied to governments,
3. set of general rules that govern corporations, and other large
performance (rules-based) organizations.
4. impartiality in doing one's official  An example of red tape is when
tasks; there is rigid separation of you have to fill out tons of
personal life from work life annoying forms just to get a
5. selection of personnel is based on driver's license. Another is when
technical qualifications and review processes that take
equal treatment of all employees months and prevent teams from
(merit system in hiring and deploying vital software quickly
promotion) to a government agency
6. participants view employment as  It is generally believed that the
a career; there is security of term originated with the Spanish
tenure that protects administration of Charles V, King
the individual from arbitrary of Spain and Holy Roman
dismissal Emperor, in the early 16th
century, who started to use red
tape in an effort to modernize the
administration that was running
Watch these links for a better understanding his vast empire.

2. Conflict

of burea ucracy:  Sometimes the goals of various

bureaucratic agencies just don’t
Max Weber match up, and they end up working at
Bureaucracy: cross purposes or competing over the
atch?v=zp554tcdWO8Links to an external same idea. Conflict can also look like
site. different units within an organization
Bureaucracy: A documentary by Dr. Richard disagreeing about a policy, action, or
Cole: decision.
8EQAnKntLsLinks to an external site.  A decision is made that affects the
budget for a department that does not
approve of it.
 example can be the recent conflict
between the Anti-Red Tape Authority
(ARTA) under the Office of the
President which was created under RA
11032 otherwise known as the Ease of
Doing Business and Efficient
Government Service Delivery Act of
Dysfunctions/Bureaucratic Pathologies:
2018, and primarily implemented by
1. Red tape CSC and DTI in coordination with the
DILG, DICT, Housing and Land Use
 is an idiom referring to excessive and Regulatory Board (HLURB) and the
often unnecessary rigid or redundant Union of Local Authorities of the
Philippines (ULAP), and the Office of way of thinking, behaving, and believing
the Ombudsman. on another group. This can be done
through different means including
The latter recommended the suspension of pressure tactics but it’s most commonly
the Director-General and other officials of seen in organizations that want to buy
ARTA due to the complaints filed by a DITO out another company or when one
Telecommunity in relation to the alleged country wants to dominate another.
grave misconduct, gross neglect of duty
and conduct prejudicial to the best
interest of the service that it committed
when it assigned frequency to NOW Examples:
Company, another telco player. But this
was opposed by DITO Telecommunity Inc.,  An employer that requires their
which has been selected as the third employees to use certain software
telecom provider. ARTA claimed that it just without providing any clear benefits for
exercised its function when the Natl. the workers themselves.
Telecommunications Commission (NTC)  Imperialism is extremely common inside
under the DICT, did not act on the request the US military services and can result
of application by NOW . ARTA invoked its in valuable team members staying
power to assign frequencies under RA silent rather than using their
11032. voice. (
This is creating conflict among the various bureaucracy/Links to an external site.)
agencies that are the implementing said
5. Waste

 Waste is anything in the business that

3. Duplication or Overlapping of functions
does not lead to the desired outcome.
Businesses waste money and resources
 Duplication occurs when two through inefficiencies,
government agencies seem to be doing underperforming staff members, and
the same thing poor customer service. Waste can
 an example is on the contentious issue occur for many reasons including time
on who is in charge in classifying public spent due to the inherent problems of
lands that are arable and disposable the bureaucracy itself.
(under EO 292 or the Phil. Administrative
Code of 1987, it is exercised by the DENR
thru its agency the National Mapping
and Resource Information Authority or
NMRIA. But under the Indigenous  Time spent on red tape when there are
Peoples' Rights Act or IPRA of 1997, the quicker and more effective ways to get
NCIP is involved for the identification, things done.
delineation, and recognition of  Different teams having overlapping
ancestral land/domains. responsibilities, causing duplication
without any clear division of
responsibility. This creates double the
work, doubling also the expenses from
4. Imperialism taxpayers' money.

 Imperialism happens when one group or

organization tries to impose a certain
Bureaucracy encompasses or has the is headed by the appointed Secretary of the
following connotations: President, with Assistant Secretaries and
Undersecretaries, then subdivided further
 all government offices (that continue the into Bureaus and unit offices
public functions despite changes of
political leaders)
 entire public officialdom (elected,
appointed bureaucrats, rank and file)
 inefficiency characterized by red
tape (unnecessary delays), cumbersome
procedures in government procedures.

However, this is just an invective, negative

and unnecessary derivative of the desire of
the earlier governments to put some order in
administering the affairs of the state by
dividing the functions of the different offices
catering to the needs of the public.

So, how do you imagine the

operationalization of bureaucracy in our
government in the Philippines?

Think of a specific Cabinet office

(Department under the executive branch), it

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