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I, Haroldas Ray Nattier, residing at 2443 Sierra Nevada Road, Mammoth Lakes CA 9354 USA,
hereby revoke all previous Wills and Codicils and assert that this document constitutes
my Last Will and Testament.


My child's name is Brittni Amy Nattier. All mentions of "my child" in this Will pertain to the
individual specified above.


• I instruct that my lawful debts prior to passing be settled from my Estate both in the Countries
of Mexico and United States of America respectively.

• I instruct that I must be Buried at my burial Plott next to my Dear Wife Mrs Haley Marilyn Nattier
at our deisgnated burial plots in a dignified manner.


Proceeds from the sale of the assets in Mexico and United State of America, as well as all my
Cash, Jewelry, Diamonds , stocks, and bonds held at Chase Bank Securities Calfornia, United State
of America, shall be distributed entirely to my daughter, Brittni Amy Nattier.
In the event that my daughter predeceases me, the remainder of my estate shall be allocated to
the heirs-at-law of my spouse, with their identities and respective portions determined in accordance
with the laws of the State of Mexico and United States of America concerning the inheritance of
separate property not attributed to a deceased spouse, as if my spouse had passed away intestate
at the time specified for distribution under this provision.


• I appoint Brittni Amy Nattier of 6006 W 76th St, Los Angeles, CA 90045 USA. as the
Executor of my Will, immidaiately she is Legaly been Married to her spounse.
Note, Must be Legally Married

My appointed Executor, in addition to any other powers and authority conferred by law, or deemed
necessary or appropriate for the effective administration of my estate, shall possess the discretion
and capability to lease, sell, mortgage, or otherwise encumber any real or personal property included
in the estate, without the need for court approval or prior notice to any party.


A. Paragraph Titles and Gender: The titles assigned to the sections of this Will are included solely
for reference purposes and are not to be construed as constituting a component of this Will
when interpreting its clauses. All terms used in this Will denoting any gender shall be understood
to encompass all genders, while singular terms shall include the plural form, and vice versa,
specifically encompassing "child" and "children" where appropriate based on context or
circumstances. Pronouns utilized shall be deemed applicable to the individuals intended
regardless of gender or number.

B. Liability of Fiduciary. Absent fraudulent behavior or bad faith, no natural person serving as
a fiduciary under this Will shall be personally liable to any beneficiary of my estate, and my
estate shall indemnify such individual against any claims or expenses arising from their
bona fide actions or inactions as a fiduciary, with the exception of actions or inactions
amounting to fraudulent conduct or bad faith. Successor trustees shall not be obligated to
investigate or be held accountable for the prior management of trust assets.

C. Beneficiary Disputes. In cases where a bequest necessitates distribution among multiple

beneficiaries, said beneficiaries may determine the specific assets forming their respective
portions if they reach an agreement, or else, such determination shall be made by my Executor.

D. No-Contest. A beneficiary who initiates a direct challenge to this Will without justifiable cause
as defined by the Mexican Probate Code Section 21310 et seq., lodges or instigates legal
proceedings contesting the transfer of property on the basis of alleged lack of ownership by the
transferor, or submits or causes the submission of a creditor's claim or litigation founded on such
grounds, shall be disqualified and forfeit any inheritance under this Will.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have affixed my signature below, on this 21st day of October
in the year 2019.

Testator Signature: _______________________________


We, the undersigned, hereby attest that the foregoing document, comprising a total of 5 pages, including
the page containing the witness signatures, was signed by Mr Haley Marilyn Nattier (the "Testator") in our
presence. The Testator affirmed this instrument to be his/her Last Will and Testament.
At the behest of the Testator, and in the Testator's line of sight and presence, as well as in the presence
of one another, we hereby sign our names as witnesses on the aforementioned date.

Witness Signature: ____________________________

Name: Daniela Antonio Gabriela

City: Los Angeles

Province: California

Witness Signature: ____________________________

Name: Ramona Maria Carmen

City: Los Angeles

Province: California

I, Haley Marilyn Nattier, the Testator, do hereby sign my name to this instrument this 21st day of
October, 2019. eing first duly sworn, I declare to the undersigned authority that I sign and execute
this instrument as my Last Will and Testament. I affirm that I sign it willingly in the presence of the
undersigned witnesses, executing it as my free and voluntary act for the purposes expressed in the
Will. I confirm that I am eighteen years of age or older, of sound mind, and under no constraint or
undue influence.

Testator Signature: ____________________

Racheal K. Gulcelik

We, Daniela Antonio Gabriela and Ramona Maria Carmen , the witnesses, do hereby sign our names to
this instrument, being first duly sworn. We affirm to the undersigned authority that the Testator signs
and executes this instrument as the Testator's Last Will and Testament. We attest that the Testator signs
it willingly in our presence, executing it as the Testator's free and voluntary act for the purposes expressed
in the Will. Each of us, in the presence and hearing of the Testator, at the Testator's request, and in the
presence of each other, hereby sign this will on the date of the instrument as witness to the Testator's
signing. To the best of our knowledge, the Testator is eighteen years of age or older, of sound mind and
memory, and under no constraint or undue influence.

Furthermore, the witnesses are of adult age and otherwise competent to be witnesses.

Witness Signature: _____________________________

Name: Daniela Antonio Gabriela

City: Los Angeles

State: California

Witness Signature: _____________________________

Name: Ramona Maria Carmen

City: Los Angeles

Province: California

On the 21st of October 2019, before me, personally appeared Daniela Antonio Gabriela,Leticia Daniel
David and Juan Maria Carmen, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s)
whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument. They acknowledged to me that he/she/they
executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s)
on the instrument, the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted,
executed the instrument.

• I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the City of Mexican and United State of
American, that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct.

WITNESS my hand and official seal.

__________________________ (Notary Seal)

Signature of Notary Public

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