MGT 368 Report

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Prepared by:
Tasneem Abrar 1922064030
Arishba Junaynah Mahmudi 2031775630
Zarrin Tasnim Binta Hossain 2013284030
Sumaya Tashfia 2012892030
Taaseen Mohammed Islam 2013181030
Mohammad Morshadul Alam Abir 2013219030
Md. Zaref Islam 2031223630

Submitted to:
Samuel Mursalin
Lecturer, Department of Management,
School of Business and Economics
North South University


Letter of Transmittal 3

Executive Summary 4

Introduction 5

Problem 5

Solutions 6

Product 6

Market Size & Opportunity 8

Total Addressable Market 9

Go t0 Market Strategy 10

Competitors 11

Financials 12

Pro Forma Income Statement 13

Conclusion 13

Appendix 14

We start by thanking the Almighty in allowing us to complete and present this project in
this time of crisis as a part of our final project in concluding the MGT368
Entrepreneurship course. The report was written and compiled based on the knowledge
gathered through various methodologies and sources along with the lessons learned
during the course.

We would initially like to thank Mr. Samuel Mursalin, Lecturer of the Department of
Management, North South University for his constant support and motivation
throughout the entire journey. His constant faith in our abilities amongst other much
appreciated emotional support acted as a backbone in allowing us to complete the
project whilst fulfilling our curiosity on relating theoretical education to reality. We would
further like to thank his patience and constant availability regardless our repeated
requests and inquiries, without which we would not have been able to complete the

Lastly, we are thankful to each member of the team in providing their constant support
and collectively tackling every hardship we faced. We would like to conclude by
acknowledging any and all lacking that might surface from the report. We have had a few
setbacks due to the global pandemic and had to readjust or improvise to deal with the
ordeals. We humbly apologize for the shortcomings and hope to present a fulfilling

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Samuel Mursalin
Lecturer, Department of Management, School of Business and Economics
North South University

Subject: Submission of Project report

Dear Sir,

This is a great pleasure for us to submit the Group report on the Pitch Deck of outdoor
marketing Campaign: "Outroad". This is our report under the course MGT368. All the work
presented here is done with our utmost sincerity and honesty. We have tried our level best to
make this report holistic and informative enough. We also tried to relate our theoretical
knowledge with our real life experience.

We would be grateful if you consider those points as an excusable means.

Yours Sincerely,

Tasneem Abrar 1922064030

Arishba Junaynah Mahmudi 2031775630
Zarrin Tasnim Binta Hossain 2013284030
Sumaya Tashfia 2012892030
Taaseen Mohammed Islam 2013181030
Mohammad Morshadul Alam Abir 2013219030
Md. Zaref Islam 2031223630

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Our team was tasked with coming up with a new business idea and to develop a
Pitch deck on the basis of the start-up.
This report reflects upon such idea and discusses ways to implement the idea
according the scope and nature of the market. This report further explores the
problem-solution fit for the start-up, in this case Outroad, along with its market
size and possible growth opportunity. It also highlight potential threat from the
competitors and discusses different strategies and ways to mitigate that existing
The report also includes the necessary financial information regarding the initial
stages of the start-up and had to come up with a pro-forma Income statement.

Page 04

The key to good marketing is creativity, captivity and retentivity. At its very core, it attempts
to enhance brand awareness, brand engagement and acquire new customers.
Unfortunately, the marketing industry in Bangladesh seems to lack this department
severely. Which led us to our outdoor marketing start up- OutRoad. By definition outdoor
marketing refers to any marketing activities that take place outside of the computer screen.
Traditionally, they include the likes of bill boards, flyers, banners, posters and shop signs,
but OutDoor takes a fresher outlook.

Inspired by the activities of JCDecaux, OutRoad plans to bring street furniture and
interactive boards to shed light in the otherwise dull industry. The aim is not to establish an
agency on its own, rather to reshape and revolutionise the industry as a whole.


As mentioned before, the marketing industry in Bangladesh lacks creativity. The root of the
problem can be simplified down to the overused and basic tactics which often come across as
ingenuine and low effort.

Consequently, they are often not well received; while it may get relatively significant
engagement it can be misleading. Meaning, just because a tactic is getting ample reach
doesn't mean it is a necessarily successful one. In Bangladesh for example, most brands
choose to use current memes or crude insinuations to attract attention, which in turn is
received negatively and used to ridicule the brand or even the marketing industry as a whole.
The common misconception for Bangladeshi brands seems to be that any publicity is a good

Apart from that, as most of the brands have a tendency of using similar if not the same tactics
with little to no creativity, they all blend in with each other. If a customer comes across the
campaign the likelihood of it catching their eye and sticking to the back of their mind is very
low. This, however, remains to be one the most prominent limitations of outdoor marketing
tactics as people can come across a campaign, notice but not remember it and refer back to it
at a later time, subconsciously.

Lastly, with the introduction of the metro in Dhaka city there is a lot of opportunity left
unexplored. It is evident that people in Bangladesh more specifically in Dhaka are interested in
finding something unique, as seen by their enthusiasm of attending festivals, restaurants or
even the military museum. It shows that through interactive marketing they can be reached in
an effective manner and based on the general public's preference of recording and sharing
interesting content online it can reach a wider audience and achieve the aforementioned
goals of being creative, captive and retentive.
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To combat the problems mentioned above, we have come up with Outroad integrating
the following solutions:

1. Unorthodox and impactful marketing campaign: As mentioned above the lack of

creativity in the marketing industry has made the consumer tedious about the generic
advertisement they come across. This makes them less interested about the brand
which works against the original goal of the marketers. This is where Outroad comes
in with our avant-garde approach to outdoor marketing. To put a bit of flare in the
mundane we have various campaigns that would be discussed in the product
2. High visibility with maximum engagement: Our interactive platforms ensure high
engagement amongst the general consumer that enriches their ad experiences which
naturally increases in exposure. This kind of fruitful engagement with the
advertisement results in high return on investment for the client and thus increasing
its value.
3. Enhanced scope of brand building and recall: The out-of-the-box creative
outlook of Outroad makes the designated brand stand out from the crowd for its
approach on marketing. It resonates with consumers on a deeper level when
addressing environmental, social issues using our unique platform, which enhances
brand image- increasing customer recall and retention. This approach creates a
unique identity for the brand which helps it position among customers differently
from the other generic brands.


There is a lot of space available for innovative and different mass marketing campaigns in
Bangladesh, using interactive and engaging tactics such as digital billboards, transit
advertising, commuter displays, kiosks, and much more to build guerrilla marketing
campaigns. Due to the high number of physical locations and venues available in the city
for marketing objects, outdoor marketing has many potential applications.

The Unique selling point of our products will be our ability to provide clients with
interactive and creative advertising solutions that create differentiated value. Our team
will utilize cutting-edge technology and radically different ideas to deliver unparalleled
outdoor marketing solutions for our clients.
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OutRoad will primarily work with various marketing firms, including Magnito, Asiatic, Grey
Digital, and Scratchboard, to name a few. For them to outsource the outdoor advertising
portion of their client's campaigns. We'll also collaborate with the Dhaka North and South
City Corporations on national advertising projects that require outdoor execution. We
intend to add consumer-brand restaurants, department stores, and shopping malls to our
list of direct clients. For the first two years of operation, we will focus on brands and
enterprises in Dhaka, with the goal of serving all 64 districts of the country by the fifth year
of operations.

The inaugural project we planned collaborates with Dhaka North City Corporation, Nagad,
and Aarong. We aim to utilize the digital screens in Justice Shahbuddin Park to promote
gifting underprivileged people Eid gifts from Aarong, with extra benefits such as cashback
offers by paying through Nagad. This marketing campaign would help utilize wasted space
and help capture the attention of parkgoers.

Page 07
An example of an interactive marketing campaign we could conduct is fitting heat-
sensitive panels that open after a certain temperature threshold has been reached in
the Gulshan-2 DCC market with small drink cups from “Peyala,” which customers can
avail of a free small drink. A similar campaign can be done in Justice Shahabuddin Park,
with hot drink cups from “The White Canary Cafe” displayed in a temperature-sensitive
panel that opens after the temperature falls below a certain threshold. We can also
collaborate with NGOs and non-profit organizations to raise awareness of environmental
and social causes through guerilla marketing methods.



When approaching a business, one of the primary concerns is to quantify how big the
market is to justify if it’s worth our time and investment. Hence knowing the market size of
OutRoad is one of the fundamental attributes.

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The global outdoor advertising market value is forecasted to reach US$58.80 billion in
2025, growing at a Current Annual Growth Rate of over 5%, for the period spanning from
2021 to 2027. But deplorably, in Bangladesh, the number of outdoor sites exceeds only
1100 in Dhaka City and by 2000 in the other districts. So, we can see that outdoor
advertising hasn’t yet been a booming business in our country, in turn, ushering higher
opportunities for us to make it a roaring success through our venture, OutRoad.

In the beginning, our market size won’t be large enough. But we are heedful of the fact
that regardless of its current size, our target should be to develop maximum exposure of
a product through outdoor advertising. To add to this, our early adopters are most likely
from the government body as they have the most to gain from this followed by the
trendsetters such as Cheez, Chatime, innovative digital agencies,and major brick and
mortar ad agencies, such as Asia tech.


The total addressable market (TAM), which is the total market for the products or
services, we calculate to upheave the merchandise equaling 100% of the market. For
calculating the TAM of OutRoad we have used the bottom-up approach, here basically
we are multiplying the total number of projects or clients in the market by the amount
we can possibly get annually.

Here we are Charging 19,000Tk per project or client for OutRoad and presumably
securing 40 clients initially. By multiplying these two we will get the annual contract value.
Here we are charging 19,000TK per project as Projonmo, one of OutRoad’s competitors,
charges 95,000Tk per project so we are charging 1/5th of what they charge. Our target is
to reach the total number of accounts in the market, which we assumed to be 1000, we
do this by acquiring funds and utilizing our resources adequately. And this is exactly
what we are trying to establish through our TAM calculation. hence the TAM would be:

TAM = (Total number of Accounts) x (Annual Contract Value [ACV])

=1000 x 40*19,000
=1000 x 760000
=760,000,000 Tk

Therefore, the Total Addressable Market for OutRoad is 760,000,000 Tk or

8,758,665 USD.

Page 09

OutRoad plans to focus on three main aspects to introduce and place itself in the market
for its initial launch. Our primary objective would be to raise awareness and create
contact points with our target group, agencies and national public relations bodies.

In alignment with the objective of awareness, the first step would be to plan a mass
outdoor campaign that garners attention and interest. On the internal end, this
campaign would also facilitate making connections with the stakeholders, as mentioned

The second step would be to obtain permission from Dhaka North and South City
corporation and obtain permits for conducting campaigns in public places like parks, bus
stands etc. Getting approval is necessary to avoid on-location conflicts with authorities
like police or management.

The third step would be to launch the opening campaign. We would liaise with well-
known organisations like Aarong and Bkash and create a first-of-its-kind interactive
campaign in a venue like Justice Shahabuddin Park in Gulshan. We will measure the
campaign’s performance by evaluating the number of people engaged with the kiosks.
Furthermore, as the campaign undertakes, we will promote it live on social media to
draw in more traction.

The fourth step of our go-to-market strategy would also be to host an event inviting
representatives of marketing agencies, both digital and large brick and mortar
organisations. The event's purpose will be to build relationships with such organisations
and propose that they outsource the part of campaigns that require outdoor marketing,
as we have relations with suppliers and with managing authorities.

This is the intitial go-to-market strategy that will allow us to gain a standing in the
advertising industry as we expand its horizon by introducing unorthodox and impactful
campaigns that guarantee higher visibility and, thereby, a higher ROI. Which, to sum up
enhances brand recall and strengthens brand image.

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OutRoad aims to be unique in its marketing methods, however, we are still

competing with both established outdoor marketing and digital marketing firms.
The competitors of OutRoad that we have identified include Asiatic Marketing LTD,
Magnito Digital, and Scratchboard.

Asiatic is one of the oldest agencies in Bangladesh and is also the largest amongst
our rivals. They also have the most global presence due to affiliations with JWT
worldwide. Asiatic represents the current state of our local outdoor marketing
methods and we aim to gain an advantage through our interactive and engaging
advertising activities. Asiatic’s services are also expensive and if we can be cost
effective, we gain further advantages over them.

Magnito Digital are one of the innovative digital marketing firms of our country
and represents the portion of the market that OutRoad has not yet delved into,
that is, marketing through the internet. Magnito claim to be highly innovative and
work to create an interactive marketing system by using the tools on the internet.
Their services are also priced steeper than what we expect for OutRoad. Their
weakness that we can exploit is the fact that online advertising can be engaging
and invasive at times.

Scratchboard are the smallest and youngest among our rivals however they excel
in creating high community engagement and have a reputation in maintaining
strong customer relations. They are a growth hack marketing agency which means
they use data to find cheap solutions in growing a business. They mainly hold
marketing campains and provide services in brand development. While they tick a
lot of boxes that OutRoad looks to accomplish, Scratchboard is not as interactive
as the methods of OutRoad.

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A short discussion about the costs and revenues around the entire project is as follows.
Cost Structure
The bulk of the costs would go to our marketing activities as the platform needs
recognition for brands and marketing agencies to use this. So, we have a high budget for
the marketing activities.

Expenses Amount in BDT

Wage 240,000

Rent 480,000

Hardware 12,000,000

Legal Fees 6,000,000

Internet 60,000

Miscellaneous 120,000

Total 18,900,000

Revenue Model

The bulk of our revenue will come in from the annual contracts with the marketing
agencies and local brands. We can secure around 80 contracts for the first year, which in
turn can generate an amount between BDT 1520,000 – 1540,000 in revenue for that year.
The money that we will get through the ads will depend on the number of visitors on our
website. If we can get around 8,00,000 clicks on the website in a month, we’ll be able to
generate somewhere around BDT 35,000-40,000 every month which will also contribute
to the revenue. These numbers will increase as we grow in popularity.

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OutRoad Advertising
Pro Forma Income Statement
For the year ended December 31


Outroad brings out an eccentric and unique outlook on the traditional outdoor
advertisement in this age of digital advertisement. With its out of the box venture,
Outroad expects to build a substantial rapport among the general consumer when
it comes to approaching traditional advertisement. Further development of the
seed-based idea is required to implement this in the real world however, this
existing plan offers to get a head start for the business idea.

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Customer Journey Map for Outroad

Social Media Ads
Blog Community Feedback
Media Return Incentives
Consideration Retention

Awareness Purchase Advocacy

Get permission from the Government Agencies outsourcing Promotion
PR Website Social Networks
TV/Radio/ Print
Word of Mouth
Online AD Newsletter
Email Press Release

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