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26th sep.

1944 Underground Romy King, Suus Flipsen, K

“leaders who do not help the people must be replaced by the people”

Ilse Vloet, Sunday 17th of September

Arnhem attacked by the


The battle began at half past 11. The Allies

attacked in and around Arnhem. This
includes the towns Oosterbeek, Wolfheze
and Driel. American airborne troops were
dropped in the Netherlands to keep the
bridges safe - this delayed the allies attack.

In the most northern part of Arnhem one

airborne landed. In the attempt to capture the
bridge on the river the Nederrijn. The first
part of the Airborne division landed some
distance from their assigned destination
point. Most of the troops didn’t even come
close to reaching their destination. This
concludes that only few have actually landed
where they had been commanded to. XXX
The landing of the first part of the airborne division
corps couldn’t help this unfortunate sitaution.
The airborne divisions route went from the
slag of Nijmegen to the slag of Arnhem. Kirsten Adams, Wednesday the 20th of September

The Allies conquered the Waalburg in Nijm

This event happened on the westside of the After that, Julian Aaron Cook, was given
village ‘’Lent’’. This action is part of the assignment to search for boats, but he
Operation Market Garden and the goal was didn’t know where to get them from, so
to conquer the Waalbrug and the the ‘Waal crossing’ was delayed.
Suus Flipsen, Tuesday the 19th of September Spoorbrug, in Nijmegen. Operation Market Eventually, 26 boatsarrived, due to the fact
Garden is an ambitious Allied plan to that 6 out of 32 boats were destroyed
secure a series of bridges and push into during the voyage. The allies won &
Brutal End of the Germany, hopefully bringing an ultimate
swift end to this war.
pushed back the Germans, our bridges
were conquered!

celabration in The allies first plan was to conquer both The success of the Waal crossing has
bridges on the 17th of September, but they played a crucial role in to finally securing
Eindhoven wanted to keep the Groesbeekse Bos, so the Nijmegen bridge & the operation is
After the liberation and happiness of the general, decided to use less troops for helping us to push our country towards a
yesterday, another round of bombs fell on the the attack. Now this week on the 19th of great liberation. Nijmegen is free and
city of Eindhoven today. The huge victory of September, around 4.00 pm, the British- Germany has suffered a great loss!
the 18th of September wasn’t even processed American fighting groups got into the city,
in our minds, when Germany attacked again. causing a firefight on Keizer There are now plans to build a monument
Lodewijkplein. The British tanks and to represent this wonderful and successful
The city of Eindhoven wasn’t even done armored vehicles exchanged fire with the occurrence, in honor of the two American
celebrating their victory when the rumors German anti-tank guns and infantry dug soldiers: Dr. Huygen and Herman Jansen.
about the Germans started. The German into the Valkhof and Hunner Park, while More information about the construction
army was once again getting much too close the American paratroopers entrenched of this monument will be announced as
to our beautiful city. Big planes appeared themselves in the houses opposite. soon as possible
above the center and bombed our beloved Meanwhile, heavy German artillery fired
city. The vehicles of the British were stuck across the Waal from Lent at the Allied
and exploded because of all the fuel they attackers.
contained. This festive day turned into a real
nightmare. There were fires everywhere and
you could see the fear in everyone's eyes. We
have lost more than 200 people due to this
violence of Germany. This shows us once
again why we can't give up now! We have to
keep fighting until this war has been won!
Do it for you, your family, your country,
your faith and all victims this war has

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Tuesday the 26th of September
Underground Issue #10

Ilse Vloet, Monday 25th of September

The commence of the withdrawal plan

The latest updates to get you through the day
They say that last night a copy of the At 10.00 am the Germans did their
Withdrawal plan was sent to Urquhart via the most successful attack on the
river. At 8.00 am Urquhart had radioed that perimeter. The Germans arrived with
Thomas had agreed to the plan because he Tiger tanks. These are tanks that are
had little choice and therefor wanted the plan very strong. There were also some
to start straight away. The airborne forces counter-attacks by the Netherlands. The Germans attacked these troops who retreated because t
would need to stay one more day in the These were very strong attacks that
perimeter. Men were evacuated the whole for a part repulsed the Germans.
day but this didn’t go as smoothly as planned. Around 21.00 pm heavy rain was
This is because there is no official truce, so falling and this helped to hide the
this allows the perimeter to sometimes be set Withdrawal plan. This is also the
on fire or even be bombed. moment that the bombardment began.
Soon after some of the troops fell
back to the rivers.

This week’s weather report Romy King, 22nd of September

This week the change between the summer and autumn took place. With soft Latest submitted news from our allies in En
temperatures around 13 degrees and barely any wind, you can speak of a perfect late-
summer climate. Below the weather of Eindhoven and its surroundings can be found. Mr Churchill returned home from Canada
last night in the queen Mary – the liner
that took him there. He landed at a west
coast port, looking fit wearing the trinity
house uniform, and smoking a cigar. Mrs
Churchill and high-ranking service
officers were with him. It is three weeks
since he left England to meet president
Roosevelt at Quebec. Mr. Churchill will
shortly give another war review to the
house of commons which meets today
after its success.

Romy King, 20th of September

Eindhoven From a different perspective

Submitted by correspondent Alan Moorehead
Eindhoven Wednesday last night, the that here and there you had to run
Germans tried to cut off the British column past flanking air fire on the way”
at its base. They gathered their tanks around
Eindhoven and tried to wipe out the city
from the air. Roosevelt and Churchill during their 11th
wartime meeting: Quebec conference,
“ I had been up near the head of the column held in Canada from the 16th to 21st of
all the afternoon among the para-troops on September.
Nijmegen and Arnhem on the Rhine. As we
drove back to Eindhoven we had no idea this
new and dangerous threat was opening up in
the rear – except

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From the Government

The souldiers from the airborne forces on their way to Eindhoven

Time to regroup!
Romy King, Today Monday 25thof September

Today 6000 of our soldiers were taken captured by the Germans and 1000 killed in Arnhem - the remaining’s of the British
airborne division leave Arnhem and are on their way to the Neder Rijn river. They intend to regroup with the British xxx
corps who are also on their way to the river.

“they fight not for lust of

conquest. they fight to end
conquest: they fight to
- president Franklin D. Roosevelt
Romy King, Sunday 17th September

One week ago: Reminder of last week

on the 18th the British xxx corps fought their way through a
dedicated German resistance up the main artery road on their
way to Eindhoven. They have finally united with the 101st
airborne forces, who have also landed in Eindhoven and Veghel.

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