Use Run in A Sentence The Best 487 Run Sentence Examples

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Run sentence example

! run

Meanings Synonyms Sentences

I didn't run away.

657 # 302
$ "
I could have run away from my father,
as I wanted to.
367 # 210
$ "
The child can't just run off across the
222 # 121
$ "
Little calf does run and leap in field.
155 # 81
$ "
"You're qualified to run the ranch," he
165 # 117
$ "

And she set off at a run along the

73 # 42
$ "
We thought it was far south over the
woods--we who had run to fires before-
-barn, shop, or dwelling-house, or all
86 # 58
$ "
We can't run sixty miles in an hour, so
we make cars.
44 # 20
$ "
"Isn't it fine?" cried Dorothy, in a joyous
voice, as she sprang out of the buggy
and let Eureka run frolicking over the
velvety grass.
64 # 44
$ "
We were set to run renewed sessions
on Saturday but on Thursday Martha
telephoned in tears.
33 # 19
$ "

What makes families run out?

27 # 13
$ "
The man was run down by a detective
from After.
60 # 48
$ "
She gasped and turned to run, but he
reached out and grabbed her.
39 # 28
$ "
No. We have to stick around and run
31 # 20
$ "
It would have been easier to run off and
leave them.
43 # 33
$ "

Then you wouldn't have run off that cliff.

53 # 45
$ "
You're in no condition to run around
27 # 19
$ "
In the past, impetuous young men
would drop out of college and run off to
join the army.
25 # 17
$ "
Petya! exclaimed Denisov, having run
through the dispatch.
24 # 16
$ "
I don't want to run your life.
9 # 2
$ "

"You'll have to make a dash, Jim," said

the Wizard, "and run as fast as you can
24 # 17
$ "
I'll teach you to run into the yards!
11 # 4
$ "
Yet in reality, five individuals, some
joined by love, some nearly strangers
and others with a history, that might
surface and run amuck.
29 # 23
$ "
She was letting her imagination run wild
26 # 21
$ "
I never would have believed he would
run off and leave us like that.
39 # 34
$ "

"Run for the river!" shouted the Wizard,

and Jim quickly freed himself from his
unseen tormenters by a few vicious
kicks and then obeyed.
27 # 22
$ "
When all the factories run themselves,
when energy is free, when scarcity is
ended, when material needs are all met,
it will be a different world.
47 # 42
$ "
'We've lost, so let us run,' and we ran.
11 # 6
$ "
Her throat quivered with convulsive
sobs and, afraid of weakening and
letting the force of her anger run to
waste, she turned and rushed headlong
up the stairs.
14 # 9
$ "
She forced herself to walk, not run,
back to the house.
23 # 19
$ "

And he won't run - not even if you flog

24 # 20
$ "
It's not like I'm asking you to run away
with me.
9 # 5
$ "
It's been a good run and many lives
have been saved.
8 # 4
$ "
I was basically told to keep off your
back but no one mentioned I should run
errands for you.
6 # 2
$ "
One of the chairs pushed back from the
table, and this was so astonishing and
mysterious that Dorothy was almost
tempted to run away in fright.
22 # 18
$ "

There was a beautiful canopy for Ozma

and her guests to sit under and watch
the people run races and jump and
10 # 6
$ "
"Once, when I was young," said Jim, "I
was a race horse, and defeated all who
dared run against me.
9 # 5
$ "
And Croesus was so amazed that he
endowed the Oracle at Delphi with all
kinds of gifts and planned to run all-
important questions by this oracle.
5 # 1
$ "
It should know what the food on my fork
weighs, run a chemical analysis of every
bite I take, and log it in my Digital Echo
file for my future reference.
6 # 2
$ "
Essentially, we will be able to run as
many controlled experiments as we can
imagine instantly and for no cost—and
that will revolutionize medicine.
10 # 6
$ "

Now they drop out of college and run

off to start corporations.
4 # 0
$ "
Robert and I will run and jump and hop
and dance and swing and talk about
birds and flowers and trees and grass
and Jumbo and Pearl will go with us.
8 # 4
$ "
When I first paddled a boat on Walden,
it was completely surrounded by thick
and lofty pine and oak woods, and in
some of its coves grape-vines had run
over the trees next the water and
formed bowers under which a boat
could pass.
4 # 0
$ "
One fair-haired young soldier of the third
company, whom Prince Andrew knew
and who had a strap round the calf of
one leg, crossed himself, stepped back
to get a good run, and plunged into the
water; another, a dark
noncommissioned officer who was
always shaggy, stood up to his waist in
the water joyfully wriggling his muscular
figure and snorted with satisfaction as
he poured the water over his head with
hands blackened to the wrists.
7 # 3
$ "
Alpatych at a gliding trot, only just
managing not to run, kept up with him
with difficulty.
13 # 9
$ "

Eh, Prince! said the trembling voice of

Timokhin, who had run up and was
looking down on the stretcher.
10 # 6
$ "
But the roll of the drums did not make
the looting soldiers run in the direction
of the drum as formerly, but made them,
on the contrary, run farther away.
6 # 2
$ "
Where has she run off to?
6 # 2
$ "
They want to run to see how they have
wounded it.
10 # 6
$ "
Having everyone run her life was getting
9 # 6
$ "

She had nearly run him down, slapped

his face and taken him away from his
work in less than twenty-four hours.
9 # 6
$ "
He already knew she was here, and it
wasn't as though she could run and
9 # 6
$ "
They usually run when they hear you
9 # 6
$ "
Would he ditch her and run off with the
other woman?
21 # 18
$ "
She wanted to run but her feet wouldn't
8 # 5
$ "
Then Howie asked if we'd try to run a
session this weekend, long distance, by
9 # 6
$ "
"Martha didn't run home and relate to
Quinn what you told her?" she asked.
17 # 14
$ "
So he sat down upon the floor of the
cave, brought the piglets out one by
one, and allowed them to run around as
much as they pleased.
4 # 1
$ "
If you ask it to run your bath, it knows
you like the water at 104 degrees.
5 # 2
$ "
The hungrier people were ... the less
likely they were to run away.
4 # 1
$ "

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