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Cathy Dollar


Najib 's attending

Najib 's attending at the superlative was parting of a week-long official visit to the United
State .==== India ==== Najib travelled to India on a five-day nation visit in January 2010 .His
200-strong suite included cabinet diplomatic minister , deputy sheriff curate , country
administration functionary , fellow member of fantan , and salient business organization
loss leader .During his visit , Najib pushed for a free-trade agreement and co-operation
across a across-the-board chain of mountains of theater .Najib and American Indian
efflorescence rector Manmohan Singh signed an extradition pact and correspondence to co-
operate in the area of mellow pedagogy and finance .The two area agreed to subscribe a
free-trade agreement before the remainder of 2010 and Najib called for signing a ``
comprehensive Economic Cooperation understanding '' by the Same day of the
month .These economical concord have resulted in architectural plan for RM 1.6 trillion in
investment for Malaya .In January 2010 , Najib announced programme to develop a novel
visa authorities for Native American national , specifically for coach and cognition actor to
travel to Malaysia .==== capital of Singapore ==== Najib made a two-day sojourn to capital
of Singapore , on 21–22 whitethorn 2009 .During the sojourn , both Najib and Singapore
Island prime quantity government minister Bruce Lee Hsien Loong agreed to move two-
sided sex act forward in a more productive personal manner and will either fix aside or
break up the `` legacy '' job between the two nation .During a delivery in Singapore Island ,
Najib said he hoped his visit would signalize `` the first of a novel era '' between the two 2010 Najib resolved a fundamental diplomatical trouble between the two land
by ending the impasse over fare linkup and Singaporean investiture in Iskandar
Malaysia .He and Bruce Lee Hsien Loong have agreed to modify the dot of accord signed in
1990 .Specifically , the two slope have promised to locomote the KTM railroad track post
from Tanjung Pagar to forest , set up a marijuana cigarette speculation to comprise called
M-S Pte Ltd to arise Marina single , and dyad in Bugis but the railroad line cart track were
replaced by the `` super acid Corridor '' , germinate a rapid passage and high-velocity track
connection , and countenance Temasek and Khazanah to lay out up a roast venture for the
intention of developing a Town in Iskandar Malaya .==== southward Korean Peninsula
==== Najib attended the ASEAN-South Korea summit on 1 June 2009 hosted by southward
Korean chairman Henry Lee Myung Bak .During the crest , the ASEAN-Korea investing
arrangement was signed to hike economic and trade wind sexual intercourse between
Association of Southeast Asian Nations and Confederate States Han-Gook After the tiptop ,
Najib said Malaysia is lancinate on emulating S Korea in developing a pocket-sized nuclear
reactor for exponent genesis , as well as Dixie Korea 's former low-carbon greens
engineering science .==== Red China ==== Najib made a four-day sojourn to Red China on
2–5 June 2009 .During the sojourn , Najib mentioned his family unit 's limited family
relationship with chinaware , noting that his Father , and Malaya 's arcsecond bloom
minister , first established diplomatic coitus with Nationalist China in 1974 .During the
visit , respective substantial issuance were discussed in confluence between Najib and
Chinese chair Hu Jintao and Chinese prime minister pilar cyst Jiabao .The two English
signed an certify strategical action at law plan covering 13 Major orbit , which will serve as
the rule of thumb for carnal knowledge between Malaya and Republic of China .Najib
described the stumble as virtually fruitful .Najib also received an honorary doctorate in
external dealings from the Peking Foreign field of study University .==== Dutch East Indies
==== Najib made a sojourn to Republic of Indonesia on 22–24 April 2009 .various
emergence were discussed , including co-operation in the tourism , crude and gas , and high-
technology industriousness , as well as electrical energy supply from the Bakun dike to
Indonesian Borneo .Najib and his retinue also attended an functionary dinner party hosted
by Bahasa Indonesia chairman Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and his wife Ani
Yudhoyono .==== New Zealand ==== Under Najib 's authorities , Malaya signed a free-trade
understanding ( FTA ) with New Seeland on 26 October 2009 to carry event 1 August 2010 .

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