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Apêndice B: Dossiê do Personagem

Este apêndice descreve personagens icônicos que os heróis podem conhecer durante a aventura, apresentando-os em ordem alfabética. Blocos
de estatísticas são incluídos conforme apropriado.

Também conhecido como o Devorador, Acererak é um arquilich poderoso e temido em muitos mundos. Ele sente um prazer sádico em matar
aventureiros, atraindo-os para suas tumbas cheias de armadilhas com a promessa de artefatos poderosos. Então ele se alimenta de suas almas
para sustentar suas aventuras pelo multiverso.

Centenas de anos atrás, Acererak era um mago mortal de Oerth dedicado à busca pelo poder e pela imortalidade. Alguns dizem que Acererak foi
aluno de Vecna, com quem aprendeu os segredos dos mortos-vivos.
Acererak viaja pelos aviões em busca de artefatos poderosos. Quando o arquilich encontra um particularmente intrigante, ele o sela em uma de
suas infames tumbas para atrair os caçadores de tesouros às profundezas da masmorra. Acererak encheu essas tumbas com armadilhas
mortais, monstros temíveis e quebra-cabeças distorcidos destinados a atormentar e, eventualmente, matar possíveis ladrões, cujas almas ele
então consome.
A mais famosa das tumbas de Acererak é a Tumba dos Horrores, que já conquistou muitos aventureiros ao longo de sua história. Outra tumba
infame é a Tumba dos Nove Deuses, na qual Acererak selou nove deuses falsos que ele havia matado lá. Ele tem tumbas adicionais em Oerth, em
Faerûn e além.
Ao contrário de muitos arquiliches, Acererak não deseja a divindade. No entanto, seus atos nefastos lhe renderam seguidores substanciais. Um
desses grupos fundou a Bleak Academy, uma instituição de ensino arcano e religioso que exalta o poder de Acererak.
✏Robson Michel

Acererak adora ver outros morrerem. Ele se considera superior em todos os aspectos, tratando os outros como se tratasse de insetos irritantes.
Ele vê até as criaturas que cria como meras ferramentas para servir aos seus caprichos. Essa arrogância muitas vezes o levou ao desastre, mas
como um lich, Acererak retorna continuamente à não-vida.

Alustriel Mão de Prata

✏Lily Abdullina
Lady Alustriel Silverhand , chamada de Dama Brilhante, tem sido uma feiticeira influente e defensora do bem em Toril há séculos. Alustriel é uma
das Sete Irmãs – filhas imortais de Mystra, um deus da magia. A energia divina que Mystra passou para Alustriel concede a Alustriel um poder
incrível sobre a magia arcana.
A aparência jovem de Alustriel como uma mulher humana com cabelos prateados não dá nenhum indício de sua vida sobrenaturalmente
prolongada. Ela normalmente usa túnicas longas e empunha um cajado com cabeça de unicórnio, seu Cajado de Lua Argêntea .

Alustriel's primary concerns are to spread kindness, reward virtue, and promote a culture of compassion throughout the multiverse. She is good at
building alliances and quick to intervene when she senses a threat to the forces of good. She has traveled far and established safe houses across
the planes—such as her sanctum in the city of Sigil. Alustriel doesn't seek personal glory or wealth; her style of influencing the cosmos is quiet yet

Like other Chosen of Mystra, Alustriel is concerned with preserving the Weave, the primary incarnation of magic that permeates Toril. She believes
that the Weave favors those who act with mercy and compassion, seeks to deliver lives of security for all, and bolsters people's efforts when they
seek to right wrongs and combat evil.
Nowhere are Alustriel and her deeds better known than in the Silver Marches and its capital, Silverymoon. Alustriel ruled Silverymoon for centuries,
once disguised as a wizard named Elué Dualen and then later in her true form. She helped create Silverymoon's famous Moonbridge and
cofounded the Lady's College, the first school in Faerûn for mages as students rather than as apprentices in service.
Alustriel stepped down as Silverymoon's high mage more than a century ago. Her son, Methrammar Aerasumé, now leads the city and works to
uphold his mother's legacy.
Alustriel has partaken in countless adventures before and after her tenure as Silverymoon's high mage. She has befriended famous adventurers
such as Drizzt Do'Urden, worked with prominent organizations like the Harpers, and helped prevent or undo many kinds of evil.

Kas the Betrayer

✏ Ekaterina Burmak
The Betrayer, the Bloody Handed, the Destroyer—Kas has earned many epithets during his long existence. He is a vampire, legendary swordfighter,
and ruthless warlord, and he is driven primarily by one thing: his hatred for Vecna.
Kas resembles a well-muscled, raven-haired, human man in his thirties, though he is far older. His fangs reveal his vampiric nature.

Kas is cruel, spiteful, and unrelenting in his pursuit of vengeance against Vecna. He readily lies, breaks promises, betrays allies, and taunts those
who fall for his ruses. Kas has little use for those who won't validate his superiority or help advance his goals.
In this adventure, Kas fools Tasha and Alustriel, two incredibly powerful wizards. In addition to defeating Vecna, Kas desperately wants the
wizards to witness and acknowledge his strength.

Lolth the Spider Queen

Lolth—the demon-god of deceit, shadows, and spiders—gains power by deceiving allies and enemies alike. Worshipers of the Spider Queen believe
she can see through the eyes of all spiders and insist she is all-knowing.
In eons past, Lolth regularly plotted against her family of elven gods, seeking to kill those deities and subjugate their followers. Though her
attempts mostly failed, she learned from them and grew mightier.
Her failed attempt on the life of the powerful elven god Corellon Larethian resulted in Lolth's banishment to the Abyss. There she conquered a
layer known as the Demonweb, where she now makes her home. Lolth embraces her surroundings and takes the form of a demon, regularly
appearing as a beautiful elven woman with the lower body of an enormous, monstrous spider. Lolth relishes her title of the Spider Queen and
attempts to annihilate any who doubt her power.
Lolth became the patron god of evil monsters that dwell in Faerûn's Underdark. Some Humanoids also choose to worship her. Lolth conveys her
favor in monstrous ways. One of the most accursed of the Spider Queen's gifts is transformation into a drider.
Followers of Lolth seek to foment chaos everywhere in the Spider Queen's name. The more ruthless and fanatically devoted to Lolth a worshiper
is, the higher that worshiper ranks in Lolth's favor.

Lolth is a cruel god. She loves chaos and hurting the innocent, especially those who oppose her power-hungry ideals. The suffering of others
delights her, and if that pain benefits her plans, all the better.
The Spider Queen employs duplicity and sadism against her enemies, but she also enjoys bedeviling those who claim to love her. She promises
great rewards to those who follow her without question; whether she delivers on her vows depends on her whims.
The Spider Queen often allies with other gods or powerful demon lords, though she does so only for personal gain. At the first sign of any
inconvenience, Lolth abandons her allies. Despite that fact, some believe her patronage is valuable.
Most recently, Lolth allied with Vecna. The archlich promised Lolth a place at his side as the second-most powerful being in existence if she aids
his efforts to use the Ritual of Remaking to re-form the multiverse. Lolth has deployed armies to protect Vecna on Pandemonium, though if the
tide turns against the archlich, Lolth plans to strand her forces.

✏ Ekaterina Burmak

Lord Soth
Lord Soth is the most powerful death knight on Krynn. Once a Solamnic Knight of the Order of the Rose, Soth was a paragon of virtue and justice
who allowed his pride to lead him down an evil path. Soth perished during Krynn's Cataclysm, then rose from the ashes as a death knight. Soth
lives in his cursed castle, Dargaard Keep.
✏ Vetlin Velinov

Miska the Wolf-Spider

Miska the Wolf-Spider is a legendary demon lord and master of battlefield strategy. He has the lower body of a massive armored spider, four arms,
and two enormous wolf heads that drip poison. Yet Miska's greatest strength is his cunning mind.
✏ David Auden Nash

Ages ago, Miska led the hordes of Chaos against the forces of Law at the behest of his patron, the enigmatic Queen of Chaos. It seemed Miska's
domination couldn't be stopped.
In desperation, Miska's opponents crafted an artifact to bind him in an extraplanar prison. This rod broke apart after sealing him in Pandemonium,
scattering across the planes and becoming known as the Rod of Seven Parts. The rod is the key to releasing Miska from his long imprisonment.

Mordenkainen is a human wizard from Oerth whose wanderlust and hunger for new magic take him across the multiverse. Mordenkainen is
calculating and mysterious, but he isn't cruel.
Mordenkainen has been involved in several friendly rivalries, including with Tasha, another powerful spellcaster from Oerth. Many significant
figures across the multiverse are aware of Mordenkainen, but few truly know him—something the vampire Kas exploits to impersonate
Mordenkainen. Throughout the adventure, Kas is masquerading as Mordenkainen. The mage is unaware of the vampire warlord's actions.

Mordenkainen has told conflicting tales about his origins, but most scholars believe he accumulated impressive magical power at a young age.
Known for his ingenuity, the wizard is responsible for writing several planar tomes and creating many spells that bear his name, including
Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound and Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion.
As his fame on Oerth grew, Mordenkainen became the leader of a powerful group of spellcasters called the Circle of Eight. The group included
several wizards who similarly pioneered new spells, including Tenser and Bigby. Eventually, the circle disbanded after it stopped an uprising
organized by Vecna. That development fueled Mordenkainen's lifelong hatred of the lich.
Mordenkainen travels the multiverse while following his academic whims. The wizard owns a home called the Tower of Urm, which pops into
existence in Avernus when Mordenkainen visits to study how the Nine Hells affect various schools of magic.

✏ David Auden nash

Mordenkainen is stubborn and egotistical to the point of driving even his friends to annoyance. He has few close relationships, although nearly all
wizards recognize his accomplishments. He is lonely and dreams of building a community of spellcasters who support each other. Unfortunately,
his ego makes that dream all but impossible.
Although Mordenkainen can be brash and off-putting, he eschews cruelty and sees no reason to cause pointless suffering. The wizard doesn't like
to admit it, but he would put his own safety at risk to quell the pain of innocents.

Strahd von Zarovich

✏ Martin Mottet
Strahd von Zarovich is the Darklord of Barovia, a Domain of Dread. Little happens there without the Darklord's knowledge, although Strahd rarely
pays attention to what he considers the uninteresting dealings of lesser beings. However, once the characters arrive in Barovia, explore a place
called Death House, and find a piece of the Rod of Seven Parts there, Strahd's interest becomes piqued, and he makes an appearance. The
characters encounter Strahd in his Master of Death House iteration in chapter 5.

In life, Strahd von Zarovich was a prince, a soldier, and a conqueror. His thirst for power never sated, Strahd made a pact with the Dark Powers to
become immortal. Meanwhile, Strahd's evil deepened, until in a jealous rage he murdered his brother, Sergei. Sergei's betrothed, Tatyana, leapt
from a tower to escape Strahd and vanished into the Mists rising around Barovia as Strahd slew everyone else in the castle. He had become a
vampire, and Barovia became a Domain of Dread.
Now the Dark Powers keep Strahd trapped in his realm, tormenting him with his inability to escape for all eternity. He spends his days amusing
himself as best he can, terrorizing Barovia's people and savoring the fear and worship he commands.

Tasha's path to greatness began when she was adopted by the arch-hag Baba Yaga, who named her Natasha. Tasha went on to create various
spells, including Tasha's Hideous Laughter, and her magic-fueled ambitions brought her into contact with demons and demon lords, which she
subjugated and used against her enemies. On the Material Plane, she became known as Iggwilv the Witch Queen and wrote the Demonomicon of
Iggwilv, the greatest of all treatises on the Abyss and its demonic inhabitants. In recent years, Tasha has sequestered herself in the Feywild,
achieving incredible power and slowly turning into a Fey creature. Tasha has become Zybilna, archfey of the domain of Prismeer.
✏ Caroline Gariba

Answering the Summons

When Zybilna received Alustriel Silverhand's summons to combat Vecna, the archfey was sorely needed in Prismeer. As a compromise, and to
honor Tasha's friendship with Alustriel, Zybilna sent a version of herself from the past to Alustriel's side. The Tasha who appears in the adventure
is a powerful wizard, though she is not yet a witch queen or an archfey.

The terrifying dragon god Tiamat is the progenitor of chromatic dragons across the multiverse. Her earliest background is shrouded in mystery,
but Tiamat's grand, five-headed silhouette has become an iconic symbol of avarice and destruction.

✏ Julian Kok
Tiamat is one of two primordial dragons, the other being Bahamut, the progenitor of metallic dragons. Together Tiamat and Bahamut created what
became known as the First World: the first iteration of physical reality, which was subsequently sundered into the innumerable realities that now
make up the Material Plane. The first inhabitant of this First World was Sardior, a ruby-red dragon with jeweled scales they made in their likeness,
who worked with Bahamut and Tiamat to create metallic and chromatic dragons. The Draconic poem "Elegy for the First World" describes how
hordes of creatures overran this fledgling world, waging war on the dragons and colonizing the realm in the names of their gods. Bahamut and
Tiamat were defeated, and Sardior disappeared.
Sometime after the destruction of the First World, Tiamat carved out a lair in Avernus, the first layer of the Nine Hells, where she commands a
fearsome legion of followers. She maintains a courteous relationship with Asmodeus, the ruler of the Nine Hells, and commands draconic devils
called abishais as her agents. Each type of abishai bears the coloring of one of Tiamat's five heads.
Across many worlds, Tiamat is worshiped as a god, with clerics at her disposal. Mortals who covet wealth and power pledge their lives to the
dragon queen. Tiamat can send a fragment of her power to the Material Plane, which manifests as a titanic, five-headed dragon driven by
rampaging greed.

Tiamat embodies the vices of evil dragons. She is vengeful and covets power and wealth above all else. However, Tiamat isn't reckless in her
quests to expand her hoard. The dragon queen exhibits shrewd battle tactics and beguiling charm, easily swaying mortals. Each of Tiamat's five
heads has its own voice and mannerisms, but they all share the same consciousness.
The relationship between Tiamat and Bahamut is complicated. Many texts portray the two as mortal enemies, but other histories of the First
World depict the two as partners; some even speculate that she still feels great love for her creations on the Material Plane and grief over the loss
of Sardior.

✏ Scott Murphy
On countless worlds, his name evokes tales of terror and cruelty: Vecna, the Undying King. Vecna, the Whispered One. Vecna, the Lord of the
Rotted Tower. But Vecna had humble beginnings on the world of Oerth, where an order of wizards used him as a bootblack and scribe. He spent
the better part of his childhood secretly educating himself in his masters' arts. Once Vecna learned all he could, he massacred the wizards. He
then recorded his every foul thought and dream as he started to write his Book of Vile Darkness.
Vecna ​forjou um reino em Oerth, mas ficou entediado com isso depois de vários séculos. Ele começou a infligir sofrimento a outros mundos.
Nesta aventura, Vecna ​ascendeu à divindade em Oerth, mas procura tornar-se o deus mais poderoso que existe e submeter o multiverso à sua
vontade. No momento em que os personagens são envolvidos, o plano mestre de Vecna ​está quase completo. Ele canalizou uma quantidade
significativa de sua energia para tecer seu ritual. Portanto, quando os personagens finalmente confrontam Vecna ​e tentam salvar o multiverso,
ele está em sua forma arquilich e não em sua forma divina.

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