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Lab 3.

Cells of the immune system


- Identify the leucocytes (WBC)

- Determine the relative numbers of the types of leucocytes
Lab 3. Cells of the immune system

Lab 3. Cells of the immune system
Lab 3. Cells of the immune system

1. Preparation of blood smear:

Preparing a blood smear for inspecting white cells
Lab 3. Cells of the immune system
2. Giemsa stain of blood smear:
Components Stained location Stained color
Methylene blue Nucleus Blue to purple
Azure B Nucleus Blue to purple
Eosin Y Cytoplasm Orange to pink

Stained granulars’
Neutrophil Fairly pink
Eosinophil Red
Basophil Blue
Lab 3. Cells of the immune system

2. Giemsa stain of blood smear:

Submerge blood smear slide in 100% Methanol | 5 mins

Drain well by touching end of slide on kitchen towel and air dry

Stain the slide with diluted Giemsa stain (1:10, vol/vol) | 20 mins

Gently wash with water by dipping the slide repeatedly | 30 secs

Drain well by touching end of slide on kitchen towel and air dry
Lab 3. Cells of the immune system

3. Differential blood leukocyte count:

Place the blood smear under the microscope objective (4x – 40x)

Observe different morphological type of white cell

Examine 50 to 100 different white cells → Estimate the percentage of each
cell type present in the smear

Record your results
Observing under microscope:

1 lymphocyte
3 eosinophils

1 lymphocyte
2 neutrophils
1 basophil
1 eosinophil
1 monocyte
2 counting times: total 10/100
2 lymphocytes, 2 neutrophils, 4 eosinophils, 1 basophil, 1 monocytes
Lab 3. Cells of the immune system
Lab 3. Cells of the immune system


➢ Keynotes of today’s class

➢ Labwork report
➢ Feedback for Instructors

➢ Overview next week’s practice

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