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 Basic  Intermediate  Advanced

Lesson Plan
Micro Lesson Video Link:

Business/Materials Lesson Objectives

- The Lion King 1994 – - Students will be able to represent a scene of a
Remember who you are serie or movie.
- Cue card with the

Warm-up and Objective Discussion

Show to the students cue cards with the characters of the scene. Ask them if they know who
they are, what do they know about that movie, if they like it or not. Explain them that this
lesson is going to be about a particular scene of The Lion King and they are going to practice
listening and speaking paying attention to the vocabulary, accent and phrases. At the end of
the class, they are going to be able to stand up at the front of the class and talk about their
favorite movie or serie.

Instruct and Model  R  W  L  S

-Watch the video while they take notes, before it, explain them the Cornell method so they can
do it efficiently.
-Ask them which new words did they hear, write it on the board and define it together. Ask
questions using that words. Ask them if they have a pronunciation doubt, practice together
those words.
-Ask them to write, in 5 minutes, a note using the Cornell method about their favorite serie or
Guided Practice  R  W  L  S

In groups of 3 represent the scene of The Lion King, everyone has a character, this activity
makes everyone laugh. They can improvise a costume, write the dialogue and let their
imagination fly.

Independent Practice  R  W  L  S

- Think about a scene of their favorite movie or serie, watch it on their device and create
a dialogue to represent it.
- Look for a partner and explain him or her the scene, if she or he can guess which
movie or serie is, they can represent it. If not, they have to think on another scene.
Assessment  R  W  L  S

- Using (a free online video editor) represent the scene by their own. They
have to use different clothes, accents, voices and everything needed to represent the
-Use a rubric so the students will know exactly what the teacher want.

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