Leadership Presentation

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Brief definition of toxic leadership and leading global organizations

2. Why choose toxic leadership and leading global organizations

3. Brief background of Coca-Cola

4. Why choose Coca-Cola

5. a. Analyze relationship between toxic leadership and Coca-Cola

b. Analyze relationship between leading global organizations and Coca-Cola

6. a. Apply toxic leadership to Coca-Cola (weaknesses and strengths of the


b. Apply leading global organizations to Coca-Cola (weaknesses and strengths of.

the organization)

7. Summary of findings

8. Recommendations to organizations (Coca-Cola not leaders)

9. Bring whole presentation to close, summary findings and recommendations again

10. Reference list

11. Ask tutor if she has any questions

Relationship between Coca-Cola and leading global organizations (according to

Huesing and Ludema (2017)).

1. Global leaders in Coca-Cola sometimes have to manage branch companies in not

only one area, for example, Kathleen Ciaramello is the president of Coca-Cola in

North America, but she is in charge of providing foodservice for all global

customers, and the operation of on premise channels of Coca-Cola. It means that

Kathleen has to experience the difficulty and challenges brought by time

difference in different time zones and distance between different areas.

2. As a global leader, managers have to work long hours than domestic managers

because they have to communicate employees in different areas and connect them

to work together. Furthermore, global managers also have lots of chances to travel

for business, which means that it will take more hours for them to work. For

instance, Jennifer von Pohlmann is the manager of Coca-Cola, and she is 29 years

old who works about 55 hours a week.

3. Global managers also have a flexible schedules and fluid time, still taking Jennifer

as an example, though she works 55 hours for a week, she does not always at the

office, and she checks work emails at home. Also, she’ll come into the office at 4

a.m. if needed.

4. Global managers highly depend on technology to communicate with employees in

different areas, and deal with various tasks. In Coca-Cola, many video

conferences are held every day and hundreds of work emails are sent. They wrote

an average of about 30 pieces of mail a week, or 6 pieces of mail a day.

5. As global leaders, they have time to do jobs by themselves, but more work time

are used to connected employees in their teams together. Sometimes, it is possible

for global managers to gather employees to one room and have meetings, but

when employees are not at the same areas, managers need to communicate with

them and arrange their time of working to ensure that each employee can attend

these meetings. The role of global leader is to connect employees in one team

together, and global leaders need lots of knowledge in various fields to make sure
that employees with different functions can be connected. In Coca-Cola, Aaliyah

Shafiq, who is the global brand manager, claimed that they do everything as a

team, and they share knowledge owned by different teammates and then link them

together to formulate marketing plans in target markets.

Relationship between Toxic leadership and Coca-Cola

1. Toxic leadership exists in Coca-Cola company, sometimes the leader just ignores

the suggestions and feedback given by employees and carries on plans that he or

she think are right. For example, an increasing number of customers realize the

drawbacks of drinking beverages with too much sugar and high quantity of heat,

and these customers prefer to choose healthier beverages produced by competitors

of Coca-Cola. The decreasing of sales volume was recognized by employees in

Coca-Cola, and they reported this to their manager, however, the suggestions of

improving beverages and make them more healthier were denied by managers.

Managers in Coca-Cola still promote the coke as their core product, and declare

that customers should do more exercise but not drink health beverages. Recently,

government started to advocate that people should drink healthily, and both the

market share and sales volume of Coca-Cola decreased, and these changes

eventually make managers to do some change to become a “total beverage

company”, which means Coca-Cola will provide various products for customers

not only beverages with high sugar and quantity of heat but also healthy beverages

to meet customers’ demands of pursuing healthy diet.

2. Toxic leadership in Coca-Cola: terrible recruitment system. The board of Coca-

Cola does not have a reasonable system to select managers, they failed once but

still select one CEO who lacks of experience which led to Coca-Cola failed

selecting a right person for the position of CEO again. The original intention of
board is good, however, the wrong method of selection made the leadership of

board toxic and resulted in faults.


3. Toxic leadership in Coca-Cola, this company provided millions of dollar for

scientists to forge that there is no relationship between getting fat and sugared

beverages, but in the end, this false news was clarified, and drawbacks of high

sugar consumption cannot be hidden any more. The intension of this toxic

leadership is good for increasing profits of organizations and using core product,

coke, to gain more market share, however, this behavior is illegal and it damage

the reputation of Coca-Cola and customers’ health.


4. The environmental awareness becomes a popular topic now, and companies prefer

to establish a good brand image through promoting that their companies

contribute a lot to environment protection. Coca-Cola is one of these companies,

but the managers of branch company of Coca-Cola in China counterfeited the data

of pollution discharge in order to shape Coca-Cola into a company which has zero



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