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Dear _____:

We are pleased to inform you that as a Macy’s Seasonal Agent, you are qualified to participate in Macy’s Digital
Customer Service ARLH (Absenteeism Rate and Lost Hours) and Stay Bonus Program. To be eligible, the following
terms and conditions will apply:


Following a cumulative incentive scheme, below are the amounts to be added at the end of your contract.

Weekly Attendance Bonus Qualifiers

 Maximum bonus of $100 if you are able to meet absenteeism goal for each week.

Critical Days Weekly Amount

November 21-27 (Thanksgiving and Black Friday Week) $20.00
November 28- December 4 (Cyber Monday Week) $20.00
December 5-11 (Green Monday Week) $20.00
December 19-25 (Christmas Week) $15.00
December 26-January 1 (New Year Week) $15.00
Last Week of the Contract $10.00

 Incentive payout will be given at the end of contract and will be part of your final pay.
 Voluntarily or involuntarily termination before the end of your contract will result to non-payment of
 In the event that seasonal contract needs to be shortened due to business need, Seasonal Agents will still
qualify for the Stay Bonus where the Total Bonus amount will be dependent on the dates the employee
was able to render service.
 Unscheduled ARLH (Absenteeism Rate and Lost Hours) should not be more than 5% in production for
each week)
o ARLH is calculated by
 Absent + NCNS + Tardy+ UnderTime + MIA (unauthorized logouts)
Total Scheduled Hours (minus VGH,PTOs)

 Weekly updated file with your running ARLH and tentative accumulated incentive will be posted in our
agent Shared Folder every Weds of the current week.
 Disputes on ARLH Calculation/ Incentive Calculation should be sent by the agent’s direct TL within 3 days
after the ARLH update has been posted. Documentation should be loaded in Pulse.
 You may reach out to your line manager for any disputes.

The Weekly Attendance Bonus, which is subject to tax will be redeemed by the end of the contract . Please note
that you may be asked to extend your contract. To qualify for this bonus, you would need to fulfill the extension
of no more than 30 days.

Final Pay Releases:

Your final pay will be released to you within 30-45 days upon receipt of your clearance.
Transfer to another Account after end-of-Contract:

1. At the end of your contract you can re-apply to another Program of your choice and location (site).
Kindly coordinate with Recruitment so they can initiate processing.

2. You still have to be processed by Recruitment to assess your eligibility for the Program you will be
applying to.

3. In case Macy’s has the capacity to absorb you into their program, you will be advised immediately
by your Team Leader before the end of your contract. Your site recruitment will contact you for the
issuance of our standard contract for new hires which is also subject to condition 4 below.

4. Please be informed that in the event you qualify for transfer to another program within Concentrix,
your base pay will not be carried over. You will be provided a new contract with the appropriate base
pay along with all other benefits accorded to new hires of the company.

The Company reserves the right to rescind, modify or amend this Annex “A” as business exigencies may require.

By signing this document, I hereby acknowledge that the content was discussed to me and that I agree without
qualifications or reservations to all the terms and conditions stated therein.


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