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1.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of strategic alliances?

-Pursuing a strategic alliance has advantages from an organizational, financial, political, and strategic
standpoint. Conversely, drawbacks include the requirement to split profits and the potential to reveal
company secrets. You might also have to forfeit other prospects and give rise to a possible rival.

2. Explain the concept of management contracting.?

-A system whereby a contract grants operational control of a business to another business that handles
the required managerial tasks in exchange for a fee.

Quiz 2.

1. Explain positioning and generic business strategies and their role in a firms value- creation process.?

-Although this question appears straightforward, it is actually rather complicated. The reason is because
this is a question with a plethora of potential responses. Take your town's or city's restaurants, for

2. Explain the concept of management contracting, franchising and joint ventures as its relate to
hospitality and tourism firms?

-Franchising is a business strategy in which firms sell the rights to their products or services to
entrepreneurs and business owners who then use the company's brand to operate their businesses for a
fee. ... The owner who pays for the terms and rights to operate the business is the franchisee.

Activity for this. week,

1. Understand corporate strategy and identify each competences?

-A company's competitive edge in the marketplace is derived from its core competences, which set it
apart from the competition. Rather than being a company's tangible or financial assets, a core
competency typically refers to a company's set of abilities or experience in a certain activity.

2. Evaluate and identify different approaches to corporate strategy development.

-The classic approach: This involves analyzing the company's internal and external environment,
identifying opportunities and threats, and formulating strategies to capitalize on the former while
mitigating the latter.The competitive advantage approach: Here, the focus is on identifying the unique
strengths and capabilities of the company and using them to create a sustainable competitive
advantage.The customer-centric approach: This approach involves putting the customer at the center of
the corporate strategy, understanding their needs and preferences, and designing products and services
to meet those needs.The disruptive innovation approach: This approach involves identifying new
technologies, market trends or business models that could disrupt the current industry landscape, and
positioning the company to take advantage of these disruptions.The blue ocean strategy: This approach
involves creating a new market space where there is little or no competition, by offering a product or
service that is uniquely differentiated from existing offerings.

3. Assess business level strategy in hospitality and tourism firms.-Differentiating the offering,Focusing on
customer service,Embracing technology,building loyalty programs,Developing strategic partnership,
investing in employee training and development, and implementing sustainability practices.By
implementing these business level strategies, hospitality and tourism firms can improve their
competitive position, increase customer loyalty and drive revenue growth.

4. Identify and discuss the different motivations for forming strategic alliance's.

Shared resources: Strategic alliances allow organizations to pool their resources, including financial,
human, and technological resources, to achieve their goals more efficiently.Access to new markets:
Strategic alliances can help organizations expand into new markets, both geographic and demographic.
Enhanced competitive position: Strategic alliances can help organizations improve their competitive
position by combining their capabilities and expertise.Innovation and knowledge sharing: Strategic
alliances can facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration between partners, leading to increased
innovation and creativity. Cost savings: Strategic alliances can help organizations reduce costs by
achieving economies of scale, sharing resources and infrastructure, and avoiding duplication of
efforts.Risk management: Strategic alliances can help organizations manage risks associated with
entering new markets, developing new products or undertaking other business initiatives.

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