Wink 2008 Plant Secondary Metabolism Diversity Function and Its Evolution

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NPC Natural Product Communications Vol. 3

No. 8
1205 - 1216
Plant Secondary Metabolism: Diversity, Function and its
Michael Wink

Institute of Pharmacy and Molecular Biotechnology, INF 364, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany

Received: April 2nd, 2008; Accepted: May 23rd, 2008

A typical character of plants is the production and storage of usually complex mixtures of secondary metabolites (SM). The
main function of secondary metabolites is defense against herbivores and microbes; some SM are signal compounds to attract
pollinating and seed dispersing animals or play a role in the symbiotic relationships with plants and microbes. The distribution
of SM in the plant kingdom shows an interesting pattern. A specific SM is often confined to a particular systematic unit, but
isolated occurrences can occur in widely unrelated taxonomic groups. This review tries to explain the patchy occurrence of SM
in plants. It could be due to convergent evolution, but evidence is provided that the genes that encode the biosynthesis of SM
appear to have a much wider distribution than the actual secondary metabolite. It seems to be rather a matter of differential
gene regulation whether a pathway is active and expressed in a given taxonomic unit or not. It is speculated that the genes of
some pathways derived from an early horizontal gene transfer from bacteria, which later became mitochondria and
chloroplasts. These genes/pathways should be present in most if not all land plants. About 80% of plants live in close symbiotic
relationships with symbiotic fungi (ectomycorrhiza, endophytes). Recent evidence is presented that these fungi can either
directly produce SM, which were formerly considered as plant SM or that these fungi have transferred the corresponding
pathway gene to the host plant. The fungal contribution could also explain part of the patchy occurrence patterns of several
secondary metabolites.

Keywords: evolution, chemotaxonomy, horizontal gene transfer, molecular phylogeny.

Diversity and function of compounds. The structurally diverse SM can be

plant secondary metabolites grouped according to their biosynthetic pathways and
structures into two large groups: SM with nitrogen in
A typical character of plants is the production and
their structures and those without (Table 1). Within
storage of usually complex mixtures of secondary
both complexes we can define further units, which
metabolites (SM). The constituents of these mixtures
can be split into even finer subgroups [1,4-7, 8-10].
often belong to several classes of SM, for example
terpenoids are often accompanied by phenolics.
Whereas phytochemists were and are always
Usually we find a limited number of major SM and
enthusiastic about the high structural diversity of SM,
several minor components, which are often
biologists tried to understand why and how plants
biosynthetically related to the main constituents [1-7].
synthesize, transport and store all these different SM.
As compared to the numbers of known SM, only
For more than 60 years phytochemists have
limited numbers of SM have been studied in detail in
separated complex mixtures of SM by prep.TLC,
terms of physiology, biochemistry and ecology.
LC, and HPLC and have isolated more than
Nevertheless, it is safe to assume, that SM are not
100,000 phytochemicals. Their structures have
functionless waste products (as suggested earlier in
been determined by mass spectrometry, NMR
the 20th century) [4], but important for the plants in
spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. It has been
an ecological context [8, 12-14].
suggested that only 20 to 30% of the known 350,000
plant species have been examined phytochemically in
Since early days when land plants evolved in
some detail; therefore, the real number of SM present
the Devonian period, they had to cope with animals,
in the plant kingdom very likely exceeds 200,000
1206 Natural Product Communications Vol. 3 (8) 2008 Wink

Table 1: Approximate numbers of known secondary metabolites overcome the defense barriers. Some insects even use
from higher plants [11]
the defense compounds of their host plants to protect
Type of secondary metabolite Estimated numbers*
themselves against predators [8,15-19]. Herbivores
Nitrogen-containing SM have developed a number of enzymatic means to
Alkaloids 21,000
detoxify, inactivate or excrete toxic plant compounds
Non-protein amino acids (NPAAs) 700
Amines 100
(liver enzymes, ABC transporters). Also the
Cyanogenic glycosides 60
microorganisms that are present in the rumen or
Glucosinolates 100 intestines of herbivores can play a role in inactivating
Alkylamides 150 plant defense chemicals.
Lectins, peptides, polypeptides 2,000

SM without nitrogen The ecological functions of SM become apparent if

Monoterpenes (C10) ** 2,500 plants are grown in the wild with all their enemies
Sesquiterpenes C15)** 5,000 and competitors around. Plant breeders have selected
Diterpenes (C20)** 2,500 varieties without toxins or which taste better as food
Triterpenes, steroids, plants. Consequently, food crops have often lost their
saponins (C30, C27)** 5,000
Tetraterpenes (C40)** 500 natural resistance to herbivores and/or pathogens, so
Flavonoids, tannins 5,000 that we have to use synthetic pesticides to protect
Phenylpropanoids, lignin, coumarins, them. Using alkaloid-rich and alkaloid-free lupins,
lignans 2,000 we have shown that the alkaloids are important for
Polyacetylenes, fatty acids, waxes 1,500 lupin plants to protect themselves effectively against
Polyketides 750 a wide diversity of herbivores [13,14,19-21].
Carbohydrates, simple acids 400
*Approximate number of known structures; **total number of all
terpenoides exceeds 22,000 at present.
Origins of plant secondary metabolism
Early in the 20th century it was argued that secondary
which tried to feed on plants (herbivores) and with metabolites arise either spontaneously or with the aid
infectious microorganisms (bacteria, fungi). It is of non-specific enzymes. There is good evidence
obvious but still important to note that plants cannot today that biosynthetic enzymes are highly specific in
run away when challenged by a herbivore nor do they most instances and that most have been selected
have an elaborate immune system to fight off a towards this special task (although they often derive
microbial infection. As a common defense measure, from common progenitors with a function in primary
plants and other sessile organisms evolved bioactive metabolism). As a consequence of specific enzymatic
natural products, which repel, deter or poison synthesis, final products nearly always have a distinct
herbivores and which can inhibit growth and stereochemistry. Only the enzymes that are involved
development of bacteria, fungi and even viruses. in the degradation of SMs, such as glucosidases,
Some of the defense compounds are constitutive, esterases and other hydrolases, are less substrate-
while others can be induced under stress conditions: specific.
several SM (so-called phytoalexins) and defense-
related proteins are synthesized de novo when a plant Despite the enormous diversity of secondary
is challenged by bacteria, fungi or viruses. Because metabolites (Table 1), the number of corresponding
plants have to compete with other plants for light, basic biosynthetic pathways is restricted and distinct
water and nutrients, SM often also serve as mediators [7,21,22]. Precursors usually derive from basic
in plant-plant interactions (so-called allelopathy). metabolic pathways, such as glycolysis, Krebs cycle
During evolution, SM were apparently optimized in and the shikimate pathway. For pathways leading to
such a way that they did not only exhibit defensive cyanogenic glycosides, glucosinolates, some
but also additional non-defense functions: Some SM alkaloids and non-protein amino acids (NPAAs),
have additional physiological and ecological amines, flavonoids and several terpenes, the enzymes
functions (for example, as nitrogen storage that catalyze individual steps have been identified. In
compounds; UV protectants) or serve as signal pathways leading to isoquinoline, indole, pyrrolidine,
compounds to attract pollinating or seed dispersing pyrrolizidine and tropane alkaloids, flavonoids,
animals and can mediate the interactions between coumarins, NPAAs, mono-, sesqui- and triterpenes,
symbiotic bacteria and their plant hosts (for example, some of the genes that encode biosynthetic enzymes
Rhizobia). Because no defense system is absolute, have already been isolated and characterized.
a number of specialists have evolved, which have
Diversity, function and evolution of plant secondary metabolism Natural Product Communications Vol. 3 (8) 2008 1207

Among the unsolved problems of secondary Alkaloids Terpenes Flavonoids & other phenolics
metabolism is the question of when, where and how Chlorophyta

the genes evolved that encode enzymes of SM Charophyta

biosynthesis, as well as those of transport, storage Anthoceratophyta
and turnover. Bryophyta

Theoretically the following scenarios can be Sphenophyta

considered: Filicophyta

 Secondary metabolism could be a young Angiospermae

phenomenon and modern plants in the periphery Pinophyta

of the tree of plants have developed their Gnetophyta

pathways independently.
 Alternatively, secondary metabolism is an old
key innovation, which was developed early in the
evolution of land plants and was inherited by Figure 1: Molecular phylogeny of land plants.
Clades that produce alkaloids are marked in red; those with terpenoids in
present-day plants. This would mean that the green and those with phenolics in black.
corresponding genes should be detectable in at
least most of modern plants. This in turn would suggest that the corresponding
 Plants could have developed the genes of SM pathway must have evolved during early evolution.
from their own genes of primary metabolism. In Figure 1 a molecular phylogeny of major
Starting with duplication of a gene, the new gene lineages of land plants is shown. All lineages are
became mutated, exhibited new metabolic apparently able to synthesize flavonoids and other
functions, and was established by natural phenolics deriving from phenylalanine/tyrosine. This
selection. observation suggests that the genes of flavonoid
 Plants might also have inherited some of the biosynthesis must be present from early land plants to
genes/pathways in early evolution by horizontal angiosperms. This is apparently true, since the
gene transfer from their bacterial symbionts, corresponding key enzymes, such as phenylalanine
which later developed into modern mitochondria ammonia lyase (PAL) and chalcone synthase (CHS)
and plastids. It is well-established that bacteria have been detected in spore forming plants and seed
(especially Actinomyces and Streptomyces) and plants (Figure 2 A,B). Terpenoids, such as mono-,
cyanobacteria produce a wide diversity of sesqui-, tri-, and tetraterpenes, and steroids are also
secondary metabolites, showing similar present from mosses to higher plants, suggesting that
structures as plant SM (for example, some the pathways leading to the active isoprene and the
anthraquinones, terpenoids and alkaloids). following combinations and cyclisation of C-5 units
 About 80% of modern plants live in symbiosis were present already in the ancestors of land plants
with fungi (endophytes, ectomycorrhiza); these (Figure 1).
fungi could directly have supplied its host with
SM or might have transferred the corresponding Alkaloids have a more patchy distribution and special
genes to the host’s genome (i.e. by horizontal alkaloidal types are usually specific for certain taxon
gene transfer). groups; therefore, they were often used as
chemotaxonomic markers [9,25,26]. Alkaloids, as
Inference from molecular phylogenies such, can be detected in lycopods, horsetails, and
During the last 20 years botanists have reconstructed some gymnosperms, but are predominant in
a tree of life for the plant kingdom using nucleotide angiosperms (Figure 1). Because many alkaloids are
sequences of plastid and nuclear marker genes neurotoxins [27], which interfere with targets of
[22-24]. The resulting molecular phylogenies can be neuronal signal transduction, we may speculate that
used to map the distribution of SM in the plant the diversification of alkaloids in angiosperms co-
kingdom [11]. evolved with the rapid diversification of insect and
vertebrate herbivores during the Cretaceous and
Suggesting that all extant taxa, ranging from spore to Tertiary periods.
seed producing plants, accumulate a certain class of
SM makes it very likely that all individuals possess The distribution of alkaloids offers a good example
the genetic information for its synthesis and storage. for understanding the dynamics of SM with restricted
1208 Natural Product Communications Vol. 3 (8) 2008 Wink

100 Daucus carota

73 Petroselinum crispum
Lactuca sativa
PAL 30 100 Helianthus annuus
Catharanthus roseus
O 23 Digitalis lanata
100 Agastache rugosa
8 Nicotiana tabacum
NH 2 100 Solanum tuberosum
Lithospermum erythrorhizon
62 Rubus idaeus
Glycine max
Astragalus membranaceus
Pisum sativum
48 Prunus avium
Citrus limon
37 Quercus suber
99 38 Coffea canephora
Arabidopsis thaliana
100 Isatis tinctoria
Beta vulgaris
46 100 Stellaria longipes
Allium cepa
Oryza sativa
99 Triticum aestivum
70 Zea mays
100 Saccharum officinarum
Pinus pinaster
Selaginella kraussiana
Lycopodium tristachyum
98 Equisetum arvense horsetail
100 Blechnum spicant ferns
Aspergillus fumigatus
Rhodotorula mucilaginosa
74 Ustilago maydis
100 Amanita muscaria
100 Coprinopsis cinerea
Anabaena variabilis
Nostoc punctiforme
Streptomyces maritimus
87 Photorhabdus luminescens


4-Coumaroyl-CoA HO OH

3 Malonyl-CoA CHS OH O

Solanum lycopersicum
Nicotiana tabacum
Pyrus communis
Vitis vinifera
Petroselinum hortense
Daucus carota
Arabidopsis thaliana
100 Barbarea vulgaris
100 Allium cepa
Medicago sativa
62 Physcomitrella patens
Phaeosphaeria nodorum
Aspergillus oryzae

Coccidioides immitis
Magnaporthe grisea
Neurospora crassa
Cytophaga hutchinsonii

Rhodobacterales bacterium cyanobacteria
Prochlorococcus marinus
100 Synechococcus sp. W H 7805
Pseudomonas fluorescens
100 Streptomyces griseus
100 Stigmatella aurantiaca
93 Anaeromyxobacter dehalogenans
Deinococcus radiodurans
99 Rhodospirillum centenum

99 Bacillus subtilis bacteria
Bacillus licheniformis
99 Geobacillus kaustophilus
Bacillus halodurans
97 Bacillus clausii

Figure 2: Molecular phylogeny of PAL (A) and CHS (B) inferred from derived amino acid sequences of the corresponding genes (after [46]).
Diversity, function and evolution of plant secondary metabolism Natural Product Communications Vol. 3 (8) 2008 1209

occurrences. In Figure 3, a more detailed analysis of production, we can often detect the same trait in other
the distribution of two major classes of alkaloids in unrelated members of the plant kingdom. This
the angiosperms is illustrated as an example. The tree observation indicates that chemotaxonomy, which
is based on several molecular markers and the basis relies on the similarity of SM profiles, must be
for a reorganization of angiosperm phylogeny [24]. regarded with some caution. If we were to assemble
Quinolizidine alkaloids, such as lupanine and all plants with similar SM in one clade, we should
cytisine, are mainly found within the genistoid not obtain a meaningful phylogeny in most instances
legumes (order Fabales); isolated occurrences have [11,25]. Because reliable molecular phylogenies are
been reported from other plant families, which are available by now for many plant groups,
not directly related to Fabaceae [28,29]. A similar chemotaxonomic groupings need to be reanalyzed
picture can be seen for pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs), and reinterpreted.
such as senecionine and symphytine, which are the
main SM in Boraginaceae and in part of the Inference from genome data mining
Asteraceae (Senecioninae). PAs also occur in several
A large number of bacterial, animal and plant
unrelated monocot and dicot families.
genomes have been partly or completely sequenced,
which provides us with the chance to test our
The patchy occurrence of QA and PA within the
assumptions explained in the last paragraphs by a
angiosperms continues if we look into finer details in
data mining approach (as shown for PAL and CHS in
the Fabaceae (Figure 4). Clades with PA production
Figure 2).
(genera Crotalaria and partially Lotononis) cluster
within QA producing clades. In the genus Lotononis
Here we will concentrate on two genes of indole and
two clades are apparent [30], one producing QA the
isoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis: Strictosidine
other PA.
synthase (STS) catalyzes the fusion of strictosidine
and tryptamine, a key step in the biosynthesis of
How can we interpret the patchy distribution of PA
monoterpene indole alkaloids [26]. These alkaloids
and QA in angiosperms and in the Fabaceae? Their
are abundant in four plant families – the
occurrence in unrelated groups could be due to
Apocynaceae, Loganiaceae, Gelsemiaceae, and
convergence; in this case we would expect an
Rubiaceae. Therefore, we would expect that STS
independent set of biosynthetic genes. In the case of
should be present in these families but not beyond.
the Genisteae s.L. the PA producing taxa are
As can be seen from Figure 5, which is based on
imbedded in clades with QA, which are ancestral.
derived amino acid sequences, related genes/proteins
This observation unambiguously implies that the PA
occur in several other plants (among them
taxa must have inherited the genes of QA
Arabidopsis thaliana), which do not produce such
biosynthesis, but that the QA pathway is down-
alkaloids. This finding indicates that plants must have
regulated in PA producing clades. The PA pathway
evolved a precursor of the STS gene much earlier
could be a new invention or caused by common PA
during their phylogeny. Interestingly, related genes or
genes or by horizontal gene transfer (see below). As a
STS precursor genes, which share many common
consequence, we could assume that the genes for QA
amino acid sites, can be detected among animals and,
and PA biosynthesis evolved at a much earlier stage
more importantly, among bacteria. This observation
in angiosperm phylogeny and that all descendants
could suggest that the progenitor of the STS gene
have a set of the corresponding genes. Whether QA
evolved in protobacteria and was imported into plants
or PA production is actually taking place would
via endosymbiotic protobacteria, which later became
then depend on a differential expression of the
mitochondria. The modern mitochondrial genomes
corresponding genes (which in general is a common
are quite small, suggesting that most of the original
theme in plants). Because the genes of QA
genes have been transferred to the nucleus of an
biosynthesis are not known we have presently no
ancestral eucaryotic or plant cell. Thus plant STS
possibility to test our assumption.
genes would be the result of an ancient horizontal
gene transfer.
The QA/PA example is also representative of many
other SM (cardiac glycosides, iridoid glycosides, As a second enzyme we have analysed the berberine
sesquiterpene lactones, diterpenoids, many alkaloids) bridge enzyme (BBE); it catalyses a specialized step
with more specific and restricted distribution in protoberberine alkaloid biosynthesis (Kutchan,
patterns: In addition to one or more centers of SM
1210 Natural Product Communications Vol. 3 (8) 2008 Wink

Figure 3: Phylogeny of angiosperms and the distribution of quinolizidine (QA) and pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA) (after [46])
Diversity, function and evolution of plant secondary metabolism Natural Product Communications Vol. 3 (8) 2008 1211

rbcL Argyrolobium lanceolatum 1
Argyrolobium lunaris
Argyrolobium lotoides
Goodia lotifolia
Argyrolobium polyphyllum
Argyrolobium marginatum
Polhillia obsoleta 36
Polhillia brevicalyx 30
Polhillia canensis 31
Calicotome villosa I
Cytisus hirsutus LG19 H
Chamaecytisus purpureus
Cytisus villosus
Cytisus scoparius
Laburnum anagyroides
Genista florida
Genista januensis
Genista tinctoria
Petteria ramentacea
Teline monspessulana AS67
Teline osyroides

Ulex europaeus
Ulex parviflorus
Retama monosperma

Retama raetam
Retama sphaerocarpa
Genista germanica
Genista radiata
Spartium junceum I
Lupinus albus I
Lupinus angustifolius I
Lupinus arboreus

Lupinus arcticus
Lupinus polyphyllus
Lupinus atlanticus
Echinospartum horridum C38
Polhillia pallens 10
Dichilus pilosus 24
Dichilus strictus 26
Dichilus reflexus 25
Dichilus lebeckioides 40
Dichilus gracilis 6
Melolobium candicans 18a
Melolobium adenodes 12a
Aspalathus pendula 39
Aspalathus linearis 42
Aspalathus nivea 12
Aspalathus cephalotes
Lebeckia inflata 13
Lebeckia pauciflora 28
Lebeckia bowieana 80
Lebeckia bowieana 127
Lebeckia pluckenetiana 29
Wiborgia tetraptera 46
Wiborgia obcordata 47
Wiborgia fusca 11

Lebeckia carnosa 7
Lebeckia meyeriana 33
Lebeckia meyeriana 118
Rafnia perfoliata 20a
Rafnia amplexicaulis W40
Lebeckia meyeriana 11a
Lebeckia wrighttii 81
Lebeckia wrighttii 59
Lebeckia wrighttii 128
Lebeckia wrighttii 129
Lebeckia simsiana 98
Lebeckia ambigna 99
Lebeckia leipoldtia 58
Lebeckia leipoldtia 130
Lotononis curvicarpa 14
Lotononis calycina 9
Lotononis foliosa 67
Lotononis eriantha 109
Lotononis adpresse 93
Lotononis decumbens 73

Lotononis platicarpa 53
Lotononis platicarpa 96
Lotononis bentamiana 8
Lotononis digitata 77
Lotononis magnifica 112
Lotononis magnifica 92
Lotononis mollis 52
Lotononis mollis 63
Lotononis plicata 66
Lotononis polycephala 114
Lotononis digitata 65
Lotononis globulosa 69
Lotononis densa ssp leu 15
Lotononis exstipulata 75
Lotononis filiformis 68
Lotononis elongata 108
Lotononis pulchella 51
Lotononis carnosa 104
Lotononis pulchella 115
Lotononis meyeri 123

Lotononis stricta 117
Lotononis meyeri 113
Lotononis eriocarpa 105
Lotononis lotononoides 111
Lotononis prostrata 18
Lotononis involucrata 70
Lotononis leptoloba 71
Lotononis maximiliani 91
Lotononis maximiliani 126
Lotononis pungens 124
Lotononis brevicaulis 94
Lotononis sericophylla 19
Lotononis divaricata 121
Lotononis sericophilla 122

Lotononis sericophilla 125
Lotononis umbellata 55
Lotononis falcata 16

Lotononis laxa 106
Lotononis macrosepala 76

Lotononis laxa 72
Lotononis crumania 54
Lotononis sabulosa 95
Lotononis parviflora 17
Lotononis fruticoides 107
Lotononis lenticula 110
Lotononis sparsiflora 116
Lebeckia cytisioides 27
Lebeckia cytisioides 34a
Lebeckia sericea 102
Lebeckia multiflora 34
Lebeckia multiflora 119

Lebeckia macrocantha 103
Lebeckia pungens 101
Lebeckia melilotoides 100
Pearsonia aristata 20
Pearsonia aristata 17a
Pearsonia grandifolia 21
Crotolaria distans 48
Crotalaria cunninghami AS26
Crotalaria laburnifolia 131

Crotalaria capensis
Crotalaria pumila F27
Crotalariea eremeae AS52
Crotalaria pallida
Bolusia amboensis 23
Bolusia amboensis 22 Bolusia
Bolusia capensis 35
Lotononis hirsuta 16a
Lotononis hirsuta 64
Lotononis hirsuta 97
Lot. hirsuta
Bolusanthus speciosus 26a
Virgilia oroboides 22a
Virgilia divaricata 8a
Virgilia divaricata
Podalyria calyptrata 31a
Liparia splendens
Cyclopia genistoides
Calpurnia sericea W19
Sophora davidii
Sophora jaubertii
Sophora flavescens
Anagyris foetida
Piptanthus nepalensis
Baptisia leucantha F5
Thermopsis lupinoides F79
Baptisia tinctoria
Thermopsis rhombifolia LG42
Maackia amurensis
Hovea elliptica
Lotus corniculatus 84
Lotus corniculatus 87
Chordospartium stevensonii F20
Swainsonia lessertifora AS65
Vicia ervilia AS11
Erythrina lysistimon 15a
Erythrina caffra LG
Erythrina falcata F35
Psoralea aphylla 28a
Vigna unguiculata
Daviesia brevifolia AS28
Daviesia ulicifolia AS61
Goodia lotifolia Belair AS47
Platylobium obtusangelicum AS62
Ormosia formosa 78
Ormosia hengchuniana 79
Ormosia formosana M20
Castanospermum australe
Sophora secundiflora I
Dichrostachis cinerea 7a
Acagia saligna 37a
Schotia afra 4a
Polygala chamaebuxus I
Polygala amara

0.001 substitutions/site

Figure 4: A molecular phylogeny of part of the Fabaceae, based on nucleotide sequences of the rbcL gene (after [30,46]) and distribution of QA and PA
producing taxa.
1212 Natural Product Communications Vol. 3 (8) 2008 Wink

Glc H Glc


STS 100
Arabidopsis thaliana NP 563818
Arabidopsis thaliana AAF22901
76 Oryza sativa AAR87254
100 Helianthus annuus
93 Lycopersicon esculentum
Brassica napus plants BBE Lactuca sativa
Medicago truncatula
Zea mays Vigna unguiculata
100 100
100 Oryza sativa NP 001049635 54 Cannabis sativa
87 Triticum aestivum Daucus carota
Medicago truncatula Arabidopsis thaliana
Ophiorrhiza pumila Glycine max
96 Cynodon dactylon
100 Rauvolfia serpentina
100 Phleum pratense plants
100 Rauvolfia mannii 100 Lolium perenne
100 100
Drosophila melanogaster AAC47118 100 Triticum aestivum
100 Drosophila pseudoobscura Hordeum vulgare
Anopheles gambiae Secale cereale
Xenopus tropicalis Oryza sativa
99 Berberis stolonifera
Danio rerio
Gallus gallus animals 86
Thalictrum flavum
Eschscholzia californica
Rattus norvegicus 100 Papaver somniferum
Bos taurus 100 Bacillus thuringiensis
100 Canis familiaris 86 Bacillus cereus
Homo sapiens BSCv
76 Clostridium beijerincki bacteria
96 Streptomyces avermitilis
100 Pan troglodytes
Ustilago maydis
100 Mesorhizobium loti 100 Aspergillus fumigatus
Bradyrhizobium japonicum
81 Aspergillus oryzae
100 Pseudomonas mendocina Phaeosphaeria nodorum
94 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 100 Neurospora crassa
Marinobacter aquaeolei 90 Magnaporthe grisea

81 Solibacter usitatus
Alcanivorax borkumensis
Figure 6: Phylogeny of berberine bridge enzyme (BBE) inferred from
84 Deinococcus geothermalis derived amino acid sequences (after [46]). Taxa that produce
protoberberine alkaloids are marked by an arrow and printed in bold.
Figure 5: Phylogeny of strictosidine synthase (STS) inferred from however, whether the genes are functional in species
derived amino acid sequences (after [46]).
Taxa that produce monoterpene alkaloids are marked by an arrow and that do not express the corresponding pathway. These
printed in bold. genes could be either silent copies or inactive
pseudogenes; this possibility could be tested by
1995). These alkaloids mainly occur in expressing the genes in a heterologous system and
Ranunculaceae, Papaveraceae, Menispermaceae, then to evaluate their biological activity.
Berberidaceae, Annonaceae and several other plant
families. As can be seen from Figure 6, BBE genes A number of SM (for example, many terpenoids,
and proteins are, however, widely present in higher quinolizidine alkaloids, the piperidine alkaloid
plants, independent of whether a taxon actually coniine) are produced completely or partly in
makes these alkaloids or not, indicating common chloroplasts and/or mitochondria [21,31-33]. The
ancestry. Interestingly, BBE or similar proteins, corresponding genes are mostly nuclear. It is
which share a number of common conserved sites tempting to speculate that these localisations are
could also be found in fungi and bacteria. This indirect indicators of a former bacterial origin of the
finding implies again that the progenitor of the BBE corresponding pathways. The PAL, CHS, STS and
gene evolved in protobacteria and was imported into BBE examples indicate that plants have probably
plants and fungi via the endosymbiosis, which had obtained the corresponding gene copies through early
led to mitochondria. Thus plant BBE would also be horizontal gene transfer from either protobacteria or
the result of an ancient horizontal gene transfer, cyanobacteria that gave rise to mitochondria and
similar to the situation in STS. chloroplasts, respectively. It is likely that plants have
also contributed some of their own genes to further
These few examples support the assumption of a modify the base structure of alkaloids, terpenoids and
common distribution of SM genes in plants based on flavonoids that would produce the variation observed
ancestral horizontal gene transfer. We do not know within most classes of SM.
Diversity, function and evolution of plant secondary metabolism Natural Product Communications Vol. 3 (8) 2008 1213

Contribution from endophytes and The legume genera Astragalus and Oxytropis are
ectomycorrhizal fungi famous for the production of toxic indolizidine
alkaloids, such as swainsonine, causing locoweed
Mycorrhizal associations have apparently existed poisoning in livestock. These alkaloids are apparently
since the advent of vascular plants about 400 million produced by an endophyte (Embellisia spp.;
years ago. It has been estimated that 80% of plants Pleosporaceae) [39].
live in permanent contact with fungi [34-36]. Many
of them are ecto- and endomycorrhiza that live in The maytansinoid ansa antibiotics are produced by
close contact with roots. The fungi substantially Actinosynnema pretiosum (Actinomycetes), but also
enlarge the root surface area and thus increase the in a number of angiosperms, including Celastraceae,
possibility to catch more water and nutrients. The Rhamnaceae, and Euphorbiaceae. It has been
role and benefits of endophytes is less obvious. suggested that the occurrence of these SM depends
on infection by this actinomycete [40].
Some of these fungi apparently are also able to
produce SM and contribute to the chemical defense Naphthodianthrones, such as hypericin are well-
of their host plants. An interesting example of a known constituents of St. John’s wort (Hypericum
symbiotic fungus-plant interaction can be seen in perforatum; Clusiaceae). Kusari et al. [41] have
ergot alkaloids. These alkaloids are mainly isolated an endophytic fungus from H. perforatum
produced by saprophytic fungi: Claviceps purpurea, that produces hypericin in culture. Also emodin, a
C. microcephala, C. paspali (Clavicipitaceae) and precursor of hypericin is produced by both endophyte
more than 40 further members of this genus live as and the plant. Fungi are known producers of
symbionts on grasses (tribes Festucaceae, Hordeae, anthraquinones; in lichens, which are symbioses
Avenae, Agrosteae). Rye is especially affected between an alga and a fungus, anthraquinones
among cereals. Claviceps is not a parasite, but represent common defense metabolites, being
obviously a symbiotic organism. It takes nutrients probably produced by the fungal partner. Since
from its host but provides chemical defense against anthraquinone producing plants are isolated over the
herbivores as compensation (the ergot alkaloids are plant kingdom (Asphodelaceae, Fabaceae,
powerful neurotoxins). Field experiments have Rhamnaceae, Polygonaceae) it would be interesting
shown that such a fungal infection is an ecological to search for a former or extant endophyte
advantage for grasses in the wild. Related symbiotic association.
fungi such as Epichloe, Balansia and Myriogenspora
(Clavicipitaceae) infect grasses and also produce Camptothecin (structurally a quinoline alkaloid, but
alkaloids. Ergot alkaloids (such as agroclavine, derived from the tryptamine/secologanin pathway)
chanoclavine, ergine, ergosine, and ergometrine) are occurs in unrelated families such as Camptotheca
also common SM of some genera of the acuminata (Cornaceae), Nothapodytes foetida,
Convolvulaceae (including Argyreia, Ipomoea, Pyrenacantha klaineana, Merrilliodendron
Turbina corymbosa, Stictocardia tiliafolia). It has megacrapum (Icacinaceae), Ophiorrhiza pumila,
been shown recently, that the ergot alkaloid O. mungos (Rubiaceae), Ervatamia heyneana
formation in the Convolvulaceae is due to an (Apocynaceae) and Mostuea brunonis
endophytic clavicipateceous fungus that lives (Gelsemiaceae). It has been shown recently, that
together with certain species in this plant family [37]. camptothecin can be produced by endophytes from
In this case, the isolated occurrence of ergot alkaloids Nothapodytes foetida [42]. It is tempting to speculate
in Convolvulaceae is due to a symbiotic relationship. that the patchy distribution was originally caused by
endophytes, which have either infected the respective
Certain simple pyrrolizidine alkaloids, such as loline, plants or which have transferred their genes.
were detected in the grass (Lolium pratense, ex.
Festuca pratensis) and in a root hemiparasitic plant The anticancer drug taxol is produced by endophytes
(Rhinanthus serotinus). The alkaloids derived from a from Taxus brevifolia [43]. An isolated occurrence of
symbiotic endophytic fungus (Neotyphodium the taxan alkaloids has been reported from Corylus
uncinatum; Clavicipitaceae), which lives on the grass avellana (Betulaceae), which is not associated with
[38]. Similar to the situation in Claviceps, the fungus an endophyte (although the pathway genes might
provides defense compounds, which help the grass haven imported by an endophyte at an earlier stage)
and its hemiparasite to ward off herbivores. [44]. Podophyllotoxin is produced by endophytes of
1214 Natural Product Communications Vol. 3 (8) 2008 Wink

EARLY EVOLUTION protobacteria cyanobacteria

mt cp

Symbiotic fungi DNA DNA

DNA Genes
genome Selection
SM Specialization



Figure 7: Hypothetical scheme for the evolution of secondary metabolism in plants.

Podophyllum peltatum [45]. Although the produced by nearly all vascular plants, whereas
endophytes, which were isolated from these plants, others, especially those with, for example, alkaloids,
are capable of the biosynthesis of hypericin, taxol, cardiac glycosides, and anthraquinones, show a more
camptothecin and podophyllotoxin in vitro, it is less restricted but usually patchy distribution.
likely that they alone perform the productions in the
plant. It has been speculated that a horizontal gene The patchy distribution could be due to convergence,
transfer has taken place at some stage, thus importing which is certainly the case in several instances
the respective pathways from the fungi into the host (Figure 7). It could also be due to a wider distribution
plant [41]. It is a challenging question to determine of SM pathway genes in the plant kingdom, which
the degree and contribution of endophytic and are silent or inactivated in most places, but become
ectophytic SM pathways to the SM profiles of plants. activated under certain conditions or in particular
clades. Evidence is provided from the distribution of
If it were to be a more common phenomenon than a few key genes/proteins that SM pathways might
usually assumed, it would offer an additional have been introduced into plants from SM producing
explanation for the patchy distribution of certain SM bacteria via an early horizontal gene transfer; it is
in the plant kingdom. established that protobacteria became mitochondria
and cyanobacteria plastids. Another external source
It has been speculated that horizontal gene transfer for plant SM could be ectomycorrhizal fungi and
could also be taking place when viruses or insects endophytes, which either directly produce a particular
invade plants: Viruses could integrate some SM SM or indirectly by transferring the pathway genes
genes of a certain host plant into their genomes; if from fungi to plants. Because fungal infections do not
they are transferred to a different host plant species, necessarily follow plant phylogeny, they could cause
they might transfer the corresponding genes. Insects (at least partly) the patchy distribution seen in some
often harbour endosymbiotic bacteria, which may SM groups.
carry genes of SM biosynthesis. Such bacteria could
be transferred between species by sucking insects. It is likely that horizontal gene transfer only
introduced a limited number of pathway genes and
Conclusions and Outlook: One of the main that the host plants developed and contributed their
questions discussed in this communication concerns own set of genes/enzymes, leading to the various
the origin and evolution of plant secondary structural variations seen in nature as a sort of
metabolism. We have started with the observation biotransformation reaction.
that some SM (such as phenolics and terpenoids) are
Diversity, function and evolution of plant secondary metabolism Natural Product Communications Vol. 3 (8) 2008 1215

Acknowledgements - I would like to thank various H. Sauer-Gürth, H. Staudter, B.-E. van Wyk,
coworkers and collaborators who have contributed J. Boatwright). Ted Cole kindly allowed me to use
to the results in the past (E. Käss, M. Kaufmann, an Indesign file of an APG II tree. Peter Waterman
B. Gemeinholzer, G. Mohamed, T. Morazova, provided helpful comments on the manuscript.
F. Botschen, C. Gosmann, H. Schäfer, F. Sporer,

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