Bahasa Inggris Niaga

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1. Below are the benefit of doing an auction, except...

Cost of running an auction is significant

2. What is an Auction?

An auction is a sale in which buyers compete for an asset by placing bids.

3. Below are kinds of auction, except..

Indonesian Auction

4. Which one is the characteristic of Open auction...

The bid starts from the lowest price and end up in the highest price

5. Below are the weakness of doing an auction, except...

Seller can maximize bargaining power


1. When is the role of the central bank has been growing?

In 1870

2. What is a Central bank?

The central bank is the "lender of last resort"

3. What is the primary goal of central banks?

Central banks provide their countries' currencies with price stability by controlling inflation

4. What is the main function of Central bank?

Central bank carries out a nation's monetary policy and control its money supply

Central bank only operates on a micro-scale

5. Below are the function of Central bank on Macroeconomics...

A Central bank is controlling money supplies


1. What is an Exchange Rate?

The value of one nation's currency versus the currency of another nation or economic zone

2. Below are the factors that make Exchange rates can be decreasing, except...

Exported goods

3. What are the types of Exchange rate ?

Free floating,Restricted currencies, Currency peg

4. Exchange rate rises and falls due to changes in the foreign exchange market is the
definition of...

Free floating

5. To increase exchange rate of a country, we should...

Export goods to another country

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