Sound Heard During Meditation - ANHAD KA SAFAR

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Sound Heard During Meditation

28/12/2021 by ANHAD KA SAFAR

Whenever You hear any Sound During Meditation, It’s Actually a very Good Spiritual Progress
Sign for any Meditator as the Secret behind these Divine Sounds is Anhad Shabad Dhun. It
does not matter by which technique you are meditating but on a Certain Stage, You Must
hear those divine sounds. You can call this Sounds, Music of God. Those Divine Sounds will Supern
give further directions in the Spiritual Journey during Meditation. Let’s understand one by one.

Hearing Frequency During Meditation

That sound is actually a very basic level sound of Anhad Naad Sounds. When you start getting
some concentration in Meditation You can hear that Sound Automatically. But maximum Load More... Subscribe

Meditator thought that he has some medical problem with his/her Ears but you should not
worry about it.

Hearing Om Sound During Meditation

That sound is heard like a buzzing sound. Actually, it’s the Astral Sound of the Universe. When
Meditator enters in upper Astral Dimensions while meditating. You must hear such a buzzing
kind of sound, You can actually hear that sound sometimes from the left ear side or
sometimes from the right ear side.

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Ears while doing Kundalini Meditation.
Hearing Bells While Meditating & SOLUTIONS

That is 4th level of sound, You can hear while meditating. Hearing Bells sounds while
All Articles Bases on My
Meditating is absolutely blissful as it means that your Meditation is on the absolutely right way
Personal Experiences Only. If
but later on you will come to know the many many Mystic Facts through Meditating on this
you dont find Solutions/Answers
divine sound.
of your Problems/Queries.
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Hearing Music While Meditating certainly Reply you Instantly.
That is the best possible Spiritual Progress sign for any Meditator. In this Stage of Meditation,
Suddenly you will be able to hear multiple kinds of Musical Instruments simultaneously.
Hearing Music while meditating is an unforgettable Amazing Experience for any Meditator. If
Someone experiences it even for a few seconds only, you will never be able to forget about it
for your whole life.
Buzzing and Whistle kind of Sounds
That sound is absolutely constant. You can hear it even in heavy traffic or in noisy
environments as well. It heard like you are able to get rid of those sounds but believe me
these sounds can change your life That is the Most Common Sound heard in Meditation.

Pressure in Ears while Meditating

When you start feeling some pressure about ears in Meditation. It means very soon you will be
able to hear those divine sounds in your meditation but you should not pay any attention to
your ears while mediating. as This pressure by regular practice of Meditation vanished
automatically. but if you put too much attention to it then you may feel it very uncomfortable
during Meditation.

These divine sounds do not have a connection to your ears but since our birth, we are habitual
to hear every sound through ears only so you may feel that these divine sounds also coming
from the left or right ear side but that is not true. Actually, these sounds are coming from
Third Eye Point and by regular practice, you can feel it by yourself. You can understand What
is the Secret of these divine sounds and what is Anhad Naad ? by clicking on the link .

Meditation Solutions
cricket sounds during meditation, hearing frequency during meditation, hearing om sound during
What is Anhad Naad Secrets?
Why do I feel fear when I meditate?
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