Case Study 615

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Find out any related article regarding operation in plantation of major crops. Students are allowing
to choose any crop as stated below:

1) Oil palm
2) Rubber
3) Cocoa
4) Paddy
5) Pineapple
6) Coconut
7) Durian
8) Timber
9) Pepper

Students are allowed to choose ONE of the related topic to be discuss.

a) Nursery management
b) Site selection
c) Site preparation
d) Soil management
e) Climatic problem
f) Hazard identification
g) Risk assessment
h) Risk control
i) Quality
j) Marketing issue

Discuss the article based on the following format:

1. Introduction
2. Issues/ problem highlight – minimum 2 issues
3. Suggested solution (from literature)
4. Conclusion
5. References
6. Appendices

From the article above, prepare a video preparation with the same information in duration not more
than 4 minutes.

Submission of the assignment: 26 January 2024

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