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Healthy ways to release anger

Do you suddenly yell/explode on someone for a little thing? You've to release your anger in a
healthy way.
So these are the healthy ways to release your anger. walk, running or yoga
2. punch a bag, bed or pillow without hurting yourself.
3. write a scathing letter and burn it.
4. throw your hands in the air and shake vigorously.
5. perform deep breathing.
6. throw a pillow on the bed.
7. Yell in the car by yourself.
Share how you release your anger. Write in the comments.
Bye, take care.

How to reduce stress

62 %of the population have a high level of stress with extreme fatigue,feeling out of control.
Follow these 5 simple steps to reduce stress.
1. Identify the major source of your stress
2. Write down it major root causes
3. Write a journal on"what you can control and what you can't control about the root
4. Make an action plan for the causes that are within your control.
5. Surrender the causes that you can't control.

Save this video and try it once.

Share your experience in the comments.

Avoid making situational problem into personality problem?

Never attach labels to your situational problem, it turns it into a personality problem.
If you make a mistake on a project stop telling yourself that you are incompetent or lazy rather
recognize that everyone makes mistakes.
You forget your anniversary and stop believing that you are uncaring or forgetful rather than
considering possible reasons like stress, workload or differing priorities.

Look at these situations and ask yourself how you can deal with it, instead of turning it into a
personality problem.

3 tips to help address burnout

Do you burst into tears for no reason?You've lost your interest in everything and also you've
started hating your environment, feeling numb about what you are trying to achieve.
These are the signs You're exhausted.
So follow these 3 tips that help you address burnout.
1.trim you to do list
Identify your true priorities and eliminate the rest.
2.change your environment
Might be tougher right now, but try reorganizing your space, sitting in a different area of your
home. Walk down a different street than usual.
3.connect with yourself and others
Journal on your own,long phone calls with friends,sit with your family members.
Save this video and follow for more.

9 habits to transform your life

Stop scrolling and don't ruin your life.
Do you want to transform your life completely?
So saved this video and just follow these simple 9 steps to transform your life
1 wake up early
2 sit in silence for 10 min
3 write down your thoughts every morning
4 read a book for 20 min a day
5 do something that out you from your comfort zone
6 exercise 3 times a week
7 optimize your diet with nutritious food
8 stop any negative addiction
9 join a community of like minded people who are on the same mission you are.
Follow these habits and thank me later.

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