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Santa Ana de Coro, 25 / 06 / 2023

UNITS II & III: Stress & Suprasegmentals

Full Name: Valeria Lopez 30.675.021


1. Decide whether these statements are True (T) or False (F) 2pts
1.1. In the words: “Photograph, photographer, and photographic” the major stress falls on 3
different syllables ( T )
1.2. Minor stressed syllables are commonly transcribed either with schwa or weak [ I] ( F )
1.3. At the syllable or word level, the change of the place of major stress may change the grammatical
function of the word ( T )
1.4. This sentence “I love videogames” has rising intonation ( F )

2. Use the following strokes (‘) or (,) to illustrate the major, minor and nonstressed syllables of
these words. Copy them before the corresponding syllables. Follow the example (3pts)

‘Won,derful - ,Unex‘pected - ‘Mi,llimeter - Gui‘tar - E‘vent - Pro‘ject (verb) -



1. Pronounce the following expressions and send the audio for all of them in one single voice
message (3pts)

Environmental emissions – Indigenous health issues – Successful negotiations –

Statistical methods – Infrastructure projects – Economic decision making

2. Change the place of the MAJOR WORD STRESS in the following sentence to modify the
meaning. Send the audio for all of them in one single voice message (4pts)
SENTENCE: “I asked you to buy a bunch of red roses”
1. It was not a single rose I wanted
2. It was a favor, not an order
3. I did not want flowers
4. That is the color I wanted.

3. Read the following dialogue/conversation and send a voice note to my whatsapp (8pts)
The following is a phone conversation between a college student and his mother.
Bill: Hi, Mom. I have some good news.
Rose: Great. I like phone calls with good news. What is it?
Bill: I made the Dean's list. I really pulled my grades up.
Rose: Wow. That's wonderful! Congratulations!
Bill: It was a lot of hard work, but it also showed me how much I wasn't doing before that I could
have done.
Rose: So it wasn't quite as hard as you expected?
Bill: Not really. Once I got into a few study clubs, I started to like it. I got more competitive.
Rose: Like when you were in high school and did the track team?
Bill: Yeah. I stopped thinking of it as work and started trying to beat everyone else. That made
it fun.
Rose: Whatever works!

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