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Linux Basics + shell Script: 25day

Azure Admin 2 months + : AZ104

● Compute:
● Network:
● DataBase
● Storage:

Azure devops 3 months + AZ400

● Ansible 4 weeks
● Docker & K8S 4 weeks
● CICD: 5 weeks ( azure pipeline)

Linux basics:
1) we can can create a server from AZURE
2) we can create a server on LAPTOP

Vagrant ?

Create a Server On your Laptop:

1) Install virtualBOX on your laptop
2) Install git bash on your laptop
3) Install vagrant on your laptop
4) Create a folder and getting into folder
5) Open git bash and execute below commands to create a linux server
6) vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64
7) vagrant up
8) vagrant ssh
9) We can execute any linux commands

$ sudo -i
# adduser maha
# adduser anil

$ sudo -i
# pwd
# ls
# cd
# mkdir <folder name>
# cd <folder location>
# ls
# touch f1 f2
# vi <file name>
Press i : insert mode
Type data
Shift : wq
# mkdir mylinux myAzure myDevops
# cp src dest
# ls folder name
# cp f4 f5
# cp f4 mylinux/
# mv f5 mylinux/
# rm filename
# rm -r folder name
# rm -rf *
# cd ..
# cd ../..
# cd ../../..

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