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Rubén Persson

Building A Soccer Pitch In The

Rural Community of Macuacua,

MYP Personal Project

2019 - 2020

Student Number: hqm378

Word Count: 3026

Table of Contents
Investigating​ ​.........................................................................................................................3
Defining a Goal ......................................................................................................................3
Defining a Global Context ......................................................................................................3
Identifying Prior Learning and Subject Specific Knowledge ...................................................4
Research and Source Evaluation ...........................................................................................4

Planning​ ​................................................................................................................................5
Develop Criteria ......................................................................................................................5
Develop a Plan .......................................................................................................................5
Demonstrate Self Management Skills ....................................................................................6

Taking Action​ ​........................................................................................................................6

Creation of Product .................................................................................................................6
Thinking Skills .........................................................................................................................6
Social Skills .............................................................................................................................7

Reflecting​ ​...............................................................................................................................8
Evaluation of Product ..............................................................................................................8
Reflection on Process .............................................................................................................8
Reflection on Development as a Learner .............................................................................. 9

Bibliography ​………………..................................................................................................10

Appendix A- Journal Entries​​ .............................................................................................10

Appendix A.1 ........................................................................................................................10
Appendix A.2 ........................................................................................................................11
Appendix A.3 ........................................................................................................................12
Appendix A.4 ........................................................................................................................13
Appendix A.5 ........................................................................................................................15
Appendix A.6 ........................................................................................................................16
Appendix A.7 ........................................................................................................................17
Appendix A.8 ........................................................................................................................18
Appendix A.9 ........................................................................................................................19
Appendix A.10 ......................................................................................................................19

Appendix B- Proof of Action​ ​..............................................................................................21

Appendix B.1..........................................................................................................................21
Appendix B.2 .........................................................................................................................22

Define a Clear Goal
In order to define a goal for personal project, I had to consider a primary factor, which was to
choose a topic which I shared an interest and a passion for. I initially wanted to do something
about nature, specifically, I wanted to design an indigenous garden at our school, which
included different flora. I shared an interest in it, but not so much a passion. Additionally, it could
be a safety hazard as a lot of the indigenous trees are spiky or poisonous. Following this
setback, I tried alternative ideas, I made a mind map to express my ideas and interests
(Appendix A.1)​. Through brainstorming different possible project ideas/explorations, which I
possessed a passion or element of interest in. The primary five ideas produced were: Designing
varsity soccer kits, planting an indeginous garden, learning a new language, building a soccer
pitch and finally, tackling the invasive species problem. These subjects are of personal
significance, due to my consistent participation in the sport of soccer and the admiration of the
outdoors and nature. My final goal was: To build a soccer pitch with goal-posts in the rural
community of Macuacua, Namaacha.
Macuacua is a small village next to Namaacha, roughly 200km from the capital city Maputo. My
family owns a cattle farm near Macuacua and every time I go there I pass by the village. Having
passed the community many times, I noted that they do not have a soccer pitch. They play on
the road with rocks as goals, and have to move every time a car passes by. With the new
soccer pitch, the children and the adults do not have to worry about space, proper goals or a
harsh surface. Building a pitch has value as it can also enhance their physical activity, this has
been shown to have a strong and positive influence on the mental wellbeing of a person.

Defining a Global Context

After analysing each MYP Global Context, I decided that “Fairness and Development” suited the
goal of my project. “Fairness and Development” explores the relationships between
communities, access to equal opportunities, sharing finite resources and could include peace
and conflict resolution. My goal fits two of the strands, it explores the relations between
communities and the access to equal opportunities. This suits my project well, as I am building a
relationship with the community and with the soccer pitch they have opportunities they never
had before in developing further community and health relationships.

Identifying Prior Learning and Subject Specific Knowledge
To achieve my goal for the project, I have to have prior learning and subject specific knowledge.
I documented all prior subject specific knowledge I had in relation to my project ​(Appendix A.2)​.
The prior learning I have related to the project is that all my life I played soccer as a hobby, ever
since I was a little boy. I played soccer during school breaks, after school for training and even
at home in my backyard. This helped me become very familiar with what the pitch should look
like, as well as the goal-posts. At school, certain subjects that I have gained knowledge from
helped me, these subjects are Physical Education, Maths and Design Class. P.E helped me
because in class we had different units, in which we played a different sport each time, and one
of these units was soccer, so I also got time on the pitch to familiarize myself with it. Secondly,
math helped me with the completion of my product when it came to measuring and calculating
various things, such as the dimensions of the goals and pitch as well as knowing how much
material I need. Lastly, I will need design because my product process relates to the design
cycle. I firstly have to inquire and analyse through research and existing current products.
Secondly, I have to develop ideas, thirdly, I have to create the solution by constructing a logical
plan and demonstrating skills. Finally, the fourth part of the design cycle is evaluating, where I
have to evaluate the solution.

Research and Source Evaluation

I commenced the investigation portion of my project, by creating a list of research questions,
specifically addressing main points of inquiry​. Each of these inquiries explored making and
maintaining a soccer pitch. Following this process, I utilised my informational literacy skills, to
discover and identify a range of appropriate primary and secondary resources for the project. I
produced a list of research questions identifying the primary areas of investigation necessary for
my project. The primary resources I used consisted of interviews with the school field managers
and the Integrated Learning Departement and coaches. The secondary resources I utilised
included: 'Sports Feel Good', 'First Team Inc', 'Fifa' and 'Mental Health UK' ​(Appendix A.3)​​. In
order to effectively measure the authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency and relevance/value,
and limitations of each of my primary and secondary resources, I utilised a method of source
evaluation called COPVL ​(Appendix A.4)​​.


Developing Criteria
The criteria I created for the assessment of my final product consisted of specifications that
were both manageable and rigorous ​(Appendix A.5)​. To judge if my product was successful, it
would be determined by measuring how effective I was in creating a fully functioning soccer
pitch. My criteria consisted of the following two categories: Safety and Technical Accuracy: I
selected safety to determine whether my product was safe to use without any harm to members
of the community and technical accuracy to measure how specific my product was to other
comparable soccer pitches. In order to create a self-assessment I developed a detailed grading
scale from one through eight: a level one being a limited demonstration of the designated
specification, and a level eight portraying an excellent achievement of the provided

Develop a Plan
The plan I generated for the action of my project consisted of a detailed timeline, accompanied
by a chronologically ordered action plan ​(Appendix A.6)​​. I chose to represent these in the form
of a table, for it is an efficient method of organizing information chronologically. The deadlines
depicted consist of: meetings with my supervisor, personal deadlines, general deadlines, and
vital trips. The production of the timeline enabled me to consistently monitor upcoming
deadlines, and in turn, prevent procrastination, higher levels of stress, and the submission of
late work. Alongside the timeline, I generated a detailed plan for the action/creation component
of my personal project. The plan consisted of all the necessary steps to execute, in order to
successfully complete both my product and report. Each step is accompanied by: the materials
necessary for the action, a designated deadline, and a reflection on the completion of the step.

During the course of my project, I intended to stick to the original plan, but over time, some
changes were made. These changes were made to improve my product. The primary
improvements I designed involved the advancement of the technicality of my product. These
improvements included: Changing the initial design of the goals to fit a more appropriate use, by
making them smaller to accommodate the smaller kids at the school. As well as removing the
goal nets as there is a chance that they were going to get stolen, and it would save our money
and time to not put them on. However, I did not put the lines on the pitch. This was part of the
plan as it was a strand in the project rubric ​(Appendix A.6)​. The lines were not made on the

pitch as a result of poor time-management as well as bad planning. I did not have time to buy
the material as well as apply it to the pitch.

Develop Self-Management Skills

Self-management was a vital skill required for each part of my Personal Project. During the
initial stages of the process, I produced a unique method of self-evaluation, with which I graded
my demonstration of skills on a monthly basis ​(Appendix A.7)​​. This system enabled me to
monitor the development of my organisational, affective, and reflective skills, as well as
document solutions to any challenges or setbacks which occurred. In order to effectively remain
on track and balance workload, I designated a total of thirty minutes daily towards the
completion of Personal Project. Alongside this, I regularly referred to my personalised timeline
and action plan, to monitor the accomplishment of vital tasks and deadlines ​(Appendix A.6)​​.

Taking Action

Product Completion
My final product consisted of two primary components, these components are a set of soccer
goal-posts, as well as the pitch itself. I documented the creation of these components by
providing photos of my progress ​(Appendix B.1 and Appendix B.2)​. Initially, I aspired to create
the soccer pitch with the help of the community, however, due to insufficient time-management
skills, as well as my family and I travelling, the pitch could not be done on my own. I measured
out the pitch to my specific measurements, and had the community take part in it by completing
the clearing the field of any stones and harmful objects, and afterwards, the farm tractor cut the
grass. I tackled the goals on my own. Despite having executed various changes to my initial
plan, the achievement of my initial goal was not impaired, due to the consistent reference of my
final criteria ​(Appendix A.5)​, and the accommodation of a flexible mindset. My project was
original because it is something that I have an interest in. I really love soccer, this project really
helped me understand the sport more, as I learned a lot about how to make the field, instead of
playing on it. I also have an interest in fabrication, and this project took on a lot of fabrication to
complete it. It is also original because it helped my local community of Macuacua a lot, it has
been very beneficial for them and for me as it built a strong bond between us. My project clearly
demonstrates the global context of fairness and development; it explores the relations between

communities and the access to equal opportunities. This suits my project well, as I am building a
relationship with the community and with the soccer pitch they have opportunities they never
had before in developing further community and health relationships.

Thinking Skills
The execution of my project required a substantial application of thinking skills. The utilization of
critical thinking and transfer skills, ensured that knowledge was appropriately implemented into
my final product ​(Appendix A.8)​. Critical thinking was used to generate solutions for various
challenges; insufficient personal organization, insufficient time to complete the product and
problems encountered through other various stages. During the instance of various challenges
that were present when making my product. These challenges included limitations in necessary
objects needed to complete my product, for example, there wasn't enough pipe to fabricate the
goals. Our solution to this problem was to add a few pieces of smaller pipe and weld them
together ​(Appendix A.8)​. As well as an insufficient budget to complete the product. Transfer
skills were primarily used to identify relevant prior knowledge like the design cycle, physical
education and mathematics and then apply these in my project. Not only has my thinking skill
developed, but my problem solving capabilities have also improved. I also developed the skill to
be more adaptable because I had to accept unfamiliar perspectives, which provided me with an
opportunity to share thinking skills and techniques​ and grow as a learner.

Communication and Social Skills

The Personal Project process inspired a personal advancement in my social skills, knowledge of
unfamiliar terminology, and communication abilities ​(Appendix A.9)​. The use of social skills
served as extremely beneficial, for it resulted in the construction of a secure relationship with my
supervisor, as well as relations with the community my soccer pitch was in. My supervisor and I
maintained consistent clarity and communication, through the utilisation of Gmail to discuss
deadlines, resolve concerns, and arrange regular physical encounters. Building the soccer pitch
built a bond between the community and I, as it provided them with something that they can
utilise that they never had before, they can now have fun and run around playing a sport they
love, also benefiting them in a healthy way. I met with the headmaster of the school as well as
befriended the head of the community. This helps us in the long run as we are helping our
neighbours, which in turn they help us. Communication and social skills were also utilised to
collaborate with, and assist my peers completing the Personal Project; specifically, through
providing feedback in times of struggle ​(Appendix A.9)​​.

Evaluation of Product
The overall success of my product and achievement of the project’s goal, was determined
through an evaluation against the designated criteria. Throughout my project I consistently
referred to my personally generated specifications and criteria, to ensure that a majority of the
vital requirements were accomplished, and my process/product attained a suitable grade
(Appendix A.5)​. The final grade I generated for my soccer pitch and goals, with regards to
specifications, totaled at 18/27 points; producing an overall equivalent of 5/8 ​(Appendix A.10)​​.
My score for each of the individual categories was calculated, through the comparison of my
product to each of the grade boundaries precise specifications.
I thoroughly met most strands on my self-made rubric. These strands included the safety aspect
of my pitch as well as its technical accuracy ​(Appendix A.6)​. When building the soccer pitch, I
ensured that it was completely safe by clearing it of any harmful objects. These harmful objects
include: Sticks and branches, as well as rocks and thorns. Regarding the technical accuracy, I
accomplished 6/8 strands set, the strands that I did not meet were; making lines on the pitch as
well as having nets on the goals. I did not put lines on the pitch because of bad
time-management, I ran out of time to buy the material and apply it to make the lines. Regarding
the nets, before the goals were put on the pitch, myself and the head of the school in Macuacua
decided that not having the nets would be better, as there is a chance that they were going to
get stolen, and it would save our money and time to not put them on.

Reflecting on Process
The completion of a personal project as a whole extended my knowledge in many fields related
to my topic. Throughout the process I had to familiarize myself with things that I had never
before, these included communication through the internet as well as through a foreign
language when I met with the community members, fabrication and metal works and setting up
meetings with professionals. Coming out of personal project, I can confidently say that I have
learned a lot throughout the process and can use the skills I have learned indefinitely through
my process of the I.B and onward in life. Furthermore, the personal project extended my
knowledge of my global context, fairness and development. Fairness and development explores
how we as a whole, can share finite resources, as well as create opportunities for access to
equal opportunities. Before personal project, I viewed many things differently, without looking
into detail, such as how many things can be shared within a community, or how everyone can

have equal access to opportunities. Now, more than ever, I view the world and my surroundings
differently, looking at how resources can be shared so that all can benefit.

If I were to do this again, I would definitely take on a smaller project. This project was very
interesting to me as I helped out a local community by doing something that I loved. I really liked
the sport, and I really like hands on projects, however, because of the little time given to do the
actual building of the pitch, I struggled to have the time to do it. This resulted in an immense
amount of stress, as everything just piled up on me. I would also manage myself more,
time-management was a big problem during this project as I only started the product in
December, completing it in February. I would also start the creation of the product earlier,
giving myself more time to complete it, instead of commencing during the December break, I
would start earlier.

Reflecting on Development as a Learner

Through the course of personal project, I have developed certain characteristics from the
learner attributes. The two significant attributes I developed were the Thinking skills and the
Communication skills. Through the thinking skills, I analysed many situations and used my
knowledge to take responsibility and action to solve those problems. I developed many skills
this way that I can apply in the future, for almost anything I do, I can look at a problem from all
angles and solve it in different ways. The second attribute I developed are the Communication
skills. Throughout the personal project, I had to step out of my comfort zone to collaborate and
communicate with many people I didn't know, as well as in a language I don't use often. This
has really helped me as I don't have to feel nervous when stepping out of my comfort zone, I
can confidently express myself with others as well as collaborate with them with the experience I
gained from completing the personal project. I was also a risk-taker by taking on such a
mammoth of a task. Many people, including my parents, thought that I wasn't going to complete
it in the time frame given, but I still took it on and completed it. Finally, I showed empathy and
care when I realised that I could make a difference in the community by providing them with
something that they never had before, benefiting the community as a whole as everybody can
play a sport on a pitch they never had before, bringing more joy and enhancing their physical


- FIFA. “Handbook of Requirements for Football Turf.” Mar. 2006

- First Team. “Choosing the Best Soccer Net for Your Goal | First Team Inc.”
Www.Firstteaminc.Com​, 2016.
- Gabriel, Michael. “Soccer Field Dimensions, Corner Flag Height, Futbol Pitch and Goal
Size.” ​Sports Feel Good Stories​, 2015.
- Mental Health Foundation. ​Lets Get Physical Report​. 2013.
- Mr, Zimba. ​American School of Mozambique Soccer Pitch Dimensions.​ 14 Nov. 2019.

Appendix A

Appendix A.1:
My planner and mind map to defining a clear goal and context for the project, based on personal
interests” followed by my "SMART" goals template

S.M.A.R.T Goals

Specific What?​ - Building a soccer pitch in the rural community of Macuacua, Namaacha.
Where? - The soccer pitch will be located in the community of Macuacua. There is a
piece of land the school of the community owns. They gave us permission to build it
How? - Gather information from meetings and websites/books. The physical pitch will be
built by members of the community who volunteered. The goals will be fabricated by me.

Measurable The progress of the project will be measured by meeting deadlines set out.

Achievable The goal is possible to accomplish because I will be working on it during a course of 2
months. The pitch can be done with the help of volunteers within a certain time period.

Realistic This goal is realistic as I can complete in on weekends as well as holidays. Production of
the product can also be completed in personal time outside of school.

Timely The goal will be executed consistently over the course of 2 months, December and
January. By February, the pitch and goals should be finished and the product is

Appendix A.2:
Identifying prior learning and subject-specific knowledge relevant to my project

Appendix A.3:
Table demonstrating my research skills

Research Process
My list of research questions identifying the primary areas of investigation necessary for my

What are the dimensions of a 7 a side soccer pitch? The field of play must be rectangular. The length of the
touch line must be greater than the length of the goal line.
- FIFA. “Handbook of Requirements for Football Turf.” Length: minimum 90.0m, maximum 120.0m Width: minimum
Mar. 2006. 45.0m, maximum 90.0m. Mini soccer, or junior football, is
- Gabriel, Michael. “Soccer Field Dimensions, Corner played on a smaller-size field to accommodate children’s
Flag Height, Futbol Pitch and Goal Size.” ​Sports Feel sizes and abilities. The field sizes are 27 - 36m wide x 45 -
Good Stories​, 2015. 52 meters long.

What is the size of a goal on a 7 a side soccer The soccer goal size is measured by the opening area
pitch? inside the posts and crossbar. The distance from the inner
edges of the vertical posts is 3.8 metres across . The height
- Gabriel, Michael. “Soccer Field Dimensions, Corner of the crossbar, 1.8 meters, is measured from the lower
Flag Height, Futbol Pitch and Goal Size.” ​Sports Feel edge of the crossbar to the ground.
Good Stories​, 2015.

What size should the goal net be? A net with a 3mm or thicker cord. The net mesh's tightness
- First Team. “Choosing the Best Soccer Net for Your is directly related to its durability. Most soccer net mesh is
Goal | First Team Inc.” ​Www.Firstteaminc.Com​, 2016. 120mm wide. There are also tighter knits of mesh that are at
3.5 inches or 5.5 inches, a hex mesh.

What diametre should each post be on the goal? The diametre of a goal post should be between 6 and 8cm.
- Mr, Zimba. ​American School of Mozambique Soccer
Pitch Dimensions​. 14 Nov. 2019.

How does physical activity help the wellbeing of a Physical activity has a huge potential to enhance wellbeing
person? in our population. Participation in regular physical activity
can increase self-esteem and reduce stress and anxiety.
- Mental Health Foundation. ​Lets Get Physical Report​. Physical activity can help play a role in preventing mental
2013. health problems and improve the quality of life of those
experiencing it. For example, there is an approximately
20–30% lower risk for depression and dementia, for adults
participating in daily physical activity.

Appendix A.4:
Source Evaluation

Secondary Source: ​FIFA. “Handbook of Requirements for Football Turf.” Mar. 2006.

Content The content of this source is the requirements of a soccer field. It gives the
reader information on anything one needs to make a football field,
- What is the source about/what is it including: Field certification, Test methods, Laboratory test requirements,
showing in respect to an event? Field test requirements and Field dimensions and markings.

Origin This source was produced in 2006 by "FIFA", "FIFA is headquartered in

Switzerland. This electronic article is considered a primary resource, as it
- Who is the author/creator? portrays first hand observations. "FIFA" is the international governing body
- Is it a primary or secondary source? of association football. Meaning that this article is fully legitimate as the
creators are the head of football.

Purpose This source was produced to set out rules and regulations of soccer, by
"FIFA" who are the governing body of the sport . There is no immediate
- Why was the source produced? context of the source. The intended audience are readers just like me, who
- What is the immediate as well want to make a soccer pitch, improve their own or want to know
historical/social/political or other context
more on requirements of a pitch.
for the source?
- Who is the intended audience?

Value The document was produced in 2006, since then, the soccer rules for a
pitch have not been altered or changed, so this source is still reliable to
- Time period importance – is it this date. It is a public source as anyone can access the website as long
contemporary or produced at a later date -
as they have an internet connection.
a primary or secondary source?
- Public or private source?

Limitation The source isn't restricted in the way that it is biased, because it was
created by the organization that made the rules for modern day football.
- How is the source restricted in what it can Meaning that everything that is on this article is legitimate. A limitation of
tell the user about the time-period or topic the source is that it is fourteen years old, but this should not affect it, as of
of study? this date, nothing has been changed or altered about pitch dimensions and
- Time of production: primary or secondary specifications.
- Public or private source?

Primary Source:​ ​Mr, Zimba. ​American School of Mozambique Soccer Pitch Dimensions​. 14 Nov.

Content Mr. Zimba knows everything about the pitch at school, everyday he
maintains it and makes sure it is in excellent condition. For my questions
- What is the source about/what is it on the specifications of the school pitch and goals, he was perfect to
showing in respect to an event? interview.

Origin This is a primary source as the interview was personally conducted.

- Who is the author/creator?

- Is it a primary or secondary source?

Purpose The purpose of this interview is for me to collect as much information on

our schools field specifications and goals. The intended audience is for
- Why was the source produced? anyone who wants to know anything they want related to the school's
- What is the immediate soccer pitch.
historical/social/political or other context
for the source?
- Who is the intended audience?

Value This source contains temporary data as I conducted the interview in the
present day. All of Mr. Zimbas information was up to date and no changes
- Time period importance – is it were made to the pitch to alter its dimensions or specifications. This is a
contemporary or produced at a later date -
private source.
a primary or secondary source?
- Public or private source?

Limitation A limitation in this source is its unreliability. Although the source knows all
about the school pitch and its specifications, they are not exact. Our
How is the source restricted in what it can school pitch is a little smaller than a normal 7 a side pitch. As well as the
tell the user about the time-period or topic goals, on a 7 a side pitch, the goals are smaller than the ones at school.
of study?
- Time of production: primary or secondary
- Public or private source?

Appendix A.5:
Criteria for product

Safety When building a soccer pitch, a major consideration is safety. To ensure the safety of
anyone who is playing in the designated area, it has to be fully cleared of any harmful
objects. These harmful objects include: Sticks and branches, as well as rocks and thorns.

Technical Accuracy Most probably the biggest aspect of building the soccer pitch is its technical accuracy. To
ensure maximum capability, the pitch should include:
- Dimensions of 30x42 metres.
- The goal should be 2x4 metres
- Penalty spot should be situated at 7 metres.
- Pitch should have a level surface.
- Goals should have 90° angles.
- Lines should be straight.
- Goal posts should have a diametre of between 6 and 8cm.
- The goals should have a 3mm thick net with spaces smaller than a size 5 ball.

Click on this ​link​ to access the rubric of the project.

Appendix A.6:
Timeline and Action Plan for the Project

Colour Key:
- Meetings
- Trips/Breaks
- Deadlines
- Action/Creations/Proposals

Task/Deadline Date

Initial Project Proposal (Fill in google form given on managebac). 24th of September 2019

Meeting with PP Supervisor (Introduce my goal to him). 8th of October 2019

Mid Term break (Travel to Macuacua and request permission to build soccer pitch). 12th of October 2019

Meeting with PP Supervisor (Discuss what I have so far). 23rd of October 19

Criteria A Draft Deadline 6th of November 2019

Meeting with Integrated Learning Department (Inquiry on school pitch specifications). 14th of November 2019

Meeting with PP Supervisor (Receive feedback on Criteria A) 15th of November 2019

Criteria B Draft Deadline 9th of December 2019

Meeting With PP Supervisor (Receive any feedback on Criteria B) 11th of December 2019

Commence Creation of Project 16th of December 2019

Meeting with PP Supervisor (Review what I have so far). 15th of January 2020

Criteria C Draft Deadline 7th of February 2020

Meeting with PP Supervisor (Review what I have so far). 12th of February 2020

Submit Final Report to Supervisor 18th of March 2020

Send Final Report to International Moderators. 24th of April 2020

On this ​link​, there is a table which is my action plan.

Appendix A.7:
Table demonstrating self management skills

Month Self-Management Justification

Grade (1-8)

September 5/8 Throughout this month, I completed all of my initial processes; generation of a
goal, selection of a global context/advisor, choice of a product; as well as
submitted my project proposal prior to the designated deadline. I did not grade
myself above a level of five because I did not commence the investigation
division of my project; this procrastination resulted in increased levels of stress
and amounts of work during the following months.

October 6/8 Throughout October, my self management skills saw a visible improvement
since September. Despite my travelling during the mid term break, I managed
to consistently, and efficiently, work on my project. The primary tasks I
completed included: the production of a range of research questions for the
investigation portion of my project, generation of a personalized method of
source evaluation, and the commencement of my secondary research.

November 6/8 During the month of November, I continued to work on the project. Although
my productivity declined, I still got pieces of work done. I finished working on
Criterion B, as well as continue to investigate and develop more research

December 4/8 During the month of December my self management skills declined drastically.
The primary contributors towards this included: travelling internationally,
visitation of family members, occurance of festive holidays, and a lack of
necessary materials/supplies to create my product.

January 8/8 Although December saw my work rate and productivity decline immensely,
throughout January, my self management skills improved drastically. Although
I had started my product in December, January was the month I worked on it
the most. During free time and on weekends saw me work on the project.

February 6/8 Continuing my form from January, February saw me complete my product as
well as finish Criterion D. I graded myself a 6/8 because although I was very
productive, I did not reach the satisfactory amount of work completed. I would
have liked to have started the first draft of the report.

March 7/8 March saw me continue my form of productivity, with me finishing the first draft
of the report. Lastly, I portrayed an immense development in my ​reflective
skills​, during the completion of my evaluation division of the report. This was
due to a thorough reflection on my ATL skill development, alongside an
analysis of personal areas of growth/regression.

Appendix A.8:
Table demonstrating thinking skills

Question Response

Problems you encountered and A problem I encountered was that there wasn't enough pipe to fabricate the goals. Our
solution to this problem was to add a few pieces of smaller pipe and weld them together.
how you critically and creatively
Another problem we encountered was that to make the goals, we needed 5cm diameter pipes,
solved them. to get 24 metres of that measurement would have cost too much, we did not have the budget
for it so we decided to use pipes that we had stored, although they weren't new, they only had
surface rust and were still strong.

How have you transferred and Each of the sources utilised and documented throughout my investigation, possessed
immense influences on the creation of my product. The primary resources used during the
applied information to make
creation of my product that were vital. The interview I conducted with the integrated learning
decisions when creating your department, as well as an interview with the head of field maintenance provided myself with
vital information for the construction of the soccer pitch. Both were vital as it helped me decide
product - how have you applied
the specific dimensions of the pitch, as well as goal sizes and field lines. The secondary
this research to your sources I commenced my research with; FIFA and Sports Feels Good; contained a range of
information on football pitches and their dimensions. The information obtained from both, was
extremely vital towards the creation of my product.

What skills did you develop as A skill I developed was learning how to do metal works. Prior to the creation of the product, I
had little to no knowledge and experience in welding and fabrication. Another skill I developed
you created your product?
was my communication skills through a foreign language. In order to communicate with the
community, I had to speak a language I wasn't used to speaking a lot in.

How did your prior-learning In order to complete my product, I had to use my mathematical skills. When constructing the
goals, I used the pythagorean theorem to find the missing side of a part of the goal. I also
inform the creation of your
used math to calculate how much material we needed as well as using basic multiplication
product/outcome? and subtraction for various other things.

How has your knowledge and Throughout the creation of my product, I extensively developed my knowledge of metal works
as well as my communication skills. In regards to metal works, I learned a variety of new
skills grown throughout the
techniques for the creation of soccer goals; such as welding, cutting metal and grinding. In
creation of your specific, this entailed experimenting with unfamiliar styles and techniques relevant to the
creation of my product. Due to my utilisation of both primary and secondary resources, I
developed knowledge regarding the creation of football pitches and metal works.

How have you designed The primary improvements I designed throughout my project, involved the advancement of the
technicality of my product. These improvements included:
- Changing the initial design of the goals to fit a more appropriate use. These designs included
changing the initial size of the goals, I changed the dimensions of the goals by .50 of a metre.
This was to be more suitable for the younger kids that are in the community.

- Removing the goal nets. Initially, I was going to put goal nets on the goals. Before the goals
were put on the pitch, myself and the head of the school in Macuacua decided that not having
the nets would be better, as there is a chance that they were going to get stolen, and it would
save our money and time to not put them on.

Appendix A.9:
Demonstrating communication and social skills

Communication With Supervisor

Throughout the Personal Project, my supervisor and I consistently utilised Gmail to
communicate and schedule deadlines/meetings. This improved both my collaboration and
communication skills as it encouraged the use of online platforms and to develop a professional
relationship. In addition to online communication, my supervisor and I arranged various physical
meetings, to discuss the progression of my project and improvements to my product. These
meetings were primarily executed after school, to compliment both of our personal schedules,
and varied in time duration.

Communication With Professionals

Throughout the investigation stage, I was required to communicate with a range of professionals
connected with my project topic. A prime example was: Mr. Zimba; the field maintenance man
and Mr.Clagnaz; the head of the integrated learning department at our school in Maputo,
Mozambique. Following the obtaining of his contact details, I commenced online communication
with him. This interaction immensely improved my communication abilities, for it involved a
negotiation of ideas, and the utilisation of social media to effectively communicate and create a
secure relationship. Present on this ​link​ is evidence of our electronic communication.

Communication with Peers

For the duration of personal project, I consistently collaborated and communicated with peers.
During these interactions, a combination of knowledge and skills was shared, as well as critical
feedback regarding written reports and final products. I developed my communication and social
skills throughout this process, for I gained and delivered vital feedback, aided with the success
of my peers, actively listened to unfamiliar perspectives and ideas, and utilised various
platforms to communicate with others; social media, email, physical interaction. Present on this
link​ is an example of my collaboration and communication with a peer.

Appendix A.10:
Table on the evaluation of the quality of the product against the criteria

My Goal: Building a Soccer Pitch in the Rural Community of Macuacua, Namaacha.

My Global Fairness and Development

Level: Safety: Technical accuracy:

3-4 The pitch is somewhat clear of - The pitch does not have dimensions of 30x42 metres
Adequate any rocks, twigs, branches and
- The goal is 2x4 metres
anything else harmful to the user.
- Penalty spot is situated at 7 metres.
- Pitch hardly has a level surface.
- Goals do not have 90° angles.
- Lines are not straight.
- Goal posts are not between 6 and 8cm wide.
- The goal has a net but it has spaces bigger than a size
5 ball.

5-6 The pitch is substantially clear of - The pitch has rough dimensions of 30x42 metres
Substantial all rocks, twigs, branches and
- The goal is 2x4 metres
anything else harmful to the user​.
- Penalty spot is situated at 7 metres.
- Pitch has a somewhat level surface.
- Goals have 90° angles.
- Lines are straight.
- Goal posts are between 6 and 8cm wide.
- The goals have a net with spaces smaller than a size 5

7-8 The pitch is clear of all rocks, - The pitch has dimensions of 30x42 metres
Rigorous twigs, branches and anything else
- The goal is 2x4 metres
harmful to the user.
- Penalty spot is situated at 7 metres.
- Pitch has a level surface.
- Goals have 90° angles.
- Lines are straight.
- Goal posts are between 6 and 8cm wide.
- The goals should have a 3mm thick net with spaces
smaller than a size 5 ball.

Appendix B
Appendix B.1:
Construction Process of the Goal Posts:

Step 1: ​Collected the tubing Step 2: ​Cut the pipes to our Step 3: ​Cleaned the pieces of any
we had lying around. These specific measurements. excess metal.
tubes fit our specifications as
they had a diametre of 6cm.

Step 4:​ Welded the pieces together to form the goals. Step 5:​ Once the goals were finished, we

painted them. We painted the goals in grey, as
that is what we had around.
Appendix B.2:
Construction process of the Soccer Pitch:

Step 1: ​Travelled to Macuacua, Step 2:​ Found the correct spot to have the Step 3:​ Measured out the pitch. I
Namaacha to request permission soccer pitch on. This photograph was taken put a stick in the ground at each
from the headmaster of the where the pitch was made, straight across corner of the pitch as seen above.
school. from the community school.

Step 4: ​Cleared any sticks, Step 4: ​Cut the tall grass using a tractor. Step 6:​ Placed the goals on the
stones and trees located in the pitch.


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