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IS: 10262 – 2009

It is always simple that produces the marvelous. A tool has been developed to calculate the design mix
proportions keeping in mind of practical consideration. This tool can be used for people working in
government organizations and private sector of concrete industry. It is based on IS: 10262 – 2009, and it is
calculate the optimum mix design. It also contributes a good scope to analyze the things in a better way. This
tool will surely be helpful to achieve these strategies in line with IS 10262:2009 concrete mix design. Results
reported can be achieved in the best manner pertaining to this tool. This software tool was prepared in such a
way that it can fulfil all the codal provisions IS 10262:2009, IS 456:2000 and IS 383:1970 while deriving


Figure 1. Main window

i. Job details

Figure 2. Job Info window

Before entering into the mix design procedure, user has to give Job details in ‘Job Info’ window. These details
will be printed in final report document. For this user has to click on ‘Job Info’ label. User can give job details
in that opened window (refer figure 2). After entering all the details, click on ‘Submit’ button, it will redirects
user to Main window (refer figure 1).

ii. Input data

In Main window, user has to fill all the data based upon his requirements. After this, user has to give aggregate
details. For this, click on ‘Aggregate Details’ button to enter experimental data regarding coarse aggregate
specifications and enter No. of Size fractions of coarse aggregate (refer figure 3). This tool enables the user to
combine the different sizes of coarse aggregates upto three size fractions. In this example, user entered No.of
size fractions as 2.

Figure 3. Aggregate details main window

Figure 4. Sieve analysis calculations for coarse aggregates

Click on ‘Coarse-1’ button to enter sieve analysis observations and then click on ‘Calculate’ to see the
performed calculations as shown in Figure 4. Here maximum size of aggregate checking was performed based
on Table-2 of IS 383:1970 and fineness modulus will be calculated. Click on ‘Back’ button to see the aggregate
details main window.
Depends upon the No. of Size fractions criteria, repeat the above step for the remaining sizes (Coarse-2 &
Coarse-3) also and enter percentages of each fraction. Then check grade of combined aggregates as shown in
Figure 5.

Figure 5. Combined aggregate details with two size fractions

Click on ‘Fine’ button to enter experimental data regarding sieve analysis of fine aggregates as shown in
Figure 6 as like coarse aggregates and click on ‘Calculate’ to perform calculations. Here zone of fine aggregate
checking was performed based on Table-4 of IS 383:1970 and fineness modulus will be calculated

Figure 6. Sieve analysis calculations for fine aggregates

Measure values of specific gravity and moisture conditions of aggregates by double clicking on respective
fields as shown in Figure 7, or else directly enter available values by simple clicking in the respective field of
aggregate details window.

Figure 7. Specific gravity and Moisture content experimental calculations

Click on ‘Back’ button after confirming aggregate details as shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8. Aggregate details window after entering all the details

Click on ‘Submit’ button in the Main window to get the output of concrete mix design (refer to Figure 9).

Figure 9. Output window of concrete details

Click on ‘Trial mixes’ button to enter trial mix observations as shown in Figure 10.

Click on ‘Plot W/C Vs TMS’ button to see the variation of target mean strength with water-cement ratio as
shown in Figure 10.

Figure10. Trial mixes window

To get optimum proportions, enter required TMS in the respective field and then click on ‘Final Proportions’
button as shown in Figure 10.
Click on ‘Detailed Report’ button to get entire procedure in the Portable Document Format file.


It is clearly seen that this software tool is working accurately and precisely. This concrete mix design
software tool can efficiently generate mix proportions for the given conditions by full filling all the codal
provisions of IS 10262:2009, IS 456:2000 and IS 383:1970. User has a flexibility to change input conditions
and generated water-cement ratio during run-time by using Modify option. Hence performing different trials
with different kinds of conditions are possible. For the better understanding, user can visit IS code clauses,
tables and figures which are embedded in software tool. A portable document file will be generated with a
detailed report of concrete mix design. So that it can useful for people working in government organizations
and private sector of concrete industry.
This tool containing calculations related to the preliminary tests of concrete mix design along with the
mix design calculations. In Aggregate details window, calculations of sieve analysis, fineness modulus,
specific gravity and moisture content are available for both the coarse and fine aggregates. User can combine
graded aggregates upto three size fractions. Check for maximum size of aggregate and zone of sand will be
performed based on IS 383:1970.
Super plasticizers and water reducing admixtures are incorporated in this tool. Fly ash can also used
in concrete mix, which will replace 32.5% of cement (user can modify these percentages). Trial mix
calculations also available by varying water-cement ratio by ±10% of the preselected value. Based on the test
results of trial mixes, plots of compressive strength against water-cement ratio can be generated for 7 days and
28 days.One can minimize common mistakes in calculations by using these tools. This tool is user friendly,
data can be saved and retrieved, and also it can be modified for different trials. So that user can analyze the
concepts for the better understanding.

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