DIE Character Sheet

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YOUR NAME: When you have your D4 and could get an edge from subtle emotional manipulation,
roll it as part of your dice pool and increase any other dice’s result by its value.


All stats start at 2, plus 2 points assigned as you wish.
Get an extra point on levels 3, 6, 9 and 12 (max 4).

Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha

Guard =Dex Health =Con Willpower Defence

Resets at the start Lose Guard =Wis+Int Set by Gear
of each fight before Health


† A dagger and a ranged weapon. You are wearing (Defence 0):
Bow, pistol or something else. † Austere, severe angular outfits
† A rapier. † Flamboyant costume, straight out of
Use Dex instead of Str for its dice a stage show
pool. Special: recover 1 Guard. † Spectacular eveningwear
† Magical death touch. † Something else: 
May use Dex instead of Str for its dice
pool. This weapon is concealed and
cannot be taken from you.
You read a sad story. You cry. Do you
think that’s sinister, as if someone has
artificially taken over your emotions? DICTATING EMOTIONS
Of course not. That’s just what art is. SELECT YOUR EMOTION PALETTE
Anyone who’s ever met a Dictator Choose a spoke from the wheel OPT

would disagree. to be your focus: these are the SERENITY

emotions you manipulate.

By performing, they alter other people’s


emotional states. Dictators play people like







a musician plays a harp. They can pluck the


The Voice lets you issue





strings. They can snap them.



commands with magical force.





They’re like bards, if everyone was When you control emotions, you



fucking petrified of bards. merely speak commands aloud,



but something gives you away.

What is it?








• Be an artist whose performances † Strange facial scars appear







warp others’ emotions, and even (visibly obvious)





create magical effects. † Demonic, loud voice



• Use your imagination and (impossible to whisper) PENSIVENESS

creativity to work out exactly † Strange smells emerge from REM

what your awful gift can do. your mouth (scent lingers) E

• Be hated and feared for very † Something else: 

good reasons.
To use The Voice, pick the emotion(s) and roll a Cha dice
THE CORE MECHANIC pool plus your D4. Lose 1 success for each target past the INTENSITY OF EFFECT
1 GET 1 DIE PER first. The D4 shows the effect’s Intensity, and each successes 1 Enough to influence them.
STAT POINT lets you add or subtract 1 from it. The final Intensity affects 2 They feel it intensely.
2 ADVANTAGE: +1 the Audience according to your goal – Control or Attack. 3 They feel it as intensely as
DISADVANTAGE: -1 most people will ever feel it.
3 ROLL THE DICE 6 5 4 3 Control: Manipulate them with the emotion and steal their 4 More intense than love for a
agency. +1 Disadvantage per Intensity on actions opposing soulmate.
4 KEEP ALL 4+ DICE 6 5 4 3 the compulsion, +1 Advantage on actions that support it. 5 All-consuming obsession.
Complete control if Intensity exceeds Willpower. 6+ Supernaturally intense.
5 LOSE 1 DICE PER 6 5 4 Attack: Make them feel so hard it hurts. They take +1 Likely lethal.
DIFFICULTY Disadvantage per Intensity on attacks, and are killed or If Intensity < Willpower, targets may
6 SUCCEED IF ANY incapacitated if Intensity exceeds Willpower. resist with a Wis roll at a Difficulty
DICE REMAIN of 1/2 Intensity.
7 SPEND 6+s FOR 6 5 Pass your D4 to a player whose character you’re influencing. On a Crit Fail, you’ve broken them;
SPECIALS the influence is permanent.
To affect anyone else with your powers, you must reclaim
your D4. This is instant and ends that compulsion.


Get a new Emotion Wheel spoke and pick one: IT’S NOT WHAT
† Know Your Audience. Pick a group and an emotion. When CARVING
you use that emotion to affect the group, set your dice to 4 OUT THEIR EMOTIONAL PORTRAIT
before rolling. The group should be no more than 25% of the AN ARTIST’S
people you could meet; if it’s particularly small, the GM PROGRESS

may also grant +1 Advantage when targeting them. AN

† You, Choir. Lose 1 less success when targeting a crowd for THE GANG PROGRESS
every time you take this option. IT’S NOT WHAT
† We, Choir (Pick Once). When using The Voice on willing
people, suffer no penalties for group size. ARTIST’S
† Tell, Don’t Show. Under certain circumstances, your Voice’s PROGRESS
Tell no longer manifests. What are those circumstances? AHEAD YOU KNOW
† Signature Piece. Choose a spell from the Master’s Grimoire AN
(p. 370) with 15 or fewer risk. Whenever you have your D4, THE GIG PROGRESS FANBASE
you may cast the spell by rolling a Cha pool START
boosted as per A Little Emotional Nudge.


† A Working Artist (Pick Once). Once per adventure, declare CARVING OUT THEIR HEART
who owes you a favour and say what you did to earn it. When you use The Voice, declare this ability before rolling to
† Henchperson (Pick Once). You have a loyal, highly skilled make the influence permanent, unremovable even by you. This
henchperson, designed via the Secondary Characters Rule ability does not work on any of the Personas, and will void the
(p. 280) with one fewer stat point. If the henchperson is protection gained from Live at The Witch Trials if word gets out.
killed or lost, you can replace them between missions.
† A critical fail emotion. † They resent their condition. You can grow the claws to back up the personality. When you
† A promise. † Their friends resent their take this advance, define the monster lurking inside you (see
† A need that you fulfill. condition. p. 38). You can redefine your monster any time your self image
† Improve Henchperson. If you have a henchperson, pick one: of your “monster” changes. Pick four traits your monster has:
• If they have less stat points than the group, add one. † It’s invulnerable to one † It can use The Voice on
• Choose a new ability or skillset for the henchperson from common form of harm. anyone who makes eye
the Secondary Character Rules. † Its attacks have Special: contact, silently and with
† Agent. You have a specialist or informant ready to help. this hit causes 2 Wounds. a glance.
1/session, you can get information about a situation from them. † It’s invulnerable to † It can fly.
emotional control. † It can pass through objects.
ONE STEP AHEAD † It can attack at range. † It can disguise its
1/session, you may declare that a pre-existing plan is going † Its Health is 2× Con. monstrous nature.
to come into effect and define it in a flashback scene. Pick a
single moving part to detail: an unexpected ally, a prepared escape When you transform, re-arrange your stats as you wish, set
route, a hidden piece of important equipment. Then roll your Defence to 1, and say what awful thing the monster wants to
D4. On a 1, the GM adds an extra cost to the plan. On a 4, it do. You remain in this form until you do that thing, are knocked
works too well and the GM adds a complication. unconscious, or take a full action and pass a difficulty 2 Wis roll
to talk yourself down. While in this monstrous form you may
THE GIG add D4 to any dice pool, as per A Little Emotional Nudge.
If you have a captive audience and time to prepare and perform
a dramatic ritual, set your D4 to 4 on your performance roll. THE POWER BEHIND THE THRONE
You have complete control of a major part of one of the Great
FANBASE Powers. Describe how you’ve compromised it.
Usually, your victims resent your influence once it’s removed.
Now, your victims instead feel euphoric and grateful for the THE GREAT DICTATOR
experience until they next sleep. After that, they start to long You can target any number of beings with Willpower 4 or less
for you to use the voice on them again. with your performance, so long as they can clearly perceive it.
If those in power learn you have this ability, lose the protection
THE GANG gained from Live at The Witch Trials.
You have a small group of acolytes. None of them will have any
stat above 2, but they’re useful and hang on your every word AT LEVEL 4: LIVE AT THE WITCH TRIALS.
even when you’re not using The Voice. Your name has attracted a bounty and hunters. What have you
done which most frightens people? Pick why you’re still alive:
EMOTIONAL CAPITAL † You have a powerful patron. Who is it? Why are they
The Dictator has enough influence in a major settlement that protecting you?
they can leverage almost complete control. Any time you want † You’ve joined a licensed organisation. What are your duties?
the city to do something, describe which contact you use to What limits does it place on you?
achieve it, and the GM will tell you what you’ll have to owe † The Hunters have chosen to ignore you. Why?
them. If you agree, the city acts as you choose. † Something else:
You can add your D6 to your dice pool any time you’re acting in a foolish,
YOUR NAME: daring or cavalier fashion. In any dice pool which includes the Fool’s D6, you gain:
Special: Roll another D6 and add it to the present dice pool.


All stats start at 2, plus 2 points assigned as you wish.
Get an extra point on levels 3, 6, 9 and 12 (max 4).

Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha

Guard =Dex Health =Con Willpower Defence

Resets at the Lose Guard =Wis+Int Set by Gear
start of each fight before Health


† A fine and noble longsword. Choose one face of your D6 and draw
Get 1 Advantage talking with regal sorts a circle on it. When you roll your D6, it
(and those impressed by them). has special results:
† A rapier.
Use Dex instead of Str for its pool. • Circle: describe the fluke of luck that
Special: recover 1 Guard. benefits you. The GM can then choose
Always look on the bright side of life, † A cutlass. to modify it – the more advantageous
as the song goes. It’s true. Get 1 Advantage talking to underworld you make it, the more they’ll likely
sorts and impressionable romantics. tweak it. Then erase all but one circle,
If a Fool’s laughing, you’ll get out of this † Martial arts. and add a cross to a different face.
hell alive. If you get a laugh, your enemies May use Dex instead of Str for its pool • Unmarked: add a circle to a different
won’t be laughing for much longer. Don’t while fighting with no weapons. face, unless all sides are full.
take things too seriously, and it won’t get † A pistol or other ranged weapon. • Cross: something unfortunate
too serious. At least, for the Fool. † Concealed throwing weapons. happens to you or (more likely) the
The Fool’s the swashbuckler, a romantic Knives, throwing stars, etc. people around you. Erase all crosses.
rogue, the life and soul of the adventuring
party. The rest think they’re irresponsible, YOUR LOOK PICK ONE
but the Fool’s abilities mean the only You are wearing (Defence 1):
responsible thing to do is be irresponsible. † Light fabrics, exposed skin, a big grin
Screw everyone else if they can’t take a joke. † Black leather, a deck of cards and fast
Fools rush in... and their friends have
† A long cloak balanced between
to deal with the consequences.
elegantly-wasted and scruffy If you don’t want
PLAY A FOOL IF YOU WANT TO…. † Something else:  to deface a die,
• Bound into action with a grin, use this net

knowing your luck will protect you. YOUR TRADE PICK ONE
• Get out of any situation by the skin † Swashbuckler. Choose another If you do something that is particularly
of your teeth, even if it means mak- option from your equipment list and foolish or entertaining, the GM may give
ing a few sacrifices. gain any trinkets you think you need you an additional circle on your dice.
to look the part.
• Deal with the chaos when pushing † A Trickster Wizard. Can cast minor IF ALL ELSE FAILS
your powers too far inevitably bites magical spells (max Risk of 5). See what If you’re in a dire situation, hand the GM
everyone on the ass. you can talk your GM into and use your D6. The GM will describe the un-
Cha as your dice pool. Check out the feasibly good luck that rescues you (and
THE CORE MECHANIC Appendix (p. 370) for some magic spells. possibly your friends) from danger.
1 GET 1 DIE PER † A Rogue. Add concealed throwing
STAT POINT weapons and thieves’ tools to your While the GM has your D6, they can
2 ADVANTAGE: +1 equipment. describe an entirely unfair event on a
DISADVANTAGE: -1 † A Bard. Add a musical instrument similar or lower scale of awfulness and
3 ROLL THE DICE 6 5 4 3 of your choice and a book of fine folk then give you back your D6. If you de-
songs to your equipment. liberately cause a spectacular or amusing
4 KEEP ALL 4+ DICE 6 5 4 3 † A Con Artist. You have access to fake disaster, take your D6 back.
dice, marked cards or similar con-
5 LOSE 1 DICE PER 6 5 4 artist equipment.
DIFFICULTY † A Hustler. Add a bag of assorted
6 SUCCEED IF ANY trading wares of questionable origins
DICE REMAIN and variable value to your equipment.
7 SPEND 6+s FOR 6 5

Along the way, a Fool picks up a few specialised tricks in how KNACK OR SPELL KNACK OR SPELL
to use (and abuse) their luck. Pick one each time you take this. CLOWN SCHOOL CLOWN SCHOOL

† LOVE FOOL. Once per session, you get the mininum number
of successes needed to achieve a task, so long as you do for
it for love. Your actions should involve a protestation of CLOWNSHOW PUSHING IT KING FOR A DAY
adoration, especially as you don’t have to be in love until KNACK OR SPELL
this very moment. Once you’ve fallen in love, roleplay this
until the narrative leads you to get over it.
† FOOLS RUSH IN. If you start a combat with Guard, you can PLAN... BUT IT JUST
lose it all to take a single action before anyone else. KNACK OR SPELL
† FOOL’S PREP. Once per session, declare an item you need. If
you add a cross to your dice, you get it immediately.
† OH, IGNORE THAT FOOL. Add a cross to your dice to make
someone drastically underestimate or ignore the Fool in a CLOWN SCHOOL
situation when they really shouldn’t.
† FOOL’S GOLD. Add a cross to your dice to know what dumb,
surprising thing someone you’re talking to really wants. JACK OF MORE

you never lose. If your opponents are cheating (magical or START

otherwise), add a cross to your dice to win anyway.
† FOOL’S CHARM. Add a cross to your dice to make someone
trust you for just a moment, or to have everyone laugh off a
social faux pas you just made.
† LUCKY RABBIT’S FOOT. There’s something foolhardy you can KING FOR A DAY
do to increase your luck. Once per encounter, choose one You can take over a whole Great Power in the world: an Empire,
of the following actions and add a circle to your dice: a kingdom, a guild or similar. Describe how you managed to
• Take a drink at a dramatic moment. take power momentarily, and describe what endeavour they
• Joke at someone who seems more powerful than you. will undertake. This dominion lasts for the current adventure.
• Break into a rousing song. Your first use is free. To use this again, you must first add a
• Say a catchphrase at the exact right moment. cross to your dice that can never be erased.
• Collaborate with GM to create your own.
KNACK OR SPELL 1/session, you can say “This is turning into a total clownshow”.
Choose either a Knack or a Spell: For the rest of the encounter, any time anyone fails a roll, it has
• A Knack: Choose one thing you’re good at. Whenever you do it, the same effects as if you had rolled a cross: an unfortunate
you get an Advantage. See p. 46 for guidance and examples. event happens to them (or those near them). Friends, enemies,
• A Spell: Choose any spell from the Spells Appendix (p. 370) everyone. It should be stressed: the Fool is not immune to this.
with no more than 15 risk. Roll a Cha pool to cast it.
CLEAN SLATE Whenever you act with kindness and altruism, you can add your
Between scenarios you may delete all circles and crosses from D6 to the pool. If you ever take Don’t Give A Fuck, lose this ability.
the dice, and add a single circle. When you do so, describe
what your Fool does to blow off steam. DON’T GIVE A FUCK
You’re never directly affected negatively by any unfortunate
JACK OF MORE TRADES fallout of your abilities, (e.g. Flukes, If All Else Fails, Pushing It).
Select a second Trade, and gain all bonuses/equipment from it. Any bad luck will only ever hurt people around you.
If you ever take Holy Fool, lose this ability.
1/session, add a cross to the Fool’s dice to automatically pass AT LEVEL 6: LUCKY BREAK
a single roll with the minimum number of successes required. The Fool gets a lucky break! The GM offers you something you
The roll has to follow your plan to the letter, and the plan has really want or need. The location of an enemy, a secret route to
to be highly unlikely and maybe even foolish. If it doesn’t make a difficult destination, Nirvana’s fourth album from a dimension
the table think “That’ll never work,” it isn’t foolish enough. where Cobain lived…
They then describe the likely consequence if you agree. Your
PUSHING IT enemy will know where you are, a friendly stronghold will come
As in It’s A Stupid Plan… But It Just Might Work, you must de- under threat, you’ll anger the vengeful god of Grunge….
scribe and then follow a foolish and unlikely plan and then add
a cross to your D6. Unlike that advance, then you roll it. If you take the risk, roll the Fool dice:
If you don’t roll a cross, the plan succeeds with the minimum • If you roll a circle, you get it for free.
number of successes required. • If you roll a cross, you don’t get it, and get the consequence.
If you roll a cross, the plan goes desperately wrong. The GM • If you roll anything else, you get both what you want and
will describe how. It could include serious loss of resources or the consequence.
the incapacitation (or even death) of friendly characters.
YOUR NAME: When you’re feeling your sacred emotion (at 1 or above on your scale),
you may add your D8 to any attack made with your Arcane Weapon.


All stats start at 2, plus 2 points assigned as you wish.
Get an extra point on levels 3, 6, 9 and 12 (max 4).

Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha

Guard =Dex Health =Con Willpower Defence

Resets at the Lose Guard =Wis+Int Set by Gear
start of each fight before Health


You get your Arcane Weapon, All the Emotion Knight’s special abilities are channeled
and pick one to explain your via their Arcane Weapon. All Arcane Weapons, whatever
striking resilience to harm: their form, are sentient, communicate with their owner
† You’ve got an uncanny (audibly and with short-range telepathy), and can sense
danger sense. strong sources of their owner’s sacred emotion in their
† Your scarred flesh is vicinity. Pick one from each to customise yours:
incredibly resistant to pain.
These orders of Knights are the world’s † You have the finest YOUR WEAPON IS: ITS PERSONALITY IS:

greatest warriors, each devoted to one of armour, and keep it in † Sharp. Sword, † Aggressively determined to
the eight sacred emotions. Whether it be good condition. machete, rapier pursue its Sacred Emotion
joy, hate, or fear: if they feel it, they can † Something else:  † Heavy. Greataxe, † A critical voice, doubting
use it to fuel the power of their sentient, hammer, gauntlet the Knight’s worthiness
arcane weapons. YOUR LOOK PICK ONE † Esoteric. Chain, † The adorable opposite of
You are wearing (Defence 1): trident, whip what you’d expect from it.
When consumed by their sacred † Worn leather, a long cloak † Something else. † Something else.
sensation, they’re incomparable warriors, and a scowl.
capable of miraculous feats. Nothing † Gladiator gear, all skin, ITS MAIN TRAIT IS:
can stand against their blades–armies, spikes and black leather. † Brutal. Special: if this hit Wounds, it deals 2 instead.
mountains, not even ideas. They can † Covered head to foot, with † Fast. Special: if this hit removes a Guard from your
defeat anything. a full helm showing only foe, remove 2 instead of 1.
Except the passion which drives them. your eyes. † Elegant. Uses Dex instead of Str for its pool.
† Something else:  Special: recover 2 Guard.
• Be the most powerful fighter in the As an Emotion Knight, your You track the intensity of your Sacred 0
land, capable of fighting armies powers are driven by you Emotion on this scale, using your D8
single-handedly. feeling a specific, Sacred as a counter. Depending how intensely
• Develop a bond with a signature Emotion. Choose a word your character is feeling this emotion 1: Strong
weapon born of your psyche. from the list below that best in the fiction, move the counter up or Emotionally Engaged:
• Process your tumultuous emotions fits that emotion and write it down the scale – you or the GM can Can use Venting
by using them as incendiary fuel for into the blank space at the top shift it as appropriate. You gain an abilities and Stances.
your powers. of this sheet. advantage when you act in line with the 2: Intense
emotion, and one disadvantage per level Can use Creative
† Rage, Anger, Annoyance of intensity when you oppose it. The Violence to defeat:
a mob, a blockade,
† Ecstasy, Joy, Serenity GM can suggest compulsions from the
a village, a strength.
THE CORE MECHANIC † Vigilance, Anticipation, emotion – if you want to resist these,
3: Overwhelming
1 GET 1 DIE PER Interest roll Wis at difficulty of half intensity.
STAT POINT Can defeat: an army,
† Loathing, Disgust, Boredom a town, a mountain
2 ADVANTAGE: +1 † Grief, Sadness, Pensive- Creative Violence range, a weakness.
DISADVANTAGE: -1 ness At 2+ on the scale, you can expend all 4: Lost
3 ROLL THE DICE 6 5 4 3 † Amazement, Surprise, your intensity to defeat a foe that fits a Can defeat: despair,
Distraction noun at your current intensity or below a city, your true love.
4 KEEP ALL 4+ DICE 6 5 4 3 † Terror, Fear, Apprehension (to begin with, you can’t access the nouns
† Admiration, Trust, Accep- at levels 4-6). When you do this, roll 5: Consumed
5 LOSE 1 DICE PER 6 5 4 tance your D8; if it beats your current intensity, Can defeat: a
DIFFICULTY country, a religion.
you succeed. If not, you do it but you or
6 SUCCEED IF ANY All three of the words on the someone close to you suffers Wounds
DICE REMAIN 6: Inhuman
same line are aspects of your equal to the result and the GM adds
Can defeat: a god,
7 SPEND 6+s FOR 6 5 Sacred Emotion. You feed off complications to your success. Either hope, yourself.
them all. way, reset your intensity to level 0.

Emotion Draining
You learn to channel your Arcane Weapon’s hunger to siphon ANY ABILITY
their Sacred Emotion from a target character. The GM ascer- NEW VENTING NEW STANCE:
tains how strong an emotion the target was feeling. If it’s 0, this ABILITY ANY
ability has no effect; otherwise, this is the maximum level of
emotion that can be siphoned. If the target is willing, the Emo- CREATIVE CREATIVE
tion Knight gains that level of emotion and the target loses it. SINGLE-MINDED VIOLENCE VIOLENCE
The character can resist with Cha roll (difficulty 0): NEW STANCE:
• For each success, a level of emotion is transferred from them to
the Emotion Knight. Their behaviour changes proportionally.
• On a failure, the target’s emotion stays the same and the EMOTION SECOND
Emotion Knight gains no levels of emotion.
• On a critical failure, the target can never feel emotion ABILITY
towards that source ever again. However, the Knight gets all
the emotion the target presently feels.
Pick a new stance of the indicated type. SOCIAL COMBAT

New Venting Ability EMOTION

Pick a new venting ability. KNIGHTMARE DRAINING VIOLENCE

After a bad night’s sleep with a dream born of your Sacred
Emotion, you will wake to find a magical steed beside you.
Every time you have a bad (k)night’s sleep, say what you
dreamed about. Some dreams have been known to be prophetic.
WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE? WHAT GIFT DOES IT HAVE? When your emotion has you, you’re very difficult to divert. In-
† A towering warhorse with ACTIVATES WHEN YOU ARE crease the difficulty to mentally dominate you by your present
burning eyes EMOTIONALLY ENGAGED emotional level. This includes a Dictator’s abilities.
† A three-humped camel † It can fly
with a knowing expression † It is faster than any horse. Master of the Order
† A cowardly cat who really † It can move through walls You are accepted as the worldwide Master of your Order of
doesn’t want to be here like a ghost. Knights. If you’re using the Great Game rules, they count as at
† Something else † Something else least one faction, and perhaps more. If you gain Dual Wield, you
immediately forfeit this advance.
Advance Creative Violence
For each time you take this ability, your maximum level Dual Wield
of Creative Violence is increased by 1, and your Willpower Choose a second emotion and gain a second Arcane Weapon
is treated as 1 higher for the puposes of resisting being with its own personality. You now track this emotional scale
overwhelmed by your Sacred Emotion. separately. If you have an Emotional Stance from this new
emotion, you can only activate that stance if its emotion is
Second Active Stance above zero. If you have two Emotion Satnces, you may change
Stances are common among many martial arts, and a warrior one to an emotion stance from your new emotion. You can
chooses which stance to position themself carefully. One stance never select the advance Master Of The Order.
at any time. That’s how it works. However, Emotion Knights are
the greatest warriors in the land. When this advance is chosen,
the Emotion Knight may have two stances active simultaneously. AT LEVEL 8: A KNIGHT’S CONFIRMATION
Each stance can be changed independently exactly like normal. You are called to confirm your choice and enter your order.
Your Weapon is taken from you. You are taken to a ceremonial
Emotion Vampire place—a dungeon, a labyrinth, a cave system—and you find
The Arcane Weapon’s hunger can get out of control, and some your way through it. In the centre, your Weapon… and one for
Emotion Knights choose to chase that. When you use Emotion each of the other seven emotions. Gain the following:
Draining on a being who has either submitted or is incapable of
resisting, an Emotion Knight can choose to feed on the target’s • Retrieve your Weapon… or pick one of the other seven.
potential to feel that emotion. Gain a single level of the emotion • Pick a new stance or venting ability. Swap any abilities
while removing the victim’s ability to ever feel this emotion again. related to a given emotion.
If the victim is currently feeling this emotion, gain an additional
level of the emotion alongside those you would normally drain. You’re now a member of this league of knights. If there is an
order in the fiction already, use it. If there isn’t, create one in
This is primarily an ability for Antagonists and villains. collaboration with the GM. This order may call upon you to
Characters who see this power in use will fear and hate its perform tasks. You may be able to ask them for help. This is a
user in the same way they would a Dictator. reciprocal relationship.
If you are emotionally engaged, you can vent. This reduces your emotional scale by one and triggers the vent ability.

† Decapitation Strike: Target and attack † Personal Attacks: Discover how your † Distance Strike: You can attack any-
a single individual and ignore Guard. Sacred Emotion could be used to hurt thing, at any distance, as long as you
† Combat Frenzy: Apply the results of the target - whatever that means. know exactly where they are.
this attack to all enemies within me- † Personal Knowledge: Gain knowledge † Emotional Reserve: When hit, you may
lee range of the Knight’s position. of who or what a target feels your reduce your emotion level instead of
† Duel: Target a single individual. They emotion most strongly towards. For losing Health on a 1-for-1 basis.
cannot attack anyone else until you say example, a Terror Knight could vent † Hardcase: Vent to make anyone
so, or until you’re no longer a combatant. to discover a target’s worst fear. human-sized think that if you fought,
you would win.


Stances are passive abilities. If you have more than one, you can change them with an action in combat, or at-will outside of combat.


† Bodyguard: Choose someone within † Intimidating Gaze: You can be a scary † The Look Of Eagles: If someone is
arm’s reach. If they are attacked, you fucker. If there’s a question of “who’s looking for a leader, they look to you.
can choose to be attacked instead. the most murderous person in the Everyone will assume you’re in charge
† Ranged Attack: You can attack with your room?” The answer is “You.” due to your natural authority.
Arcane Weapon out to medium range. † Common Touch: The “Common Folk” † Who The Hell Are They? In any room, you
† Riposte: When an opponent’s attack of the kingdom automatically think instantly attract everyone’s attention.
fails to hit you, make an immediate you’re one of them. What does † Infectious Charm: All of your jokes
attack in response as an extra action. “Common Folk” mean? You tell us. land with at least one person present.
† Parry: All attacks on you suffer one
† Quick on the Draw: If someone is in EMOTION STANCES
move action to attack them before † Painfree: You no longer suffer any † Catharsis: When Emotion Draining, you
they attack you. physical pain. also heal 1 Wound from your target
† I’ll Die When I’m Dead: You can act † Life and Soul of the Party: Your infec- for each level of emotion drained.
normally when you’ve taken enough tious enthusiasm makes others want † Pity Me: People pity you as they would
damage you should be unconscious. to spend time with you. a whimpering puppy.
You continue to fight until you die.
in an attack between multiple targets † Hero-Worship: Choose one person to † Con’t Stand Me Know: Everybody who
without suffering a Disadvantage. idealise. When supporting them in can see you finds you loathsome; they
† Pacifier: You can attack and inflict an action, you give two Advantages behave appropriately. Their attacks
non-fatal injuries without suffering a instead of one. against you have one disadvantage.
disadvantage. † Trusting Face: You radiate such simple † My Mind Is A Fortress: You are so
† Show-Off: Your fighting style is good-heartedness that people will wrapped up in hatred (of self and
undeniably more beautiful than give you the benefit of the doubt others) the difficulty of any emotional
anyone else’s. Your attacks have: unless there’s a strong reason to do manipulation is increased by 2.
Special: Choose an opponent to be otherwise.
startled by your grace. The next attack RAGE/ANGER/ANNOYANCE
on them gains an advantage. TERROR/FEAR/APPREHENSION † Warface: Anyone foolish enough to
† Flight: When fleeing, you always escape meet your gaze regrets it. All your
any pursuer who doesn’t have a su- attacks gain Special: they metaphori-
pernatural ability to hunt you down. cally shit themselves and lose a Guard.
† Reading the Danger Room: When in † Berserk: As long as you are in this
this stance, at any time, you can ask stance, your health is increased by
the GM “What should I be most your Wis.
frightened of here?” and they must
† You Watch The Watchmen: You know
AMAZEMENT/SURPRISE/DISTRACTION any time you’ve been spotted or are
† Eeek! When surprised, you jump out about to be ambushed.
of your skin. You instantly teleport a † Guardian: You can declare one person
short distance. under your protection. You know
† Innocent: People cannot read you wheneverSTART
they are threatened, and
in any way other than a wide-eyed gain an advantage when acting on it.
adorable innocent.
Gifts of the Fair
YOUR NAME: You can add your D10 to your dice pool any time
you’re assisted by an activated Gift.


All stats start at 2, plus 2 points assigned as you wish.
Get an extra point on levels 3, 6, 9 and 12 (max 4).

Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha

Guard =Dex Health =Con Willpower Defence

Resets at the Lose Guard =Wis+Int Set by Gear
start of each fight before Health


• A dagger (or any pointy thing You are wearing (Defence 0):
which stabs) † Black leather, studs and chrome,
• Another close weapon (short sword, white leather, bleach and catsuits
a second dagger, or something else) † Billowing black cloak and sinister
• A ranged weapon (pistol, a rifle, or scarlet eyes
something else) † Exposed metallic exoskeleton and
Adventurers love gold. With their pro- vat-grown muscle
pensity for taking anything that isn’t nailed † Something else: 
down makes them all thieves… which
makes the classical fantasy prejudice FAIR GOLD GIFTS OF THE FAIR
Keep track of how many Fair Gold you
against rogues a little odd. They’re all at possess. They’ll disappear at dawn.
The Neo has access to otherworldly cy-
it. Why do rogues get the glances? berpunk technology—robotic limbs, loyal
But anyone who’s ever met one knows Fair Gold is the techno-magical fuel automatons, smart weapons, and more—
why people are suspicious about the Neo. which powers your gifts. It takes the known as gifts. When creating your Neo,
form of small coins, most commonly select one techno-magical gift from the
There’s a special kind of gold, and the found in the corpses of Fallen, but you Gifts sheet, and one of its upgrades.
Neo’s magical technology needs to be acti- will find other sources. Your AI will tell
vated by this every day. If they can’t find you if any Fair Gold is nearby. Gifts all have narrative effects in addition
enough then all their gifts mean nothing. to mechanical ones; they allow you to per-
They can’t skip between shadows, dance A single piece of Fair Gold will activate form suitable associated tasks. A jetpack
through the sky or punch a hole through one of your gifts (and its upgrades) until lets you fly. A teleporter lets you teleport.
a Fallen’s head from half a mile away. the following Dawn, including any of its
Adventurers all want gold, but no-one upgrades. Each Neo has a slot on their You can only take a single upgrade
needs it like a Neo. body where they can insert the coin – marked Defensive unless an advancement
normally the neck, but you may vary. says otherwise. If not stated otherwise,
PLAY A NEO IF YOU WANT TO…. Upgrades can be picked multiple times.
• Be the chromed-up cyberpunk rogue NEOTECH
in the fantasy adventuring party. You always have an AI system and basic OVERCHARGE
• Select from an armoury of magic- ability to access the Fair Field—an in- You can use extra Fair Gold to simulate
cybernetic gifts you can personalise visible technological data network. Your an upgrade in a one-off fashion. To
to your heart’s content. AI system is capable of talking with you overcharge an activated gift, describe
• Hunt desperately for the next score and performing basic tasks relating to your desired effect. The GM sets a cost
to fuel your powers. your gifts and upgrades. (in gold) to achieve this effect.

THE CORE MECHANIC To use your Neotech to hack Fallen, One gold is enough to temporarily
1 GET 1 DIE PER computers, automated systems and remove a Gift’s limitations, extend its
STAT POINT anything technological, roll a dice pool capacities or ape an Upgrade.
2 ADVANTAGE: +1 based on your Int. Each success lets you
DISADVANTAGE: -1 bypass a particular problem your target Two gold is enough to improve the gift
3 ROLL THE DICE 6 5 4 3 is causing. The dice pool has Special: in several ways.
actively subvert the system to perform
4 KEEP ALL 4+ DICE 6 5 4 3 one action. Three or more gold let you perform
truly spectacular feats.
5 LOSE 1 DICE PER 6 5 4
DIFFICULTY Spend the gold, and roll your D10:
DICE REMAIN • If the result is odd, it works perfectly.
7 SPEND 6+s FOR 6 5 • If it’s even, it mostly works but
SPECIALS something goes amiss.


You acquire another gift of the Fair. How did you get it?
Choose one: gain a new Gift, or Upgrade an existing Gift. HACK-

You’re getting better at harnessing your gifts. Pick an extra

upgrade on one of them.
At the start of each day, you receive one Fair Gold via a reason-
ably safe method. What is it? NEW GIFT
You can create, summon or otherwise generate a vehicle that
can transport the rest of the party, and a couple of friends. GOLD SOURCE NEW GIFT PAWN SHOP

When in this form, you travel as fast as a horse. START

† 1950s sci-fi, all chrome † You summon it
† 2010s heavy-duty serious tech † It emerges from your body
† 2070s bleeding-edge cyberpunk † You transform into it HACKROMANCER
† Something else † Something else The Neo gains the ability to create a beacon that gathers Fallen.
When the beacon is activated with a piece of Fair Gold, it is as
When you pick this ability, you can choose one of the follow- if the heavens opened and a biblical flood of Fallen fell upon
ing upgrades. Any time you choose an upgrade from now on, the land. You do not control these Fallen.
you can upgrade your SICK-ASS RIDE instead.
† It can travel underwater. † It can reach orbit. You have gained access to a god-machine, capable of miraculous
† It can travel in a vacuum. † It can fly at the speed of the feats. It can do one impossible thing, but not before it’s fuelled by
† It can carry another party’s fastest airborne creature in an impossibly rare material. When activated, it will achieve what
worth of people. the world. Every time you it does, and then consuming its fuel and shut down.
† The engine is silent. take this, double its speed. WHAT FORM IS IT? WHAT POWERS IT?
† A deserted, confused † Fair Gold purified and distilled
PAWN SHOP spaceship. by a difficult, obscure method.
The Neo has an extradimensional contact who has an interest † A mecha suit missing † A bottled aspect of a god.
in certain objects. They’ve agreed to buy them in exchange for a limb. † The possibility of one of your
Fair Gold; a fair price for services rendered. † A naive pet AI-god. dreams ever being real.
WHO IS THIS CONTACT? WHAT DO THEY WANT? † Something else † Something else
† A single Fair, turned eccentric † An exquisite meal they’ve
from the loss of their other half never eaten before CHOSEN OF THE FAIR
† A demon prince with a † A secret that would ruin You gain a special relationship with the Fair, and are able to
crooked halo someone’s life come to an understanding with them—at least, as much as
† A time-traveller in some † Skulls of unusual species, but anyone can understand the Fair. Reselect your gifts and up-
manner of public convenience. only once for any single species grades in a burst of apotheosis. You gain the ability to summon
† Something else † Something else the Fair once a session with a strange ritual.


You have become aware of how to rip off an entity for Fair You are confronted by two of the Fair. They explain that you’re
Gold. You gain 2 gold every morning as long as you keep up a creature of both worlds, perfectly balanced between the two.
the con or racket. Once a session, the GM can tweak the plot As such, the Fair will give you an interesting decision – to ac-
to explore the difficulties of maintaining the enterprise. cept a gift or not. One Fair says that if they take the gift, if they
If your Big Score is discovered, you lose the gold income until leave Die and return to reality, there will be no consequences.
you can re-establish the scheme - or start a new one. The other says that if they take the gift, if they leave Die and
WHAT’S THE CON? return to reality, they will suffer a consequence as a result of
† You’re skimming Fair Gold from the local Neo guild this decision.You may then choose to accept the gift or not.
† You’ve convinced a cult that their god wants them to offer It is an interesting decision.
up Fair Gold
† You’ve found the back door to a Reality Mine If you accept, gain access to a single gift with an upgrade of
† You’re running a fake protection scheme, where people your choice. If not, you get nothing. Whatever your choice,
think they’re paying off a Mayfly Dragon. you gain the ability to have a second Defensive upgrade.
† You’re running a pyramid scheme where people think they’re If you return to Earth, roll a D10. IfSTART
it’s even, the first Fair was
buying their very own eternal-life-guaranteed pyramid. correct and you suffer no consequences. On an odd number,
† Something else the second Fair was correct, and you suffer a consequence
from having accepted this gift.
 Gun  ACTIVATED  Energy Weapon  ACTIVATED  Full AI Enhancement  ACTIVATED
The Fair have gifted you with an arcane You have a searing energy weapon. If you wish, You augment your AI to access its full
firearm. Works as a normal ranged weapon you may use Dex for its dice pool instead of Str. potential. When you’re hacking, include your
without being activated. Works as a normal blade without being activated. D10 in the roll.
Explosive. Your ranged attacks gain: Phantom. Your close combat attacks gain: Information Database. Choose the AI’s
Special: apply an extra individual hit to Special: this individual hit—not the whole specialist subject. The smaller the area, the
another target in the vicinity. attack—bypasses Guard. more complete the knowledge.
Homing. Your ranged attacks gain: Searing. Your close combat attacks gain: Hacking Protocol Interface. If you manually
Special: this individual hit—not the whole Special: ignite opponent, doing 1 hit per interface with a system, you’re immune to
attack—bypasses Guard. round until extinguished. any physical feedback on a failure.
AI-Assisted Targeting. The gun’s attacks Neurosleep. Your close combat attacks gain: Subpersonality. Your AI simulates a single
ignore all environmental Disadvantages. Special: target is hit by a sedative. If they are known person, living or dead, who can be
Phasers to Stun. The gun’s non-lethal attacks hit by a sedative a number of times equal to interrogated and questioned.
ignore all Disadvantages. their Con, they fall unconscious. BioHacking Extension. Choose one group of
Trick Shooting. The Gun can fire precisely Returning. When thrown, the weapon creatures; you can hack them like Fallen.
enough to act as a form of telekinesis: you returns to the Neo. Fallen Leash. You can control a hacked
can knock on windows, ring doorbells, open Cleave. Your close combat attacks gain: Fallen indefinitely, as if you’d rolled a
doors and perform other feats of accuracy. Double-Special: apply this whole attack to Special every round. You can control one
Tracking. Its attacks gain Special: the target another target within range. Fallen at a time for each time you’ve taken
can be reliably traced for 24 hours. Fatality! Your close combat attacks gain: this upgrade.
Sniper. You can shoot as far as you can see. Special: if this attack kills an opponent,
Sentry Gun. The gun can be left behind to describe a particularly horrific death sequence.  Cybernetic Enhancement  ACTIVATED
guard a stationary position, and obey a simple All opponents capable of being horrified in A powered exoskeleton grows over and
set of orders. When it’s next activated, it the area suffer 1 Disadvantage when fighting through your body, rendering you an
instantly appears in the Neo’s hands. you for the rest of the encounter. armoured fighting machine capable of feats of
supernatural strength and resilience.
 Light Field Projector  ACTIVATED  Pet  ACTIVATED
You have an awesome cybernetic pet. When Hardcase (Defensive). Gain +1 Defence.
You can generate an utterly convincing visual
summoned, it’s also autonomous and capable Energy Gun. You have a built-in gun.
illusion or make yourself practically invisible.
of following instructions. Its Defence is the Pick one Gun upgrade. You cannot add
Reactive Combat Invisibility (Defensive). same as yours. Any Wound inflicted on your further upgrades.
Gain +1 Defence. pet is transferred to you. When Wounded, it Energy Weapon. You have a built in energy
Invisibility Field. You may make one other dematerialises and reappears beside you. weapon. Pick one Energy Weapon upgrade.
human-sized creature invisible. You cannot add further upgrades.
Distracting. If your pet assists you in an
Enhanced Invisibility. In addition to sight, Sensory Array. Your senses expand into a
attack, you gain Special: remove 2 Guard.
your sound, smell, psychic aura and trace generalised radar in the locale, and you can
Tracker. If given a sample of a target, the pet
magical energy are also concealed. see through obstacles.
can lead you to it.
Distance Projection. Your illusion continues Reactor. You have a reactor in your
Alert. The pet alerts you to any ambush
when you leave an area. exoskeleton. When activated, it gains three
before it happens – you always start with
Active Update. You can project an illusion charges used in the place of Fair Gold for the
full Guard.
onto yourself in real-time as a disguise. sole purpose of overcharging your other gifts.
Gold Hunter. Your pet can be sent to scavenge
Immersion Enhancement. Your illusion can Sealed. You can survive in hard vacuum
fair gold, and will return with the gold
create sounds, smells and physical feedback and other outlandish environments. You no
after the next encounter (longer if the GM
akin to a 4D cinema experience. longer need to eat. If you do ingest poison
wishes). Roll your Int pool and find 1 Fair somehow, it doesn’t affect you.
Gold on a success, with: Special: gain an
 Force Field  ACTIVATED Jetpack. You can fly at the speed of the
extra gold.
You’re able to create and reshape an energy fastest airborne creature in the world. Each
Protective. If an attack would kill the Neo
field in your vicinity. This force field has Health time you take this, your speed doubles.
and the pet is present, the pet can sacrifice
equal to your Int. itself to negate the attack. The Pet deactivates,
Active Defense Protocol (Defensive). Your Guard disappearing in a shower of light, and must  Blink Teleporter  ACTIVATED
be reactivated to bring it back. You can chain together short-distance teleports,
is now equal to your Int plus your Dex.
about as far as you could jump with a run up.
Autonomous Field. You can create a force
field in your vicinity which will remain after  Wetwork  ACTIVATED Combat Shift Protocol (Defensive).
you leave the area. It can take damage equal Your body and blood have been upgraded. Gain +1 Defence.
to your Int before collapsing. Attacking and You heal quicker, tire slower, can perform feats Optic Triangulation. You can teleport
damaging this force field has Difficulty 1. of physical strength and endurance, and have anywhere you can see.
Kinetic Redirection. All attacks on anything active control of your body’s systems. Duo Port. You can teleport one other person
protected by your force field gain: with you.
Reflex Boost. You always act first in any
Mandatory Special: Restore 1 Health to the Telefrag. You can use your teleportation
initiative order.
active forcefield. offensively by teleporting something inside
Speed Boost. All your actions gain:
Buddy-Help™ Protocol. The rest of the party your target. Your melee attacks gain:
Special: take an extra move. You can’t be
are protected with a supplementary micro- Special: target suffers 1 Wound.
attacked during this move.
force field. They gain +1 Guard. Shift-TK. You can teleport small nearby objects.
Instant Reflexes (Defensive). Gain +1 Defence.
Retrieve Protocol. Once a day, you can attune
Horsepower. You can move twice as fast or
to any object you can lift. It can then be
far as normal. teleported to you, from any distance.
Regeneration (Defensive). Heal 1 Health per START
round. Fully heal between combats.
Resurrection Protocol. If you die, roll a Con
pool at the end of the combat with:
Special: return to life.
YOUR NAME: You can add your D12 to your dice pool any time a god’s power is influencing
it, whether Scripture or Miracle. If it rolls a 1 on a Scripture, gain God Debt.


All stats start at 2, plus 2 points assigned as you wish.
Get an extra point on levels 3, 6, 9 and 12 (max 4).

Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha

Guard =Dex Health =Con Willpower Defence

Resets at the Lose Guard =Wis+Int Set by Gear
start of each fight before Health


† Two-handed hammer, heavy You are wearing (Defence 0):
protection (Defence 1) † Heavy-metal holy crusader, looking
† Quarterstaff (Special: recover 1 Guard), for trouble
robes or loincloth † Beatific holy seer, looking for peace
† Worn leather gear, dagger or † Wild tattoos, frenzied eyes, looking
knuckledusters, a set of knives in a for drugs
carefully concealed hiding place † Urbane street magician, looking for
the gold in someone’s pocket
† Something else: 

You don’t believe in gods. CONTRACT WITH GOD

They exist, obviously. You owe the Fire Choose one of the gods from the Gods sheet: this is the god you have a special rela-
God for that time he burned that fortress, tionship with. What’s their name? You have the first level of a relationship with the god,
and you’ve got that favour from the God with all the benefits described in its entry.
of the Wild when you saved her rainforest.
But believe? That’s a strong word. SCRIPTURE
All Godbinders gain access to three basic spells – Scriptures shared between all gods:
You don’t believe in gods. You believe
in tools. Useful tools. <Noun> Blast Heal Detect <Noun>
Because if you think about it, the Attack a target in Heals 1 Health to a character Determines if any of the
difference between “cleric” and “demon- medium range. within a short distance. Max 1 <noun> is within a short
ologist” is the same as the one between use per character per encounter. distance.
“freedom fighter” and “terrorist.” <Noun> can be any noun related to the god; for example, The God of The Wild could fire thorn-blasts and detect wildlife.

To cast a Scripture, roll a Wis dice pool plus your D12 with a Difficulty of 0
PLAY A GODBINDER IF YOU WANT TO…. (see Guidance). If you succeed, the Scripture works as described in its entry.
• Unleash the power of a pantheon of
your own design on the world. GOD DEBT
• Barter with your gods for anything God Debt determines whether you owe a god, or a god owes you. For each god, you
you want… for a price. can accrue up to 5 God Debt. You may also be in credit to a god up to -5 God Debt.
• Deal with the awful costs of God Debt can be called at any time it’s positive, with the god requesting a task of you:
the deals.
If accepted and completed, If accepted and failed, If refused, the Godbinder
the God Debt is removed the God Debt stays the suffers 1 Wound for every
THE CORE MECHANIC and the God is satisfied the same as the God is not point of God Debt the
1 GET 1 DIE PER task is completed. yet satisfied. God chooses to remove.

2 ADVANTAGE: +1 You can remove God Debt by acting in a manner according to the god’s desires. A
DISADVANTAGE: -1 Godbinder may be proactive and suggest particular acts to the gods.
3 ROLL THE DICE 6 5 4 3
4 KEEP ALL 4+ DICE 6 5 4 3 At any point, you can speak to a god and Costs might include…
request a Miracle. If the god is willing, • Taking on God Debt
5 LOSE 1 DICE PER 6 5 4 they’ll give you a cost in exchange for • Performing a specific task for them
DIFFICULTY the Miracle. If you agree, the Miracle immediately
6 SUCCEED IF ANY happens. If not, it doesn’t. If you break • Owing them an open ended favour
DICE REMAIN a promise made here, the spurned god • Making a specific promise you will
7 SPEND 6s FOR 6 5 immediately gets God Debt according to fulfil in the future
SPECIALS the scale of the Miracle.


Add a level in an existing or new god. Describe how you IN GOD IN GOD
bettered or founded your relationship with this god. NEW LEVEL IN NEW LEVEL IN
Choose one: GOD
† Godly Commandment. One of your gods gives you a specific
repeatable task to fulfil. You and your GM collaborate to GOD
decide what this is. Every time you fulfil this task, reduce
your God Debt by one. MYSTERIOUS NEW LEVEL
† Good Works. Between adventures you automatically reduce WAYS IN GOD
your God Debt by one. Describe the act of devotion or NEW LEVEL IN
servitude you did to do so.
† Uncovering Scripture. You uncover a lost Scripture of a god.
Look in the Master’s Grimoire (p. 370) for a spell whose IN GOD
Risk is no higher than your levels in the god multiplied by MYSTERIOUS NEW LEVEL IN
5. This can now be cast as Scripture for that god. Decide: WAYS GOD
was this scripture lost, hidden or destroyed, and why?
When a god calls in debt and you don’t pay, you may break START
contract with them rather than suffer the punishment. Instead:
• Double your debt to that god; if you ever make contact
with that god again, the god will call in the increased debt
for 1 Wound per debt remaining, as per usual. This will HEAD OF RELIGION
likely kill you. You’re the head (official or otherwise) of a god’s worship. If there’s a
• You lose access to all the Scriptures for that god, and are suitable cult in the fiction, use it. If not, there’s a new cult; collabo-
unable to use Good Works or Godly Commandments to reduce rate with the GM to define it. Any Believers from Wicked or Divine
the God Debt. Any God Debt reduction will solely come will convert to your faith. You may move any or all of your levels
from the narrative. in gods to the god whose religion you are now in charge of. Any
• The god will do the godly equivalent of sending bailiffs. A unpaid debt to each god is kept and paid off as per Going Rogue.
GM may spend the player’s debt to have unfortunate events
related to the god’s area of power occur - one debt per The religion is a faction in the Great Game. If you make the
event. This will target you and likely anyone or anything cult act in a way that’s against the tenets of its religion, roll a
you hold dear. Wis dice pool, with Difficulty equal to your total levels in other
gods. If you took Heretic, increase this Difficulty by 2.
If the debt is paid off, the relationship returns to normal, and
you regain all you powers. If you take A New Covenant, immediately forfeit all this power.


Between sessions you can broker a deal between two of your You make a new god. Collaborate with the GM to create its
gods, and move debt from one to the other. Describe how this nature. It can be a whole-cloth creation based on your person-
deal works. ality, an NPC who ascends to the position, or something else.
You gain a level in the new god and may immediately move
HERETIC any of your existing levels into this new god. Collaborate with
Choose one of your gods. You now understand a fundamen- the GM to select or design its three Scriptures. Any Believers
tal truth about this god that all other believers in the religion from Wicked or Divine will convert to this new faith.
deny. What is it?
Gain two Trust in that god. All believers of the mainstream At level 12, your heresy is noted. A god who you have no levels
faith view you with suspicion at best and hatred at worst. in gets jealous. How can you not care about me at all? Why
don’t you slip into my DMs! Your other gods glare. Don’t you
WICKED OR DIVINE dare pay them attention.
You’ve been working in the realm of the gods for a while and
gained a reputation - for better or worse. Choose one: You may re-arrange all the levels you have in your gods. To work
† Divine. You become known as a holy figure. You are widely out how each god feels about your decision, go down this list.
respected by those who believe in this religion and have a Entries further down the list overrule those higher up.
specific group of Believers. What is your teaching? How did 1. If a god’s level is higher than when they started, they’re happy.
people come to know of it? What do they call you? 2. If a god’s level is lower than when they started, they’re
† Wicked. One of your gods gives you a debt-bonded servant. unhappy. Gain one God Debt.
Choose an existing NPC (or steed) to fill the role, or collab- START happy.
3. If a god’s level is the highest, they’re
orate with GM to invent someone new using the secondary 4. If a god’s level was highest and now they’re not, they’re
character rules (p. 280). unhappy. Gain one God Debt.
5. If a god’s level is zero, they’re furious. Gain two God Debt.
GODS Gain 1 Trust for every level above 3. Each point of Trust lets you avoid marking a God Debt 1/session.


The classic god of healing and protection, A god of inebriation, delight, sensuality and A god of immolation, passion, destruction
though “caring” need not mean “kind”.  pure, impure hedonism. and perhaps invention.

1 Healing Light: Heal a target within a short

distance. 1 Health healed per success, up to
your level in this god.
1 Party Hard: Target feels a supernatural
high. For every level in this god, you can
affect an extra target. Describe how this high
1 Fire Blast: Ranged attack, single target,
medium range.
Special: ignite foe, inflicting 1 hit per round
Special: 1 extra Health healed. makes everyone feel and choose one of the until extinguished.
Special: inflicts a disadvantage on anyone following effects (applied to all targets): Special: this attack also affects an extra close
attacking the target for the rest of an encounter. • Attacks on them gain a Disadvantage as target (up to your levels in this god).
Special: target gains an advantage to any
attack made against creatures of darkness for
the rest of the encounter.
their pain is numbed.
• Their close combat attacks get an Advantage 2 Living Inferno: Transform target into a liv-
ing inferno for the length of an encounter.
Target is immune to flame damage and their
from an adrenaline rush.

2 Bless: For each success you roll, bless

a nearby target. For this encounter, all
attempts to attack the target(s) suffer a Disad-
• They can see the unseen and other realms.
All actions of those targeted gain Mandatory
attacks gain: Special: ignite foe, inflicting 1 Hit
per round until extinguished.

Double-Special: “I don’t feel so good any more.” Phoenix: Requires a dead body to cast.
vantage, and their attacks gain: They become sick and lose this spell’s bonus, suffer- From it bursts an enormous flying bird,
Special: if this hit Wounds a creature of dark- ing a Disadvantage for the rest of the encounter. wreathed in a fire which only harms your ene-
ness, it deals 2 Wounds instead.

3 Divine Light: Ranged attack, single target,

far range.
2 Blackout Drunk: Make all mortal hu-
man-sized or smaller individuals within
close range of a point fall asleep. Roll your Wis
mies. Once it starts to fight, it lasts til the end of
the encounter. The phoenix can carry the party
and a few others. The phoenix has Str 3, Dex
Special: blind target for rest of the encounter, pool and compare successes to each target’s 3 and Health 3, and its attacks have Special:
inflicting at least 2 disadvantages on anything highest Stat. If you match or exceed the target’s ignite foe, inflicting 1 Hit/round til extinguished.
requiring sight. score, they fall asleep. Targets may be awoken
Special: if this hit Wounds, it deals 2 instead. by any normal means. When they are roused,
they suffer a Disadvantage on all actions
during the encounter from the headache. LEVEL  DEBT  TRUST 
3 Higher State of Consciousness: Alter your A god beyond our imaginations, wrapping its
LEVEL  DEBT  TRUST  mental bounds of perception and roll a cold tentacles around existence. Its believers
Wis pool. On a success, for this encounter: tend to end up dead. Be careful.
Some death gods are loving. Some are hateful.
They each have a place for us all. •

You’re intangible
You’re invulnerable to physical attacks 1 Sacrificial Knife: Summon an unholy blade
of eldritch design. To use, inflict 1 Wound
1 The Skeletons: For every success, sum-
mon one stop-motion skeleton or similar
bone-construct per level in this god. All their •
and can fly
You can attack psychically using Wis
on yourself and gain a number of Advantages
equal to your level in the god on your attack.
Special: if this hit kills a living target, remove
stats are 2, and they have Health 2, Guard • All rolls gain Special: Ask the GM a
one debt to the Eldritch God.
0 and Defence 0. They follow your orders, question and they will answer you, if
but are otherwise non-sentient. Casting the
Scripture again will destroy all skeletons from
possibly in an overtly faux-profound way.
2 Frenzy of the Abyss-Touched: Begin chant-
ing an awful liturgy. Everyone that joins
in gets the following effects:
a previous casting. THE GOD OF THE WILD • Gain an advantage on all attacks
2 The Reaper: Summon a weapon of bone
and death. Decide its look. A scythe is
traditional, but you can define it how you
A god of animals, plant life and all things
• Gain temporary Health equal to their own
wish each time you cast this spell. druidic. • Lose all Guard

Choose whether it attacks in melee (with Furious Briars: Create an area of aggressive Special: remove one debt to the Eldritch God
either Str or Dex) or ranged (with Dex, Int or plant life which attacks all enemies within and give a participant one debt to the god,
Wis). Gain an advantage on all attacks with close range of you every round for the rest of which the Eldritch God can call on as per usual
this weapon and on any attempts to the encounter, dealing 1 damage per success Godbinder rules.
intimidate living beings.
Special: if this hit Wounds, heal 1 Health to any
up to your level in this god. You can move
freely through the area.
Special: immobilize target, Str test to break free.
3 Summon Abomination: With a fresh corpse
killed with the Sacrificial Knife, you can
summon an abomination which remains until
Special: if this hit Wounds, it deals 2 instead.
2 Summon Beast: Summon a beast that dawn (or until you dismiss it) For every success

3 The Bell Tolls: Requires a bell or similar lives in the habitat you’re presently in. It in your dice pool when summoning, you can
object. Once per encounter, ring it to roll obeys you for an encounter. The beast’s stats all describe an aspect of its appearance and that
a Wis dice pool and use it to attack everyone begin at 2. For every success you roll, increase a aspect’s implicit capabilities.
within earshot except the Godbinder. stat by 1, up to your level in this god. It has Str 4, Con 4 and Health 4.
Special: the target is struck by a vision of how Its attacks have Double-Special: the target’s
they’ve wasted their life. They are stunned for
a round of combat as they wrestle with the
3 Animal Form: Transform into a hulking
beast of your choice. You gain temporary
Health equal to the successes rolled. If your Str
mind temporarily collapses, they fall to the
floor in a catatonic state.
existential horror. Its actions and the summoning roll have
is lower than your Wis, your Str is temporarily Mandatory Triple-Special: it breaks free of the
increased to match. You can revert at will. Godbinder’s control.

GODS Gain 1 Trust for every level above 3. Each point of Trust lets you avoid marking a God Debt 1/session.


The embodiment of destiny. Perhaps solemn. There are no atheists in trenches. The elements unleashed, raging, and some-
Perhaps far more mischievous. what paternalistic.

1 Prophecy: You get sharp visions of future

events. Roll a Wis dice pool and count the
1 Enchanted Weapon: Choose one weapon
you are holding. It gains an advantage on
attacks until the end of the encounter, as well 1 Lightning Blast: Ranged attack, single
target, long range. Can attack one target
successes. For every level in this god you have, as the following specials. per level in this god.
add Special: add 1 extra success. You can spend Special: a ridiculously powerful-looking blast Special: deeply frazzled, the target suffers 1
each success to add either an Advantage or happens when you make the attack. disadvantage on their next action.

Disadvantage to any roll for the rest of the Special: angelic choirs sing as you strike. Stormdancer: If you’re beneath a cloudy
encounter. When you do so, describe the fate Special: you look absolutely amazing when sky, you and the party are transformed
you saw and how your sudden action tried you do this. into lightning bolts and propelled in the sky.
to avert it. You can spend no more than your
level in the god on any one roll. You lose all
unspent successes if you re-cast this spell.
2 The Right Stuff: Once per encounter,
gain combat wisdom by rolling a Wis
pool and counting the successes. For every
You return to the earth at a place of your
choosing, anywhere beneath the same sky.
Special: the GM answers one question about

2 Tragic Fate: Ranged attack, single target,

medium range. You give a vivid psychic
vision of an awful fate that awaits the target.
level in this god you have, add Special: add
1 extra success. For the rest of this encounter,
you can spend these successes to add one of
the land beneath you as you travelled.
Mandatory Special: one person’s hair stands
vertically for the rest of the day.

In addition to doing damage, for the rest of the following Specials to any allied target’s Summon Lightning: When in an area
the encounter they suffer a Disadvantage on roll after they roll: with a storm, you can attack with a
all actions from sheer existential horror. You Special: add 1 extra success to this roll. huge lightning strike.
can only use this on any given target once Special: recover 1 Guard. Special: if this Wounds, it deals 2 instead.
per encounter. Double-Special: recover 1 Health. Special: an additional nearby target is hit.
Special: you know what the vision was.

3 Avatar of Destiny: You commit yourself

to the web of fate, for better or worse.
3 Godly Frenzy: Let slip the gods of war. Gain
temporary extra Health equal to your
level in this god. All your attacks gain:
Double-Special: if this Wounds, it deals 2
Wounds instead.

For the length of the encounter, your every Special: if this hit Wounds, it deals 2 instead.
action is what must happen, to best effect. If Mandatory Triple-Special: if possible, this THE SEA GOD
your Wis is higher than your Dex, your maxi- attack hits a friendly target. LEVEL  DEBT  TRUST 
mum Guard is now equal to your Wis and you
A god of the ocean, in its stillness and its rage.
set it to full. All your attacks gain:
Special: this hit causes 2 hits.
Special: recover 2 Guard. LEVEL  DEBT  TRUST 
1 The Drowning: Ranged attack, single tar-
get, medium range. Fill the target’s lungs
with water. This spell can hit as many targets
Mandatory Double-Special: you suffer a
God of craft, technology and all those who as you have levels in this god.
calamity and fall to 0 health. Describe how.
work by their hands and their mind. Special: this hit bypasses Guard and, if the

THE TRICKSTER GOD 1 My Robot Friend: Summon a human-sized

construct friend, redolent with your
target needs to breathe air, they suffer
2 disadvantages on their next turn.

LEVEL  DEBT  TRUST  Forge God’s aesthetic, who can follow orders Scale Armour: You can summon the
for the length of an encounter. Casting this fish-scale armour of the knight of the sea.
For the smartest person in the room, the again dispels your pre-existing Robot Friend. Describe the armour when you summon it.
smartest god in the pantheon. Trouble. For each level you have in this god, gain The armour remains until the next dawn; if
1 The Last Place You Look: Roll a Wis pool
and gain +1 temporary Guard for each
success, up to your levels in this god. For each
Special: you can pick an extra upgrade for
your robot friend.
you want to dismiss it before then, gain one
God Debt. To summon this armour, roll a Wis
ROBOT FRIEND pool. For every success, pick one:
level in this god you have, add: All Stats are 2. It has Guard 2, Health 2, Will- • If your Defence is 0, increase Defence to 1
Special: gain an extra temporary Guard. power 4, Defence 0.
If you recast the spell, lose all temporary Guard. • Survive indefinitely beneath water and
Abilities: Cannot fight. walk on water
2 Distraction: A catastrophic illusion
startles everyone in a close area.
Everyone except you suffers 1 disadvantage.
For each level you have in the god, pick an
upgrade (each can be picked more than once):
• +1 Str (max 4) • It can fight.
• Your attacks gain Special: electrocute
target—they suffer one Disadvantage on
Special: a specific individual can safely leave, their next action
• +1 Con (max 4) • It’s invulnerable to a
unobserved. • Pitch a minor water-based ability to the
• +1 Defence (max 4) hazard (fire, cold, etc).
GM. Talk to a specific fish species? Follow
3 Backstab: Must be cast whilst hold-
ing a symbolic, prepared dagger. If a
target is unaware of your presence or has an
2 Divine Hammer: Summon a magical
hammer for the length of an encounter.
squid pheromones? Eat plankton? The
GM gets to say yes or no.
Ranged attack, single target, medium range.
unguarded back for you to stab in, your next
attack gains:
Special: this hit bypasses Guard
Uses Str. Special: knocks over target.
You can target your robot friend to heal instead 3 The Great Flood: Waves crash into the
surrounding area as if from nowhere,
and the water level rapidly begins to rise.
of harm – each hit heals 1 Health.
Double-Special: all the hits in this attack Roll a Wis pool to summon the flood. On a
bypass Guard
Special: any enemies are now unaware of
3 My Robot Fiend: Expands My Robot Friend
with new options:
• It can fly.
success, the flood is here. You can walk on
the water, or move through it without penal-
your presence ty; everyone else suffers one Disadvantage to
Special: you gain knowledge of one secret of • Once an encounter, it can unleash a blast
all actions. Special: raise the water further—
the target. that attacks everyone in a room at once.
everyone suffers a 2nd disadvantage.
Special: one person close to target will betray Special: ignite foe, doing 1 hit per round
Every turn the water remains, choose one effect:
them in a significant and painful way in the until extinguished.
• Attack everyone in the water with
next week. • It’s the size of a giant. Set its Health to
double its Con. murderous fish
• It is an expert in a particular topic. • Attack a single target with murderous fish
Your Master has Mastery: they can add their D20 when casting spells.
YOUR NAME: If they do, the dice roll has the 20-special (activated on a 20):
20-Special: this success counts as two successes.


All stats start at 2, plus 2 points assigned as you wish.
Get an extra point on levels 3, 6, 9 and 12 (max 4).

Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha

Guard =Dex Health =Con Willpower Defence

Resets at the Lose Guard =Wis+Int Set by Gear
start of each fight before Health


† Quarterstaff. Special: recover 1 Guard. You are wearing (Defence 0):
† An elegant handgun. † Wizard robes straight out of a 1980s
Special: if a hit Wounds, it does 2 kids fantasy cartoon.
Wounds against unarmoured foes. † Killer suits straight off a 1980s corpo-
† A huge tome. Advantage on tasks rate bad guy.
involving research, heavy enough to † Fetish-wear straight out of a 1990s
be an improvised club. vampire LARP
† Something else:  † Something else: 


The Master is the magic user as a reality The Master’s control of the rules is such The Master has control over the nature of
manipulator. Sometimes you change the they can actively break them. This is reality in the world they’re visiting—both
laws of physics. Sometimes you change called Cheating: altering the game in a the rules of the world, the rules of the game
the laws of the game. Sometimes you special way. You can only safely use these and the rules of narrative. This means they
change the laws of fiction. abilities by spending Cheat Tokens. can easily perform magical effects equiva-
lent to anything a powerful wizard can do.
The Rules rule, and you rule the Rules. At the start of each session, gain Cheat
And you never, ever cheat. Tokens equivalent to the number of Like any NPC, the Master can perform
Ever. other players in the game. When a com- any spell you think reasonable and likely,
bat begins, check the number of players based upon character conception. They
Oh, this is the GM section. We can be
who are opposing the Master. If you have can fly, throw fireballs, turn invisible, heal
more Cheat Tokens than players who people, create incredible firework displays
You cheat all the time. are opposing you, reduce your Cheat and generally be a wizard. The exception
Tokens to that number. to this is any magical effect potent enough
to match the Hardcore Cheats.
To cheat, spend a Cheat Token (and in
PLAY THE MASTER IF YOU WANT TO…. combat, use an action), then pick an effect: Any attack they make can have
• Facilitate the game. • A miraculous event: Teleport to es- Special: ignite opponent, inflicting 1 hit
• Break the rules of space, time and cape. Create a temptation that fulfills per round until extinguished.
narrative to cast powerful magic a desire. Summon a hugely powerful
• Cheat reality to get what you want at monster. Create a fortress. Regain MASTER ADVANCEMENT
great risk your mastery. Bend a rule. If your game is including advancement,
• Undo the effects of what has just hap- Masters advance whenever players do.
pened: Uniquely, this can be done as an The only advance in the basic Master is
THE CORE MECHANIC instant response (i.e. if you are killed, to gain a statistic point any time the rest
1 GET 1 DIE PER you regenerate from the harm.) of the group does. They gain no other
STAT POINT abilities. They’re already brutally power-
2 ADVANTAGE: +1 If you have no cheat tokens remaining, ful thanks to the cheat tokens.
DISADVANTAGE: -1 you can still Cheat, but are risking your
3 ROLL THE DICE 6 5 4 3 existence. Hide your D20 in one of two
identical hiding places (e.g. your hands).
4 KEEP ALL 4+ DICE 6 5 4 3 Another player picks a hiding place.

5 LOSE 1 DICE PER 6 5 4 • If they choose incorrectly, you get
DIFFICULTY away with it and the effect happens.
6 SUCCEED IF ANY • If they find it, the Powers That Be
DICE REMAIN notice you. These are the judges of
7 SPEND 6+s FOR 6 5 all reality, and they do not approve of
SPECIALS Masters cheating. Your Master will not
survive their attention.
PLAYER VERSION You start each session with Mastery. While you have it, you can
YOUR NAME: add your D20 when casting spells. If you do, the dice roll includes
the 20-special (activated on a 20):
20-Special: this success counts as two successes.


All stats start at 2, plus 2 points assigned as you wish.
Get an extra point on levels 3, 6, 9 and 12 (max 4).

Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha

Guard =Dex Health =Con Willpower Defence

Resets at the Lose Guard =Wis+Int Set by Gear
start of each fight before Health


† Quarterstaff. Special: Recover 1 Guard. You are wearing (Defence 0):
† An elegant handgun. † Wizard robes straight out of a 1980s
Special: If a hit Wounds, it does 2 kids fantasy cartoon.
Wounds against unarmoured foes. † Killer suits straight off a 1980s corpo-
† A huge tome. Advantage on tasks rate bad guy.
involving research, heavy enough to † Fetish-wear straight out of a 1990s
be an improvised club. vampire LARP
† Something else:  † Something else: 

This is a game. Yes, you see a world MY GAME, MY RULES HARDCORE CHEATING
around you… but you know there’s rules Select three rules from the Rules In Full Rules can be bent, stretched and manip-
behind it. And someone running it. Ideal- section overleaf – elements of reality ulated into achieving all kinds of effects,
ly, one day it’s going to be you. Until then, that you can manipulate with magic. You but there’s a greater magic at your control.
you’re creeping around the edges of the have power over these rules, and you do You can break the laws of the universe
game, seeing what you can get away with. not suffer Risk when you add them to entirely; you can cheat. But such blatant
Most people look at you and think spells that you have crafted. disregard for reality comes with a steep
“wizard”. Pfft! Wizards cast spells. You cost if discovered by the Powers That Be.
mess with the rules to get what’s possible To cast a spell, combine as many rules Every Master has a style or a preference
and outright cheat when you need the as you need to get the effect you desire. that determines the kind of cheats they
impossible. The world is a game. That Then, calculate Risk: can perform. What’s yours?
means it’s your plaything. • For every rule you don’t control, add † Gamist Master. You’re into messing
5 Risk. with the rules written in this book.
Until someone notices you. • For every effect doing slightly more Example: characters don’t die when
than the standard rule, add 1 Risk. their health reach 0.
PLAY THE MASTER IF YOU WANT TO…. • For every effect doing massively more † Simulationist Master. You’re into
• Re-arrange rules to create your own than the standard rule, add 5 Risk. messing with the physical laws of the
custom magic spells. world. Example: cause gravity to shift,
• Outright cheat when you need If a spell has more than 20 Risk, it can- summon a storm in a deserts.
something literally impossible. not be cast. Otherwise, if the spell has † Narrativist Master. You’re into messing
• Beg for your life from judgemental any Risk, roll an Int pool including your with the story. Example: exactly the
extradimensional beings when you Mastery D20. right stranger turns up at the right time.
get caught.
• If the D20 result is greater than the To cheat, say what you want to do and the
Risk, you suffer no consequences for GM will describe a punishment if you’re
THE CORE MECHANIC casting the spell. caught. If you wish to continue, take two
1 GET 1 DIE PER • If the D20 result is equal to or less containers (e.g. your hands) and secretly
STAT POINT than the Risk, the Master is caught in hide the D20 in one of them. The GM
2 ADVANTAGE: +1 their Rules Lawyering by the Powers guesses which container the D20 is in:
DISADVANTAGE: -1 That Be. They lose their Mastery, • If they miss the D20, you get away
3 ROLL THE DICE 6 5 4 3 and they can no longer add a D20 to with it and the effect happens.
rolls. If they’ve already lost Mastery • If they find it, the Powers That Be
4 KEEP ALL 4+ DICE 6 5 4 3 this session, the Powers That Be notice you. A trial will begin.
deliver punishment – bodily harm,
5 LOSE 1 DICE PER 6 5 4 vile curses, ironic undoings, instant A trial is a short role-played scene. The
DIFFICULTY death, and worse. See overleaf for Powers That Be appear before you, fully
6 SUCCEED IF ANY more details. aware of the bad thing you’ve done.
DICE REMAIN Prepare to beg for your life, make excus-
7 SPEND 6+s FOR 6 5 es or justify yourself quickly. Good luck.

Your understanding of the fundamental forces that underpin RULE RULE
reality grows ever deeper. Pick a new rule.



When you enter an environment that is under the power of another RULE
Master (or similar reality-controlling force), you’re aware of it. A DUN-
• You may roll an Int pool to ask the GM one question per DUNGEON! ONE’S OWN
success about the nature of the realm you’re in. NEW
• You may roll an Wis pool to ask the GM one question per SLOW
success about the nature of the Master. AND
A fail alerts the Master to your presence. On a critical fail you hit STEADY
a trap: the Master may attack you with a spell of their choice. RULE RULE


Between adventures, you may perform a Hardcore Cheat with-
out being caught. This cannot be at the Outrageous level. START

Pick one of these abilities, or gain a New Rule. WRITING THE RULES
† A Great Rule. Choose one of your rules. You can now use it These abilities fundamentally change the world. To take them,
as “slightly more than the rule” as if it were the normal defini- you must be a Realm Master (either from Realm Mastery or
tion of the rule – you can push it a little without gaining Risk. a Dungeon of One’s Own), and should work the nature of your
† Extra Mastery (Pick Once). You have two stacks of Mastery, Realm into whatever you create.
and so can lose Mastery once and still retain your Mastery
abilities and ability to cast spells with Risk. Both stacks † The Handbook: Work with the GM to add a whole new sort
refresh at the start of each session. of adventurer to the world. What do they do? What is their
† Multimaster. You shake off the petty fetters of GNS theory. reputation? To whom do they owe allegiance? And, most
The first time you take this, pick a second Master type – you importantly, why are they thought of as heroic? Roll your Int
may now perform Minor cheats in that domain. If you take pool with the D20: their greatest band of heroes has one
this again, raise the tier of cheats you can perform in that member per success. They can be sent off to perform mis-
domain by one, or unlock a third domain starting at Minor. sions as per the compressed adventure rules (p. 279).
† The Manual: Work with the GM to add a whole new mon-
A DUNGEON OF ONE’S OWN strous species to the world. What do they look like? What
The Master creates their own dungeon in a pocket dimension. do they want? To whom do they owe allegiance? And, most
Choose how it’s accessed… importantly, why are they thought of as monsters? If there’s an
† Via a real doorway. empty region in the map of DIE, this is their homeland. If
Pro: no-one can enter unless invited. Con: fixed in place. not, they emerge into your realm. They are a Great Power.
† Via a small magical object (lamp, coin). Roll your Int pool with the D20: there is one major faction
Pro: Portable. Con: Can be taken from you. within this Great Power per success. Define them.
† Via a series of magical words or methods. † The Guide: Work with the GM to add a whole new realm to
Pro, Con: Can be accessed by anyone who knows the method. this world. What is it known for? What are the landmarks?
You have Mastery over the dungeon, and can use Realm What can be found there? And most importantly, why do people
Master cheats within it. You are free to design the layout of the never go there? Select an empty region on the map of Die to
dungeon, with a number of rooms up to your level. It takes up be its home. Roll your Int pool with the D20: for each success,
no more space than can fit on a physical sheet of graph paper, define one thing which can be found in this realm. When
with each square forming a 10 foot cube. You can make a you define it, also define what prevents people taking it.
digital version of your dungeon, but you must have a piece of † The Arcana: Work with the GM to add a whole new form
physical graph paper to show how big it can be. Every time you of magic to the world. What is this source of power? How
go up a level you can add a room, and between adventures you do people access it? What can it do? Does it have any iconic
can delete a room and draw up to your level total. magical creatures? And, most importantly, what has prevent-
ed its discovery until now? If you wish, work with the GM
REALM MASTERY to create a new rule to represent this new form of magic.
You may now become Master of a region of Die. If an area has You now possess this rule. Roll your Int pool with the D20:
no Master, simply claim it. If it already has a Master, you must select one extra Rule per success. Your Risk thresholds on
force them to surrender it. You can expand your dominion these rules are one step down from normal: “massively
indefinitely if they’re able to claim more terrains. Within your more than the standard rule” adds 1 Risk, and “slightly
region, you gain access to the Realm Master Hardcore Cheats. more than the standard rule” is free.
Also, pick a FURTHER MASTERY ability.
TO THE DUNGEON! DIE advancement assumes you willSTARTend a campaign well
You may teleport anywhere in any realm you have mastery before the Paragons reach level 20… but if you do, this is the
of, or to any place whose Master has given you permission to monster lurking there for a Master. When you reach level 20,
travel there. Define what your teleportation looks like. You can you become all powerful for exactly one second. What do you do?
bring a party- worth of people with you. You are then consumed by DIE, forever.


† Damage: Barrage. Damages target. † Enhance . Adds an Advantage on † Create Creature. Summon a being with
Double Special: this hit inflicts 2 hits. the defined task/stat. actual physicality. It can either follow
† Damage: Chain. Damages target. † Hinder . Adds a Disadvantage on limited, simple commands of two
Special: This attack can hit another the defined task/stat. words or fewer (“Get him!” “Shield
target in the vicinity. † Illusion. Causes a single human-sized me!” “Eat this!”) or act autonomously
† Damage: Curse. Damages target. object to appear as something other according to its own instincts (but is
Special: target suffers a Disadvantage than it is. out of your control).
on their next action. † Manipulate Mechanism. Make a single
† Damage: Debilitate. Damages target. mechanism perform a single action. SUMMONED CREATURE TRAITS
Special: target suffers a disadvantage † Detect . You notice the presence Stats: All at 2.
on next action. of a single noun (magic, death, gold, 2 Guard, 2 Health, 4 Willpower, 0 Defence
† Damage: Duration. Damages target. sadness) though uncanny means.
Special: ignite opponent, doing 1 hit † Create Wall. Create an object that must † Create Intelligence. Add an active
per round until extinguished. be destroyed before it can be passed intelligence to your creation - it’s sapient
† Damage: Paralyse. Attack. over. The health of the object is equal now. It is capable of acting on its own
Special: if Willpower is 4 or below, to twice the successes rolled when discernment, and it’s about as smart
immobilize target. Requires a Con test creating it. It crumbles to nothingness as a person is, but not necessarily in
to break free. within an hour. exactly the same way. It has its own
Double Special: if Willpower is 6 or † Create Obstacle. Create a patch of diffi- personality. Without Create Creature this
below, immobilize target. Requires a cult ground or awkward terrain. Those rule creates a disembodied intelligence
Con test to break free. who wish to traverse must succeed in which you could probably keep in a jar.
† Damage: Precise. Damages target. a stat roll of the caster’s choice. † Exchange to . Select two
Special: this hit bypasses Guard. † Sleep. Make an attack which does stats. Move a point from the first to
† Damage: -Bane. Select a category of no damage, but has the capacity to the second.
creature, like undead, demons or cops. send targets to sleep until awoken by † Intangibility. Allows the target to move
Damages target and adds Special: this jostling or a loud noise. through objects.
hit causes two hits to [category]. Specials: if the target has 4 Willpower † Levitation. Allows an object to move
† Heal. Target heals 1 Health. or less, they fall asleep. freely in all directions.
Special: heals 1 additional Health. Double-Special: if the target has 6 † Speed. Allows an object to move at the
† Invisibility. The target becomes invisible. Willpower or less, they fall asleep. speed of a horse.
The spell ends if the target makes 20-Special: the target falls asleep. † Telepathy. A target can communicate
hostile actions. † Understand . Choose a noun: their thoughts, vision and similar
† Counterspell. An ongoing temporary a language, animal, the dead, something sensory information with caster.
magical effect or spell is cancelled. else. You can comprehend the target.


These rules make an ability more † Range. The effect is able to reach as far
powerful, at a cost. For each added to the as medium range.
spell, pick one: † Area. Affect all within melee range of
the target area.
• Add Special: this success counts double † Duration. Lasts for an encounter.
• Reduce the Risk by 5. † Selectivity. Allows you to remove
yourself from the effects of a spell.
† Component. The spell requires a hard-
to-come-by, thematically-relevant
component to work.
† Blood Cost. Causes 1 Wound to the
caster, or a bound and prepared target,
when cast.
† Taint of Damnation. Suffer at least one
disadvantage on any social check for
the rest of the adventure.
† Secrets. You must share one secret with
someone who doesn’t know it. This
secret must be meaningful to them, or
cause a significant cost to you.

MINOR Change a minor game rule for an Highly unlikely events happen. Summon an established element
Standard Punishments: encounter. into narrative.
Lose Mastery, Examples: Players can choose to inflict Examples: A once-in-a-decade Example: The famous thief
community service non-fatal injury with no consequences. storm hits a coastal town. You find everyone’s been talking about
When a character moves, they can an oasis in a desert. arrives on the scene.
move two range bands not one.

MAJOR Change a major game rule for an Extremely unlikely events happen. Establish a new fact about some-
Standard Punishments: encounter. thing in the existing narrative.
1-2 Wounds, ongoing Examples: Players don’t die if they Examples: A record-breaking tidal Example: The famous thief
curses until task end a fight on 0 Health. You can wave hits a coastal town. A rain- arrives on the scene… and loves
completed regain Mastery at a time other than storm in a desert. helping out dimension-skipping
the start of a session. adventurers.

OUTRAGEOUS Overturn or create a limited exception Break fundamental laws of physics. Introduce a whole new element to
Standard Punishment: to a major existing game rule, the fiction of your own design.
Death especially those used by a Paragon.
Examples: Dictators cannot use Examples: A record-breaking tidal Example: “Hey – there’s this
their Voice. Advantages no longer wave hits an inland town. Sand is awesome thief in this world, and
add a dice to the dice pool. edible. they love helping out dimension-
skipping adventurers. And they’re
standing just over there!”


Most Masters wish to gain magical An array of punishments, of broadly increasing severity, that you may have to suffer:
dominion over a portion of the world
they’re in–a dungeon, a realm or even • Losing Mastery: The basic punishment. • Quests: Like Community Service, but
the whole world for those who would • Community Service: A specific task a more long-term. A big, difficult-to-
wish to be Grandmaster. Only one player must complete or face further achieve thing.
Master can have mastery over any given punishment. Deal with a problem. • Instant Death: Anything which is
area, so it’s a regular cause of battles Confess your secret evils to an active 100% game-breaking cheating
between them. unknowing friend. Wear a sign saying will likely get this. Of course, death is
that you have messed with reality and part of the game in DIE too.
If a Master achieves mastery of an area promise never to do it again. • Death and Collateral Damage: Some
via the Realm Mastery advance, they gain • Suffering Wounds: Don’t just consider cheats are so loathsome the Powers
access to these cheats when in that area, this an annoyance. Remember: pain That Be will not allow it to stand.
in addition to any others they know: is pain. Cheating which attempts to bring down
• Curses: Some in-game disadvantage, the whole structure of DIE is likely to
A MIRACULOUS EVENT. either mechanical or a narrative, or reach this level. At this point, expect
• Examples: create a temptation that both. Temporary reduction of stats or those around you and your friends
fulfils a desire. Summon a monster. loss of access to powers, accompanied to be hit too, especially if they were
Create a fortress. Regain your by suitably uncanny visual effects. You going to gain from your cheating.
Mastery. Bend a rule. see a Master with a forked tongue, and • Hell: Trapping you in an eternal hellish
• Possible punishment: Death. you know what happened to them. pain which destroys you mentally
• The Cheat Not Happening: Making and physically and leaves no room
PREVENT ANY SINGLE EVENT THAT HAS whatever they were going for simply for resurrection or escape. Death is a
JUST HAPPENED. not happen. Very much insult to injury. mercy. Sometimes, if a Master is bad
• Examples: Stop your own death. • An Ironic Inversion or Expansion of enough, there’s no mercy.
Twist things so that you didn’t fall the Cheat: The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
asleep at the wheel and kill them. is a classic for a reason. You want a
Change an RPG manuscript to fireball to fill a room? The fireball fills
include significant meta-textual the whole city. Return your friend to
references even after several editors life? Now your nemesis crawls from
tried to remove most of them. the grave. You wished to hear The
• Possible punishment: Compulsory Specials play one more gig? You’re
instant death, no exceptions. dealing with a Ska revival.

YOUR NAME: You are an undead monster.
If you kill one of the other player characters, you become alive again.


All stats start at 2, plus 2 points assigned as you wish.
Get an extra point every 3 levels.

Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha

Guard =Dex Health =Con Willpower Defence

Resets at the Lose Guard =Wis+Int Set by Gear
start of each fight before Health


Fallen are monsters, but some are interesting monsters. While your old weaponry
Your new form gives you a new ability. Choose one: might look the same, it’s
changed. Many Fallen
 FLIGHT  UNCANNY SENSES abandon the pretence, lose
You are able to soar through You can perceive things their weapons, and attack
the sky at a sprinting pace. far beyond normal human with claws sprouting from
Decide what this looks like: capabilities. Decide which their body. All attacks you
type of thing you can sense: make gain:
† Wings
† Thrusters † Strong emotions Special: If this attack causes
† Enormous blood- † Heartbeats and a Wound, then the target is
coated springs breathing poisoned. They lose 1 Health
UNLIFE AFTER DEATH † Something else † Narrative per round until they pass a
You have died in the realm of Die. You † Something else Con test.
are a monster - perhaps one similar to
one of the ones you’ve been fighting.  SIZE CHANGING  SHAPE CHANGING If you provide the killing
You thought they were little more than You can swell to four times You can change your form wound to another Paragon,
undead zombies. Now you know better. your height or shrink to a to appear to be something you immediately come to
tenth of your size. else… until you attack. life and regain all your class
You are different from some of them in one Decide what this looks Decide what your tell is, abilities. Pass the Fallen
key way: you are sentient, holding onto and/or sounds like: no matter your form: sheet to the player you’ve
your consciousness and your free will. just killed. They’re Fallen
† Cracking gristle and † Your voice remains an now. You instinctively
For now. bone awful undead crackle know this to be true.
† Folding and unfolding † You smell like the
You lose access to any special abilities fractal limbs rotting flesh you are You are hungry for and
granted by your class, but keep your stats † An incongruous † All animals view you jealous of what your
and equipment. Your vote to go home no slide-whistle with fear and suspicion peers possess. As far as
longer counts, because you’re dead. † Something else † Something else. you know, this is the only
certain way a Fallen can
 INTANGIBILITY return to their living status.
You are able to move
spectrally through objects SECOND DEATH?
that bar your path. (This You’re dead. At least the
THE CORE MECHANIC gives you no specific bonus worst has happened, right?
1 GET 1 DIE PER to resist damage.) If you die again, you will
STAT POINT Decide what this looks like: rise again at the end of
2 ADVANTAGE: +1 the encounter. You have a
DISADVANTAGE: -1 † Classic spectral nagging feeling there are
3 ROLL THE DICE 6 5 4 3 † A burst of digital noise only so many times this
† Transformation into can happen before you lose
4 KEEP ALL 4+ DICE 6 5 4 3 burrowing worms something fundamental.
† Something else
5 LOSE 1 DICE PER 6 5 4


7 SPEND 6+s FOR 6 5


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