Qms Final Project

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Quality Management Systems Final Project

Presented to the Faculty of Industrial Engineering Department

Quezon City Polytechnic University
Novaliches, Quezon City
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree in
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering

Submitted by:
Uadan, Daniela Mae G.
Albesa, Lorie Mikhaela L.
Dacanay, Myla Julliene P.
Echapare, Kenn Charlie N.
Ferrer, Ronnie B. Jr.
Sabanal, Eirol Rhyan D.
(Group 4)


Submitted to:
Engr. Evelyn Dacanay, ASEAN

May 20, 2024

Industrial Engineering Department

Title Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- i
Table of Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
Background of the Company 1
Company Mandate 1
Company Mission, Vision, Core Values 1
Quality Policy 2
Location Map 2
Products 3
Flow Chart 5
Process Chart 5
Outline Process Chart 7
Safety 8
ISO 9001 10
Total Quality Management 11
Problem Solving Tools 13
Problem Identification Tools 17
Tools for Measurement Quality 19

Industrial Engineering Department

Chapter I
Company Name: National Printing Office
Founded: 1901 as Bureau of Public Printing 1987 as National Printing Office
Background of the Company

The NPO is one of the three (3) Recognized Government Printers (per GPPB) tasked

to safeguard the sanctity of government standard accountable and non-accountable forms

used in the collection of taxes, fees, and other charges due to the state in the course of

government transactions.

The NPO plays an important role in the conduct of national and local elections as

it is deputized by the Comelec to print the official ballots and other election


Company Mandate

The National Printing Office (NPO) serves as the government’s printing arm tasked

with the printing of government accountable forms, official election ballots, the Official

Gazette and other public documents, ensuring that these comply with the quality and

security standards required by the government. It also undertakes the printing information

materials of the Philippine Information Agency, Office of the Press Secretary, and the

Office of the President.

Company Mission

• Satisfaction of client’s demands on security, timeliness, quality and rates.

• Deliver annual substantial returns on investment to the government coffers.

• Generate profits for its own sustainability in order to contribute to the Treasury.

• Support the information dissemination program of the Presidential Communications

Operations Office (PCOO).

Industrial Engineering Department

Company Vision

To be the premier Government Recognized Printer, modern and capable, manned by

a dynamic group of people committed towards the satisfaction of the printing needs of

theNational and Local government, as well as Government Owned and Controlled


Company Core Values

Unity, Courage, Integrity

Quality Policy

The National Printing Office shall continue to be the leading government printing

institution. We are committed to provide highly secured quality printing products,

services and publications. We shall adhere to all legal statutory and other relevant

printing requirements: exceed expectations of our stakeholders, and to continually

improve the effectiveness of our quality management system.

Location Map

Industrial Engineering Department

● Accountable Forms

- Official Receipt with RP Seal (carbon less), Certificate of Record of Transfer

of Large Cattle, Certificate of Ownership of Large Cattle, Marriage License,

Cash Tickets P1.00/P2.00/P5.00/P10.00 (denomination), Real Property Tax

Receipt, City/Municipal Burial Permit, etc.

● Non-Accountable Forms

- General Forms, Municipal Forms, Provincial Forms, Civil Service Forms,

Hospital Forms, Police Blotter, etc.

● COA Circulars

- Obligation Slip, Budget Utilization Slip, and Disbursement Voucher.

● NGAS Forms

- General Journal, Cash Receipts Journal, Check/Cash Disbursement Journal,

General Ledger, Subsidiary Ledger, Supplies Ledger Card, Investment

Ledger Card, Cash Book (Treasury, and Bank), Registry of Reforestation

Project, etc.

● RPA Forms

- Declaration of Real Property-White/Copies front and back, Declaration of

Real Property one side, Assessment Roll, Journal of Assessment

Transactions, etc.

Industrial Engineering Department

Product Product Name Description

Accountable forms serve

various purposes, such as
Accountable Forms recording transactions,
validating ownership, and
facilitating payments.

Non- Accountable forms do

not have the same stringent
tracking requirements. They
are not directly tied to
financial transactions or cash
Non-Accountable Forms

Coa circular provides

guidelines and regulations
related to financial
COA Circulars management, accountability,
and auditing in the

New Government
Accounting System (NGAS)
includes various forms used
for financial management
and accountability in
NGAS Forms
government agencies.

RPA (Real Property

Appraisal and Assessment)
RPA Forms forms are essential for
managing real property
assessments and ensuring
accurate valuation.

Industrial Engineering Department

Chapter II


Industrial Engineering Department


The Process Chart is a graphical representation that illustrates the steps

and sequencing activities involved in completing a process or workflow. Here

below is the process listed for Process Chart in production of papers in the

National Printing Office.

Industrial Engineering Department


The Outline Process Chart is a structured representation of the steps and

activities involved in completing a process or workflow. Provide a high level

overview of the processes, outlining the main stages and key tasks involved.

Industrial Engineering Department

Safety equipment and Protocols are the measures, tools, and procedures
put in place to protect individuals from potential hazards, accidents, or
injuries in the workplace. Here are the MCC Safety Equipments and


To prevent
inhaling harmful
dust, fumes, or

To protect hands
from printing
GLOVES abrasions, or
chemicals (Ink)
during the

To shield the eyes

SAFETY from debris,
GOGGLES chemicals or other
PROTECTIVE To protect against
EQUIPMENT (PPE) head injuries from
HARD HAT falling objects or

To protect the feet

from heavy
SAFETY objects or
BOOTS equipment.

To increase the
visibility and
HIGH reduce the risk of
VISIBILITY accidents,
VEST especially in busy
or dim lit areas.

Industrial Engineering Department

Signs to prevent
fire hazards

Signs to prevent
HIGH fire hazards
Signs for
EMERGENCY evacuation routes

Signs for
CHEMICAL hazardous
STORAGE material storage

SAFETY TRAINING safety protocols,emergency

EMPLOYEE procedures
TECHNICAL TRAINING proper use of equipments

WORKPLACE to maintain cleanliness and

REGULAR safety
EQUIPMENTS / to identify potential hazards

REGULAR MACHINERIES to prevent malfunctions and


Industrial Engineering Department

Chapter III


I. ISO-9001

ISO 9001 is a globally recognized standard for quality management systems. It provides a

framework for organizations to establish and maintain effective processes to consistently

deliver high-quality products and services.

ISO 9001 Certification at NPO

The NPO has demonstrated its commitment to quality by obtaining ISO 9001:2015


1. This certification signifies that the NPO adheres to international standards for

quality management. ISO 9001:2015 specifies requirements for a quality management

system, including processes for continuous improvement, risk management, and customer


Key Aspects of ISO 9001 Implementation

○ Quality Policy: The NPO establishes a quality policy that aligns with its overall

mission and objectives. This policy guides decision-making and sets the tone for quality

throughout the organization.

○ Process Approach: ISO 9001 emphasizes a process-based approach. The NPO

identifies key processes, documents them, and ensures they are well-defined, monitored,

and improved.

○ Risk-Based Thinking: The NPO assesses risks associated with its processes and

takes preventive actions to mitigate them.

○ Customer Focus: The NPO prioritizes customer needs and expectations. It aims to

enhance customer satisfaction by delivering quality products and services.

○ Continuous Improvement: The NPO continually reviews and improves its

processes to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.

Industrial Engineering Department

Benefits of ISO 9001 Certification

○ Enhanced Credibility: ISO 9001 certification demonstrates the NPO’s

commitment to quality, which enhances its reputation and credibility.

○ Operational Efficiency: Well-defined processes lead to improved efficiency,

reduced errors, and better resource utilization.

○ Customer Satisfaction: Meeting customer requirements leads to higher

satisfaction and repeat business.

○ Competitive Advantage: ISO 9001 certification sets the NPO apart from


Operations Manual

○ The NPO maintains an Operations Manual that likely contains detailed

procedures, guidelines, and instructions related to its operations1. This manual ensures

consistency and compliance with ISO 9001 requirements.

In summary, ISO 9001 certification at the National Printing Office reflects its

commitment to quality, efficient processes, and customer satisfaction.


Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that focuses on

achieving quality excellence throughout an organization by involving all employees in

continuous improvement efforts. TQM emphasizes the importance of meeting or

exceeding customer expectations, reducing waste and inefficiencies, and fostering a

culture of teamwork, collaboration, and innovation. The key principles of TQM include:

1. Continuous Improvement: TQM promotes the concept of continuous

improvement, also known as kaizen, whereby organizations constantly strive to enhance

processes, products, and services to achieve higher levels of quality and efficiency.

Industrial Engineering Department

2. Customer Focus: TQM places a strong emphasis on understanding and meeting

customer needs and expectations. By prioritizing customer satisfaction, organizations can

build loyalty, gain market share, and achieve long-term success.

3. Employee Involvement: TQM recognizes that employees are valuable assets and

encourages their active participation in quality improvement initiatives. Engaged and

empowered employees contribute their knowledge, skills, and creativity to drive positive

change and innovation.

Establishing a Quality Management System (QMS) that aligns with TQM principles

and integrates quality into all aspects of the organization's activities.

● Providing comprehensive training and development programs to empower

employees with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to contribute to quality

improvement efforts.

● Creating a culture of continuous improvement and innovation where employees

are encouraged to identify opportunities for enhancement and take ownership of

implementing solutions.

● Fostering open communication channels that enable employees to share feedback,

suggestions, and concerns related to quality and process improvement.

By embracing TQM principles and implementing related practices and initiatives,

Metro Container Corporation strives to continuously improve its operations, deliver

superior products and services, and exceed customer expectations.

Industrial Engineering Department

Chapter IV


This records the frequency of different types of rejects identified at the National

Printing Office. Each defect type is listed along with the corresponding frequency count.

The tally sheet serves as a tool for analyzing and addressing quality issues within the

production process. By tracking and categorizing defects, the company can prioritize

improvement efforts to enhance product quality and customer satisfaction.


A check sheet was used to finalize the collected data as well as to easily identify the

criteria categories that have an opportunity for improvement. The frequency here is

based on the National Printing Office total defects for 4 days (April 29 - May 3



Image Defects (blurred photos) 365

Textual Errors 259

Formatting Issues 124

Total 748


Industrial Engineering Department

The bar chart displays the frequency of different types of defects in the data

provided. There are three categories of defects: Image Defects (Blurred Photos),

Textual Errors, Formatting Errors. The chart also shows the total number of defects

which is the total of 748. the most frequent defect is Image Defects (Blurred Photos)

with a count of 365 occurrences.


The line graph and table show defect types and their cumulative impacts.

Image Defects (blurred photos) are the most common, with 365 instances, followed

by 259 Textual Errors, and 124 Formatting Losses. The line graph highlights these

trends, peaking at a total of 748 defects. Cumulative percentages show Textual

Errors have the highest impact at 51.20%, while Image Defects account for 100%,

and Formatting Losses are at 16.58%.

Industrial Engineering Department


The fishbone diagram shows the common factors for potential cause of image

defects in National Printing Office (NPO). The diagram categorizes the root cause into

four factors which are Machine factor, Man Factor, Material Factor, and Method factor.

Each main factor branches into more specific causes illustrating various elements to

contribute to the image defects.


The Why-Why Analysis is a problem solving technique used to identify the root

causes of a problem by asking “why” repeatedly. Delving deeper into the underlying

factors contributing to the issues encountered by NPO, rather than addressing only the



Industrial Engineering Department


The Win-Win Analysis is a collaborative problem solving approach used that aims to

find solutions that benefit the NPO and its employees, arriving at a solution leading to

improved morale, productivity, and workplace harmony.

Industrial Engineering Department


The company uses Pareto analysis to identify and prioritize quality-related problems,

focusing efforts on addressing the most critical issues first.


This Pareto Chart shows the frequent defects that the National Printing Office (NPO)

is facing. The Chart presented each cumulative percentage making the Image Defects

(Blurred Photos) the most frequent issue in the company. According to the Pareto

principle (also known as the 80/20 rule), addressing the most significant issues (Image

Defects and Textual Errors) will solve a majority of the problems (84.39% of defects).

Therefore, efforts to reduce defects should prioritize these categories to achieve the

greatest improvement.

Industrial Engineering Department


Process mapping is a technique used to visually represent and analyze the steps,

activities, and interactions involved in a process within an organization. Metro Container

Corporation can gain valuable insights into its manufacturing operations, identify

opportunities for enhancement, and drive continuous improvement efforts to ensure

efficiency and quality in its processes.

Industrial Engineering Department



The researchers utilize the Mean (MEAN), Standard Deviation (STD), Upper

Control Limit (UCL), and Lower Control Limit (LCL) values. Control charts are a

statistical tool used to monitor and analyze process performance over time. They help

identify trends, shifts, or abnormalities in a process, allowing for timely intervention and

improvement. Here's an explanation for each component of the control chart:

The control chart plots the frequencies of Image Defects, Textual Errors, and

Formatting Losses, with control limits set at 611.70 (UCL) and -113.04 (LCL). The chart

Industrial Engineering Department

shows that all data points for the defects fall within these control limits, indicating that

the process is statistically in control and no immediate corrective actions are needed. This

suggests the variations observed are expected and within an acceptable range.

Chapter V


The focus is on detailing the Total Quality Management (TQM) procedures followed

by the National Printing Office in various aspects of its operations. This includes

outlining the step-by-step processes involved in maintaining and improving quality in

printing services, as well as procedures related to quality control, continuous

improvement, and employee training. Each procedure should be clearly documented,

providing instructions, guidelines, and protocols to ensure consistency, efficiency, and

compliance with quality standards.

Quality Planning - Detailing the processes involved in setting quality objectives and

requirements for printing services. This includes identifying customer needs, defining

quality criteria for printed materials, and planning for quality assurance activities. Each

step is outlined with clear instructions to ensure that quality standards are understood and

met from the outset.

Quality Control Procedures - This encompasses protocols for monitoring and

inspecting printing processes and outputs. This includes checking raw materials,

overseeing production processes, conducting in-process inspections, and performing final

quality checks. Quality control measures are documented to ensure that printed materials

meet specified quality standards and regulatory requirements.

Quality Assurance - Procedures for ensuring that the quality requirements are

fulfilled. This includes regular audits, process reviews, and validation activities. The aim

is to verify that the printing processes are effective and that the final products meet

quality standards. Any non-conformities should be identified and addressed promptly.

Industrial Engineering Department

Continuous Improvement - Outlining the methods for ongoing improvement of

quality processes. This involves collecting feedback from customers, conducting

performance analysis, and implementing corrective actions. Tools such as Six Sigma,

Kaizen, and PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) are employed to systematically improve the

quality of printing services.

Employee Training and Development - Procedures for training employees on

TQM principles and practices. This includes regular training sessions, workshops, and

certifications to ensure that staff are knowledgeable about quality standards and

techniques. Employee involvement in quality initiatives is encouraged to foster a culture

of continuous improvement.

Documentation and Record Keeping - Procedures for maintaining accurate records

of quality management activities. This includes documenting quality plans, control

measures, audit results, and improvement actions. Proper documentation ensures

transparency, accountability, and facilitates continuous improvement.

By adhering to these TQM procedures, the National Printing Office aims to achieve

high-quality printing services that meet customer needs and comply with regulatory


This procedure outline ensures that all aspects of TQM are covered

comprehensively, promoting a culture of quality and continuous improvement within the

National Printing Office.

Industrial Engineering Department

Chapter VI


Implementing Quality Management into the National Printing Office, their

production of products and services will achieve greater consistency. It will also achieve

efficiency in the process of production, reduce waste and improve the use of time and

other resources.

The Why-Why Analysis further dissects causes and action plans, addressing human,

environmental, machine, and material factors. For instance, immediate steps involve

training new employees and ensuring SOP compliance, while strategic initiatives focus

on machine upgrades and material handling improvements. Utilizing the Pareto principle,

Image defects, textual errors, formatting losses are identified as major contributors to

80% of faults. Process mapping uncovers operational insights, while control charts

monitor performance metrics for anomalies. These analytical tools empower National

Printing Office to prioritize and execute effective quality improvement endeavors,

thereby enhancing product quality and customer satisfaction.

Furthermore, with Total Quality Management (TQM) principles, the company builds

a Quality Management System (QMS) aligning with TQM principles, fosters the culture

of continuous improvement through comprehensive training, and promotes open

communication channels for feedback and suggestions. These initiatives aim to drive

operational enhancements, deliver superior products and services, and exceed customer


Industrial Engineering Department

Chapter VII


National Printing Office is generous enough to provide information about our case

study. They allow us to take some pictures inside their company and also they tour us in

the printing division. And provide some data of defects for the past 4 days.

Industrial Engineering Department

Industrial Engineering Department
Chapter VIII


The case study of the National Printing Office (NPO) illustrates commitment to

excellence in government printing services through stringent quality management

practices and adherence to international standards. From safeguarding the sanctity of

government documents supporting national elections, the NPO plays a vital role in

ensuring the integrity and efficiency of government transactions. The implementation of

ISO 9001 certification and utilization of quality measurement tools reflect the NPO's

dedication to continuous improvement and customer satisfaction.


1. Continuous Improvement: The NPO should continue its efforts enhancing processes

and procedures to further improve quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. Regular

audits and reviews can help identify areas for optimization.

2. Employee Training: Investing in training programs for staff members to ensure they

are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to uphold quality standards and

operate efficiently.

3. Technological Upgrades: Embracing advancements in printing technology can

enhance productivity, reduce errors, and improve overall quality. Regular maintenance of

machinery and equipment is also essential for optimal performance.

4. Customer Engagement: Establishing channels for customer feedback and

engagement can provide valuable insights into customer needs and preferences, enabling

the NPO to tailor its services accordingly and strengthen relationships with clients.

5. Expansion of Services: Exploring opportunities to expand services beyond

government printing, such as offering printing services to private organizations or

Industrial Engineering Department

providing digital solutions, can diversify revenue streams and ensure long-term


By implementing these recommendations, the NPO can further solidify its position

as a premier government printer and continue to meet the evolving needs of its clients

while upholding the highest standards of quality and integrity.

Industrial Engineering Department

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