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Tanza National Comprehensive High School Senior High School

I. Name of the Project: MA ‘Rosa: Mariposa sa Karimlan

II. Rationale
The third group from the Cavendish section of the Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics strand will be doing a miniature artwork of our
chosen contemporary film, Ma'Rosa, which was directed by Brillante Ma.
Mendoza. As previously said, the concept of contemporary art requires that the art
address a particular aspect of life in relation to culture, the economy, human
rights, and political conflicts. The students decided on this since it undoubtedly
addresses the everyday struggles of a lower-class Filipino who has no choice but
to grasp a double-edged sword in order to survive. Also, it is timely and
represents what the majority of Filipinos are currently going through. It
demonstrates how citizens' human rights, particularly those of the poor, are
disregarded. The film also demonstrates the awful abuse of power that is carried
out by individuals in positions of authority under the law of the people. Citizens
without money have no rights, no voice, no power to claim their justice.
Although, in this film the main character is truly involved in illegal drugs, still
they have been abused by the law enforcement. At the time of being in a difficult
situation, people are likely to do something that is illegal just to gain money for
supporting their needs.

In light of the foregoing, the purpose of this project is to create artwork

out of recycled materials that depicts the contemporary culture, economy, human
rights, and political disputes; to awaken the audience's eyes to the fact that this is
reality and currently occurring in the present. Moreover, by utilizing recycled
materials, the students will not only create art but also contribute to the
cleanliness of the environment.
III. Objectives

 To stimulate creativity, innovative thinking, and the use of recycled materials

in creating the miniature model of a particular scene from Ma. Rosa film.
 To emphasize the film's message via art on the cynicism and corruption of
police and local authorities, the casual brutality, and the desperation of those
in power through art.
 To open people's minds about our society that surpasses the cruelty already
endured by a society compelled to tolerate overwhelming economic inequality
through art.

IV. Procedures

A. Planning

The first step is to plan the miniature. This planning includes watching the movie
"Ma'Rosa," brainstorming for the materials and scene that the group needs to get for the
basis of the said art, and finally, visualization of the miniature by drawing it in order to
see the final face of the group's art.

B. Collection of Materials:

For gathering materials, the students will use available supplies that they already
have and will also use scraps to minimize the cost of materials, meanwhile, the materials
needed that the students don't have will be bought in stores or online shops.
C. Process of making

In creating the project, the first thing that the students will create is the sari-sari store
of Aling Rosa, as well as the other infrastructure such as houses of the surrounding area
and, of course, the police station. In building those infrastructures, the students will use
the scraps and cardboard that they will be able to collect, glue sticks, and any other
materials needed to create those. After the successful creation of the infrastructures, the
students will then create miniatures of the characters of the Ma' Rosa by using clay and
paint to represent their situation. The last thing that the students will do is placing dim
LED lights on the miniature to give it a light that will make it more similar to reality.

V. Monitoring

Every day, the development of the artwork will be tracked through the use of a
messenger service provided by an online platform. In this section, each and every
person will be kept up-to-date on the particular plan, as well as the procedures that
will be carried out. Furthermore, the main goal is to create a progress chart to
accurately monitor the project's development. The chart illustrating the progress will
be presented to the teacher in charge.

VI. Budget allocation

Materials Unit Price Per Unit

Illustration board 1 pcs 20

Cardboard 10 pcs N/A

Paint 1 set 65

Clay 1 pack 30

Aluminum foil 1 roll N/A

Led lights 3 meters N/A

Tao-Tao 1 pack 90

Paper (Scraps) N/A N/A

Printed paper 2pcs 20

Popsicle sticks 1 pack 15

Bbq sticks 1 pack N/A

Glue sticks 4 pcs N/A

Glue gun 2 pcs N/A

Glue 1 pcs N/A

Mini Paint Brush 3 pcs 19

Grand Total: P259

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