New Password B2 UT 5A

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Unit 5 Test | Group A

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Track 05 Listen to four texts and choose the correct answers.
Text 1
1 Which title should this news item have?
A A security alert
B New safety regulations
C Beware of spam
Text 2
2 How has the place been used over the years?
A a rehab clinic – a jail – a shelter
B a residential centre – a shelter – a jail
C a residential centre – a jail – a rehab clinic
Text 3
3 How does the speaker feel about the new road safety regulations?
A She is critical towards them.
B She expresses a neutral attitude.
C She strongly approves of them.
Text 4
4 Which of the following reasons for a curfew is not mentioned by the psychologist?
A safety
B health
C schoolwork
5 According to the psychologist, parents can let the child stay out longer when
A they have discussed it earlier.
B there is a special occasion.
C they also want to go out.
6 A curfew may not work when
A parents don’t make teenagers stick to it.
B teenagers keep getting into trouble.
C the curfew rules aren’t flexible enough.
___ / 6

2 Read the text and complete the summary. Use between one and three words in each gap.
Have you ever visited a capital city which is full of government buildings, hotels and highways, with hardly
any people living there? If you’re interested in urban development, read on to find out more about Naypyidaw,
Myanmar’s purpose-built capital city.
As you explore the city, preferably in a car (because the extremely wide streets, containing up to 20 lanes, have
not been designed for pedestrians), you’ll doubtlessly look in wonder at the huge government buildings, hotels
and shopping malls. Naypyidaw is not short of tourist attractions either; it boasts a safari park, a zoo
and several golf courses. Indeed, the scale of the place is incredible – it’s several times bigger than New York
The most striking thing, however, is that instead of buzzing with life, the city looks like an image from
a post-apocalyptic film, with empty roads, shops and cafés. Although government data claims that the city is
populated by a million people, the true figure can’t be anywhere near that.
The origins of the city are shrouded in mystery. One theory is that the Than Shwe government wanted to build
a new capital to escape the traffic jams and overpopulation of Yangon, at the time the country’s largest city.
However, hardly anyone finds this explanation credible. A much more popular theory is that the city is
the result of the above-mentioned regime’s dreams of splendour and greatness, regardless of the cost.
And the latter was particularly high for the people who used to live in the area. Entire villages were demolished

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to make way for the project, and most of their inhabitants were driven away from the land they’d farmed
for centuries. Those that were allowed to stay were forced to help construct the new city.
But Naypyidaw is not the only ‘planned capital’ in the world. Many wonder if it will share the same sorry fate
of Gbadolite, a purpose-built capital city in the Congo, but which is now a jungle paradise that has fallen into
ruins. Even if it does not, it will probably remain a soulless place.
The text describes Myanmar’s purpose-built capital city, Naypyidaw. It has state-of-the-art buildings
and a modern infrastructure, but very few inhabitants. Moving around the city is only possible
1 ___________________ along the wide streets. Naypyidaw is also full of fabulous tourist spots, so you’d
expect it to buzz with life, but places such as cafés or shops 2 ___________________ there. Government
estimates say that around a million people live in the city, but this figure is far from true. There are two
theories about why the city was built. One says that Yangon, for many years the country’s largest city,
3 ___________________ and Naypyidaw was intended to solve the problem. The other theory suggests that
the Than Shwe regime created it to show off its splendour and greatness. Unfortunately, in order to build
the city, the authorities had to 4 ___________________ that had been there for many years, and the people
who lived there ended up losing the land which had been theirs for centuries. What does the future hold
for Naypyidaw? It may end up in ruins, as did the city of Gbadolite, or simply remain a city without people
under the regime’s constant surveillance.
___ / 4

3 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
1 I can’t say I go ______________ with this idea because it seems rather ridiculous to me.
2 They’ve carried out an opinion poll so ______________ to predict the election results.
3 I ______________ be 100% sure, but I imagine these people are protesting against something.
4 The new law should be introduced in ______________ to make crime rate go down.
5 I can understand your ______________ of thinking, but I’m still not convinced.
___ / 5

4 Read the definitions and write the words.
1 the most important legal act which defines the political system in a country: _______________
2 an area in which somebody is elected to be the representative in parliament: _______________
3 a person who has to escape their home because of a war, famine, natural disasters, etc.: _______________
4 a class of people who often have special titles, such as ‘duke’ or ‘countess’_______________
___ / 4

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1 Sixty-five percent of the _______________(elect) decided to voice an opinion in the referendum last week.
2 There is a lot of political ______________ (tense) in this area and some people even fear there’ll be a war.
3 The UK has got a large ethnic ______________ (minor) of Pakistani people.
___ / 3

6 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

1 I don’t approve _________ any form of violence.
2 A lot of people protested _________ the new regulations.
3 The scandal has resulted _________ a government collapse.
4 They’ve recently installed speed cameras to prevent motorists _________ driving too fast.
___ / 4

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7 Complete the sentences with the missing words. Some letters have been given.
1 It won’t be easy to _ v _ _ c _ _ e such serious difficulties, but we must find a solution.
2 You can’t _ _ a _ e me for the accident! It wasn’t my fault at all!
3 It’s a terrible feeling when people you trusted _ e _ r _ y and go against you.
4 The conflict is getting worse and people are even afraid that a war might _ r _ _ _ out.
___ / 4

8 Translate the Polish parts of the sentences into English.
1 I’m afraid this hotel will be ___________________________ (dużo droższy niż) the other one.
2 Unfortunately, the last presentation was ___________________________ (najmniej ciekawa) during
the whole conference.
3 The meeting isn’t going to take ___________________________ (tak długo jak) we expected.
4 She now works ___________________________ (znacznie ciężej niż) she used to.
5 This is ___________________________ (najgorszy tydzień, jaki kiedykolwiek miałem)!
6 We’re almost the same height. He’s only ___________________________ (trochę wyższy niż) I am.
___ / 6

9 Complete the sentences with question tags.

1 They didn’t see us, _________?
2 She isn’t going out for a walk in the evening, _________?
3 Peter has known about the meeting since last Friday, _________?
4 You should leave the laptop in the office, _________?
___ / 4

10 Read the text and choose the correct answers.
Dear Mr Jones,
I am writing to express my deep concern about the ‘Car-Free’ event that the city 1 ___ is planning to hold
on 22nd September. Please, do not misunderstand me – I am basically in 2 ___ of the event, as promoting more
environmentally-friendly means of transport is certainly a good initiative. However, by organising the event
on a weekday, the authorities are completely ignoring those of us who have to use the car as part of their
work. With the main roads closed, the traffic is going to be 3 ___ worse than usual. Also, I do not believe
the public transport system in our town is ready for such a large number of commuters on an ordinary
weekday. The officials really should keep up 4 ___ the current problems of the area and hold the event
on a Sunday or public holiday.
I am really counting 5 ___ your newspaper to bring the issue to public attention, to make the authorities
reconsider their decision.
Yours sincerely,
John Motors

1 a council b government c party d electorate

2 a advantage b right c approve d favour
3 a big b far c many d more
4 a of b on c with d for
5 a by b for c in d on
___ / 5

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11 Read the instructions and do the writing task.
Na forum internetowym przeczytałeś/przeczytałaś wpis, którego autor wyraża opinię, że przepisy dotyczące
bezpieczeństwa na drodze są zbyt surowe. Odpowiedz na ten wpis (100–150 słów) i:
– wyjaśnij, dlaczego nie zgadzasz się z autorem wpisu;
– napisz, które przepisy drogowe uważasz za szczególnie istotne i dlaczego;
– opisz niebezpieczną sytuację na drodze, której przyczyną było złamanie przepisów przez kierującego;
– napisz, jak opisana przez Ciebie sytuacja wpłynęła na Twoją opinię na temat przepisów drogowych,
i zachęć innych uczestników forum do wyrażenia swojej opinii.


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