When True Leaders Sit On A Nation

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When true leaders sit on a nation, it prospers, but when locusts sit on a nation as we

have been having in Nigeria since 1960, it suffers. Those who are sitting over every
3rd world country are locusts, not leaders! Nigeria and Africa—as a whole—are blessed
with natural resources, but with the presence of locusts (masquerading as leaders),
attacking the economy of Africa, this continent can never move forward as expected.

I unassumingly and humbly submit to every Christian and Moslem in Nigeria that
religion cannot build this country. What is building other serious nations is not religion.
The nations of the earth that are working productively are using their brains. They have
clear-cut visions—that have been developed into workable plans, and with utmost
seriousness and sincerity, they are daily working out their own greatness.

As far as I am concerned, our own version of democracy is a hoax and it is void of

morality, decency and honesty. How can a nation that has over 150million poor citizens
—have lawmakers who are outrageously remunerated? Does this make any sense?
Where is the place of justice in this? And how can a nation that detests justice be truly
peaceful? Remember, peace cannot exist without justice.

Our lawmakers have many thoughtless and insensitive packages. Those who collect
“send-forth package” will also receive “welcome package,” if they are returned to either
the Senate or House of Representatives! And ex-governors who are now Senators too
will receive the immoral “welcome package” And because this generation of Nigerians is
very docile, everything goes.

Kindly understand that it is not only those in the House of Representatives and Senate
—who are plundering us as a people. Every politician is a locust in Nigeria. They are in
power to be served, not to serve. Just four (4) years in power, they become billionaires.
This is why they kill in order to perpetuate themselves in power. Nigeria is truly a jungle
when it comes to democracy!

Also, the poor man works very hard till he retires as a civil servant and has no house to
retire to, but a governor is served for four (4) years and millions of naira is approved for
him to build a house that he would retire to. This is after collecting “security vote” for
four (4) years, running into billions of naira! Where is the place of justice in this? Does
this show that we are serious as a people? A nation without justice cannot rise even if
President Buhari runs to Saudi Arabia ten (10) times in a year to pray.
Last of all, Nigeria is not blessed with visionary and selfless-leaders, what we do have in
abundance are locusts. Nigeria currently has no singular leader! On the condition that
you do know of one, kindly tell the precious people of Nigeria. Remember, locusts can
only consume and destroy; they do not have the capacity to build. For the umpteenth
time, the destiny of locusts is to destroy, not to build. May you all rise to remove every
locust (masquerading as leaders) from the corridors of power, so we can truly begin to
build a nation that we all can call our own!

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