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21 January 1983, Volume 219, Number 4582 SCIE: NCE

relative configuration at each carbon

leading to the two isomers 1 and 2 (and 1'
and 2'). In each of these two relative
stereoisomers there are two further ste-
. R
Selectivity: A Key to x
RH Y A R' H 2, Y Y2
Synthetic Efficiency I 1' 2 2I
reoisomers that differ from each other as
Barry M. Trost mirror images, 1 and 1', 2 and 2'. Enan-
tioselectivity refers to discrimination be-
tween such mirror-image isomers or en-
The demand for ready access to com- pouring of new tools-namely, reactions Reactions and reagents that possess
plex organic molecules has increased and reagents. such discriminating ability are required
markedly. Increased sophistication of In searching for such tools, selectivity for the solution of the types of problems
the bulk chemical industry has created becomes the prime motivator. Three being encountered today. Enzymes rep-
the need for more elaborate inexpensive general classes of selectivity can be rec- resent the pinnacle of "reagents" char-
raw materials. The isolation and identifi- ognized. Complex organic molecules acterized by extraordinary selectivity.
cation of complex organic molecules that normally have more than one reactive Fermentation methods and immobilized
play important roles in living systems, site or functional group. The ability to enzyme techniques enhanced by genetic
but whose availability from natural discriminate among the reactive sites is engineering constitute one important ap-
sources is precluded because of very low referred to as chemoselectivity. For ex- proach to the production of selective
reagents. In this article, we focus on
chemical approaches that potentially
Summary. The efficient synthesis of organic compounds requires the development possess greater flexibility, and we have
of processes with enhanced selectivity. Selectivity is categorized according to summarized a few selected approaches
chemical reactivity (chemoselectivity), orientation (regioselectivity), and spatial ar- in each major category of selectivity to
rangement (diastereoselectivity and enantioselectivity). Recent developments in illustrate some of the successes.
reduction-oxidation methods and C-C bond forming reactions illustrate some solu-
tions to problems of selectivity. The design of selectivity-inducing groups and the
increased role of main group and transition metals in enhancing selectivity are Chemoselectivity
especially noted.
The degree of difficulty of chemoselec-
tivity depends on the similarity of two or
concentrations, has brought about a de- ample, preferential reaction at a ketone more functional groups. Thus, discrimi-
mand for compounds such as insect hor- over an olefin, or vice versa, represents nation is simpler if the functional groups
mones and pheromones, prostaglandins a problem of chemoselectivity. At a giv- belong to two different classes, such as a
and other members of the arachidonic en reactive site, there may be several C=O and a C=C, than if they are mem-
acid cascade, vitamin D metabolites, and orientations by which a reagent may bers of the same class, such as two
various antitumor compounds. Varying approach the reactive site; this defines different C=O groups in the same mole-
the structure of complex natural prod- the problem of regioselectivity. The ad- cule. In most reactions, there is differen-
ucts of known biological activity in order dition of X-Y to an unsymmetrical olefin tial reactivity among the functional
to probe the mechanism of their function (Eq. 1) exemplifies such a problem. Ste- groups present in a molecule, at least to
and to improve their therapeutic proper- R' X Y Y X
some extent. The reduction of a ketone
ties requires their partial or total synthe- */+ X-Y -* 8 or ) or both (1) in the presence of an olefin, or vice
sis; P-lactam antibiotics represent one of R R R' R R'
versa, represents an early problem that
many recent examples of such products. has been largely resolved by the use of
The synthetic chemist has enthusiastical- reochemical control comprises two types the metal hydrides for the former and
ly embraced this challenge with an out- of selectivity. First, the control of rela- catalytic hydrogenation for the latter (1).
tive stereochemistry between two or Fine tuning of both of these reactions
Dr. Trost is Vilas and Helfaer Professor of Chem- more centers is referred to as diastereo- continues. For example, addition of vari-
istry, McElvain Laboratories of Organic Chemistry,
Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, selectivity. For example, each regioiso- ous metal salts to borohydride profound-
Madison 53706. meric product of Eq. 1 can differ in the ly changes the selectivity of this reducing
21 JANUARY 1983 245
unfavorable ring size ensues (such as a
H OH (3) ten-membered ring), and high bulk con-
2RCI 0
C03H centrations of substrate (O. 1M to 0.5M)
Ratio 2 I are used.
Whereas activation of a hydrogen al-
t-C4H900H, only
pha to a carbonyl group or one that is
VO(acac)2 vinylogously alpha to a carbonyl group
Fig. 1. Chemoselective epoxidation. (separated from the carbonyl group by
the intervention of a double bond) per-
mits its replacement by a C-C bond with
agent (2). Reductions of cyclopenten- and leads to exclusive displacement of H R
ones with sodium borohydride normally the allylic acetate to give 4a-a total
lead to appreciable saturation of the dou- reordering of the reactivities of a halide (6)
ble bond in addition to reduction of the and an allylic acetate (6, 7). Such a 0 0a-
carbonyl group. Addition of ceric chlo- differential reactivity leads to a novel H R R
ride leads to carbonyl group reduction approach to macrocyclization (Eq. 5) (8).
without appreciable double bond reduc- -a-
* aK.< or a*§ (7)
tion (see Eq. 2) (3). Metal salts have (CH302C)2CH
allyl inversion (Eq. 6), the corresponding
75% 4 reaction with an isolated double bond
,9.C C2CCH3 CeC13 with or without allyl inversion was not
NaBH4 DMF normally possible (Eq. 7). Palladium
OH salts that react selectively with less po-
larized double bonds reorder this reac-
OH Br + NaCH(CO2CH3)2 tivity sequence (7) so that methyl geran-
C 0 2 C23 3 iate 8 can be prenylated at the isolated
double bond to give the higher terpene
(Ph3P)4Pd THF famesol (Eq. 8) (9).

marked effects on many reactions. While / /C02CH3 CO CH3 PdC12. CUC12

the underlying reasons for the effects are 77% 4a 8 Na+
frequently unknown, as in the above |S2Ph
example, the practical consequences OAc OAc
lead to a great deal of an Edisonian type IO2CH3 C02CH3
of effort with the understanding yet to [(CH3)2N]3P
evolve. L L PdCI
Catalysis has the broadest impact on Nu- e (Nu
enhancing selectivity and developing se- SO2Ph
lectivities not previously possible. Appli- Pd+
CO2CH3 _
cations of metal catalysts in the adjust- L L C02CH3
ment of oxidation levels and the forma-
tion of C-C bonds illustrate the broad- Br~~~~ NaCH(S02Ph)2 OH (8)
ened uses for chemoselectivity in such DMF

processes. Epoxidations of olefins with These examples illustrate how metals
peracids normally involves reaction of S02Ph are revolutionizing the approach to the
the most electron-rich double bond; for PhSO2 - -HPd solution of problems that require putting
geraniol, the 6,7-olefin reacts perferen- together a carbon framework and adjust-
tially with moderate selectivity (Eq. 3). ing its oxidation level. New synthetic
However, coordination of vanadium challenges continue to reveal newly re-
with an allylic hydroxyl group reorders quired selectivities. Considering that
the relative reactivity of the two olefins _SO2Ph (5) lack of chemoselectivity frequently ac-
present in geraniol in the metal-catalyzed counts for as many as 40 percent of the
7 SO2Ph
epoxidation with tert-butylhydroperox- 71% steps of a complex synthesis, much re-
ide (Fig. 1) (4, 5). mains to be done for enhanced synthetic
Reordering reactivity of two function- The bromide of 5 selectively reacts with efficiency.
al groups can be achieved in alkylation nucleophiles to give 6 in the presence of
reactions. Allylic acetates normally do the vinyl epoxide. A polymerically
not serve as substrates for nucleophilic bound palladium catalyst then specifical- Regioselectivity
attack. Reaction of the bromoacetate 3 ly activates the vinyl epoxide, with si-
with dimethyl sodiomalonate in dimeth- multaneous unmasking of the nucleophil- Classic problems of regioselectivity,
ylformamide (DMF) as solvent leads, via ic and electrophilic centers, resulting in such as the addition of the elements of
bromide displacement, only to 4. How- cyclization to 7. The combined effect of H-X across an unsymmetrical olefin,
ever, addition of a palladium(O) catalyst having relatively few isolated reactive continue to arise in synthesis. Some of
in tetrahydrofuran (THF) specifically ac- sites on the polymerically bound catalyst these problems have been resolved. For
tivates an allylic acetate as a result of and even fewer occupied ensures an in- example, the equivalent of a hydration of
prior coordination with the olefin (Eq. 4) tramolecular reaction, even though an an olefin can be controlled to give the
246 SCIENCE, VOL. 219
more substituted product (path A in Eq. OAc
9) (10) or the less substituted product
(path B in Eq. 9) (11) by use of different
reagents. Varying the mechanism of a 0 OAc
reaction can alter its regiochemical path, ) SPh
as in the acid catalyzed (path C in Eq. 9) (14)
or free radical (path D in Eq. 9) addition 16 16
of thiophenol to an olefin (12). HOO OAc HO 0 HO 0 SPh
R Path C Path A R Fig. 2. Regiochemical contitrol element in cycloadditions.
y NPhSH I Hg(OAc)2 y
have combined with the electrophile and 14 are either absent or, at best,
H+ R HiNaBH4(E+) at the less substituted carbon (Eq. minor products. Sulfur substitution in
PhSH i BH3 11). Thus, the silicon redirects the bias the diene reorients the two reacting part-
for attack in a sysiem that intrinsically ners as demonstrated in the cycloaddi-
(PhCO2)2 H H202 prefers the opposite orientation. tion of 1-acetoxybutadiene 15 and its
R' SPh Path D Path B R OH Among the more potent synthetic re- sulfur analog' 16 (Fig. 2) (17, 18). Where-
actions are cycloadditions; yet orienta- as 2-acetoxybuta-1 ,3-diene reacts ac-
A different concept is involved in the tional control remained rather limited. In cording to Eq. 13, the sulfur analog 17
use of a substituent that strongly directs the Diels-Alder reaction (Eqs. 12 and produces the meta type of product 18
the regiochemistry of a reaction and that 13), a 1-substituted diene reacts with a (Eq. 15) (19, 20). While desulfurization
can be removed during the course of the dienophile (EWG, electron withdrawing methodology permits replacement of a
reaction or subsequently. Such directing group) to give mainly -"ortho" substitu- C-S bond with a C-H bond, the sulfur
groups can be referred to as regiochemi- tion (Eq. 12), whereas a 2-substituted substituent provides synthetic versatili-
cal control elements. Silicon substituents diene gives mainly "para" substitution ty, as demonstrated by its elimination to
serve such a function in electrophilic (Eq. 13) (16). "Meta"-like products 13 19. The transformation illustrated in Eq.
substitution on unsaturated systems. R
15 (21) serves as a regiocontrolled cyclo-
The known ability for silicon to stabilize hexenone annulation that complements
j (EWG
an electron deficiency on a carbon beta the regiochemistry available through the
to itself as in 9 provides the impetus for use of dienes reacting via the normally
R observed directive effects shown in Eqs.
12 and 13 (22).
94 . &EWG EWG
(12) The regiochemical control element can
be inserted into the dienophile instead of
the diene. One of the more interesting of
such control. For example, in a vinyl R
such groups is nitro (23). The regiochem-
silane such as 10 and 11, electrophilic ical complement 21 to the normal Diels-
substitution involves attack of the elec- Alder adduct 20 (Eq. 16) is available by
4113>(Si(CH3)3 CH3COCI 11
l, (16)
10 R
- CI2
Mainly 14 20

0%SI(CH3)3 +
si8 II 0

trophile at the carbon bearing silicon
exclusively (13). Without silicon, a mix- OAc
O1 NO2

ture of both types of products would 0X0 0 17
have resulted. With allylsilanes, electro- xx
philic attack occurs exclusively with al- + 810
lyl inversion, as in the synthesis of arte- /I
misia ketone 12 (Eq. 10) (14, 15). Nor- SAr 21
mally, such a trisubstituted olefin would ~~~OAc the cycloaddition of 3-nitrocyclohex-2-
0 en-l-one with pentadiene (Eq. 17) (24).
°68t° ° meta type
The nitro group in the initial adduct can
SRCH"SKC3 + ~ CI 18
undergo P elimination to create an enone
or, as illustrated in Eq. 17, be reductive-
(10) ly cleaved with tri-n-butyltin hydride.
CH2CI2 12 The inability to control the orientation
-78°C between two reacting partners repre-
sents a major limitation in the application
E+ R 1)
of many reactions to synthetic targets.
R (

The realization that rational approaches

E 19 to manipulate such reactions may exist
21 JANUARY .1983 247



can greatly simplify synthetic design.

The concept of a regiochemical control
element provides a powerful tool in
Ratio 3



23b SI(CH3)3

Fig. 3. Diastereochemical control element in epoxidation.


stereocontrol (referred to as double ster-

eodifferentiation), which have served as
a critical part of an elegant synthesis in

ON0 /0
> ~ ~ 12
metal templates to superimpose confor-
mational rigidity into acyclic chains. A
catalyst comprised of palladium(0) and
its attendant phosphine ligands induces
ionization of 24 specifically from the
conformation depicted (Eq. 24) (34). The




achieving this goal. The characteristics the erythronolide series of macrolide

of such a group will differ according to antibiotics (Eq. 20) (29). - -... nonactin (23)
the type of reaction.
Diastereoselectivity CHO b
o°C 0

The control of stereochemistry at a R2BO0 O

CH3 (Ph3P)4Pd
reaction site by an existing center of °c 0H NaCH(CO'2CH 3)2
chirality differs in complexity as a func-
tion of the separation of the two centers
K)-~~~~{osoi-+ PhCO
1l 24
22 0
(see Eq. 18). In conformationally rigid
H R CH302C C Oi CHaj

Reaction Chiral i HF (20)

site center tPhH
ii NalO4 OH

^^^4v-Ptv tvv~ or 25
HR HR Epoxidations of allylic, and in certain C
^^^ t > ^^^^q.>-2, (18) cases, homoallylic alcohols has led to H02C CH30 C02CH3
molecules, knowledge of the conforma- high diastereoselectivity (5, 30). Its fail-
tions usually permits rational solutions ure in cases such as 23a led to the PhCO H

to such stereochemical problems. Con- introduction of a trimethylsilyl group as lo 26

formationally nonrigid molecules, in a diastereochemical control element that
contrast, present great challenges. If the could be dismissed by treatment of the H.. H
two centers are on adjacent carbons, product 23b with fluoride ion (Fig. 3) C02CH3 (24)
such selectivity appears approachable. (31). 27
In nucleophilic addition to a carbonyl The greatest challenges derive from
group, metal chelation can provide tem- reaction sites that are noncontiguous transitory intermediate 25 combines with
porary conformational rigidity and there- with the existing chiral center in confor- a nucleophile faster than stereorandomi-
mationally nonrigid systems. In one zation occurs, with the overall effect of
+ sio>@S J<M ~MgBr
approach, invoking reactions that faithful translation of the stereochemis-
pass through conformationally well- try of 24 into product 26, a key interme-
. b wMgBr
P I behaved transition states (Eq. 22) (32) diate for the stereocontrolled synthesis
R or intermediates (Eq. 23) (33) resolves of the side chain of vitamins E and K, in
the problem. which the two chiral centers are in a 1,5
A different strategy utilizes transition relation (35). Switching from a five-mem-
+/sio (19) bered to a six-membered ring lactone
OOPh PhCH2O OH extends this- separation to six carbons
(Eq. 25) (36).
by enhance the steric differentiation be- 0
tween the two faces of the carbonyl H

group, with resultant high diastereose- (Ph3P)4Pd

lectivity (Eq. 19) (25). The common oc-
00 NaCH(CO2CH3)2
currence of a 1,3-diol functionality in
natural products has focused attention CH302C CO2CH3
on the stereochemistry of the aldol con- CH#3j C02H (25)
densation (the addition of an enolate PhCH20 0 H
onto a carbonyl group) (26-28). By clev- CH3
er design of the attacking enolate, two 0: vitamin E ()x
new contiguous chiral centers were cre- Imposition of conformational rigidity
ated (b and c in 22) with very high ~~--vitamin E (22) on conformationally mobile systems
248 SCIENCE, VOL. 219
constitutes the most successful approach ners. For example, preferential reaction tlety of the effects responsible for the
to diastereoselectivity. Main group met- ofjuglone (30) as a dienophile with diene asymmetric induction make it difficult to
als whose Lewis acidity permits creation 29 would be predicted to occur preferen- design chiral inducing agents. As already
of metallocycles and transition metals tially from the bottom face of 29b. In-
that, combined with ligands, form an deed, a single product emerges whose
"active site" capable of exercising steric absolute configuration conforms to this
and electronic control over a reaction prediction (Eq. 27) (37). Use of such
pathway have achieved remarkable suc- weak secondary interactions has had re-
cess. While working hypotheses of the markable success in related thermal pro-
type presented allow applications to out- cesses (39, 40).
pace our understanding of underlying In these processes, the reaction is nor-
principles, the evolution of the latter will mally thought of as proceeding through -
have a dramatic effect on extending intermediates in which nonbonded steric
these concepts. interactions are minimized, as in the
example in Eq. 27. Nevertheless, cau- 33
tion must be exercised. In the Wittig
Enantioselectivity reaction (Eq. 28), the less stable interme- (28)
diate 31 apparently eliminates faster than 0

To induce asymmetry in an achiral 32 [see the Curtin-Hammett principle 11

molecule such as 28 requires the pres- (41)], since the S isomer 33 predominates
ence of a chiral environment. Of the two (42). This compound is a basic building
approaches that can be discerned, the block for polycondensed cyclopentanoid
natural products (43).
H The alternative approach envisions a
transfer of chirality in which the chiral mentioned, simply focusing on the most
0| 1w inducing agent does not become cova- stable intermediate as the product-deter-
lently bonded to the achiral substrate. mining intermediate can be risky. In the
TMS 28 The carbonyl reduction depicted in Eq. asymmetric synthesis of the amino acid
26 proceeds with a remarkable enan- phenylalanine (Eq. 32), the most stable
tiomeric excess (ee) of 97 percent complex is not the product-determining
HO. III III (26)
(98.5 - 1.5) (44, 45). Transition metal intermediate (50).
templates offer some of the most promis- To a large extent, progress in the de-
98.5 TMS 1.5 ing approaches (Fig. 4) (46-49). The sub- velopment of an asymmetric process has
TMS, trimethylsilyl

more successful one is to convert enan-

tioselectivity into diastereoselectivity, Co2CH3
the chiral inducing agent becoming cova- C02CH3 >(
O- PPh2
lently bonded to the substrate in such a oS02Ph (oPhPPPh2 then
fashion that it can be subsequently + NaCH
(Ph3P)4Pd Na(Hg)
cleaved. The Diels-Alder reaction is an OAc CO2CH3 Pd4+ C02CH3
excellent framework with which to ex-
LL L i 39% ee
plore such possibilities since many chiral
centers are created from two normally
achiral starting materials (37-39). Inter- H
action of a phenyl ring with the IT-system I

of a dienophile or a diene (a so-called ir- Mg MgCI+ + -;Br (CH3)2N N (30)

stacking interaction) can induce cycload- NcIC2
dition to occur preferentially to one of
the two enantiotopic (or, in reality, dia- 83% ee
stereotopic) faces of these reacting part-
0C2CH3 Ti(O-<)4 C02CH3
t-C4H900H - (31)
C027< H

OH -0 l0
30 HO-
HO 0 C027<
29CH3 > 95% ee
CH3 f
29a 29b + H2 (32)
(COD)Rh - BFi
93% ee

Fig. 4. Selected examples of enantioselective reactions.
21 JANUARY 1983 249
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for the future. It is clear that examination Chem. 45, 3449 (1980). 29.- S. Masamune, M. Hirama, S. Nori, S. A. Ali, D.
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suffice to generate fruitful paths. Kinetic 4. K. B. Sharpless and R. C. Michaelson, J. Am. ibid., p. 7690.
Chem. Soc. 95, 6136 (1973). 31. I. Hasan and Y. Kishi, Tetrahedron Lett. 21,
considerations coupled with steric fac- 5. K. B. Sharpless and T. R. Verhoeven, Aldrichi- 4229 (1980).
tors ultimately determine the degree of mica Acta 12, 63 (1979). 32. N. Cohen, R. J. Lopresti, C. -Neukom, G.
6. B. M. Trost and T. R. Verhoeven, J. Am. Chem. Saucy, J. Org. Chem. 45, 582 (1980).
selectivity. The fact that the balance 7.
Soc. 102, 4730 (1980).
B. M. Trost, Acc. Chem. Res. 13, 385 (1980).
33. P. A. Bartlett and K. K. Jernstedt, Tetrahedron
Lett. 21, 1607 (1980).
varies among different types of reactions 8. _ _ and R. W. Warner, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 34. B. M. Trost and T. P. Klun, J. Am. Chem. Soc.
means that broad generalizations will be in press. 101, 6756 (1979).
9. B. M. Trost, L. Weber, P. E. Strege, T. J. 35. _ . ibid. 103, 1864 (1981).
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10. R. C. Larock, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 17, (1981).
27 (1978). 37. B. M. Trost, D. O'Krongly, J. L. Belletire, J.
11. H. C. Brown, Organic Syntheses via Boranes Am. Chem. Soc. 102, 7595 (1980).
Conclusions (Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1975). 38. S. David, A. Lubineau, A. Thieffry, Tetrahe-
12. C. G. Screttas and M. Micha-Screttas, J. Org. dron 34, 299 (1978); S. David and J. Eustache, J.
Chem. 43, 1064 (1978); ibid. 44, 713 (1979). Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. 1 (1979), p. 2230;
13. I. Fleming, Chem. Soc. Rev. 10, 83 (1981). For a , A. Lubineau, ibid., p. 1795.
It has been stated that the practice of recent novel application, see S. R. Wilson, M. 39. E. J. Corey and H. E. Ensley, J. Am. Chem.
organic synthesis is an exercise in per- S. Hogue, R. M. Misra, J. Org. Chem. 47, 747 Soc. 97, 6908 (1975).
(1982). 40. W. Oppolzer, C. Robbiani, K. Battig, Helv.
turbation theory. Nothing so highlights 14. J. P. Pillot, D. Dunogues, R. Calas, Tetrahedron Chim. Acta 63, 2015 (1980).
such a feeling as the problems of selec- Lett. (1976), p. 1871. 41. G. W. Klumpp, Reactivity in Organic Chemistry
15. R. Calas, J. Organomet. Chem. 200, 11 (1980). (Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1982), pp. 232-
tivity. Achieving the type of selectivity 16. J. L. Ripoll and F. Rouessac, Tetrahedron 34, 19 234.
that has a profound effect on the out- (1978); J. Sauer, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 5, 42. B. M. Trost and D. P. Curran, Tetrahedron Lett.
211 (1966); ibid. 6, 416 (1957). 22, 4929 (1981).
come of a reaction normally means that 17. B. M. Trost, J. Ippen, W. C. Vladuchick, J. Am. 43. __, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 103, 7380 (1981).
Chem. Soc. 99, 8116 (1977). 44. M. M. Midland, D. C. McDowell, R. L. Hatch,
the competing pathway will differ by less 18. T. Cohen, R. J. Ruffner, D. W. Shull, W. M. A. Tramonteno. ibid. 102. 867 (1980).
than 3 kilocalories per mole-a very Daniewski, R. M. Ottenbrite, P. V. Alston, J. 45. W. S. Johnson, B. Frei, A. S. Gopalan, J. Org.
Org. Chem. 43, 4052 (1978). Chem. 46, 1512 (1981).
small energy difference. It is no wonder 19. B. M. Trost and A. J. Bridges, J. Am. Chem. 46. B. M. Trost and P. E. Strege, J. Am. Chem.
that the understanding of the underlying Soc. 98, 5017 (1976). Soc. 99, 1649 (1977).
20. B. M. Trost, W. C. Viaduchick, A. J. Bridges, 47. K. Tamao, T. Hayashi, H. Matsumoto, H. Ya-
factors required for the field to progress ibid. 102, 3548 and 3554 (1980). mamoto, M. Kumada, Tetrahedron Lett. 20,
remains limited. Selectivity inserts the 21. C. G. Caldwell, thesis, University of Wisconsin 2155 (1979). For a review, see T. Hayashi, in
(1981). Asymmetric Reactions and Processes in Chem-
art into organic synthesis; its challenge 22. S. Danishefsky, Acc. Chem. Res. 14,400(1981). istry, E. L. Eliel and S. Otsuke, Eds. (American
provides the excitement. 23. __, M. P. Prisbylla, S. Hiner, J. Am. Chem. Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., 1982), pp.
Soc. 100, 2918 (1978); J. Org. Chem. 44, 4052 177-186.
(1979). 48. B. E. Rossiter, T. Katsuki, K. B. Sharpless, J.
References and Notes 24. N. Ono, H. Miyake, A. Kaji, Chem. Commun. Am. Chem. Soc. 103, 464 (1981).
(1982), p. 33. 49. B. D. Vineyard, W. S. Knowles, M. J. Sabacky,
1. H. -0. House, Modern Synthetic Reactions, 25. W. C. Still and J. H. McDonald III, Tetrahedron G. L. Bachman, D. J. Weinkauff, ibid. 99, 5946
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chapters 1 and 2. 26. C. H. Heathcock, M. C. Pirrung, J. Lampe, C. 50. A. S. C. Chan, J. J. Pluth, J. Halpern, ibid. 102,
2. For some selected recent examples, see T. Ni- T. Buse, S. D. Young, J. Org. Chem. 46, 2290 5952 (1980).
shio and Y. Omote, Chem. Lett. (1979), p. 1223; (1981). 51. Support from the National Science Foundation
I. D. Entwisle, P. Boehm, R. A. W. Johnstone, 27. D. A. Evans, J. Bartroli, T. L. Shih, J. Am. and the National Institutes of Health is grateful-
R. P. Telford, J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. 1, Chem. Soc. 103, 2127 (1981); D. A. Evans and ly acknowledged.

Announcing a Special Issue of Science, 11 February 1983, on

This issue will portray some of the many ways in which biochemistry, biology, and microbiology are being applied in
medicine, pharmacology, agriculture, and the production of chemicals.

American Association for the Advancement of Science

250 SCIENCE, VOL. 219

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