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Gr 10 Science Oct 23rd, 2020

BIOLOGY – The Respiratory System

Purpose & Features

• The primary purpose of the respiratory system is __________________________.

• On average we take about __________________________ per minute.

• This is about ________________________ per minute.

• We move about _______________________ of air in & out of the lungs every day.

• The lungs have a large surface area. If we stretched them out, it would cover an area of about 140 m2.

– Almost (but not quite) the size of a tennis court.

Anatomy & structures

• _________________________________ line the

trachea & bronchi and produce _____________.

– helps to ___________________________________

• ____________ (hair-like projections) help move

mucus & filter out the foreign material.


• The trachea is supported by ___________ made of a strong but

flexible material called __________________________.

• Cartilage keeps the trachea open so that air flows freely.

Gas Exchange

• The bronchi branch again and again until they end in the ________________.

– tiny air sacs with ________________________

– surrounded by __________________________

– lined with _____________________

• Oxygen ________________________________________ and ________________ into a capillary.

– Concentration of O2 in lungs is ___________________ than in capillaries

– Oxygen will move __________

• Carbon dioxide ____________________________ into the lungs for us to _______________.

– concentration of CO2 in lungs is _______________ than in capillaries

– Carbon dioxide will move ___________

• Red blood cells carry oxygen into larger and larger blood vessels until they reach the heart.

• Just like the villi in the small intestine, alveoli create a very large surface area over which gases
can be exchanged.

• Air moves into and out of our lungs ______________________.

• Getting air IN:

– muscles _________________ & move the rib cage __________.

– diaphragm moves ________________ and our lungs _____________________.

– lung volume ____________________ and air moves _________.

• Moving air OUT

- muscles _________________ & the

rib cage moves ________________.

- diaphragm moves _________ and our

lungs to ___________________.

- lung volume ___________________ and

air moves _____________.

• Control of breathing is mostly ____________________________.

• Any stoppage of breathing is usually ______________________

- when talking, eating, drinking, swimming etc

• The brain can _________________________________________.

• If they increase, a ____________ is sent to the ________________________________________.

– rate of breathing _____ & heart beats _________________.

• CO2 is removed more quickly & oxygen level is brought back to normal more quickly.

Humans & Fish

• Fish have _____________ instead of lungs.

• Fish open their mouths to


• Oxygen in the water diffuses into capillaries and

carbon dioxide will diffuse out.

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