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Here are the answers to the questions in the document

1. **How much would $100 growing at 5% per year be worth after 75 years?**

- $4281.30

2. **Which of the following is NOT recognized as a driving force of today's economy?**

- Centralization

3. **One example of fixed cost is:**

- Rent

4. **If a country can produce 10 units of product A or 4 units of product B, the opportunity
cost of 1 unit of B is:**

- 2.5A

5. **Based on historical enrollment data, what is this year's forecast using a three-period
simple moving average?**

- 2800

6. **When a company decides to expand into new industries it must:**

- Develop "multibusiness model" that justifies its entry into different businesses.

7. **When BMW sold Rover to Ford it adopted a:**

- Retrenchment strategy

8. **New ventures are likely to be preferred compared to acquisitions when:**

- It needs to move fast to establish a presence in an industry commonly an embryonic or

growth industry.

9. **The Heckscher-Ohlin theory differs from the Ricardian model in that it emphasizes as the
source of trade:**

- Resource differences
10. **Differences in tastes and preferences in markets in different parts of the world:**

- Increase pressure for local responsivenes

11. **To make sure that ethical issues are considered in business decisions:**

- Top managers should articulate and model ethical behaviors

12. **To foster ethical behavior through organizational culture businesses should:**

- Draft a formal statement of the ethical priorities to which a business adheres.

13. **Unless otherwise delegated winding up of a company must be made by the order of:**

- Company Court of the High Court Division

14. **Which of the following is not valid consideration for a contract in Bangladesh:**

- Past consideration

15. **Responding to pressure for requires that a firm differentiate its product offering and
marketing strategy from country to country:**

- Being locally responsive

16. **The idea that opportunities become available to an entrepreneur only after the
entrepreneur has started a business is known as:**

- Corridor principle

17. **The null hypothesis is:**

- The assumption there is no relationship or difference between the variables you are testing.

18. **Binomial Distribution is an example of:**

- Discrete Distribution

19. **What is the probability of not picking a blue box?**

- 2/3
20. **For any data set, what are the two ways in which you can find out the middle value?**

- Median and Mean

21. **The accuracy/reliability of any regression model is determined by looking at the value

- R-squared

22. **If the population from which samples are drawn is normally distributed then the
sampling distribution of the sample mean is:**

- Always normally distributed

23. **Opportunity cost is:**

- The benefits of an alternative that we give up when we make a choice or a decision

24. **All of the following are examples of opportunity cost except:**

- All of the above are examples of opportunity costs.

25. **The demand for higher education is increasing at an annual rate of 8 percent while
income is increasing at an annual rate of 6 percent. This implies higher education is:**

- A luxury good

26. **Firm A’s objective is to exercise all market power in the market for good A. Firm A can
achieve this goal by becoming a:**

- Monopoly

27. **A consumer buys two goods X and Y with his income I. The government doubles his
income. Meanwhile, prices of X and Y also double. The consumer’s purchase of X and Y will:**

- Remain unchanged

28. **Which one of the following statements is false?**

- Marginal cost depends on the amount of labor hired.

29. **What do you understand by inflation?**

- Increase in the overall price level

30. **What do you understand by budget deficit?**

- Government spends more than what it earns in taxes

31. **Money is a “medium of exchange” means:**

- You can use money to buy and sell goods and services

32. **Which of the following monetary policies will increase the money supply?**

- Decrease the required reserve ratio

33. **What do you understand by “frictional unemployment”? **

- Unemployment caused due to lack of perfect information in the labor market

34. **Which of the following can increase aggregate demand: **

- Increase in government spending

35. **Portfolio analysis method (BCG Matrix) evaluates SBUs on two dimensions, namely: **

- Market growth rate, market share

36. **Starbucks has introduced a debit card that lets customers prepay for coffee and snacks.
This effort by Starbucks management is an example of: **

- Market penetration

37. **Under the concept management should focus on improving production and distribution
efficiency: **

- Production concept
38. **For Push promotional strategy which of the following promotional tools is primarily
used: **

- Trade promotions

39. **Any paid form of Nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services
by an identified sponsor is called:**

- Advertising

40. **When KFC restaurant targets different groups—from children and teens to adults and
seniors—with different ads and media it is practicing:**

- Demographic segmentation

41. **When a company interacts one-on-one with large numbers of customers to create
customer-unique value by designing products and services tailor-made to individual needs it
is following:**

- One-to-one marketing

42. **Using a successful brand name to introduce additional items in a given product
category under the same brand name (such as new flavors, forms, colors, added ingredients,
or package sizes) is called:**

- Line Extension

43. **Beximco has decided to hold an “Annual General Meeting” in hotel Sarina for the
stockholders. This is an example of:**

- Public Relation

44. **Consumer goods with unique characteristics or brand identification often requiring a
special purchase effort are called:**

- Specialty products
45. **A company is in the stage of the new-product development process when the company
develops the product concept into a physical product in order to assure that the product idea
can be turned into a workable product:**

- Product development

46. **According to Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension where gender roles are undifferentiated
(men and women have similar jobs) it is referred to as:**

- Feminine Culture

47. **Which of the following is the most risky Entry Mode?**

- Fully-owned Subsidiary

48. **Why do you need performance appraisal?**

- All of the above (To identify performance deficiencies, To give feedback on the performance
levels, To build on the strengths and manage around the weaknesses)

49. **The primary objective of Information Systems in lower-level management is:**

- Supporting business processes and operations

50. **Which of the following Information Systems primarily support structured decision-

- Management Information Systems

51. **Which cannot be a valid attribute for the entity “Product”?**

- Designation

52. **Which concept is not related to Data Warehouse?**

- Traditional Data Processing

53. **NSU Course Registration System is an example of:**

- Intranet
54. **How can an organization protect the network asset from external intruders?**

- Firewall

55. **Which one of the following is the biggest threat to NSU’s business continuity?**

- Earthquake

56. **Which one is true from the following?**

- E-Business > E-Commerce > E-Marketing

57. **Revenue earned but not received in cash should result in-**

- A debit to account receivable and a credit to revenue

58. **The normal balance for the drawing account is:**

- Debit

59. **Which of the following is an income statement account?**

- Sales return & allowances

60. **Statement of cash flows presents the financial position of the company on the last date
of the accounting period.**

- False

61. **Which of the following costs will be classified as a period cost?**

- Wages paid to an accountant

62. **Cost accounting (job order costing/process costing) involves the measuring, recording,
and reporting of:**

- Product costs

63. **Manufacturing overhead is over-allocated if:**

- Actual overhead is less than allocated

64. **Jessy’s Clothing factory produces two different styles of jeans for women. Recently
Jessy paid $15000 to purchase insurance for her factory. What type of cost is this if the cost
object is style-A jeans?**

- Indirect cost

65. **$100 is received at the beginning of year 1, $200 is received at the beginning of year 2,
and $300 is received at the beginning of year 3. If these cash flows are deposited at 12
percent, their combined future value at the end of year 3 is:**

- $672

66. **The is the discount rate that equates the present value of the cash inflows with the
initial investment.**

- Internal rate of return

67. **A firm has the following accounts and financial data for 2014: see table below. The
firm's net profits after taxes for 2014 is:**

- $213

68. **A firm has the following accounts and financial data for 2014: see table below. The
firm's earnings per share rounded to the nearest cent for 2014 is:**

- $0.5

69. **Given the following expected returns and standard deviations of assets B, M, Q, and D,
which asset should the prudent financial manager select?**

- This question requires the data table to determine the correct answer.

70. **The value of a bond is also called its face value. Bonds which sell at less than face value
are priced at a , while bonds which sell at greater than face value sell at a .**

- Discount; premium
71. **An 8 percent preferred stock with a market price of $110 per share and a $100 par
value pays a cash dividend of:**

- $8.00

72. **The is created by a financial relationship between suppliers and demanders of short-
term funds. **

- Money market

73. **Review the following Control Chart. Note the two measurements that are highlighted in
red. These two highlighted measurements represent:**

- Abnormal variation due to assignable causes

74. **Review the forecast plot below. Determine the best description -**

- Trend with irregular variation

75. **Review the following project management tool. It is a(n):**

- Gantt chart

76. **Directing and motivating is part of the function of management.**

- Leading

77. **If Meena Bazaar announces a cash bonus for the employees who will provide
outstanding customer service in the next quarter it will be an example of -**

- Reinforcement Theory

78. **Which one of the following statements about strategic considerations in total quality
management is TRUE?**

- Training programs for employees and monetary incentives are two ways organizations can
increase quality awareness in their employees.
79. **How many fiber optics submarine cable network lines are linked with Bangladesh?**


80. **Leon Festinger would propose that the desire to reduce dissonance would be
determined by all of the following EXCEPT:**

- All of the above

81. **You are the owner/operator of a small business. How will you ensure that ethical
business practices are being followed by your employees?**

As the owner/operator of a small business, ensuring ethical business practices among

employees involves several steps:

 **Create a Code of Ethics:** Develop a comprehensive code of ethics that outlines the
standards of conduct expected from employees. Ensure that this document is clear,
concise, and accessible to all employees.
 **Training and Education:** Regularly conduct training sessions and workshops on
ethical behavior and decision-making. Provide real-world scenarios and role-playing
exercises to help employees understand and apply ethical principles in their daily work.
 **Lead by Example:** Demonstrate ethical behavior in all your actions as a leader.
Employees are more likely to follow ethical practices if they see their leaders doing the
 **Open Communication: ** Foster an environment where employees feel comfortable
reporting unethical behavior without fear of retribution. Implement a whistleblower
policy that protects the identity and rights of those who report misconduct.
 **Regular Audits and Monitoring: ** Conduct regular audits and monitoring to ensure
compliance with ethical standards. Use both internal and external audits to maintain
objectivity and thoroughness.
 **Reward Ethical Behavior: ** Recognize and reward employees who demonstrate
ethical behavior. This can be through awards, bonuses, or public acknowledgment,
reinforcing the importance of ethics in the workplace.
 **Disciplinary Actions: ** Clearly outline the consequences of unethical behavior and
consistently enforce these policies. Ensure that disciplinary actions are fair, transparent,
and proportional to the violation.
 **Continuous Improvement: ** Regularly review and update your ethics program to
address new challenges and incorporate feedback from employees. Stay informed about
best practices in business ethics and integrate them into your organization.

By implementing these strategies, you can create a workplace culture that values and
upholds ethical business practices.

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