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Video scripts Café Hub Level 3 

EPISODE 1 – Welcome back S: Pants?

Z: Oh OK, trousers.
S = Sam G = Gaby Z = Zac M = Milly
M: And a tie!
S: Hey, I’m Sam. This is my café. This is Milly. She runs a Z: Did you hear that?
clothes shop. She’s dating Zac. He’s my best friend. This S: What?
is Neena. She’s a lawyer and she lives with Zac and … Z: And a tie! And some shoes.
GABY! This is Gaby. She likes taking photos … S: You don’t have any shoes?
G: … And smile. Smile. Smile more … Even more … Z: Well yeah, but … I need some smart shoes …
EVEN MORE! S: Sure, I can give you a hand with that.
S: How’s this? Z: Thank you SO much, that would be great. You’re
G: Urgh, TOO MUCH! Stop. Good! Good. Perfect! These a legend!
photos will look great on your new website. S: I am. Shall I bring some stuff round to the flat later?
S: Zac? Hey, look I’m really busy at the moment, so … Z: That would be awesome. I owe you one.
Z: Sam, Sam! It’s Zac! S: You owe me more than one.
S: Yeah I know! Look, I better get on … G: Ow!
Z: Sam! It’s big news! Really big! S: Gaby! Are you OK? Do you need a hand?
S: What is it? G: No, I can manage. I’m OK. ARGH!
Z: It’s Milly’s mom … I don’t know how to say this. She’s … S: Listen, let me help you.
Uh … She’s … Uh G: OK … I think it’s OK.
S: Oh no, Zac I’m so sorry … S: Uh well … Does this hurt?
Z: She’s coming to London. Tomorrow! G: No.
S: Oh. OK. You haven’t met her yet have you? S: What about this? And this?
Z: No! We’re meeting for lunch. Tomorrow! G: ARGH!
S: OK well. Good luck with that! Look I better go now. I’ve S: There you go. Should be OK in a few days.
got a lot of stuff to do. G: A few days … Oh no! I’ve got a photo shoot tomorrow.
Z: Wait! Listen. I need a favor, can you lend me some What am I going to do?
clothes? Please? I need to borrow a shirt, a smart jacket,
some pants …

EPISODE 2 – Picture this G: Thanks Derek.

C = Client G = Gaby C: Eric.
G: Eric! Sorry! ARGH!
C: These are excellent Gabriela. Excellent!
C: Are you okay?
G: Please Derek, call me Gaby.
G: Yes I’m fine. Do you think you could help me with the
C: Yes of course, of course Gaby. Thank you. You’ve
camera as well?
managed to capture the bowl perfectly. This is exactly
C: Sure, no problem. That’s all done.
what we’re looking for! I can’t thank you enough!
G: Thank you so so much. It looks like we’re ready to begin!
G: Come in. Hello. You must be Derek.
C: Would it be OK to have the light a bit brighter on
C: It’s Eric actually.
this side?
G: Sorry, sorry! Of course. Eric. I’m Gaby.
G: Yes, of course.
C: Hi Gaby, nice to meet you. Is it alright if we start straight
C: These are definitely better. I think we’re almost there.
away? I haven’t got that long.
I feel like something’s missing though. The shot feels
G: Of course. No problem.
a bit …
C: What’s happened to your arm?
G: Empty …?
G: I fell over yesterday and hurt my wrist.
C: Yes.
C: Oh no.
G: How about adding some fruit?
G: I’ve just got to set up the tripod and camera. It won’t take
C: Yes. Good idea. That would solve the problem. Yes, I think
long …
that looks good.
C: Erm … Can I do anything?
G: Maybe a few more grapes?
G: No, I’m fine.
C: No!
C: I’m happy to help.
G: Yeah!
G: Actually, that would be great. Would you mind helping
C: No!
me with this?
G: Yeah!
C: Not at all.
C: No!
There you go.
G: Come on. Just … one … more … Sorry.

American Language Hub Level 3 Teacher’s Resource Center. Published by Macmillan Education, a division of Springer Nature Limited. © Springer Nature Limited, 2020. 1
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Video scripts Café Hub Level 3 

EPISODE 3 – Getting there M: No way!

C: Oh yeah! Well, it wasn’t too bad. It turned out she loved
M = Milly Z = Zac C = Cabbie
cycling. Everywhere. Absolutely. Everywhere. Even in
M: Come on! We don’t want to be late. You’re meeting my the rain! She was hilarious … She actually taught me
mom for the first time … to cycle!
Z: OK, OK! I’m coming! Z: Really! That’s awesome.
C: Jack? C: Yeah … and this is the best part: she used to run this
Z: Zac. fantastic little vintage clothes shop. It was amazing, full
C: Oh whatever, jump in the back Jack. of color … and she used to get me all these clothes! It
You’ll never guess what happened the other day? Go was brilliant!
on, have a guess … Only joking! So anyway. You won’t Z: So what happened?
believe who I had in the back of my cab the other week: C: Well, a couple of months later everything was going
Beyoncé and Jay Z! great, then one day while I was watching the football
M: Really? You’re kidding? she said to me: ‘I want you to meet my mum.’ Before I
C: I’m not! They didn’t say much though. I asked them to knew it I was putting on a shirt and tie and meeting up
write a song about me. They stopped talking after that. for lunch. She never liked me. Didn’t even laugh at one
Z: Well … of my jokes. Not even one of them! All of sudden things
C: I’ve had everyone you can think of in the back of my started to change. She wasn’t interested in me anymore.
cab. I’ve had Prince Harry, Wayne Rooney … Who’s that In the end she stopped answering my calls. I still love
French bloke? … Er Gérard Depardieu … De … De Who that girl. I miss you Molly.
else? Cristiano Ronaldo, the guy from Coldplay, and even M: Milly?!
all of One Direction … C: MOLLY. From Seattle.
Z: You had Prince Harry in your cab? M: Are you sure this is the right way?
C: Well … it looked like it was him. Probably was. C: Young lady, let me tell you something: I’ve been a cabbie
Z: Right. all my life. My dad’s a cabbie, my grandad’s a cabbie,
C: Erm. There’s a traffic jam. There might be a slight delay. I’ll my great great grandad’s a cabbie, and my great great
take a shortcut. So, er, are you two an item? great … oh great! Here we are.
M: A what? Er … That’s er £9 please. Thank you. There you go.
C: IS HE YOUR BOYFRIEND? M: Don’t worry about it.
M: Oh, err, yeah. C: Have a lovely holiday!
C: Lovely. Lovely stuff. I once went out with an American Z: But we’re not on holiday.
girl. It was a few years ago now, when I got my cab Well then. Time to meet your mom. Let’s do … this …
licence. The funny thing was she hated driving! She
wouldn’t get into my cab!

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Video scripts Café Hub Level 3 

EPISODE 4 – Part-time S: So, how’s your first day going?

G: Great so far!
S = Sam G = Gaby C = Customer
C: Hello? Excuse me!
S: Hey. G: Leave it to me!
G: Hey. C: Hello. I’m sorry to bother you, but I’m afraid there’s a
S: What’s up? problem with the coffee AND with the croissant.
G: I don’t know Sam, I don’t have much work on at the G: I’m sorry to hear that. What exactly is the problem?
moment and I’m totally broke … C: I don’t know! They just don’t taste good. I want my
S: Gaby! You’re such a good photographer. The website money back please.
photos you did for me are amazing! Something good will G: That’s no problem, I’m so sorry about that, perhaps
come along. It always does. I’ve got an idea. Why don’t you we … oh … but you finished them … both.
help me out here? It’s been very busy recently and I was C: Well, yeah.
already thinking about advertising for some part-time help. G: So they weren’t that bad then?
G: Are you sure? I sometimes … drop … things … C: What happened to the customer is always right?
S: Yeah … you do … but you’re great with people! G: The customer is always right. Unless the customer is
I’ll train you! It’ll be like the film Rocky, but with more wrong. Like now.
coffee and less boxing. C: How dare you! I want to speak to the manager NOW!
G: OK! Let’s do this. G: Sam! You remember when you said I was good
S: And remember to put the glasses on top. with people?
G: What did you say? S: What seems to be the problem?
S: Remember to put the glasses … C: I’m really not happy with the service, this woman …
G: Sorry … I didn’t catch that … S: I’m terribly sorry for the inconvenience madam, it won’t
S: … on top … happen again.
G: On top of what? I don’t get what you’re saying? C: Good.
S: The dishwasher. S: Because if you don’t like it here, then you really don’t
G: So you’re saying you want me to put the glasses on the need to come back. Thank you and have a nice day.
top of the dishwasher? You’ve lost me. C: I have never … ever … ever … ever … ever … ever.
S: No! On the top shelf of the dishwasher. G: Sorry.
G: Ah! Sure, why didn’t you just say that? Err, do you have
any … glue?

EPISODE 5 – Major presentation Ms. S: Really?

M = Matthew N = Neena Ms. S = Ms. Santos N: Yes I can email you all the data this afternoon.
Ms. S: That’s very good news. And secondly, how soon could
M: Oh Neena! I am so sorry I’m late!
you be ready to launch?
N: That’s okay. Are you alright?
N: Realistically by September, but perhaps earlier if we
M: Yes, yes I’ll be fine. Just a bit of a cold and a …
can come to an agreement in the next week or two.
N: We’re all ready to go. Here’s all the information.
Ms. S: Good. That’s all the questions we have for now.
Ms. Santos will be here in about 5 minutes. Erm … tie?
N: Great. So to sum up, we see an exciting future
M: What? Oh, yes of course. Thank you.
working closely together with Empregos, Empregos,
Good morning and thank you for coming. My name is
Empregos e Empregos.
Matthew Williams. I am a Director here at Jobs, Jobs,
Ms. S: Thank you Ms. Patel. Er … Can we have a moment
Jobs … Jobs. We’ve been finding jobs for people here
to discuss?
in the UK since 2003 and we hope to do the same
N: Of course. Please say yes, please say yes!
for people in Brazil in the future. Today’s presentation
Ms. S: Thank you. So moving onto my final question …
is all about how we can work together in Brazil. So
when can we begin?
first of all, I’d like to talk about the benefits … Let’s
N: That’s wonderful news! We can put the contract
take a look at the first slide. We have a great deal of
together immediately.
experience in the jobs marketplace … So, the next
Ms. S: Perfect. I will send you an email later to sum up what
question is how to market ourselves in Brazil. Here at
we have decided today.
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs and … Jobs. That …
N: Thank you. Thank you. We’ll be in touch.
N: That brings us to the end of the presentation … Do
M: Well done Neena, that was excellent work, excellent.
you have any questions?
N: Thank you.
Ms. S: Yes, thank you, Ms. …
M: Well I’m sorry, I think I need to go home now.
N: Patel, Neena Patel.
N: Um … just a moment Matthew.
Ms. S: Ms. Patel. And thank you Mr. Williams, of course. First
M: Yes.
of all, what market share do you expect to have after
N: Would now be a good time talk about a pay rise?
the first year?
M: No. No, now isn’t a good time to talk about anything.
N: Well, from our forecasts, we expect about a 12% share
Let’s talk about it first thing in the morning!
of the market after the first year.

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Video scripts Café Hub Level 3 

EPISODE 6 – You got served S: Nonsense! I reckon British food is better than ever
G = Gaby S = Sam
these days.
G: In my opinion, British food is still really bad.
G: I’m hungry. S: Well if you ask me, it’s your opinion that’s really bad.
S: Really? G: Ha! Spanish food is so much better, don’t you agree?
G: I haven’t eaten anything. S: To be brutally honest, no!
S: I have to eat breakfast before a game of tennis in the G: So you don’t like Spanish food?
morning. You should eat something. S: Not hugely.
G: I know, I just don’t like the food you have for breakfast G: Not even tortilla?
in England. S: Do you know what I think? Tortilla is a bit boring.
S: What? It’s great. G: BORING!
G: You put butter on toast! I think that’s very strange. S: It’s just egg and potato.
S: Strange? I really don’t think that’s true. G: AND … ONIONS! Sam! Are you ok? Sam? Sam! Wake up!
G: And you put milk … in your tea! Don’t you think Say something!
that’s horrible! S: I didn’t realize you were so passionate about food …
S: No! Breakfast isn’t just buttered toast and milky tea! G: I’m sorry! I got a bit angry.
People always say that British food isn’t very good, but S: It’s OK. I’m sorry too. Your tortilla is really good.
that’s not true anymore! For instance, the food in my café G: Thanks … and you … are probably right. British food is
isn’t horrible, is it? good these days. What?
G: No, it’s good. But what I mean is that in general British S: Haha, you said it. British food is good! I was right! Game,
food is … average … set and match – Sam! Yes.
G: OK. My serve.

EPISODE 7 – Comfort eating G: No, that wouldn’t work … to say what?

M = Milly G = Gaby Z = Zac M: I don’t know exactly. The best thing might be to just
ask him if he got the letter?
M: So … I got your text. What’s up?
G: No no no no no no no no no. That’s a terrible idea.
G: Oh Milly! It’s big news.
I’m already really embarrassed. I’m not going to
M: Woah. You’re starting to sound like Zac. What’s
embarrass myself anymore.
going on?
M: Well … if that’s how you feel …
G: Please, sit down.
G: I don’t know Milly … I’m thinking about moving
M: So?
back to my parent’s house in Madrid. You know,
G: So … I like Sam.
save up some money …
M: So do I!
M: Well … If I were you, I’d take some time to think
G: I mean, I really like Sam …
about it … Hey. I have an idea.
M: Oh … that’s … great!
G: What?
G: No. It’s not great …
M: You hungry?
M: Why?
G: A little.
G: Well … It was about a week ago … Last Monday,
M: Perfect! Why don’t we cook something delicious!
Sam had to leave work early and so he asked me to
It’ll help take your mind off Sam!
close up the café. I had decided to tell him how I felt,
G: OK. That’s a good idea. It’s worth a try.
and so before I locked up, I wrote a letter expressing
M: OK … the recipe says it should be cooked by now.
my true feelings for him. … And I left it on the
G: Oh. It looks a bit sad. It looks like me.
counter for him to find. He must have seen it.
M: We could put on some whipped cream and
M: So … What did he say?
G: Nothing. Nada. Zero. And all week he’s been acting
G: And maybe some fruit on top?
like nothing happened!
M: Good plan.
M: Oh … Have you tried talking to him about it?
G, Z, M: Ooooooooo!
G: No … I can’t, I … I don’t know what to say …
Z: Great timing.
Anyway, he clearly doesn’t feel the same, so …
M: Ready?
there’s nothing to say.
G: GO!
M: Or … what about sending a text or an email
or something?

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Video scripts Café Hub Level 3 

EPISODE 8 – Flat-packed Z: There must be some pieces missing.

S: I think if you put the screws in on the other side, it will
S = Sam Z = Zac G = Gaby
hold together.
S: So … Let’s do this. Z: What screws?
Z: WAIT! S: These screws.
S: Why? Z: Is this how you do it?
Z: We need to prepare. S: No! Let me show you …
S: Prepare for what? This is how you do it. There you go. Perfect?
Z: Ready! You? Z: Are you sure this is correct?
S: Ready. OK. The first thing to do is organize all of the S: Probably. Oh I don’t know.
pieces into the correct order. Z: Are you OK?
Z: Sorry, can you say that again? S: Yeah, I’m fine.
S: If you take your helmet off, you’ll be able to hear better. Z: I know when something’s wrong with you man.
Z: Oh sure. What did you say? What’s up?
S: Just lay out all the pieces in a row. S: It’s … complicated.
Z: OK right! Z: What is?
S: When you’ve done that, take the packet of screws. S: Look. I really like someone and I thought that maybe she
Z: OK right! felt the same, but recently she’s been acting strangely
S: Are you going to keep doing that? around me …
Z: OK right! Z: Strangely?
S: Can you stop saying that? S: Yeah, a bit cold and unfriendly and I don’t know why. The
Z: OK … wrong …? big problem is … I’m in love with …
S: Yeah. Let’s just get this done. Z: GABY!
Z: OK … then. S: How did you know?
S: Right … after that you … put the screws into the correct G: Know what?
holes which are … S: Umm, er, I was just asking Zac how he knew … which
Z: You what? screw to use.
S: You just put it all together I guess? Z: We’re building some shelves.
Z: Let’s follow the pictures. G: Oh … cool. Whatever.
S: Make sure you … insert the screws on both sides …
before letting go.

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Video scripts Café Hub Level 3 

EPISODE 9 – Leaving London N: Maybe we should watch a romantic comedy next time?
Z: No, please no.
Z = Zac N = Neena G = Gaby S = Sam
G: Oh … about next time. There’s something I’ve been
Z: Big news. It’s film night. So what are we meaning to tell you.
watching tonight? Z: Oh you won’t be here for the next film night? Oh, that’s
N: A film called ‘Come Home’. I read the book a few years OK, we can …
ago. The review in the paper says: “If you like sad and G: No … I mean … I won’t be here at all.
romantic films, then this is the one for you. It’s a modern Z: Oh.
tale of romance. Two friends work together in London, G: I’m moving back to Madrid. I love it here and I love living
they’re both in love with each other, but they don’t with you, but work isn’t good … and other things.
realize it.” Zac! Sit down! N: When are you thinking of leaving?
Z: I think I have some work to do. G: I’ve already booked my flight. I leave on Friday evening.
G: Zac! You made us watch that terrible horror movie for N: That’s so soon!
the last film night, so you have to watch this one now. G: I know. I’m sorry. I just want to go home now.
Z: OK … Z: We’re gonna miss you Gaby.
N: Plus it’s got Jessica Brune in it. N: Yeah, we will.
Z: Oh really! She’s a brilliant actor. G: I’m … going to do some packing.
N: Apparently it’s a real tearjerker. N: Do you want a hand?
Z: Not for me! I never cry during movies. G: Yeah.
G: Haha! Yeah right! Z: Sam!
N: Here we go. Wow. What an amazing performance … S: Hey buddy, just finishing up. What’s going on?
I loved the scene where he writes the letter to her. Z: Sam … I have some … some big news.
Z: Yeah. But she never got the letter. And so she never S: What is it?
knew that he was also in love with her … And then she Z: It’s Gaby. She’s leaving London and going back to live
just left! Oh man, that was a really sad ending … Neena, with her parents in Madrid.
I have to admit, that was a really good movie. S: Oh … when?
N: See! I knew you’d like it! You should definitely check out Z: … Friday …
the book. It’s really worth reading. S: Look, I gotta go. I’ll see you soon, OK?
Z: What do you think Gaby? Z: OK. Take care. Call me.
G: I thought the plot was good and it felt like real life … S: OK sure. Bye.
because … that’s what happens in real life. Things don’t
always work out perfectly and not everyone falls in
love … It’s sad. It’s tragic. But it’s true.

EPISODE 10 – Come home right thing to say. I know you’ve already made your mind
G = Gaby S = Sam Z = Zac N = Neena S = Sam up about leaving and I’m going to miss you so much.
The thought of not having you in my life hurts, because:
G: It’s time to go … I think …
I love you. I always have. I just didn’t know how to say it
S: Thanks. See you.
before. Take good care of yourself.
Z: You’ll be fine, don’t worry.
Z: … She’s probably getting to the airport about now …
G: Thanks Zac. I’m really sorry to leave so quickly.
N: Zac! I’m not sure that’s helpful. Listen Sam. It’s all going
Z: There’s no need to apologize!
to be OK.
G: I’ll keep paying the rent until you get a new housemate.
S: I’m such an idiot! I can’t believe that I missed her.
I’m sure you’ll find someone soon.
G: You didn’t.
N: Honestly, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it – it’s just one of
S: Gaby!
those things. I’m really going to miss you!
G: Hi … sorry, I forgot to leave my key …
G: You have to come and visit me!
S: I just found your letter! It was under the counter. I wish I’d
Z: Of course we will!
known. It’s my fault …
N: Oh, this letter arrived for you.
G: I thought you’d read it! Oh no Sam. It’s not your fault. It’s
G: Thanks. That’s my taxi … well … goodbye.
my fault. I should’ve said something.
S: Gaby?
S: Me too.
Z: Whoa, you just missed her. What’s going on?
G: I know …
S: It’s from Gaby. I thought she’d been acting strangely.
S: … What about your plane? You’re going to miss it?
N: What does it say?
G: I’ve changed my mind about leaving.
S: That … that she’s in love with me.
Z: Well … it seems like you’ve totally got this all under
Z: But you’re also in …
control, so we might …
S: Yeah I know!
N: … Yeah …
N: Oh Sam!
S: I’m scared.
S: And … she’s gone.
G: Me too. But there’s nothing to worry about. This is going
Dear Gaby. I’ve just heard that you’re leaving London
to be great.
and … I wish I had said this to you in person, but I just
S: Come here. Zac!
couldn’t find the words. I’m so sorry but I never know the
Z: Sorry!

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