Alcpt 81

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‘AMERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE PLACEMENT TEST FORK 62 PART + LISTENING Dis-cetons for items 1-56. You will hear statements or questions on the tape, Select che best anever and mazk your dnsver sheet, a, b,c, ord. 00 MOT WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLET. 3 ai how cana te is 9. Me vas responsible for 5) how much if cose the Gi where it ip lecsved 4) way te vas Bulle fa) nesith of che nen B) safety of the 2. a) He cakes pletures. organization 5) He cute down trees, ¢) payment of the men €) He sells grocerie 4) condition of the 8) He studies the baildings weather 10, Rodney is probably 2. a) five dotiars i meat and vegerables a) tan : ¢) officers and men b) tired 4) one hour ) angry @) ugly, B) dn a Bane 21, He can't take the €) at @ storage cank 4) St a bench a) matt 5) tase a They buy rugs. ©) Book ) They clean rugs. a dealt ° They make rugs © They repair rugs 12. a) a cigarette 5) candy 6. a) She has been eacing ©) a book 5) She has been writing, @) a car ¢) She has been calking, 4) She has been bahing: 23, a) to drive dangerously 5) to earn around 7. a) Tete the oldest ©) to drive carefully street. @) to stop at once b) e's the principal pereet, 14, a) The bus will stop ar cl dere the prettiest the next corner. Sereer b) The bus will stop on che next stceee the ocher aide of ne 8. Sue coutdn’e cc) The bus will stop at the next street. a drive 4) The bus will, seop * Seep Fight here! ce study a ent ALCPT FORM #1 1s. 7, is Fe 20 2 a >) 2 “ ») ° a a >) 2) 4) Nobody has to pay. ‘The tax has to be pate Te is very cheap. Te can't be free, He found a stamp inside the lecter We found the letter closed. ‘The letter had an ‘The leccer was perfect. ie has great value. Te is difficult to understand. it ts known by many people. Te has a long history. We received a gift We wae given a pay raise He lost nis wallet He ate breakfast. Ne. Watkins knows those students Mr. Kelly knows those students. Kelly and Watkins don't know the ‘students One knows the students and the other doesn't He Liked ie. He added co tc re nade nim comtoreable Te frightened hia, We put on a nat He put on boots. He put on gloves. He put on a sweater a. 26 2 » >) e a a ») e) a » ») e 4) 7) a ” 2 2) 4 » » 2 2 Joe repairdd his watch. ‘This repairman is not at the shop. ‘The repairman cannot promise co fix the waren. ‘The repairean promised to have the watch fixed. It is requirea. te ie interesting. Boys and girls 9° cogecher. Te is free for ne Miss Jones does very sloppy work. Mise Jones dose good, work. Like her work Miss Jones doesn't finish her work. He found etiem ‘together. Me returned then together. He bought them cogether. He examined then cogecher, Wer mind is disturbed. Wer leg is broken. Mer heart is weak. Mer fever is elevated. Me forgot the new method’ We found a new sethod. We lost the new Sechod We are looking for a yew sethod. ALcPT FORM 82 2.) ») a % a % +) ») , o a » ‘ a wo a He wanted to abolish is Job. He wanted to make his ob easier. He wanted to somplicate his job. fe wanted to make his 9b optional half of chem none of then @IL of chem the majoricy just before the lecture began sn the middle of che lecture fas soon as the lecture Jong after the lecture had ended marityn 1s older than Paillip. marilyn and Phillip are the sane age. Seralyn ie younger han Phillip. warilyn is taller than Dnitip. He speaks saglish poorlt He speaks a liccle Exgliah. he speaks English fairly well We speaks English very well was delivered to FON ong parece » never reached ice Detinacion ) \eeas completely paid a” was received in jesd condition. ue as. 36. Pe 3s. » » ° a a ») e a a >) ) a) ” ») ° >) e) a ®) a ‘They won't arrive before its departure. They plan to arrive before its departure ‘They have already arrived at the airport. ‘They don't want to arrive before the Geparture. Z have nothing to Mo one will go with Thave no pen oF notebook. No one has . tt disappeared. Te was closed. Te vas started. Te took off. ‘the chaize need to be cleaned. Tne stairs lead co the 008. ‘The chairs cannot be moved. ‘The floor should not be covered. BiLL took over his work again BILL forgot his vork Bill dia pot do nis work. Bill perfected his work He observed safety regulations. He studied safery regulations. He dign'e follow satety regulations. Re followed safery regulations. ALCPT FORM 81 «0. a a ” >) 4 a » ©) a a >) e a a) ») 2) a a) » 2) 4) ” » 2 5) © @ a ») e) a Darlene buile something. Darlene chose what to 3. Darlene asked what to 30 Dariene made a speech. 1 aid nis work. F bought medicine for bin, T Looked after his. I wrote to his They could not They could not move forward. They could not stop co They could not comunicace. He uae finiened. He was just beginning. He was aearly finished. He was halfway Hinished. Te was bending: Te was loosening. Te was straining, Te was leaking ‘The neve was concroilea ‘The news made Thomas cola ‘The news was old. ‘The news nade Thomas ‘eogey. He noticed a crack Re fixed a crack. He sade a crack. He reported a crack. Te de raining outside ie is cloudy today The wind is blowing. The air ia still 4. so su, 3 ” >) < a ” 5) 4) a >) a » 2) >) 2 a » » ey ‘They are sold cogether ‘They are stuck cogether. They are printed cogether ‘They are collected ogether, Don't contribute now. Don't claim victory, Don't interfere now. Don't quit now. He wrote about the He uses a Dig Drush. Tia looking for a Lost check Tim running to the banks Pin getting Lote of Thm gable ir 6s Foner He alsoet had an accident coday’ He had an accident coaay. fie had a haircut roday’ Aucer Fore 62 s Dire 58 Py b) a ” 2 a uteniun 56 was discovered recently ie in short supply doesn'c last long @oesn't cost much ‘The band led the parade. The floacs cane before he band. ‘The band wasn't included. The floats vere on the river. . They are 2 ») °) a red seollen, black fons for items 57-66. You will hear conversations oF pelo giving information. Select che best answer and mark + Your anever aBeet, a, B, c, oF d. He Ae physically out 6. of shape. we is fat and lazy. He has good physical endurance = has The money is in his > © a 2 » rouse bank desk pants She is going to take trip on the bus She 4 going across the ocean 6 She is going to another inland city She is going to a sighboring city. a ») ey @ *) >) e * » » <) 2 » 2) a ‘The man cleaned his garage out. The man made his garage bigger. fhe man repaired his garage. ‘The man painted his garage. We're sending them back to the factory. with higher pric We're selling then for He is never on tine. He can't be crusted. He ie reliable. He is selfish where che stores axe inside che Dank Shece’ two streets fa the station ALCP FORM 81 “ fa) not paved 1B) not straight fe) not lighted 4) not marked The car a) is illegally "parked B) was stolen in Georgia €) is stalled at a light 4) has its Lights on 66, Bil nad fan appointment b) a recital ) money, 4) a relapse ‘THIS IS THE END OF THE LISTENING PART OF THE TEST. PART IZ ~ READING Directions for itens 67-100. your answer sheet, a, b, ¢, oF &. ‘Boone, o. ss 6. 7 Select the best answer and mark ‘DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST sudy te fat cyping than June. a) as accurate B) accurate ©) sore accurate 4) nest accurate r sleeping at midnight. could >) aia c) had a) vas Select the correct sentence. a a) The warehouse old in evo minutes burned down, D) The burned down old warehouse in two minutes Me. Duffy is holding a book 4) pockee D) hand ©) desk 4) car ALCPT FORM 62 n n Astificial Light is Light from che sun b) san-made light ¢ daylight @) Lighe from the moon Did you nottty the doctor? E) return to ©) ting 5) infor People have known about magnets for many centuries. uses in science © people to buy then \ countries chac produce thes 4) hundreds of years ve pilot wild maintain flying speed or the plane will crash, a) would Shave to my ‘ought to Hoecame here in 1965 and he |" here since then. works. by worked ) has been working 4) iy working Marcy Likes the idea of at luncheine wil leave (eaving Be Leaving 4 natural disaster occurs, can cause serious bvoblens for residence they eher eat ALCPT FORM 82 Henry enjoys fishing very mich. Henry fish. a) Likes B) Likes co ©) enjoys eating @) Likes co prepare 79. Camoutiage is used in the air force to a) hide airplanes b) fire ar other planes ¢) talk to the tover @) repair che engines 80. The air in the tires helps to absorb shock. a) save fuel b) make them larger ¢) make the ride sacother 7 4) increase the speed 81, Many Americans are interested in the weather. They read, Listen to, and talk about the weather forecasts. If the Seacher forecaster announces the prospect of & clear weekend, millions vill prepare for enjoyable outdoor trips TE che forecaster predicts unfavorable weather, outdoor activities are reduced * what is the main subject of this reading selection? 4) outdoor trips >) clear weekends ¢) outdoor activities @) weather predictions 42. The new bank building has several £1001 a) elevators B) windows ¢) Businesses 4) stories 2. An overpase was built for the troops at Lackland Air Force a) & bridge b) A dormitory c) A fire escape 4) A parade stand os. ws ww, satement caught everyone's attention, “ a a) > a i want to buy that property iets too expensive. sei. where unless Ae best co protect your cools rotecure and dust. wich, toward against __ of the cartoons will be aired Saturday. nobody ay Something old the waitress co keep thftchange as @ ___ cota be. pelt roll che commander thought that the proposed plan vas Anpeactical. important cnusable y'the comandant was not able to get his point across explain vesearch Finish wrice ALCPT FORM 61 2. 2 2 * % Robin has an uni a) auroncbite ») viewpoint. ©) occupation 4) heritage Bd entertained us with fiertona? a) cme 2b) interesting ©) invented @) funny ‘The office of the state senator is vacant right now. a) pays weit 5) ta filled ¢) wae eliminacea 4) has no one in te They not be able to go to the party. a) can BI mighe ) have to @) are allowed to HE you stop at the Bx, sone cigarettes a) buy B) would buy ©) shoul have Boughe 4) will buy ‘opening the book, Mire. Castel found an error on page ») Despice 6) Within ALCP FORK #1 97, Scientists recognize that air ions affect living matter. For example, increasing the negative ions in the atmosphere iuces the incidence of respiratory illness. Negative ion therapy relieves pain in severe burn victims. Chronic ion depetvation, common with modern ventilating equipment, causes lassitude and loss of mental and physical efficiency. According co the paragraph, 2) negative ions are extremely rare she government has established air ion standards €: air ons cause loss of mental efficiency 4) negative ions can be beneficial 96. The man needed a shopping to put his groceries in. a) vehicle B) cruck ¢) line, . ta the 17th and 18ch centuries, France's posses Avlantic coast of torth America were known collectively as Acedia. The settienents fluctuated between French and Euplish rule until 1763 when England took final possession. fy 4955, many Acadians were deported for refusing to take an joath of loyalty to England. Most of these deportees ended vupin southern Louisiana, where they still maintain a cate identity as “Cajuns,” yith cheir ow language and + main topic of this paragraph is 4) the origins of the Cajun people >) the French and English wars *) British rule in Acadia jasions in Noreh America 200. vere very orthodox ®) conventional tiverad (zarre ©) Sdmdzable S€ SMD OF THE TEST. n

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