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01885072233 II Towfique Ahmed II Language Loom.

Are there any biases or personal opinions evident

LANGUAGE LOOM How do these assumptions and biases influence
01885072233 the author's arguments or conclusions?

Purpose and Context: Structure and Persuasion:

What is the main purpose or goal of the text?

What is the broader context in which the text was How does the author attempt to persuade or
written or published? convince the reader?
What is the author's intention? Are they trying to Are there any persuasive techniques used, such as
inform, persuade, entertain, or something else? appeals to emotions, logic, or authority?
Are there any counterarguments or opposing
 Audience and Tone: viewpoints addressed?

Who is the intended audience for the text? What is Interpretation and Analysis:
their background or perspective?
What is the overall tone of the text? Is it formal, What are the main ideas or key points expressed in
informal, objective, biased, or emotional? the text?
How do these ideas relate to each other and to the
Structure and Organization: broader context?
What is your own interpretation or analysis of the
How is the text structured? Are there clear sections, text, based on the evidence and information
paragraphs, or headings? presented?
Is there a logical progression of ideas or arguments?
Are there any patterns or recurring themes?  What is P.E.E

 Language and Style: 1. Point: The point is the main idea or argument
that you want to make in your paragraph. It is the
What is the language used in the text? Is it simple, topic sentence that introduces the central point
technical, jargon-filled, or accessible to the you will be discussing.
intended audience?
Is there any figurative language, such as metaphors
or similes, used to convey meaning? Identify the Point: Determine the main
Are there any rhetorical devices employed, such as point or argument that you want to make in
repetition, parallelism, or irony? response to the text. This should be a
concise and clear statement that reflects
 Evidence and Support: your understanding of the text.

What evidence or examples are provided to

support the main points or arguments?
Are the sources of evidence reliable and credible? 2. Evidence: The evidence is the supporting
Are there any logical fallacies or biases in the information or examples that you provide to
presentation of evidence? support your point. It can be in the form of
quotations, statistics, facts, or any other relevant
Assumptions and Bias: information that adds weight to your argument.
The evidence helps to demonstrate that your point
What underlying assumptions does the author is valid and credible.
01885072233 II Towfique Ahmed II Language Loom.
Look for specific examples, quotes, or data 3. Explanation: This evidence suggests that the
from the text that support your point. observed phenomena are likely consequences of
These can be direct references or climate change caused by human actions. The
paraphrased information from the text. melting ice caps and extreme weather events, such
as hurricanes and heatwaves, provide tangible
evidence of the severity of the problem and the
need for immediate action.
3.Explanation: The explanation is the analysis and
interpretation of the evidence you have presented.
It explains how the evidence supports and relates
back to your main point. This is where you
demonstrate your understanding of the topic and
provide insight or reasoning that connects the EXAMPLE : 2
evidence to your argument. Short Text:
Provide an analysis or explanation of how
the evidence you selected supports your "AI development has made significant
point. Connect the dots between the strides in recent years. Machine learning
evidence and your main argument by algorithms have revolutionized various
demonstrating the logical relationship industries, from healthcare to finance.
between them.
These algorithms have the ability to analyze
vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and
Example : 1 make accurate predictions. Additionally,
advancements in natural language
Short Text: processing have led to the development of
virtual assistants and chatbots that can
"Climate change is a pressing global issue
understand and respond to human
that requires immediate action. Rising
language, enhancing user experiences.
temperatures, melting ice caps, and
However, ethical considerations and
extreme weather events are clear
potential job displacement remain
indications of the impact of human
important concerns as AI continues to
activities on the planet. According to
scientific studies, the burning of fossil fuels
and deforestation contribute significantly to 1. Point: The short text highlights the
greenhouse gas emissions, exacerbating the advancements and impacts of AI development in
problem. It is crucial for governments, recent years.
industries, and individuals to take collective 2. Evidence: The text mentions the revolutionary
responsibility and adopt sustainable impact of machine learning algorithms in various
practices to mitigate climate change." industries, such as healthcare and finance. It also
discusses the development of virtual assistants and
 using P.E.E. chat bots using natural language processing.

1. Point: The short text emphasizes the urgent 3. Explanation: This evidence demonstrates the
need for action to address climate change. significant strides made in AI development.
Machine learning algorithms have transformed
2. Evidence: The text highlights rising industries by enabling data analysis, pattern
temperatures, melting ice caps, and extreme recognition, and accurate predictions. The
weather events as clear indications of the impact development of virtual assistants and chat bots
of human activities on the planet. showcases advancements in natural language
01885072233 II Towfique Ahmed II Language Loom.
processing, enhancing human-computer  Corroborates: This indicates that the evidence
interaction. However, ethical considerations and aligns with or supports existing evidence or
potential job displacement are important factors claims.
that need to be addressed as AI continues to
advance, ensuring the responsible and beneficial  Validates: This implies that the evidence
implementation of these technologies. confirms or proves the accuracy or validity of a
particular claim or argument.

 Presents/Offers/Provides: These phrases

BASIC PHRASES suggest that the evidence introduces or gives
available information that supports a claim or

 Shows: This indicates that the evidence  Highlights: This suggests that the evidence
demonstrates or presents a specific finding or brings attention to or emphasizes a particular
result. aspect or point, supporting the overall
 Proves: This implies that the evidence
provides conclusive proof or evidence in  Reinforces: This implies that the evidence
support of a claim or argument. strengthens or adds further weight to an
existing argument or claim.
 Indicates: This suggests that the evidence
points to or suggests a particular conclusion or  Substantiates: This indicates that the evidence
outcome. provides substantial or significant support for a
claim or argument.
 Supports: This implies that the evidence
provides support or justification for a claim or  Shows/Reveals/Displays: These phrases
argument. suggest that the evidence uncovers or
demonstrates specific information or findings
 Implies: This suggests that the evidence that support a claim or argument.
suggests or implies a certain idea or meaning.
 Points out: This indicates that the evidence
 Suggests: This indicates that the evidence draws attention to or identifies a specific detail
proposes or puts forward a possible or aspect that bolsters a claim or argument.
explanation or idea.
 Signifies: This implies that the evidence serves
 Demonstrates: This implies that the evidence as a clear indication or sign that supports a
clearly shows or illustrates a particular concept particular claim or argument.
or phenomenon.
 Establishes beyond doubt: This suggests that
 Confirms: This suggests that the evidence the evidence conclusively and unequivocally
verifies or affirms the truth or validity of a proves a claim or argument, leaving no room
claim or argument. for uncertainty.
 Illustrates: This indicates that the evidence  Indicates a strong link: This suggests that the
provides an example or instance that helps to evidence points to a strong connection or
clarify or explain a point. relationship between variables or concepts.
 Reflects: This implies that the evidence  Proposes a causal relationship: This implies
mirrors or represents a specific situation or that the evidence suggests a cause-and-effect
condition relationship between factors or events.

01885072233 II Towfique Ahmed II Language Loom.
 Substantiates the hypothesis: This indicates ideas. Example: "She ran to the store, and he
that the evidence provides solid support for stayed home."
the proposed hypothesis or theory.
Complex Sentence: A complex sentence contains
 Points towards a correlation: This suggests one independent clause and at least one
that the evidence indicates a statistical dependent clause. The dependent clause cannot
association or relationship between variables. stand alone as a complete sentence. Example:
"Although she was tired, she went to the store."
 Affirms the findings: This implies that the
evidence confirms or validates the results or Compound-Complex Sentence: A compound-
conclusions of previous studies or research. complex sentence combines elements of both
compound and complex sentences. It contains two
 Yields compelling data: This suggests that the or more independent clauses and at least one
evidence provides persuasive and convincing dependent clause. Example: "She went to the store,
data or information that supports a claim or but he stayed home because he was tired."
Declarative Sentence: A declarative sentence
 Presents a compelling case: This indicates that makes a statement or expresses an opinion.
the evidence offers a strong and persuasive Example: "I enjoy reading books."
argument or example to support a claim.
Interrogative Sentence: An interrogative sentence
 Validates the claims: This implies that the asks a question. Example: "Are you coming to the
evidence serves to verify or substantiate the party?"
validity or truth of specific claims or assertions.
Imperative Sentence: An imperative sentence gives
 Supports with empirical evidence: This a command or makes a request. Example: "Please
suggests that the evidence is derived from pass the salt."
direct observation, measurement, or
experimentation, lending credibility to the Exclamatory Sentence: An exclamatory sentence
argument. expresses strong emotion or surprise. Example:
"What a beautiful sunset!"
 Demonstrates a consistent pattern: This
indicates that the evidence shows a repeated
and consistent occurrence or trend,
reinforcing the argument. Read the texts: Begin by reading both texts
carefully and thoroughly. Take note of their subject
matter, tone, style, and any significant details.
Q7 - COMPARISON Questions.
1. Identify the purpose: Determine the purpose
But before that lets look at some of each text. Is it to inform, persuade,
general issues entertain, or argue? Understanding the
purpose will help you analyze the techniques
 Sentence Structures : and strategies used in each text.

Simple Sentence: A simple sentence consists of one 2. Analyze the content: Examine the content of
independent clause, typically containing a subject both texts and identify the main ideas or
and a verb. It expresses a complete thought on its themes presented. Look for similarities and
own. Example: "She ran to the store." differences in the way the information is
presented, the examples used, or the
Compound Sentence: A compound sentence viewpoints expressed.
consists of two or more independent clauses
joined by coordinating conjunctions (such as "and," 3. Consider the audience: Think about the
"but," or "or") or semicolons. It connects related intended audience for each text. Consider
01885072233 II Towfique Ahmed II Language Loom.
their age, knowledge, interests, and values. unique benefits that cannot be replicated
How does each text tailor its message to the indoors.
target audience? Are there any specific
language choices or stylistic features that cater Physical Health Benefits
to the audience?
Outdoor exercise engages different muscle
4. Compare the structure and organization:
Analyze the structure and organization of both groups and challenges the body in various
texts. Look at how they introduce and develop ways. The uneven terrain and natural
ideas, the use of paragraphs, headings, and obstacles provide an opportunity for a full-
subheadings, and any patterns or transitions body workout. Additionally, exposure to
that help guide the reader. natural sunlight promotes vitamin D
5. Examine language and style: Pay attention to synthesis, which is crucial for bone health
the language choices, tone, and style and immune function.
employed in each text. Look for literary
devices, such as metaphors, similes, Mental Health Benefits
alliteration, or repetition. Analyze the use of
formal or informal language, the sentence Spending time outdoors has a positive
structure, and the overall writing style. impact on mental health. The fresh air,
calming sounds of nature, and scenic views
6. Consider the effect on the reader: Evaluate
help reduce stress levels and improve mood.
the impact of each text on the reader. How
does each text engage, persuade, or influence Studies have shown that outdoor exercise
the reader? Consider the emotional appeal, can alleviate symptoms of depression and
logical reasoning, or rhetorical techniques anxiety, enhancing overall well-being.
Variety and Motivation
 Highlight similarities and differences:
Compare the texts, highlighting the similarities Outdoor exercise offers a diverse range of
and differences in their content, style, purpose, activities, such as cycling, swimming, or
and effects. Identify specific examples or
simply walking in the neighborhood. This
evidence from the texts to support your
analysis. variety prevents monotony and keeps
individuals motivated to continue their
EXAMPLES : fitness journey. The ever-changing
landscapes provide new challenges and
TEXT 1 stimulate the mind and body.

Incorporating outdoor exercise into one's

Title: The Benefits of Outdoor Exercise fitness routine can yield remarkable
benefits for both physical and mental
Outdoor exercise offers numerous health. The opportunity to connect with
advantages for physical and mental well- nature, experience different environments,
being. It provides a refreshing change of and enjoy the sense of freedom make
environment from indoor workouts and outdoor exercise an appealing and effective
allows individuals to connect with nature. choice for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Whether it's a jog in the park or a hike in
the mountains, outdoor exercise offers TEXT 2 :

Title: The Advantages of Indoor Exercise

01885072233 II Towfique Ahmed II Language Loom.
Indoor exercise has gained popularity for Indoor exercise provides a reliable, safe,
its convenience and accessibility. With a and convenient option for individuals
wide range of options available, individuals seeking to improve their fitness levels. Its
can engage in effective workouts within the weather independence, controlled
comfort of their own homes or at local environment, and privacy make it an
fitness centers. Indoor exercise offers attractive choice for those looking for
several advantages that make it a preferred consistent and hassle-free workouts.
choice for many.
Weather-Independent The two texts discuss the advantages of exercise,
but they differ in terms of the exercise
One of the key advantages of indoor setting/types. Text 1 highlights the benefits of
exercise is its independence from weather outdoor exercise, emphasizing the physical and
mental health advantages of engaging with nature.
conditions. Regardless of rain, snow, or
It emphasizes the unique aspects of outdoor
extreme heat, individuals can maintain workouts, such as the full-body workout from
their fitness routine without any uneven terrain and the positive impact of natural
disruptions. This ensures consistency and sunlight on vitamin D levels. The text also
eliminates the need to adapt plans based emphasizes the variety and motivation that
on unpredictable outdoor conditions. outdoor exercise offers due to the ever-changing

In contrast, Text 2 focuses on the advantages of

indoor exercise. It emphasizes the convenience
Safety and Controlled Environment
and accessibility of indoor workouts, regardless of
weather conditions. The text highlights the safety
Indoor exercise provides a controlled and and controlled environment of fitness centers and
safe environment. Fitness centers and home gyms, where individuals can adjust settings
home gyms are equipped with proper to their preferences. It also mentions the privacy
equipment, ensuring optimal safety during and convenience of indoor exercise, allowing
individuals to exercise without public scrutiny and
workouts. Additionally, individuals can
saving travel time.
easily adjust settings like temperature and
ventilation to create a comfortable exercise While Text 1 emphasizes the connection with
space. nature and the mental well-being derived from
outdoor exercise, Text 2 emphasizes the reliability
and convenience of indoor workouts. Text 1
suggests that outdoor exercise provides a
Privacy and Convenience refreshing change of environment and engages
different muscle groups. On the other hand, Text 2
Indoor exercise offers privacy, which is emphasizes the weather independence and
particularly appealing to those who prefer controlled environment of indoor exercise,
to exercise without public scrutiny. ensuring consistency and optimal safety.
Additionally, the convenience of having a Both texts acknowledge the benefits of exercise
gym or workout space nearby eliminates but offer different perspectives on the ideal
the need for travel time, making it easier to exercise setting. Text 1 targets individuals seeking
fit exercise into busy schedules. a closer connection with nature, a diverse workout
experience, and a mental escape from everyday
life. Text 2 caters to individuals who prioritize
convenience, privacy, and a controlled
01885072233 II Towfique Ahmed II Language Loom.
environment in their exercise routine. It may be Example: "Traditional teaching methods involve
stated that, both texts highlights the diverse passive learning. In contrast, project-based
options available for exercise and allows readers to learning encourages active engagement and critical
consider their personal preferences, needs, and thinking."
goals when choosing between outdoor and indoor
exercise. 5. On the other hand: This phrase introduces an
alternative viewpoint or presents a contrasting
II Have you observed closely how the perspective to the one previously mentioned.
contrasting “phrases transitional words”
Example: "Some people prefer a structured work
has been used to provide to talk about the environment. On the other hand, others thrive in
evidence ? II more flexible and creative settings."

Let us learn some : 6. Despite this: This phrase is used to

acknowledge a contrasting point or factor that
does not negate or undermine the main
argument or idea.

1. On the contrary: This phrase is used to Example: "The team faced numerous setbacks
introduce a contrasting or opposing viewpoint during the project. Despite this, they managed to
or information. It suggests that the following complete it successfully."
statement or argument goes against or
contradicts the previous point.  TO ADD ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TO
Example: "Many believe that technology isolates Additionally
people. On the contrary, advancements in
technology have facilitated global connectivity and In addition, Furthermore, Also, Besides,
communication." Moreover, What's more, Additionally,Not
2. However: This transitional word signals a shift only that, On top of that, Likewise, Equally
in thought or introduces a contrasting idea. It important, Similarly,Furthermore,Moreover
acknowledges a counterpoint or opposing etc.
perspective to the previous statement.
Example: "The experiment yielded unexpected
results. However, further research is needed to 
draw definitive conclusions." Simile: A figure of speech that compares two
different things using "like" or "as." Example:
"Her laughter was like music to his ears."
3. Conversely: This term introduces an opposite
or contrasting idea to what has been Metaphor: Similar to a simile, but it directly states
previously mentioned, highlighting a different that one thing is another. Example: "Time is a
perspective or outcome. thief."

Example : "While some argue that social media Personification: Giving human qualities or
promotes superficial relationships, conversely, it characteristics to inanimate objects or abstract
has allowed individuals to connect and form ideas. Example: "The trees danced in the wind."
meaningful friendships online."
Hyperbole: An exaggerated statement or claim not
4. In contrast: This phrase is useful for explicitly meant to be taken literally. Example: "I've told you
stating a difference or juxtaposing two a million times!"
contrasting ideas or concepts.
01885072233 II Towfique Ahmed II Language Loom.
Alliteration: The repetition of initial consonant It keeps the readers engaged and eager to know
sounds in words or phrases. Example: "Peter Piper what will happen next.
picked a peck of pickled peppers."
Tone: The author's attitude or emotional stance
Onomatopoeia: The use of words that imitate the towards the subject matter of the writing. It sets
sounds associated with the objects or actions they the overall mood and helps convey the intended
refer to. Example: "The buzzing bee flew by." message.

Oxymoron: A combination of contradictory words Satire: The use of humor, irony, or exaggeration to
to create a paradoxical effect. Example: "Jumbo criticize or ridicule human vices, shortcomings, or
shrimp." institutions. It often employs sarcasm to highlight
flaws in society or individuals.
Irony: A contrast between what is expected and
what actually happens. Example: A fire station Metonymy: A figure of speech where a word or
burning down. phrase is substituted with another word or phrase
that is closely associated with it. Example:
Referring to the "crown" to represent a king or
Foreshadowing: Hints or clues about future events
in a story. Example: "As she walked into the old Euphemism: The use of mild or indirect words or
house, a sense of dread washed over her." expressions to replace harsh or blunt ones. It is
often used to soften or make something less
Symbolism: The use of an object, person, or offensive or unpleasant. Example: "He passed
situation to represent a deeper meaning. Example: away" instead of "He died."
The dove is a symbol of peace.
Allegory: A story or poem in which characters and
events represent abstract ideas or moral qualities. OUR MINDS.
Example: "Animal Farm" by George Orwell is an
allegory for the Russian Revolution and the rise of EXAMPLE TEXT : —> IT ALL COMES DOWN
communism. TO THIS
Imagery: The use of vivid and descriptive language "Under the scorching sun, the city breathed
to create mental pictures and appeal to the senses.
a heavy sigh. The streets, paved with
Example: "The sun set, casting a warm golden glow
over the fields." molten gold, simmered with life. The
cacophony of car horns, mingling with the
Allusion: A reference to a well-known person, melody of street musicians, echoed through
event, or literary work to enhance meaning. the bustling crowds. As the aroma of freshly
Example: "He was a real Romeo with the ladies."
brewed coffee wafted from corner cafes,
Repetition: The deliberate repetition of words or mingling with the scent of rain-soaked
phrases for emphasis or to create a rhythmic effect. asphalt, a young woman with eyes like
Example: "Never, never, never give up." emeralds weaved through the labyrinth of
Flashback: A scene that interrupts the
busy bodies. Her heart drummed a nervous
chronological sequence of events to depict an beat as she clutched a crumpled letter in
earlier event or memory. Example: "As she looked her trembling hands."
at the old photograph, memories of her childhood
came flooding back” Step 1 : Find the devices

suspense: The intense feeling of anticipation or Personification: The city breathing a heavy sigh
uncertainty about the outcome of events in a story. and the streets simmering with life. This
01885072233 II Towfique Ahmed II Language Loom.
personification helps to create a vivid and engaging emeralds highlights their intensity and beauty,
image of the city, making it feel alive and vibrant. making her stand out in the bustling crowd.

Metaphor: The streets paved with molten gold. STEP 3 : MERGE the MAGIC
This metaphor adds a sense of grandeur and
richness to the description of the streets, The passage creates a vivid and immersive
emphasizing their beauty and allure. description of a bustling city under the sun,
focusing on the streets and a young woman's
Onomatopoeia: The cacophony of car horns. This experience. The writer’s use of literary devices,
onomatopoeic device uses words that imitate the such as personification, metaphor, alliteration,
actual sounds of car horns, enhancing the auditory imagery, and simile, enhances the reader's sensory
experience and immersing the readers in the experience and adds depth to the description. For
bustling atmosphere of the city. example, the critical use of Personification, “the
city breathed a heavy sigh”, shows, The city
Imagery: The scent of rain-soaked asphalt. This
breathing a heavy sigh and the streets simmering
line appeals to the sense of smell, allowing readers
with life. This personification helps to create a vivid
to imagine the refreshing and earthy fragrance
and engaging image of the city, making it feel alive
after a rainfall, enhancing the overall sensory
and vibrant.
Moreover, The metaphor, “streets paved with
molten gold” adds a touch of grandeur and allure,
Simile: Her eyes like emeralds. This simile emphasizing their brilliance and liveliness. The
compares the color and brilliance of the young alliteration in "cacophony of car horns, mingling
woman's eyes to the precious gemstone, with the melody of street musicians" creates a
conveying their vivid and captivating quality. musical quality, engaging the readers' auditory
senses. The imagery of the aroma of freshly
Step 2 ( Join them USING P.E.E) brewed coffee and the scent of rain-soaked asphalt
appeals to the readers' sense of smell, creating a
Point: The passage creates a vivid and immersive rich and immersive experience. The simile
description of a bustling city under the sun, comparing the young woman's eyes to emeralds
focusing on the streets and a young woman's highlights their intensity and beauty, making her
experience. stand out in the bustling crowd.

Evidence: The use of literary devices, such as

personification, metaphor, alliteration, imagery,
and simile, enhances the reader's sensory
experience and adds depth to the description.

Explanation: The personification of the city

breathing a heavy sigh conveys a sense of
weariness and sets a tone of a hot and bustling
urban environment. The metaphor of streets
paved with molten gold adds a touch of grandeur
and allure, emphasizing their brilliance and
liveliness. The alliteration in "cacophony of car
horns, mingling with the melody of street
musicians" creates a musical quality, engaging the
readers' auditory senses. The imagery of the aroma
of freshly brewed coffee and the scent of rain-
soaked asphalt appeals to the readers' sense of
smell, creating a rich and immersive experience.
The simile comparing the young woman's eyes to

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