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Theme: Why Tigers are vital to our environment?

What are these noises? I can't seem to catch a break. These children don't seem
to care much, and their parents leave them unattended. Why do they keep
banging on the glass? Do they want to get in because it's not how they expect it
to be? Every day this week, I seem to be stuck in a glass box with nothing to do.
Unlike sloths, I prefer to explore and hunt, but these humans don't seem to care.

If I wasn't here in this zoo, I would probably be homeless or dead because our
habitats are destroyed and we are being poached down to be used as rugs or
accessories. It sounds sad and disappointing, right? But does it impact you to the
extent that you would defend us and speak for us, who cannot do anything?
Even the smallest step could make a great difference.

Do you know the significance we tigers bring to our environment? Without us,
the entire ecosystem would collapse, and it is so difficult to mitigate climate
change. Without an apex predator like me, it is impossible to not just maintain a
healthy ecosystem but also the sustenance of a multitude of species. I am this
country’s national animal; what's the significance of me being in currencies,
books, and zoos? When you are hellbent on wiping me and my family out? We
tigers are considered the pride of India, and we are embedded in Indian culture.
You humans were excited when Katy Perry roared; if you can give it at least half
the attention it deserves, there may never be a day where I am no more.

The children and parents have started to disperse towards the exit. It's calm
once again, and soon it will be a brand new day. Will this new day finally lead to
better change? I believe even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise,
bringing with it a new day.

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