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Unit 1: Making a Difference

Lesson D: A life lesson from a volunteer firefighter


A- Watch Part 1 of the TED Talk. Choose the correct answers.

1- Who fights fires in Mark Bezos’s town?

a) volunteers only
b) volunteers and professionals
c) professionals only

2- When did the fire Bezos is describing happen?

a- He doesn't say.
b- the first time he volunteered
c- the second time he volunteered

3- What was Mark Bezos hoping for when he went to help at the fire?
a- to do something exciting
b- to watch the professionals work
c- to stay safe

4- How does he describe the scene?

a- It was a sunny day.
b- It was a rainy night.
c- It was a snowy morning.

5- Who was the captain talking to?

a- the person who lived in the house
b- another volunteer
c- a journalist
Unit 1: Making a Difference
Lesson D: A life lesson from a volunteer firefighter


B- Watch Part 2 of the TED Talk. Put the events in the order they

1- Bezos arrived at the fire. ( 2 )

2- The fire started. ( 1 )
3- The homeowner sent a letter thanking the firefighters. (6 )
4- The captain asked Bezos to go into the house and bring back some
shoes. (4 )
5- Bezos carried the shoes downstairs and gave them to the
homeowner. (5 )
6- The captain asked the other volunteer to rescue a dog from inside
the house. (3 )

Complete the TIME LINE with the events mentioned above.

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