Coffee Dryer

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Chapter I


Background of the Study

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages around the world. Coffee provides

a substantial portion of the income for almost 25 million farmers in 50 countries

worldwide (Cague et al. 2009). Coffee is grown in tropical and subtropical regions of

Central and South America, Africa, and South East Asia, primarily in areas with

temperate and humid weather.

Coffee consumption has long been considered normal in the Philippines. The

Philippines is unique in that it grows four types of coffee: Arabica, Excelsa, Liberica,

and Robusta (Peace and Equity Foundation 2016). According to history, coffee was

first introduced in the Philippines about two centuries ago. It also generates revenue

for many local farmers and companies (Tan, 2020). Coffee is the world's second most

traded commodity, after petroleum (Chengappa & Devika, 2016).

Coffee shrub is a woody perennial evergreen shrub that thrives in hot, damp

tropical climates. It is a dicotyledonous plant of the Rubiacea family and comes in

several kinds, including Arabica, Robusta, Liberica, and Excelsa. It features a main

orthotropic trunk with plagiotropic branches. Coffea arabica (Arabica) and Coffea

canephora (Robusta) are the two most common species grown today. C. Arabica

accounts for 75-80% of global production, while C. Canephora is more durable than

arabica, but it produces a less tasty beverage.

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The coffee fruit, also known as a berry or cherry, is ovoid in shape and varies

in color according on ripeness, ranging from green in immature fruits to red-violet or

dark red. The blossoms are white and heavily fragrant. The trees produce tasty red or

purple indehiscent drupes consisting of grain, pulp, and paper. Janissen and Huynh

(2018) refer to the two seeds as "coffee beans" (Loaëc, 2004).

The Philippines has good climatic conditions for coffee cultivation and a

diverse range of local coffee kinds for quality enhancement. However, coffee quality

deteriorates from time to time for a variety of reasons that are currently practiced by

the majority of coffee farmers and/or traders. Quality difficulties are primarily the

result of inappropriate post-harvest processing and handling procedures, such as

drying on bare ground and pavement, incorrect wet processing, storage, and

transportation, poor agronomic methods such as inadequate shade level, lack of

stamping, pruning, and weeding, and poor harvesting practices such as stripping and

gathering dropped fruits from the ground, among other things (Nure, 2008).

Furthermore, the Philippine Statistics Authority reports that overall output has

decreased by approximately 16.17%, from 72,341.82 tons in 2015 to 60,640.95 tons in

2020. Over the last four years (2016-2019), the area dedicated to coffee farming

decreased by about 1.8% per year, but increased in 2020. Furthermore, over the last

decade, production per hectare has declined by around 2.53% per year, while yield per

bearing tree has reduced by about 2.09% per year. The coffee business confronts

considerable obstacles, such as inefficient postharvest procedures and antiquated

postharvest infrastructure (Department of Agriculture 2022).

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Drying is a post-harvest process for removing moisture from freshly harvested

crops or vegetables. This method extends crop shelf life while also preventing the

growth of fungus and bacteria that can cause spoiling. There are two ways to dry

coffee beans: conventional and mechanical. The typical procedure involves drying in

direct sunlight. However, this approach has some disadvantages, including a longer

drying time, reliance on weather, and a higher risk of fungal and bacterium infection

of coffee beans.

Drying wet coffee beans in direct sunshine takes 5-7 days and reduces

moisture content from 45 to 50% to 18-20%. After removing the horn skin, it is dried

for two more days to achieve a moisture level of 11-12.5%. Traditional drying of

coffee beans in direct sunlight with or without a base in the open air promotes the

formation of 10 to 13 fungus species. The prolonged and delayed drying times lead to

the poor quality of coffee beans. As a result, cracked and black beans develop, and

moisture content rises, resulting in a drop in quality. Because of the negative

repercussions of drying coffee beans in traditional methods, it is necessary to address

these issues by employing a drying machine as an alternative. This issue has been

repeatedly seen in the coffee business, as reported by Idago and Dela Cruz in 2015 and

the Philippine Coffee business Roadmap from 2021 to 2025.

A PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) controller is a popular closed-loop

control system in the process industry, known for its ability to provide excellent

performance across several processes using a very basic algorithm. The PID

controller, which consists of three key components - Proportional (P), Integral (I), and
College of Engineering

Derivative (D), operates by continuously adjusting a control signal sent to an actuator

based on feedback from the process variable (PV), which is the system's measured

physical quantity aimed at matching a desired setpoint (SP).

The Proportional (P) component largely responds to the current error between

SP and PV by altering the control signal in proportion to the error. Its supremacy in

control action is centered on lowering present errors. Integral (I) control takes into

account past errors throughout time, integrating the error signal to eliminate any

steady-state defects in the system. It works alongside proportional control to improve

system performance. Meanwhile, the Derivative (D) component predicts future errors

by examining the rate of change of the error signal. It modifies the control signal to

reduce oscillations and increase the system's transient performance.

In the realm of coffee post-harvest processing, the drying operation is a critical

phase. Traditionally, many coffee farmers used the natural sun-drying method, laying

out the coffee beans on terraces. However, this strategy poses significant obstacles. It

requires a significant amount of labor, takes a long time, and is very dependent on

weather conditions. As coffee production grows, sun-drying becomes increasingly

impractical. Mechanical drying then becomes necessary, providing various benefits. It

allows for the advancement of harvesting processes, resulting in higher-quality and

higher-quantity coffee outputs. Furthermore, it enables for the repurposing of useful

land for alternative activities, which is an important factor in areas where land is

restricted. The adjustment of moisture content is crucial to the conservation of

agricultural products via the drying process. Critical metabolic pathways, such as
College of Engineering

those driven by bacteria and enzymes, are effectively slowed when water supply is

reduced to levels suitable for safe storage. This prevention of chemical reactions and

microbiological development protects coffee beans' quality and extends their shelf life

(Resende, 2006). As a result, the researchers want to create a Vertical Mixing Dryer

for Coffee Beans with the implementation of an Arduino-based PID controller for

Temperature Control, which will be extremely advantageous to farmers and the


The design and development of a vertical mixing dryer for coffee beans,

together with the use of an Arduino-based PID controller for temperature control,

represents a significant leap in coffee processing technology. This new technology

allows for the effective drying of coffee beans while also incorporating a PID

(Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controller for accurate temperature regulation. This

integration not only provides appropriate drying conditions but also reduces energy

usage, making it a viable alternative to traditional drying methods. Farmers will gain

tremendously from this breakthrough in coffee processing. By using the drying

method, they can save time compared to traditional drying, cutting operational

expenses and environmental effect. The automated temperature control feature

provided by the PID controller improves the quality and consistency of dried coffee

beans, resulting in increased market value and higher profits for growers.

The addition of computerized controls to the Vertical Mixing Dryer marks a

significant advancement in coffee bean processing. The PID controller, programmed

using modern microcontroller units such as Arduino, allows for accurate temperature
College of Engineering

adjustment during the drying process. The incorporation of electronic controllers such

as the Arduino Uno has enormous potential for improving performance. As a result,

the dryer system programs the temperature and humidity sensors with Arduino UNO

and controls the temperature with PID controllers. The use of PID control in the dryer

system allows for accurate temperature regulation, which is critical for maintaining the

delicate flavors and aromas of coffee beans. The PID controller optimizes energy

usage and reduces drying time by dynamically altering heating components in

response to real-time feedback, resulting in increased efficiency and cost-


The drier system, which includes a PID controller for temperature regulation,

is a pioneering solution to the issues faced in the coffee bean processing industry. This

unique technique tackles concerns like excessive energy use and manual drying

procedures, ushering in a new era of sustainable coffee production.

Understanding the importance of temperature management in coffee bean

drying is vital for maintaining product safety and quality. The PID controller

guarantees that the drying temperature is properly controlled, reducing the possibility

of mold formation and contamination. Furthermore, the electronic controls improve

energy efficiency, lowering operational expenses and increasing productivity.

The Vertical Mixing Dryer, which incorporates a PID controller for

temperature control, provides various benefits to coffee manufacturers, including

higher product quality, increased efficiency, and energy savings. This breakthrough
College of Engineering

method not only matches the needs of modern coffee processing, but it also protects

the distinct qualities of each coffee bean variety.

Statement of the Problem

In the realm of coffee bean processing, there exist multifaceted challenges that

pose significant barriers to both productivity and sustainability. One such hurdle is the

absence of efficient drying solutions, leading to suboptimal utilization of coffee beans

and substantial revenue loss for farmers. Oversupply and inconsistent drying methods

contribute to a scenario where high-quality beans often go to waste due to market

fluctuations and improper handling. Moreover, traditional drying techniques, often

reliant on natural sunlight or rudimentary mechanical systems, prove insufficient in

ensuring uniform drying and quality preservation, leading to inconsistent product

outcomes as well as the manual labor involved in the drying process adds to

production costs and time constraints. In relation to this, the following question was


1. How to design and fabricate a vertical mixing dryer for coffee beans with

implementation of an arduino-based PID controller for temperature


2. What components was used for the integration system? and;

3. What must be done to test the functionality of the system?

College of Engineering

Objectives of the Study

The main purpose of the dryer system is to provide a workable and creative

solution that will improve coffee farming production while also fitting in with

international goals for the progress of sustainable agriculture.

The listed below are the specific objectives of the study:

1. Design and fabricate a vertical mixing dryer for coffee beans with implementation

of an arduino-based PID controller for temperature control

2. Find appropriate components to program and debug the integration system.

3. Test the functionality of the system.

By achieving these objectives, the Vertical Mixing Dryer for Coffee Beans

With Implementation of an Arduino-based PID controller for Temperature Control

would help to address the challenges faced by coffee farmers and the agricultural

sector as a whole. The innovative solution has the potential to transform the coffee

processing industry by offering a sustainable and effective method for drying and

enhancing the value of coffee beans.

Significance of the Study

College of Engineering

The aim of this research is to provide valuable insights and information on the

drying of coffee beans. The findings of this study are expected to benefit various

stakeholders, including:

Farmers. This innovation can help reduce the labor-intensive work involved in

manually drying of coffee, making it more efficient and cost-effective. Additionally,

empowering smallholder farmers through farmer organizations can enhance their

collaborative efforts to reduce post-harvest losses and improve their overall


Coffee Processors or Cooperatives. Organizations involved in processing

coffee beans could benefit from increased efficiency and consistency in the drying

process, leading to higher-quality products and potentially reduced costs.

Future Researchers. This study can serve as a reference or inspiration for

future researchers interested in designing similar machines for drying coffee beans.

Consumers. Better quality control in the drying process could result in higher-

quality coffee beans reaching consumers, leading to a better coffee-drinking


Local Communities. Depending on the scale of implementation, the project

could create employment opportunities and contribute to the economic development of

the region where it is deployed.

Scope and Delimitation

College of Engineering

This project focuses on innovating a vertical mixing dryer for coffee beans. It

involves the fabrication of a dryer machine that efficiently dries coffee beans while

implementing an Arduino-based PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controller for

precise temperature control. The study encompasses the selection of suitable materials,

optimizing design parameters for maximum drying efficiency, and testing the final

prototype of the dryer machine.

The primary objective is to provide a sustainable solution for coffee bean

processing that reduces reliance on conventional drying. However, the study is limited

to the technical aspects of designing and fabricating the vertical mixing dryer. It does

not cover the commercial production of dried coffee beans or the economic feasibility

of operating such a machine on a large scale. Excluded from this study are aspects

such as the storage and preservation of the dried coffee beans, the analysis of

microbial contents of the dried coffee beans, and the evaluation of the social and

environmental impacts of using a vertical mixing drying system for coffee beans.

Operational Definition of Terms

Arduino Uno. It is a microcontroller board that is open source. The Board has

sets of I/O (input/output) pins for both digital and analog signals. These was used to

program the sensor such as temperature, humidity, airflow, and PID controllers.

Drying. Drying is the process of removing moisture or water content from a

substance, typically to preserve it or prepare it for further use. It can be done through
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various methods such as exposure to air, sunlight, heat, or using specialized equipment

like dehydrators. In the context of the study, drying refers to the drying of coffee.

Post Harvest losses. Post-harvest losses refer to the reduction in quantity and

quality of agricultural produce that occurs between the time of harvest and


Sustainability. Sustainability refers to the ability to meet the needs of the present

without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It

encompasses three main pillars: environmental, economic, and social

Coffee Bean. Coffee beans are the seeds of the Coffea plant, which are

harvested, processed, and roasted to make coffee.

PID controller. A PID controller, which stands for Proportional-Integral-

Derivative controller, is a type of feedback control system used in a wide range of

industrial and engineering applications to regulate processes and maintain desired


Temperature control. Temperature control refers to the process of regulating

the temperature of a system or environment to achieve and maintain a desired setpoint.

College of Engineering

Chapter II


Related Literature

The Philippine economy is heavily dependent on agriculture. Approximately

40% of Filipino laborers are employed in it, and on average, it makes up 20% of GDP.

The primary source of this output is agribusiness, which produces over 70% of all

agricultural output. (Madayag & Estanislao, 2021).

One of the most significant industries in the Philippines is agriculture, which in

2013 employed 31% of working-age Filipinos and accounted for 32% of land

utilization and 10% of the country's GDP. However, the productivity, efficiency, and

competitiveness of the agriculture sector are still dropping, especially in crops where

the Philippines has a comparative advantage.

(Anderson, 2016).

Philippine Star (2018) claims that the nation's agriculture industry is

collapsing. Only 25.96% of Filipinos work in the agriculture sector, according to the

report, which indicates that the sector is still having difficulty gaining traction and
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becoming a priority when compared to some of its neighboring countries that place a

higher focus on agriculture. Its proportional share of the GDP has been steadily

declining in recent years. (Brown et al., 2018).

From 1998 to 2009, the sector made up 13–14% of the total, but by 2017, it

had dropped to 10%. The agriculture industry is not necessarily diminishing even if its

contribution is declining. It suggests that the services sector and structural changes are

growing at a quicker rate. (Brown et al., 2018). 30% of the workforce in the nation is

employed in agriculture notwithstanding the downturn. (Brown et al., 2018). One of

the main issues impeding the Philippine rice value chain and lowering the industry's

competitiveness is the high postharvest losses and dearth of postharvest facilities.

With a total output of 2.77 thousand metric tons in the second quarter of 2023,

the Philippines had a tiny increase in green coffee bean production compared to the

same period in 2022. This represents a moderate gain of 1.8 percent. Out of all the

coffee varieties that are grown, Robusta is the most widely grown variety. It accounted

for 1.63 thousand metric tons, or 58.7%, of the nation's total coffee production this

quarter. With an astounding production of 710.23 metric tons, the Bangsamoro

Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) stood out as the major

contributor to the country's coffee output. corresponding to 25.6% of the total. The

regions of Davao and SOCCSKSARGEN, with output numbers of 619.92 and 658.86

metric tons, respectively, came in close second. Cagayan Valley, on the other hand,

produced 151.57 metric tons, lagging behind. Furthermore, data from January to June

2023 showed a little decline of -0.1 percent in the total area planted to all varieties of
College of Engineering

coffee, coming in at 111.19 thousand hectares, as opposed to 111.39 thousand hectares

the year before. (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2023).

The coffee tree belongs to the group of plants known as the Angiosperms, or

Angiospermae, in scientific terminology. This implies that the plant reproduces by

producing seeds that are housed in an ovary, which is a box-shaped structure at the

base of the flower. (Ukers, 2012). It is a member of the Rubiaceae family of plants,

which includes more than 6000 species and 500 genera. Gardenias are among the

family's other members. Coffee is a member of the Rubiaceae family, which is by far

the most significant economically. It is genus Coffea. Numerous subgenera fall within

the genus Coffea. The subgenus Eucoffea includes coffee as one of them. Another

significant genus in the Rubiaceae family is Psylanthus; species of Psylanthus are

sometimes confused with those of the Coffea genus. (Ukers, 2012).

The fruit is made up of five parts: (1) the skin, also known as the epicarp or

exocarp, which is a monocellular layer that covers the fruit and is typically red, dark

pink, or yellow; (2) the pulp, also known as the mesocarp, which is a fleshy layer of

mucilage that adheres to parchment when the fruit is ripe; (3) the parchment, also

known as the endocarp, which is a thin, crumbly layer of polysaccharide covering; (4)

the silverskin, which is the seed coat made mostly of polysaccharides, particularly

cellulose and hemicelluloses, along with monosaccharides, proteins, polyphenols, and

other minor compounds; and (5) two elliptical or egg-shaped seeds that contain

endosperm and embryos (Food and Agriculture Organization). (FAO), 2014).

College of Engineering

Tropical and subtropical areas have hosted the growth of the coffee tree, an

evergreen plant. As of right now, 124 species of coffee have been discovered. (Davis

et al., 2011), However, the two most widely available varieties are Coffea arabica

(arabica) and Coffea canephora (robusta). The agronomic, biochemical, and sensory

characteristics of the grain, the market, and the applications of their products vary

among these species. (Ferrão et al., 2019). Guinea is the birthplace of robusta coffee in

the Congo Basin. Its geographic range was inside the African continent, and its

botanical categorization dates back to 1895–1897. (Ferrão et al., 2019), has greater

heat tolerance (Bunn et al., 2015). The most widely grown variety of this kind of

coffee, Conilon, has the greatest potential for productivity. (Busato, 2022; SEBRAE,

2013). 46.66% of the world's coffee is produced there. (USDA, 2022). Global futures

and commodity exchanges, including those in New York and London, are the primary

venues for trading coffee. Its production is vital to the global economy since it creates

millions of jobs for people worldwide through processing, commerce, transportation,

and marketing. The economics of many developing nations depend heavily on this

dimension. (Grüter et al., 2022).

Through the use of a feedback loop, the PID controller regulates a system

parameter known as the process variable (PV), which is intended to match the setpoint

(SP), the desired output. Any physical quantity in the system that may be manipulated

and monitored using a sensor is called a PV. The difference between SP and PV, or

"error," is what the PID controller employs in each loop to regulate the system. It

functions more like a machine that calculates the error in each loop and sends the
College of Engineering

appropriate signals to an actuator—a device that acts in accordance with the

controller's instructions—in order to reduce the error. (Bista, 2016).

The term proportional (P) deals with the current discrepancy between the

process variable (PV) and the setpoint (SP). By acting in proportion to this error, it

tries to move the PV toward the SP. The P-term by itself, however, might not be

enough to completely remove steady-state errors (SSE) as the error decreases, and

raising its value could cause oscillations, overshoot, and instability. Consequently, to

create a PI-controller, it is frequently combined with the I-term.

(Bista, 2016).Integral (I) Term: This term tries to remove steady-state errors by taking

into account the cumulative error over time. In an effort to equalize the amount of time

the PV spends above and below the SP, it integrates all previous errors up to the

present. On the other hand, overly integral action may lead to overshoot and harm

delicate systems. (Bista, 2016).

Derivative (D) Term: By assessing the PV's rate of change, the D-term projects

future changes. By opposing the P and I terms' actions as the PV gets closer to the SP,

it seeks to prevent overshoot. On the other hand, excessive derivative action can cause

the system to become unstable, particularly when noise or abrupt changes occur in the

PV. It may also make it more difficult to make quick offset corrections and increase

actuator wear. (Bista, 2016).

Manual vs Mechanical drying of coffee

One of the most crucial phases in the processing of coffee is drying. Even

today, many coffee growers still dry their coffee beans naturally on terraces. This
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method, however, is labor-intensive, time-consuming, and dependent on weather

conditions. Due to the possibility of advancing the harvesting process, which allows

for the harvesting of better coffee in terms of quality and quantity and makes it

possible to designate usable areas for other activities, mechanical drying becomes

necessary as coffee production increases and sun drying on terraces becomes

problematic. (Ghosh, 2014).

The primary concern with drying is the reduction of moisture content up to a

specific limit of 12% (w.b.). Drying lengthens the product's storage period while

reducing loss to the lowest feasible level. Overdried beans will be brittle by nature,

and if the moisture content is higher than what is considered safe for storage, mold

growth in the beans increases the likelihood that they will become unfit for further

processing. Sun drying and mechanical drying are the two types of drying methods

that are typically used in the coffee processing industry. The coffee has a moisture

content of roughly 55–60% at first, and after drying, it should have a final moisture

content of about 12% (wb). Drying should be uniform and even in order to achieve the

right color and size as well as to remove pests so that the coffee can be stored for

longer periods of time. Due to the seasonality of coffee production, traditional sun

drying is very difficult. Unpredictable weather events have the potential to raise the

moisture content and extend the drying period to a duration of seven to eleven days.

(Ghosh, 2014).

Application of Arduino Based PID controller and impact on temperature

College of Engineering

In agricultural production, drying is a crucial step that ensures safe storage,

maximizes shelf life, and reduces post-harvest losses. As emphasized by Liu et al.

(2019) and Xiao (2019), appropriate drying methods improve food safety while

simultaneously expanding the supply of fresh agricultural products. But the frequency

of microbial contamination and post-harvest losses brought on by insufficient drying

techniques highlight the critical need for drying process and technology innovation

and research. Constant-temperature control systems are commonly employed in drying

processes; however, , Abdenouri (2022) observes that there aren't many systems

available for controlling drying processes' temperature. This technological gap draws

attention to how inadequate the systems in place for variable-temperature drying

processes are, which makes the development of more complex control algorithms


Promising in tackling the difficulties associated with drying at variable

temperatures is the proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller. The PID

controller is a well-established algorithm for controlling temperature in drying

operations. It is widely acknowledged for its ability to efficiently combine system

errors in a linear fashion and provide feedback to the controlled object. However, as

Espinoza (2018) points out, the PID controller's efficacy depends on the proportional,

integral, and derivative parameters being pre-set, which frequently depends on

subjective human experience. This subjective component adds a level of ambiguity to

the control procedure, which could reduce the controller's effectiveness in situations

involving variable drying temperatures.

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The proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller shows promise in

addressing the problems associated with variable-temperature drying. The PID

controller, which is well-known for its ability to combine system errors linearly and

provide feedback to the controlled object, provides a well-developed algorithm for

controlling temperature in drying operations. But as Espinoza (2018) points out, the

PID controller's efficacy depends on the proportional, integral, and derivative

parameters being pre-set beforehand—a process that frequently draws on human

judgment. In situations where the drying temperature varies, this subjective

component may limit the controller's effectiveness by adding a level of uncertainty to

the control process.

Figure 1. Electric Motor

The electric motor is a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical

energy. The first electric motor was invented by British scientist William Sturgeon in

1832. The first practical electric motor was invented by American inventor Thomas

Davenport in 1834. The vertical mixing dryer system requires a motor to run the

mixing mechanism of the dryer. The size and power of the motor will depend on the

size of the machine.

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Figure 2. Arduino Mega 2560

The Arduino Mega 2560 Rev3 is a versatile microcontroller board based on the

ATmega2560. With its 54 digital I/O pins, 16 analog inputs, and multiple

communication interfaces including UART, SPI, and I2C, it offers extensive

connectivity options suitable for a wide range of projects. Its 256 KB of flash memory,

8 KB of SRAM, and 4 KB of EEPROM provide ample space for storing programs and

data. The Mega 2560 supports both USB and external power supply, making it easy to

power and program. Its compatibility with various shields designed for Arduino

Duemilanove or Diecimila expands its capabilities further. This board finds

applications in robotics, automation, data logging, and prototyping due to its

robustness, processing power, and comprehensive I/O features. Its larger size

compared to standard Arduino boards allows for easier integration of components,

making it a preferred choice for projects requiring more complex functionalities and

scalability. The dryer system will use Arduino Mega 2560 to program the PID

controller as well as the temperature sensor.

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Figure 3. LCD Arduino with I2C module

I2C Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs) are versatile display modules that

leverage the I2C communication protocol for simplified integration into various

projects. Unlike traditional parallel LCDs, I2C LCDs typically require only two pins

for communication: SDA and SCL, reducing the pin count and making them ideal for

projects with limited GPIO pins, such as those involving microcontrollers like

Arduino or Raspberry Pi. Their ease of use is further enhanced by the availability of

libraries and code examples for popular platforms, facilitating seamless programming.

These displays come in various sizes and offer features like adjustable contrast,

backlight control, and support for custom characters. Widely used in embedded

systems, DIY electronics, education, and prototyping, I2C LCDs serve as essential

components for displaying sensor data, status information, user interfaces, and more.

Figure 4. Temperature Sensor

Type K thermocouples are widely used temperature sensors known for their

accuracy, reliability, and versatility. They are composed of two different metal alloys,
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typically chromel (90% nickel and 10% chromium) and alumel (95% nickel, 2%

manganese, 2% aluminum, and 1% silicon), which generate a voltage proportional to

the temperature difference between the hot junction (where the two metals meet) and

the reference junction (where the wires are connected to measurement instruments).

One of the key advantages of Type K thermocouples is their wide temperature range,

typically from -200°C to +1300°C (-328°F to +2372°F), making them suitable for a

broad range of applications across. The vertical mixing dryer system will use a

temperature sensor to measure the temperature inside the drying chamber and it will

be programmed using Arduino Mega 2560.

Figure 5. Centrifugal Blower

A centrifugal blower is a motor or pump that moves air using the centrifugal

force created by the rotation of an impeller that pulls air or fluids into the blower and

pushes it out through the blower’s outlet. They are made up of an impeller, housing,

and drive mechanism, with the impeller being the key element that has a series of

blades mounted on a central hub connected to a fan shaft. The drive design of a

centrifugal blower, which can be a belt or direct drive, determines the speed at which
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the impeller rotates. The speed and efficiency of centrifugal blowers make them

adaptable to a wide range of applications, including various types of dryers and

HVAC systems. he angle of the blades of a centrifugal blower determines its

efficiency and effectiveness or how fast it moves air through the system. The three

varieties of blade angles are forward curved, backward curved, and radial.

Figure 6. Electrical Wires

Wire and cable have a long history dating back hundreds of years. Rapid

advancements in technology and equipment altered how we produced a variety of

things, from textiles to iron. Michael Faraday experimented with a magnet and a

current-carrying wire in the 1820s and discovered electromagnetic conduction as a

result. Some of the significant turning points in the history of electrical wires include

the light bulb, power lines, telegraph, telephone, and workplace electrification. An

electrical wire is a type of conductor that creates conductivity between two

components of an electrical circuit. They possess negligible resistance to the passage

of current. Electrical wires will be required to connect all components of the drying

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Figure 7. Positive Temperature Coefficient Heater

PTC heating elements are made of a special type of ceramic material that

exhibits a positive temperature coefficient of resistance. This means that as the

temperature of the element increases, its electrical resistance also increases. This

unique property allows PTC heating elements to self-regulate their temperature,

making them suitable for applications where precise temperature control is required.

Related Studies

The study conducted by Rodolfo et al. (2016) in Balbalan, Kalinga,

Philippines, aimed to assess the socio-economic status of coffee farmers and identify

the challenges they face in coffee production, harvesting, post-harvesting, and

marketing. The findings shed light on several key issues impacting the local coffee


One significant problem identified is the practice of stripping coffee berries,

where both ripe and unripe berries are harvested simultaneously. This practice

contradicts the recommended "Pick Red Campaign" advocated by the Philippine

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Coffee Board, which emphasizes harvesting only ripe cherries. Ripe cherries are easier

to pulp and typically produce higher-quality coffee. However, the farmers' reliance on

strip harvesting suggests a lack of awareness or access to information regarding best

practices in coffee harvesting. Furthermore, the absence of proper drying facilities

poses a challenge to farmers during the post-harvesting stage. With limited drying

options, many farmers resort to drying coffee berries in open areas exposed to

sunlight. While sunlight can aid in reducing moisture content, leaving the berries in

open areas for extended periods, sometimes up to 24 hours, increases the risk of

exposure to rain. This inconsistent and uncontrolled drying process ultimately

degrades the quality of the coffee beans, leading to lower market prices. Insufficient

knowledge and training on proper harvesting, drying, and storage practices emerge as

underlying issues contributing to the degradation of coffee quality. Despite some

farmers acknowledging the benefits of harvesting ripe berries for better aroma and

flavor, traditional practices such as strip harvesting persist. This lack of knowledge or

adherence to best practices in harvesting, drying, and storage further exacerbates the

deterioration of coffee quality and, consequently, affects farmers' income potential.

The research conducted by Susana et al. (2022) aimed to evaluate the

effectiveness of rotary dryers in small-scale cherry coffee drying, utilizing hot air

generated from rice husk conversion into thermal energy via a heat exchanger. The

study found that traditional sun drying methods were significantly slower compared to

rotary dryers due to suboptimal temperatures. Specifically, while sun drying took 16

days to reduce moisture content to 13.14%, rotary dryers achieved similar results in
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just three to four days, with drying times ranging from 480 minutes to 1920 minutes,

depending on the coffee mass variation. The research highlighted the crucial role of

temperature in the drying process, with rotary dryers capable of significantly

increasing ambient temperatures from approximately 29.44°C to over 50°C, thereby

accelerating drying rates. This temperature enhancement led to improved drying

efficiency, with the rotary dryer achieving its highest efficiency at a mass variation of

20 kg. Additionally, the study emphasized the sustainable aspect of using rice husks as

an energy source, which not only adds value to agricultural waste but also reduces

post-harvest drying costs for smallholder farmers.

Baquero et al. (2018) conducted a study at the Universidad de los Llanos

focusing on the design of a PID controller for temperature regulation in the drying

process of corn grain. The objective was to enhance the quality of corn grain by

preventing mold growth, putrefaction, and infestation by storage insects. The research

was divided into three main stages: establishing the system characteristics, designing

the PID controller, and validating the results through simulations in MATLAB®. The

results and discussions of the study revealed that the PID controller exhibited

favorable performance, particularly in terms of transient response. The system showed

no maximum overshoot, with a rapid rise time of only 8 seconds, and achieved

stabilization at the desired temperature within 10 seconds. Importantly, the presence of

dead time in the system did not significantly impact the controller's performance.

Additionally, the study utilized the Nyquist stability criteria for frequency

analysis of the designed system. The analysis indicated that the system was stable,
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further validating the effectiveness of the PID controller in regulating temperature

during the corn grain drying process. The Ziegler-Nichols tuning method provided

appropriate PID controller constants, which were crucial for ensuring effective

temperature regulation during corn grain drying. The stability analysis of the

controller revealed short stabilization times and no steady-state error, suggesting

promising performance for future implementation. Moreover, the frequency response

analysis indicated that the corn grain drying process would likely yield satisfactory

results, enabling the commercialization of high-quality products. Overall, the study

demonstrated the feasibility and effectiveness of using a PID controller to improve the

quality and commercial viability of dried corn grain.

Similar studies conducted by Uvayzov (2023) that into the application of a

digital Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller for managing temperature in

agricultural product drying chambers. The PID controller, implemented through

program code on a microcontroller, orchestrates automatic temperature adjustments

based on the differential between the current sensor reading and the desired setpoint.

This differential, termed as the control error, forms the basis for the proportional (P),

integral (I), and derivative (D) components of the controller. The proportional

component amplifies the error, the integral component accumulates error over time to

eliminate steady-state error, and the derivative component anticipates and counteracts

future errors, thereby enhancing system stability.

The controller coefficients (kp, ki, kd) are crucial for fine-tuning the

controller's response. By progressively adjusting these coefficients, the system can be

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optimized for stability and responsiveness. However, excessively high or low values

of these coefficients can lead to oscillations, sluggish responses, or overshoots,

respectively. The study proposes a method for determining these coefficients

empirically, ensuring optimal performance without oscillations. The research

highlights the significance of PID control in enhancing the reliability and precision of

temperature regulation in agricultural drying processes. By leveraging microprocessor

technology, the PID controller facilitates real-time monitoring and control, enabling

automation and optimization of drying parameters. This not only streamlines the

drying process but also opens avenues for integrating advanced intelligent

technologies, promising further enhancements in product quality and process

efficiency. Overall, the study underscores the pivotal role of digital PID controllers in

modernizing and improving agricultural drying processes.

Nagaraja et al. (2020) investigated the impact of drying temperature on the cup

quality of robusta coffee subjected to mechanical drying compared to conventional sun

drying. The study found that as drying temperatures increased, both the moisture

percentage and drying time decreased. Mechanical drying at temperatures of 40°C,

50°C, and 60°C significantly reduced the total drying period compared to sun drying,

with reductions ranging from 50% to 66.6% for parchment coffee and 45% to 63% for

cherry coffee. However, the energy utilization and operation costs were notably higher

for mechanical drying, especially at higher temperatures. In terms of sensory analysis,

sun-dried robusta parchment coffee received the highest cup rating, followed by those

dried at lower temperatures in the mechanical dryer. Notably, robusta cherry coffee
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dried at 40°C in the mechanical dryer scored equal or higher quality points than sun-

dried coffees, suggesting that drying temperature plays a crucial role in preserving

coffee quality. High drying temperatures were found to deteriorate coffee quality due

to damage to cell membranes, highlighting the importance of maintaining

temperatures below 40°C for robusta coffee drying. In conclusion, mechanical drying

demonstrated significant advantages over sun drying in terms of reduced drying hours

and preservation of coffee quality when operated at temperatures below 40°C. This

suggests that mechanical drying could offer a more efficient and quality-preserving

alternative to sun drying for coffee processing, albeit at higher energy costs.

Similar studies conducted by Soeswanto et al. (2021) delves into the evolving

landscape of coffee bean drying technology, aiming to assess its current status,

advantages, and limitations. The primary objective is to achieve coffee beans with

desired quality parameters, including moisture content, drying time, and energy

consumption. The study evaluates three main types of thermal radiation dryers: tray

dryer, rotary dryer, and fluidized bed dryer. Key findings suggest that the selection of

drying air temperature and relative humidity is crucial for ensuring microbiological

safety and brew quality. The study concludes that drying coffee beans to reduce the

water content to 12% w.b. facilitates product handling, reduces storage requirements,

lowers transportation costs, improves appearance, prevents microbial growth,

maintains nutritional value, and upholds organoleptic qualities such as flavor and

aroma. The conclusions drawn from the research highlight the multifaceted

importance of drying coffee beans. The intricate balance between drying air
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temperature and relative humidity is emphasized as critical for preserving the taste

properties of the coffee brew. The study indicates that the most efficient drying occurs

at an air temperature of 50°C, resulting in significantly reduced drying time and

energy consumption compared to lower temperatures, while still maintaining a high-

quality coffee brew.

The study, titled "Drying process optimisation in a mixed-flow batch grain

dryer" by Ahokas (2014), investigates methods to enhance energy efficiency and

performance in grain drying operations, crucial in arable farming, particularly in

temperate regions. While higher drying air temperatures present opportunities for

energy savings, there's a delicate balance as excessive heat can compromise grain

viability. Ahokas aimed to explore energy-saving methods by manipulating drying air

temperature and airflow in a scaled-down dryer setup. Results showcased that

controlling temperature and airflow can significantly enhance energy efficiency and

dryer performance. With airflow control, energy savings reached 5% for barley and

14% for oats, with respective improvements in evaporation rates of 5% and 17%.

Notably, the advantage of airflow control varied with the type of cereal, being more

pronounced for oats, possibly due to their larger size and rounder shape leading to

longer moisture diffusion times. However, high temperatures during oat drying caused

some viability degradation. Conversely, barley showed resilience to drying damages

despite higher grain temperatures. The study suggests implementing a control system

based on drying air temperature, exhaust air humidity, and grain temperatures, which

could be easily integrated into existing or new dryers. Such a system would enable
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optimization of drying parameters tailored to each cereal species, considering moisture

content and release rate, thus allowing flexibility for different end-use purposes. The

importance of understanding temperature tolerance across cereal varieties and

moisture contents, as well as differences in water diffusion rates within grains, is

emphasized for designing effective control systems. Model-based drying control

emerges as a potential approach, utilizing specific cereal species and initial moisture

content data for automation and optimization.


The related literatures and studies serves as an inducement for this study.

Based on previous research, several strategies were incorporated into the prototype

design. These strategies were applied in this study since they had previously been

successful in research and had shown to be effective and valuable. Baquero et al.

(2018) assessed the design of a PID controller for temperature regulation in the drying

processes. Similar studies conducted by Uvayzov (2023) the application of a digital

Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller using microcontrollers for managing

temperature in agricultural product drying chambers.

The past research used different methods in improving the quality of coffee

beans through the use of different mechanical dryers and sun drying methods. The

studies by Susana et al. (2022) and Nagaraja et al . (2020) provide compelling

evidence regarding the importance of temperature control in coffee drying processes.

Susana et al. (2022) demonstrated that rotary dryers with precise temperature control
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significantly outperformed traditional sun drying methods in terms of efficiency and

quality preservation. These studies highlight the importance of drying system in the

postharvest coffee processing. The efficiency gains and quality preservation

advantages offered by mechanical drying methods are evident across the literature.

Nagaraja et al. (2020) found that mechanical drying reduced drying time and

preserved coffee quality when operated at optimal temperatures. Similarly, the study

by Soeswanto et al. (2021) emphasizes the importance of thermal radiation dryers,

such as rotary dryers, in achieving desired quality parameters while reducing energy

consumption and drying time. By integrating an Arduino-based PID controller into the

Vertical Mixing Dryer, the system can achieve precise temperature regulation, as

demonstrated by Uvayzov (2023). The PID controller's ability to automate

temperature adjustments based on real-time feedback ensures consistent and reliable

drying conditions, thereby enhancing process control and efficiency.

Thus, design and fabrication studies provide a compelling starting point for

new product development. It is essential to focus on environmentally friendly and

sustainable solutions to tackle the challenges of modern-day living. By combining the

findings of separate studies, we can improve existing devices while creating new and

innovative products that can help tackle global challenges. The application of

technology such as temperature sensor, airflow sensor, and temperature controller in

the vertical mixing dryer machine development reinforces the concept of responsible

innovation and encourages individuals to make a meaningful contribution to the

environment and their communities.

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Chapter III




College of Electrical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Nueva

Vizcaya State University, Bambang 3702, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines


Millions of farmers around the world rely on the production of coffee as their primary
source of income, and the Philippines is one of the major producers of different
varieties. Quality and productivity have been impacted by ongoing difficulties with
post-harvest processing, particularly drying. Using the sun to dry materials produces
results that are not always consistent and requires a lot of labor. This work suggests
building a vertical mixing dryer with precise temperature control using PID control
based on Arduino to overcome these issues. To maximize the drying process, this
creative dryer incorporates a PID controller, which is well-known for its efficacy in
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closed-loop control systems. Through constant temperature adjustment in response to

feedback, it guarantees regular drying, hence reducing problems such as fungal
contamination and uneven quality. Furthermore, the utilization of electronic controls,
enabled by the Arduino Uno microcontroller, results in increased efficacy and
decreased energy usage. The potential for this study to transform the coffee
processing industry and benefit farmers, processors, consumers, and local
communities makes it significant. This method can increase production, decrease
post-harvest losses, and improve product quality by optimizing the drying process. In
addition, it helps achieve sustainability objectives by reducing its negative effects on
the environment and generating jobs in coffee-producing areas. Despite the technical
features of this study, its conclusions can be used as a starting point for more
investigation and advancement in the field of coffee processing technology. This
project is to support the development of sustainable agriculture and the coffee
industry overall by tackling important drying challenges.

Keywords: Vertical Mixing Dryer, PID controller, Arduino based Control System,
Coffee Beans, Postharvest Losses


Using the Philippines as a focal point, the research study offers a thorough

analysis of the prospects and problems facing the coffee business. A vital source of

income for millions of growers worldwide, coffee is a staple beverage. Because of its

ideal climate, coffee growing has a long history and is very important to the Philippine

economy. Nevertheless, despite its popularity, there are issues with Philippine coffee's

quality, mostly because of antiquated facilities and post-harvest methods.

The Philippines' declining yield and production of coffee throughout time

highlights the need for creative solutions to these problems. Conventional sun-drying

techniques for coffee beans have many disadvantages, such as longer drying times and

increased vulnerability to contamination, which lowers the coffee's quality. As a

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result, implementing contemporary drying technology is vital to improve productivity

and quality assurance throughout the coffee processing supply chain.

To address these challenges, the study aims to design and fabricate a Vertical

Mixing Dryer for Coffee Beans with the Implementation of an Arduino-based PID

controller for Temperature Control. This innovative technology represents a

significant advancement in coffee processing, offering precise temperature regulation

and energy efficiency during the drying process. By integrating electronic controls

with the dryer system, farmers can reduce labor-intensive tasks and operational costs

while enhancing product quality and consistency.

The objectives of the study include designing and fabricating the dryer system,

selecting appropriate components for the integration system, and testing the

functionality of the final prototype. Through these objectives, the study seeks to

provide a practical and sustainable solution to improve coffee farming production,

aligning with international goals for sustainable agriculture.

The significance of the study extends to various stakeholders, including

farmers, coffee processors, future researchers, consumers, and local communities.

Farmers stand to benefit from reduced labor and improved product quality, while

processors could see increased efficiency and consistency in the drying process.

Future researchers can utilize this study as a reference for similar projects, and

consumers may enjoy higher-quality coffee beans. Additionally, the project could
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create employment opportunities and contribute to the economic development of local


However, the scope of the study is limited to the technical aspects of designing

and fabricating the vertical mixing dryer, excluding commercial production

considerations and economic feasibility on a large scale. It does not cover aspects such

as storage and preservation of dried coffee beans or the analysis of microbial contents.

Nonetheless, the study offers valuable insights into innovative drying methods for

coffee beans, paving the way for sustainable practices in coffee processing.

The Vertical Mixing Dryer, which combines Arduino-based PID control with

other contemporary drying technologies, is a major advancement in tackling the

problems associated with coffee processing. Increased sustainability, efficiency, and

quality can be attained by the coffee industry by using technology to optimize drying

processes. This would benefit all parties involved in the value chain and support the

long-term viability of coffee production in the Philippines.


Research Design

The study uses an experimental research design, focused on assessing the

effectiveness of integrating a PID controller into the temperature control system of the

vertical mixing dryer designed specifically for coffee beans. The experimental setup is

structured to investigate the impact of the PID controller on temperature regulation,

energy efficiency, and drying performance. The integration of the Arduino-based PID
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controller aims to provide a sophisticated control mechanism, capable of dynamically

adjusting temperature settings to maintain optimal drying conditions throughout the


Research Environment

The research will be conducted in Barangay Comon, Aritao, Nueva Vizcaya

where agriculture is a significant sector in the economic development of the

municipality. The research is conducted in a controlled environment to ensure

consistency and reproducibility of experimental trials.

Research Method

The research method adopts a quantitative approach centered on evaluating the

control temperature of the vertical mixing dryer system. This method hinges on the
use of a digital scale equipped with temperature sensors to precisely measure and
monitor the temperature within the dryer during the drying process. The researchers
will use Robusta coffee beans in the experimentation of the dryer system.

Conceptual Framework


Knowledge Design
Conceptual Diagram
Electronic Devices System Block Diagram
Electrical Devices Schematic Diagram
Arduino Programming Conceptual Design
Process Flowchart
Software Requirement: Control Block Diagram
Component Layout
Arduino Software

Hardware To test the functionality of Design And

Requirements rotary mixing dryer Development of a
machine to assure its Vertical Mixing Dryer
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Figure 8. Conceptual Framework of Vertical Mixing Dryer System

Figure 8 illustrates the comprehensive conceptual framework of the vertical

mixing dryer system. The input section defines the knowledge, software, and hardware

requirements essential for the project. This includes expertise in electronic devices,

electrical devices, and Arduino programming. Software requirements comprise the

Arduino Software, while hardware requirements encompass specific components like

the hopper, motor, metal sheet/stainless steel, bearings, fasteners (screws, bolts, nuts),

perforated plates, and blower. These elements provide the foundation upon which the

study is built, ensuring the necessary resources are available for design and

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The process phase involves the systematic design and testing of the vertical

mixing dryer system with the integrated Arduino based PID controller. The design

encompasses various stages such as conceptual diagram, system block diagram,

schematic diagram, conceptual design, process flowchart, and component layout.

These design elements serve as blueprints for constructing the vertical mixing dryer

system and implementing the PID controller, outlining the structure, functionality, and

interconnections of the system components. The testing phase focuses on validating

the functionality and effectiveness of the developed system. Specific tests are

conducted to assess the reliability of the vertical mixing dryer machine in drying

coffee beans, the effectiveness of the PID controller in temperature regulation, and the

functionality of the Arduino Mega in executing program specifications like

temperature sensing and PID controller. These tests ensure that the system performs as

intended and meets the desired performance criteria.

The output of the study is the "Design and Development of a Vertical Mixing

Dryer for Coffee Beans with Implementation of an Arduino based PID controller for

Temperature Control." This represents the tangible outcome of the project, showcasing

the successful integration of Arduino based PID controller for precise temperature

regulation in vertical mixing dryer system. The output serves as a valuable

contribution to the field of engineering, offering advancements in food processing

technology aimed at enhancing efficiency and product quality.

System Block Diagram

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Figure 9. System Block Diagram of Vertical Mixing Dryer Machine

Figure 9 above presents the flow of energy and material within the vertical

mixing dryer system into a single work system which is made in three compositions:

the input, process, and the output. At its core are the input components, including a

keypad and temperature sensor. The keypad allows users to set the desired drying

temperature, while the temperature sensor continuously monitors the chamber's

temperature in real-time. These inputs are then processed by a microcontroller,

specifically an Arduino board, which incorporates a PID (Proportional-Integral-

Derivative) control algorithm. This algorithm analyzes the temperature data and

adjusts the output of the heating element accordingly, ensuring precise temperature

control throughout the drying process.

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The heating element plays a critical role in providing the necessary heat for the

drying process. It maintains the chamber at the set temperature as dictated by the PID

controller, ensuring optimal drying conditions for the coffee beans. A motor is

employed to drive the vertical mixing dryer chamber, inducing a gentle mixing motion

vital for the even distribution of heat and airflow among the coffee beans. This motion

aids in preventing uneven drying and ensures consistent quality across the batch. In

addition, a blower is utilized to supply a continuous airflow into the drying chamber.

This airflow assists in the efficient removal of moisture from the coffee beans,

contributing to the overall effectiveness of the drying process. The system's output

components comprise an LCD display, providing users with essential feedback on

temperature readings and system status throughout the drying cycle. The dried coffee

beans themselves represent the ultimate output of the system

Figure 10. Control Block Diagram

Figure 10 presents the control block diagram of the vertical mixing dryer

system. The drying of paddy rice is controlled by a control system that utilizes PID

control algorithm. The controller receives inputs primarily from the user-set setpoint
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temperature and the real-time temperature measured by a sensor within the dryer

chamber. The core of the system lies in the calculation of the error value, which is the

disparity between the setpoint temperature and the current temperature reading. The

PID algorithm processes the error value using its proportional, integral, and derivative

terms to determine the control output. This output, typically in the form of a PWM

(Pulse Width Modulation) signal, adjusts the operation of the heating element. By

regulating the amount of heat supplied to the dryer chamber, the PID controller

ensures that the temperature remains consistent with the user-defined setpoint.

The system operates in a closed-loop fashion, with the temperature sensor

continuously providing feedback to the PID controller. This feedback loop enables the

controller to dynamically adjust its output based on real-time temperature

measurements, thereby maintaining precise temperature control throughout the drying

process. As a result, the dried coffee beans produced by this system exhibit consistent

quality, as the temperature inside the chamber is meticulously regulated to optimize

the drying process.

PID Control algorithm

A proportional-integral-derivative controller (PID controller) is acontrol

loop feedback mechanism (controller) widely used in industrial control systems. A

PID controller calculates an error value as the difference between a measured process

variable, in this case is temperature and a desired set-point temperature. The

controller attempts to minimize the error by adjusting the process through use of
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manipulated gains of PID. With PID, system error can be reduced and the stability of

the system are improved, which is determined by Proportional (P), Integral (I) and

Derivative (D) gains. There are many possible structures forPID controllers.

Mathematically, the transfer function of the controller can be described in equation 1

u=k p e+ k i∫ edt+ k d

where: u = control signal; kp = proportional gain; ki= integral gain; kd= derivative


The error is generated from the differences between measured

temperature and setpoint temperature. The differences value will be sent to the

PID controller with these gains to modify the current error signal. The resultant output

signal, u is fed towards heater system, to adjust the heater temperature by turning it on

or off.

Increasing the proportional gain (Kp) has the effect of proportionally

increasing the control signal for the same level of error. The fact that the controller

will "push" harder for a given level of error tends to cause the closed-loop system to

react more quickly, but also to overshoot more. Another effect of increasing Kp is that

it tends to reduce, but not eliminate, the steady-state error.

The addition of a derivative term to the controller (Kd) adds the ability of the

controller to "anticipate" error. With simple proportional control, if Kp is fixed, the

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only way that the control will increase is if the error increases. With derivative control,

the control signal can become large if the error begins sloping upward, even while the

magnitude of the error is still relatively small. This anticipation tends to add damping

to the system, thereby decreasing overshoot. The addition of a derivative term,

however, has no effect on the steady-state error.

The addition of an integral term to the controller (Ki) tends to help reduce

steady-state error. If there is a persistent, steady error, the integrator builds and builds,

thereby increasing the control signal and driving the error down. A drawback of the

integral term, however, is that it can make the system more sluggish (and oscillatory)

since when the error signal changes sign, it may take a while for the integrator to


Close Loop Rise Time Over Shoot Settling Time SS error

Kp Increase Increase Small Change Decrease
Ki Decrease Increase Increase Eliminate
Kd Minor Change Decrease Decrease No Effect

Table 1. PID Controller Close Loop Kp, Ki, Kd characteristics

Table 1 presents the PID Controller Close Loop Kp, Ki, Kd characteristics. In

a closed-loop control system, the PID controller's characteristics play a crucial role in

determining the system's overall performance. Settling time is another critical factor,

representing how quickly the system reaches and maintains its desired state after a

disturbance. Overshoot, the temporary exceedance of the setpoint, must be minimized

to prevent instability or compromise control quality. Rise time, the duration to

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transition between values, reflects the controller's responsiveness, balancing speed

with stability considerations. Steady-state error, the residual difference between

setpoint and actual output, is mitigated by the integral term's continuous adjustment,

ensuring accurate control over time. Lastly, robustness is vital, enabling the controller

to maintain stability despite variations or uncertainties in the system's parameters.

Process Flow Chart

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Figure 11. Process Flow Chart

The figure 11 above illustrates the process flow chart which offers a

comprehensive flow of the operational procedure of the vertical mixing dryer system

in drying coffee beans. The workflow commences with powering the equipment via an

AC source, initiating the drying process. Robusta coffee beans are introduced into the

system through a hopper, marking the initial stage of operation. Temperature

measurement is pivotal in monitoring the drying process, achieved through a

temperature sensor providing real-time data. This data is compared against the desired
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temperature (setpoint), computing the error to quantify temperature differentials.

Following the temperature measurement, the Arduino-based PID controller algorithm

comes into play. Utilizing the error data, the PID controller calculates the optimal

control signal for the heating element of the vertical mixing dryer. This control signal

dictates the adjustment of the heating element to maintain or approach the desired

temperature setpoint accurately.

The temperature control process involves continuous feedback and iteration.

At regular intervals, the temperature is measured again, and the error is updated based

on the new temperature data. The PID controller algorithm recalculates the control

signal incorporating the updated error values. This iterative feedback loop continues

until the desired temperature is consistently achieved and maintained within the

vertical mixing dryer.

Figure 11 provides a concise overview of the entire operational workflow,

from initial input to final output, emphasizing the integration of the Arduino-based

PID controller for temperature control in the coffee bean drying process. This

integration ensures precise and efficient temperature regulation throughout the

operation, contributing to the quality of the dried coffee beans.

Schematic Diagram

AC Source Motor Blower

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Temperature Sensor

Figure 12. Schematic Diagram

Figure 12 presents the schematic diagram of the vertical mixing dryer system.

The machine is powered by AC source. The motor and blower are linked to vertical

mixing chamber that facilitates the rotating mechanism and the airflow in the system

respectively. The Arduino Mega controller is responsible for supervising and

governing the quality control sensors such as the temperature sensor, the heater, and

the PID control algorithm. The temperature sensor is a crucial component of the

system’s control of temperature, ensuring an efficient in monitoring and controlling of

temperature. With the implementation of the PID control, the system’s temperature

will be maintained throughout the drying process.

Step by Step Components Layout

1. Fabrication of the vertical mixing dyer

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2. Overall layout of the vertical mixing dryer

Figure 13. Overall Layout of Vertical Mixing Dryer

Bill of Materials
Table 1. Bill of Materials
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Item Materials Description Quantity Unit Unit Total

No. Price (₱)
1. MOTOR 220V-2200W 1 pcs 1800 1800
induction 1
hp pure
2. Arduino ATMEGA 1 pcs 1200 1200
MEGA 2560 2560 R3
with LCD i2c motherboard
CH340G with
20x4 LCD
i2cWhite on
3. Keypad for 4x4 Matrix 1 pcs 60 60
Arduino Membrane
4. Temperature DHT11 1 pcs 150 150
and Humidity Module
5. Centrifugal Industrial 1 pcs 1500 1500
Blower Electric
6. Electrical Stranded HQ 1 pcs 250 250
Wires wire silicone (10
(0.08mm by meters)
7. PTC Heater 1000W AC 1 pcs 1100 1100
DC 220V
Ceramic Air
8. Exhaust Fan 12V Cooling 1 pcs 150 150
Fan Exhaust (per
Fan (120mm piece)
x 120 x
25mm) cpu
fan incubator
9. Circuit Koten Safety 1 pcs 300 300
Breaker Breaker 15A
10. Pulley Drive Pulley 2 pcs 245 & 645
for 1.5hp 400
11. Male plug Royu Heavy 1 pcs 25 25
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Duty Plug 15
A (REDPL202)
12. Electrical Royu PVC 16 1 pcs 20 20
tape meters
13. Jumper wire Breadboard 120 pcs sets 90 per 270
connecting (set 40
Jumper Wire pcs)
Cabe Dupont
Wire Cable
14. Bolts and Yellow zinc 50 pcs sets 50 per 100
Nuts (10 yabe) (set 50
15. Galvanized Plain Sheet 1 pcs 500 500
sheet Liso Gauge
(4ft x 8ft) 1
Sheet Roll
16. Pump belt Automotive 1 pcs 400 400
17. Angle bar 2-inch x 2 pcs 1000 2000
18. Tubular 2x3 stainless 2 pcs 1500 3000
tubular 304
1.5 mm
19. Type k MAX6675 1 pcs 180 180
Thermocouple Module + K
(arduino) Type
e Senso
Module for
TOTAL 13,800

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