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VTFT Intern Name: James Tucker

Subject of Lesson: Physical Education

Topic of Lesson: Coordination & Motor Skills
Grade Level of Students: 6th, 7th, 8th
Time/Length of Lesson: 30-45 minutes
Date Taught: 03/21/24
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In this lesson…
Overview Students will demonstrate their coordination and ability to accurately relay
information seen to physical actions.
● 6.1 The student will demonstrate all critical elements in movement
forms in various activities and demonstrate the six components of skill-
related fitness
● 7.1 The student will demonstrate competence and apply movement
Standards of Learning concepts in modified versions of various game/sport, rhythmic, dance,
lifetime, and recreational activities.
● 8.1 The student will apply and demonstrate movement concepts and
skills in small-sided games/sports, rhythmic, dance, lifetime, and
recreational activities.
Students will be able to…
Objectives Taking in visual information and performing physical tasks corresponding to
visual cues.
Learning Target I can move my body to mimic the arrow movements the videos gave.
Necessary Prior Determining cardinal direction.
(Concepts or Terms)
Teacher items:
- Compass mats
- Youtube Videos
Materials Student Items:
- PE clothing/shoes

I will direct students to assemble in their squads. I will then direct stretches for
Introduction/Hook students to follow. I will then call them by each squad to grab compass mats and
take a seat back in their squad with the mat underneath them.

I will ask students to stand up in place. I will then have them orient the mats so
that North on the mat is in front of them. I will then instruct students on which
Instructional numbered squares correlate to which arrow direction. Once students finish and
Activities & are comfortable with the direction I will play videos from Dance Dance
Revolution or Friday Night Funkin’ on YouTube. I will ensure students are
Strategies trying to participate and engage with the activity. If students seem to not enjoy
the activity I will allow them to play Just Dance by playing Just Dance videos
on YouTube.
Closure Activity Closing:
Students will orderly make their way to the locker rooms and change back into
their school-day outfits. Students will collect their binders, folders,
Chromebooks, and once the bell rings will be dismissed from the locker rooms.

I will observe the students' coordination and effort while doing the activity.


Remember to submit your final lesson plan within 24 hours and reflection within 48 hours after teaching!

VTFT I “Big Lesson” Lesson Plan Rubric

Excellent Good Acceptable Needs Revision
Organization 25 Information is 21 Content is 18 Plan has some 15 Plan is unorganized
& Detail presented in a clear, sequential. Plan organization but ideas may and lacks clear
logical, coherent contains specific detail not be in logical order. sequence. Plan is
sequence. Plan is detailed for most elements. A Parts may be vague, described only in basic
and each section is few sections may not missing detail in multiple detail or list of activities.
thoroughly explained. be very detailed or not sections. Many sections left
fully explained. blank.
Content 25 Plan is based on a 21 Content is full in 18 Content has some 15 Content lacks
standard or specific goal & coverage, clarity, missing elements in coverage, clarity,
thoroughly addresses information, and coverage, clarity, information, and/or
standards/goals, Content analysis; information, or analysis; analysis;
is superb in coverage, Plan mostly addresses Plan misses fully Plan doesn’t address
clarity, information, detail. the standards/ goals. addressing the the stated standard or
Perhaps goes above & standard/goal. doesn’t achieve the
beyond. lesson goal.
Teaching 20 Plan includes multiple 17 Plan includes 2+ 14 Plan includes one 12 Presentation relies
Strategies (3+) creative & effective strategies to share effective strategy and one solely on lecture and
strategies to share content content and engage that is not fully explained does not attempt to
and fully engage students. students. Strategies or not effectively used. implement additional
are effective but not Plan may lack strategies to engage
necessarily creativity/engagement. students.
Supplemental 20 Plan includes links or 16 Plan includes links 12 Plan includes only one 8 Plan does not include
Materials attachments to all or attachments to all supplemental material OR supplemental materials;
supplemental materials. materials. Some may multiple that do not or materials are
(Slides, handouts, be hard to read/too enhance overall inappropriate/
directions, etc.) All are much info and/or presentation and/or ineffective.
well-designed and easily handouts may be contain inappropriate
accessible to students. slightly ineffective. content. (Ex: Slides are
hard to read with too much
Mechanics 10 Plan and visuals are 8 Plan and visuals 6 Plan and visuals contain 4 Plan and visual
polished and contain NO contain only 1-2 errors 3-4 errors/errors begin to include 5+ written
written errors distract listener errors

TOTAL: ______/100

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