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Personal information

 Name : Kareem Ali Salim

 Address : Baghdad -Iraq
 Tel No :07800824681
 Date of Birth : 1990 Salahaddin
 Nationality :Iraq
 Gender :male
 Marital Status :married
 Driving license :General driving license
 E-Mail

Writing Comprehension Speaking Fair

Arabic Mother tongue Mother tongue Mother tongue Mother tongue
English Good Good Good Good

 Master's degree in the Civil Code department in Alexandria university in Egypt -2018.
 High Diploma in Law in the University of Alexandria in Egypt 2015-2016
 TPA Certificate from B.A.M.R.O. Organization in Belgium 2017
 Toifel Certificate in English Language in Alexandria University 2016.
 A certificate from AXON institute for English Language adopted by Europe 2016
 A research about (right of woman and the phenomenon of trade by human being)
forwared to college in the University of Al-mustansiriya.
 Diploma in human development from University of Eayan Shams in Egypt 2015
 Bachelor's degree in Law from university of Al-mustansiriya in Iraq 2013.


Internet Very good

Word Very Good
Access Good
Excel Good
Data input Very good
Surfing Very good
Writing Reports Very good
Experiences & skills
 Working with the Italian INTERSOS Organization from 3/3/ 2019 – 31/12/2020 as a
lawyer to issue legal documents.
 Working with the Norwegian People Aid "NPA" 2018 as a lawyer to raise awareness of
the dangers of mines and remnants of war and legal awareness.
 Issuing all legal documents for the displaced and immigrants in Iraq and pleading in
all cases "legal Aid and representation" & "providing legal advice".
 Training with the ability to work on the Platform.
 Work in Iraqi Courts since 2013.
 Good Practice and knowledge of women's and children's Rights and sexual
 Work with UN as volunteer against human trafficking and help the immigrants people.
 Seminars in Alexandria University about social networks and their effects on health and
 Work as coordinator in the conference held in Baghdad in 2013 in the Directorate of
Human rights sponsored by prime minister of Martin Coupler.
 An article available online on sexual harassment.
 Training workshop on providing first Aid.
 Training workshop on providing Primary psychological support.
 Training on gender – based violence.

Other data

A reliable conscientious and versatile individual who is team oriented but individually
responds well to pressure and works creatively and efficiently .continually work to high
standards and like to commence tasks early to allow for final corrections, organized and
professional, with excellent communication skills .and look forward for opportunity to join a
reputable company and quickly fill the role that I am expected to.

 Strong Commitment ,vision and decisive leadership

 Proactive ,positive ,Goal Achiever ,Problem Solver and Team Leader
 Excellent Communication skills.
 Self-motivated, dedicated, committed to professionalism.
 Writing Reports according to work requirements and sending them to the required
 Ability to work in the field and online.
 Commitment to regulations and standards and continuous communication with the
supervisor and the team.

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