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BPOPS103-Principals of Programming using C.

Module-1: Introduction to C
Question COs CL Marks
1. What is a computer. Explain the characteristics of a computer? (JULY 2023) CO1 L2 10M

Explain the different generations of Computers?

2. CO1 L2 5M
Explain the Instruction execution in a computer? CO1 L2 5M
Explain any five input devices with advantages and disadvantages? (JULY 2023).
4. CO1 L2 10M
(Jan/Feb 2023)
5. Explain any five output devices with advantages and disadvantages? (Jan/Feb 2023) CO1 L2 10M

Describe the different phases of the software development life cycle. CO1 L2 10M
Explain the following with an example for each. CO1 L2 10M
I) Flowchart
II) Algorithm
III) Pseudocode
List and explain the various kinds of errors which frequently occur in program. CO1 L2 5M
9. Explain the following programming paradigms. CO1 L2 10M
i) Procedural Programming
ii) Structured Programming
iii) Object oriented Programming (July 2023)
10. Explain printf() and scanf() functions with their syntax. Give the illustrative CO1 L2 10M
examples (July 2023)
Define a variable. Explain the rules for constructing variables in C language. CO1 L2 5M
12. Define data type. Explain primitive data types supported by C languages with CO1 L2 5M
example. (Jan/Feb 2023)
13. Write the basic structure of C program. Explain each section briefly with suitable CO1 L2
example. (Jan/Feb 2023)
14. Explain with example, the various constants available in C language. CO1 L2 5M
What is an assignment statement? Give the general form of an assignment statement.
15. CO1 L1 4M
16. What is a token? What are the different types of tokens available in C language?
CO1 L1 10M
What is an identifier (variable)? What are the rules to construct identifier (variable)? CO1 L1 5M
Classify the following as valid/invalid Identifiers.
i) num2 ii) $num1 iii) +add iv) a_2 v) 199_space vi) _apple vii) #12

Define the following. CO1 L1 10M
i. Variable and give the rules for declaring it.. (Jan/Feb 2023)
ii. Constant
iii. Declaration.
iv. Associativity
v. Precedency

19. Evaluate each of the following expressions independent of each other.

CO1 L3 6M
i. x = a – b/3 + c * 2 – 1 where, a=9, b=12, c=3
ii. 10! = 10 || 5 < 4 && 8
iii. 100%20 <= 20 – 5 + 100 % 10 – 20 = = 5 >=1! = 20
iv. Y=100/20<=10-5+100%10-20= =5>=1! =20
v.2*((a%5) *(4+(b-3)/(c+2)))

20. Write a C program to compute simple interest. Draw the flowchart for the same CO1 L2 5M
21. Explain formatted input and output statement with examples. CO1 L2 10M
22. Explain different types of computers. CO1 L2 10M
23. Write a C program in C to find the area and perimeter of a circle. CO1 L2 5M
24. Write a C program to find the biggest of three numbers using conditional operator. CO1 L2
25. With a neat diagram explain the components of the computer. CO1 L2 5M
26. Define data type. Explain primitive data types supported by C languages with CO1 L2
27. Explain Files used in a C program. CO1 L2 5M
28. Write a C program to demonstrate the use of printf() and scanf() statements to read CO1 L2 10M
and print values of variables of different data types.(Jun/Jul 2023)
29. Explain the organization of basic computer model with neat diagram. (Jan/Feb CO1 L2 8M

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