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MFT00603 | DR.


Biodiversity, short for biological
diversity, refers to the variety of life
It encompasses the totality of all
on Earth at all levels of
living organisms, their interactions,
organization, including the variety
and the ecosystem they form.
of species, ecosystems, and
genetic diversity within species.

Biodiversity is crucial for the health

and well-being of the planet and
its inhabitants, including humans.
Main Components of Biodiversity
Genetic Diversity Species Diversity
• This refers to the variety of genes within a • This aspect of biodiversity focuses on the
species. variety and abundance of different species in
• Genetic diversity is essential for the a particular region or ecosystem.
adaptation and evolution of species over time. • It includes the number of species present
• It provides the raw material for natural (species richness) and the distribution of
selection and allows species to respond to individuals among those species (species
environmental changes. evenness).

Ecosystem Diversity
• Ecosystems are communities of living
organisms interacting with each other and
their physical environment.
• Ecosystem diversity relates to the variety of
ecosystems within a geographical area.
• Different ecosystems, such as forests,
wetlands, deserts, and oceans, contribute to
overall biodiversity.
Biodiversity Benefits
Ecological Balance Economic Value
• Many industries. Including agriculture,
• Biodiversity helps maintain
medicine, and tourism, rely on
ecological balance by regulating biodiversity for resources and services.
the interactions between species • Biodiversity also contributes to resilience
and ensuring the health of in the face of environmental changes.

Cultural and Recreational Value

• Biodiversity is often deeply intertwined
with cultural identities and practices.
• Additionally, many people derive
recreational value from outdoor activities
in diverse natural environments.
Habitat destruction, pollution,
climate change, overexploitation
Despite its importance,
of resources and invasive species
biodiversity is facing significant
are some of the factors
threats due to human activities.
contributing to the loss of

Conservation efforts and

sustainable practices are essential
to safeguard and restore
biodiversity for the benefit of
present and future generations.
“Flora” refers to the collective plant life present in a
particular region, habitat, or period.

It encompasses all plant species, including their

characteristics, distribution, and relationships within

The term is often used to describe the botanical

composition of a specific area or to refer to a
comprehensive list of plant species in a particular
Key Points

Floral Flora includes a wide range of plants, such as trees, shrubs, herbs,
grasses, ferns, mosses, and algae.

Native flora refers to plants that naturally occur in a specific region,

Native having evolved and adapted to the local environmental conditions.
Exotic Exotic or non-native flora, on the other hand, are plants introduced to an
area by human activities, intentionally or unintentionally.
Floral Botanists and ecologists often conduct surveys and inventories to
document the plant species present in a particular ecosystem or
Surveys geographical region.
and This information is crucial for understanding biodiversity, ecosystem
Inventories health, and conservation efforts.
Key Points
Floral The study of floral ecology involves examining the interactions
Ecology between plants and their environment, as well as the
relationships between plants and other organisms, such as
pollinators, herbivores, and symbiotic fungi.

Floral Given the threats to biodiversity, there is a growing emphasis on

Conservation conserving plant species and their habitats.

Conservation efforts aim to protect endangered plants species,

preserve ecosystems, and promote sustainable practices to
prevent the loss of valuable flora.

Understanding the flora of a region is

essential for various scientific
disciplines, including ecology, botany,
and environmental science.

It provides insights into the functioning

of ecosystems, the impact of human
activities on plant life, and the overall
health of the natural environment.
“Fauna” refers to the collective animal life present in a
particular region, habitat, or period.

It encompasses all animal species, including their

characteristics, distribution, and relationships within

The term is often used to describe the zoological

composition of a specific area or to refer to a
comprehensive list of animal species in a particular region.
Key Points
Faunal Diversity
• Fauna includes a wide range of animals, such as mammals, birds,
reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects, and other invertebrates.
• Each animal species contributes to the overall diversity of the fauna in a
given area.

Native and Exotic Fauna

• Native fauna refers to animals that naturally occur in a specific region,
having evolved and adapted to the local environmental conditions.
• Exotic or non-native fauna are animals introduced to an area by human
activities, intentionally or unintentionally.

Faunal Surveys and Inventories

• Zoologists and ecologists often conduct surveys and inventories to
document the animal species present in a particular ecosystem or
geographical region.
• This information is crucial for understanding biodiversity, ecosystem
health, and conservation efforts.
Key Points
Faunal Ecology
• The study of faunal ecology involves examining the interactions between animals
and their environment, as well as the relationships between different animal species.
• This includes predator-prey relationships, symbiotic interactions, and the role of
animals in ecosystem processes.
Faunal Conservation
• Similar to flora, there is a growing emphasis on conserving animal species and their
• Conservation efforts aim to protect endangered animal species, preserve
ecosystems, and address threats such as habitat loss, pollution, and climate change.
Endangered Species
• Some animal species are at risk of extinction due to various factors, and their
conservation is a priority.
• Conservation programs may focus on protecting critical habitats, implementing
breeding programs, and addressing the underlying causes of decline.
Key Points
Biodiversity and Ecosystem
• Fauna diversity is essential for the
proper functioning of ecosystems.
• Animals contribute to nutrient cycling,
pollination of plants, seed dispersal, and
regulation of populations, playing crucial
roles in maintaining ecological balance.
Understanding the fauna of a region is vital for
various scientific disciplines, including zoology,
ecology, and conservation biology.

It provides insights into the dynamics of ecosystems,

the impact of human activities on animal life, and the
overall health of the natural environment.

Fauna diversity is an integral part of the broader

concept of biodiversity, which encompasses the
variety of life on Earth.

• Microbial refers to anything related to

microorganisms, which are microscopic living
organisms that include bacteria, viruses, fungi,
and archaea.

• Microbes are diverse and can be found in various

environments, playing essential roles in
ecosystems, human health, industry, and other
Key Points
Microbial Diversity

• Microorganisms exhibit an incredible diversity of forms, sizes, and functions.

• They can be found in almost every environment on Earth, from deep-sea vents
to the human gut.


• Bacteria are single-celled organisms with a simple structure.

• They are found in soil, water, air, and living organisms.
• While some bacteria are pathogenic and can cause diseases, many are
beneficial and play crucial roles in nutrient cycling, decomposition, and other
ecological processes.


• Viruses are small infectious agents that require a host cell to reproduce.
• They can infect various forms of life, including animals, plants, and bacteria.
• Viruses play a significant role in the evolution of organisms and can impact
ecosystems and human health.
Key Points

• Fungi include various microorganisms, such as yeasts and moulds.

• Some fungi are beneficial, contributing to processes like fermentation and
decomposition, while others can be harmful, causing diseases in plants and


• Archaea are a group of single-celled microorganisms that often inhabit extreme

environments such as hot springs, deep-sea hydrothermal vents, and acidic
• They share characteristics with both bacteria and eukaryotes but have unique
genetic and biochemical features.

Microbial Ecology

• Microbial ecology studies the interactions of microorganisms with each other and
with their environment.
• This field explores the roles of microbes in nutrient cycling, energy flow, and the
overall functioning of ecosystems.
Key Points
Industrial and Biotechnological Applications

• Microbes are used in various industrial processes and biotechnological applications.

• Examples include the production of antibiotics, enzymes, and biofuels, as well as
wastewater treatment and bioremediation.

Human Microbiome

• The human body is home to a vast community of microorganisms known as the

• These microbes, especially bacteria in the gut, play crucial roles in digestion,
metabolism, and immune system function.
• The study of the human microbiome has implications for understanding health and

Microbial Diseases

• Some microorganisms can cause diseases in humans, animals, and plants.

• Understanding the biology and ecology of pathogens is essential for preventing and
treating infectious diseases.

• Microbes are fundamental to life on Earth,

influencing ecological processes, contributing to
the health of ecosystems, and impacting various
aspects of human life.

• The study of microorganisms, known as

microbiology, is a diverse and interdisciplinary
field with applications in biology, medicine,
environmental science, and industry.
Ecosystems and
• Ecosystems are complex systems
where living organisms interact with
each other and their physical
• These interactions are essential for
the functioning and stability of
Introduction ecosystems.
• There are various types of
interactions among organisms, and
they can be broadly categorized
into biotic (involving living
organisms) and abiotic (involving
non-living factors) interactions.
• Definition
• The process where one organisms (predator)
captures and consumes another organism
Predation (prey).
• Example
• Lions hunting zebras on the African savannah.
• Definition:
• The struggle for limited resources between
Biotic Competition
individuals or different species.
• Example:

• Plants competing for sunlight, nutrients, and
space in a forest.
• Definition:
• A relationship in which both interacting species
benefit from the association.
• Example:
• Bees pollinating flowers while obtaining nectar
for food.
• Definition
• A relationship in which one organism benefits,
and the other is neither helped nor harmed.
• Example
• Barnacles attaching themselves to whales to
get a free ride without harming the whale.

• Definition:
• A relationship in which one organism (parasite)
Biotic Parasitism benefits at the expense of another (host).
• Example:

• Fleas feeding on the blood of mammals.
• Definition:
• A close and long-term interaction between
different species, including mutualism,
Symbiosis commensalism, and parasitism.
• Example:
• Lichen, a mutualistic association between fungi
and algae.
• Definition
• The long-term weather conditions in an area,
including temperature, humidity, precipitation, and
Climate wind.
• Example
• The tropical rainforest ecosystem characterized by
high temperatures and high rainfall.
• Definition:
• The physical features of the landscape, including
Abiotic Topography
elevation, slope, and landforms.
• Example:

Interactions • Mountains influencing the distribution of plants and

animals based on altitude.

• Definition:
• The composition and structure of the Earth’s crust,
influencing soil formation and nutrient availability.
• Example:
• Different soil types affecting the types of plants that
can grow in an area.
• Definition
• The study of water, including its
distribution, movement, and
Hydrology properties.
• Example
• Rivers and lakes serving as habitats
for aquatic organisms.
Abiotic • Definition:
Interactions • A natural or human-induced process
that can influence vegetation, nutrient
cycling, and habitat structure.
• Example:
• Some ecosystems, like certain
grasslands, are adapted to regular,
controlled fires.
• Understanding these interactions
is crucial for ecologists and
conservationists as it provides
insights into the dynamics of
ecosystems, the flow of energy
and nutrients, and the factors
Conclusion that influence biodiversity
• Changes in one part of an
ecosystem can have cascading
effects on the entire system,
highlighting the
interconnectedness of life on
Alternation of

• The alternation of generations is a life cycle characteristic of

certain plants and algae, where the organism alternates between
two different multicellular forms, each with a different ploidy level
(the number of sets of chromosomes).

• This life cycle involves both a haploid (1n) and a diploid (2n)
phase, and it typically occurs in plants, algae, and some fungi.

• The two phases are known as the gametophyte and sporophyte

Alternation of Generations
1. Haploid (1n) Gametophyte Generation
• The life cycle begins with a haploid spore, which undergoes mitosis to produce a
multicellular structure called the gametophyte.
• The gametophyte is the haploid phase and produces gametes (sex cells), such
as eggs and sperm, through mitosis.

2. Fertilization
• The male gamete (sperm) from the gametophyte fertilizes the female gamete
(egg) to form a diploid zygote (2n).

3. Diploid (2n) Sporophyte Generation

• The zygote develops into a multicellular structure known as the sporophyte,
which is the diploid phase.
• The sporophyte undergoes mitosis and meiosis to produce haploid spores.
Alternation of Generations

4. Haploid Spores
•The haploid spores are released from
the sporophyte and can disperse in the

5. Repeat of the Cycle

•The spores germinate and develop into
new gametophytes, restarting the cycle.
Alternation of Generations

• The alternation of generation is a key feature in the

life cycles of plants, particularly in non-vascular
plants (like mosses) and some vascular plants (like

• In these plants, the sporophyte and gametophyte

generations often have different structures and

• In mosses, the dominant and more noticeable

phase is the gametophyte, which produces
structures for sexual reproduction.

• In ferns, the sporophyte is the more prominent

and longer-lived phase, while the gametophyte
is often smaller and less conspicuous.

• This life cycle is in contrast to animals, where the life cycle is

generally dominated by the diploid phase, and haploid phase
(e.g. gametes) are typically short-lived.

• The alternation of generations is an adaptation that allows

plants and certain algae to undergo both sexual and asexual
reproduction, contributing to their reproductive versatility and
ability to adapt to various environmental conditions.
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