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Status in employment

person and the job, and the type of

authority over establishments and other
Introduction workers that the job-holder has or will
have as an explicit or implicit result of the
The indicator of status in employment employment contract.1
distinguishes between two categories of
the total employed. These are: (a) wage Breaking down employment information
and salaried workers (also known as by status in employment provides a
employees); and (b) self-employed statistical basis for describing workers’
workers. These two groups of workers are behaviour and conditions of work, and for
presented as percentages of the total defining an individual’s socio-economic
employed for both sexes and for males and group.2 A high proportion of wage and
females separately. Information on the salaried workers in a country can signify
subcategories of the self-employed group – advanced economic development. If, on
self-employed workers with employees the other hand, the proportion of own-
(employers), self-employed workers account workers (self-employed without
without employees (own-account hired employees) is sizeable, it may be an
workers), members of producers’ indication of a large agriculture sector and
cooperatives and contributing family low growth in the formal economy.
workers (formerly known as unpaid family Contributing family work is a form of
workers) – is not available for all countries labour – generally unpaid, although
but is presented wherever possible. Table 3 compensation might come indirectly in the
currently covers 194 countries. form of family income – that supports
production for the market. It is particularly
common among women, especially
women in households where other
Use of the indicator members engage in self-employment,
specifically in running a family business or
This indicator provides information on the in farming. Where large shares of workers
distribution of the workforce by status in are contributing family workers, there is
employment and can be used to answer likely to be poor development, little job
questions such as what proportion of growth, widespread poverty and often a
employed persons in a country (a) work large rural economy.
for wages or salaries; (b) run their own
enterprises, with or without hired labour;
or (c) work without pay within the family 1
Resolution concerning the international
unit? According to the International classification of status in employment, adopted by the
Classification of Status in Employment 15th International Conference of Labour Statisticians,
(ICSE), the basic criteria used to define the Geneva, 1993;
status groups are the types of economic es/icse.pdf.
risk that they face in their work, an United Nations: Handbook for Producing
element of which is the strength of National Statistical Reports on Women and Men, Social
Statistics and Indicators, Series K, No. 14 (New York,
institutional attachment between the 1997), p. 217.
Status in employment KILM 3

Own-account workers and contributing with high job growth. The Republic of
family workers have a lower likelihood of Korea and Thailand are such examples,
having formal work arrangements, and are where large shifts in status in employment
therefore more likely to lack elements have accompanied economic growth.
associated with decent employment, such
as adequate social security and a voice at Shifts in proportions of status in
work. Therefore, the two statuses are employment are generally not as sharp or
summed to create a classification of as clear as shifts in sectoral employment.
‘vulnerable employment’, while wage and A country with a large informal economy,
salaried workers together with employers in both the industrial and services sectors,
constitute ‘non-vulnerable employment’. may tend to have larger proportions of
The vulnerable employment rate, which is both self-employed and contributing
the share of vulnerable employment in family workers (and thus higher rates of
total employment, was an indicator of the vulnerable employment) than a country
(now finished) MDG employment target with a smaller informal economy. It may
on decent work.3 Globally, just below half be more relevant to view status in
of the employed are in vulnerable employment within the various sectors in
employment, but in many low-income order to determine whether there has been
countries this share is much higher. a change in their relative shares. Such
degree of detail is likely to be available in
recently conducted labour force surveys or
population censuses.4
The indicator of status in employment is
strongly linked to the employment-by-
sector indicator (KILM 4). With economic
growth, one would expect to see a shift in
employment from the agricultural to the
industry and services sectors, which, in
turn, would be reflected in an increase in
the number of wage and salaried workers.
Also, a shrinking share of employment in
agriculture would result in a lower
proportion of contributing family workers,
who are often widespread in the rural
sector in developing economies. Countries
that show falling proportions of either the
share of own-account workers or
contributing family workers, and a
complementary rise in the share of
employees, accompany the move from a
low-income situation with a large informal
or rural sector to a higher-income situation

See ILO: Key Indicators of the Labour Market,
Sixth Edition (Geneva, 2009), Chapter 1, section C; ILO:
Key Indicators of the Labour Market, Fifth Edition
(Geneva, 2007), Chapter 1, section A; and United
Nations: The Millennium Development Goals Report See ILO: Key Indicators of the Labour Market,
2013 (New York). Fifth Edition (Geneva, 2007), Chapter 1, section B.
Status in employment KILM 3

Definitions and sources

iii. Own-account workers are those
International recommendations for the workers who, working on their own
status in employment classification have account or with one or more
existed since before 1950.5 In 1958, the partners, hold the type of jobs
United Nations Statistical Commission defined as a “self-employment
approved the International Classification jobs” [see ii above], and have not
by Status in Employment (ICSE). At the engaged on a continuous basis any
15th International Conference of Labour employees to work for them.
Statisticians (ICLS) in 1993, the
definitions of categories were revised. The iv. Members of producers’
1993 revisions retained the existing major cooperatives are workers who hold
categories, but attempted to improve the “self-employment jobs” [see ii or
conceptual basis for the distinctions made iii above] in a cooperative
and the basic difference between wage producing goods and services.
employment and self-employment.
v. Contributing family workers are
The 1993 ICSE categories and extracts those workers who hold “self-
from their definitions follow: employment jobs” as own-account
workers [see iii above] in a market-
i. Employees are all those workers oriented establishment operated by
who hold the type of jobs defined a related person living in the same
as “paid employment jobs”, where household.
the incumbents hold explicit
(written or oral) or implicit vi. Workers not classifiable by
employment contracts that give status include those for whom
them a basic remuneration that is insufficient relevant information is
not directly dependent upon the available, and/or who cannot be
revenue of the unit for which they included in any of the preceding
work. categories.

ii. Employers are those workers who, The status-in-employment indicator

working on their own account or presents all six groups used in the ICSE
with one or a few partners, hold the definitions. The two major groups  self-
type of jobs defined as a “self- employed and employees  cover the two
employment jobs” (i.e. jobs where broad types of status in employment. The
the remuneration is directly remaining four – employers (group ii);
dependent upon the profits derived own-account workers (group iii); members
from the goods and services of producers’ cooperatives (group iv); and
produced), and, in this capacity, contributing family workers (group v) –
have engaged, on a continuous are sub-categories of total self-employed.
basis, one or more persons to work The number in each status category is
for them as employee(s). divided by total employment to arrive at
the percentages shown in table 3. As was
The Sixth International Conference of Labour mentioned before, the vulnerable
Statisticians (1947) and the 1950 Session of the United employment rate is calculated as the sum
Nations Population Commission both made relevant
recommendations for statistics on employment and
of contributing family workers and own-
unemployment and on population censuses respectively.
Status in employment KILM 3

account workers as a percentage of total likely to be small. More detailed

employment. comparisons within the group of self-
employed are difficult if only
Most of the information for this indicator combinations of subcategories are
was gathered from international available; for example, in a number of
repositories of labour market data, countries own-account workers include
including the ILO Department of employers, members of producers’
Statistics’ online database (ILOSTAT) the cooperatives or contributing family
Statistical Office of the European workers for certain periods.
Communities (EUROSTAT), the
Organisation for Economic Co-operation It is also important to note that information
and Development Labour Force Statistics from labour force surveys is not
Database (OECD), and Latin America and necessarily consistent in terms of what is
the Caribbean Labour Information System included in employment. For example,
(QUIPUSTAT) with additions from reporting civilian employment can result in
websites of national statistical offices. an underestimation of “employees” and
“workers not classifiable by status”,
Limitations to comparability especially in countries that have large
armed forces. The other two categories,
The indicator on status in employment can self-employed and contributing family
be used to study how the distribution of workers, would not be affected, although
the workforce by status in employment has their relative shares would be.
changed over time for a particular country;
how this distribution differs across With respect to geographic coverage,
countries; and how it has developed over information from a source that covers only
the years for different countries. However, urban areas or only particular cities cannot
there are often differences in definitions, be compared fairly with information from
as well as in coverage, across countries sources that cover both rural and urban
and for different years, resulting from areas, that is, the entire country..6
variations in information sources and
methodologies that make comparisons For “wage and salaried workers” one
difficult. needs to be careful about the coverage,
noting whether, as mentioned above, it
Some definitional changes or differences refers only to the civilian population or to
in coverage can be overlooked. For the total population. Moreover, the status-
example, it is not likely to be significant in-employment distinctions used in this
that status-in-employment comparisons are chapter do not allow for finer distinctions
made between countries using information in working status – in other words,
from labour force surveys with differing whether workers have casual or regular
age coverage. (The generally used age contracts and the kind of protection the
coverage is 15 years and over, but some contracts provide against dismissals, as all
countries use a different lower limit or
impose an upper age limit.) In addition, in When performing queries on this table and tables
a limited number of cases one category of 4a-d on employment by sector, we strongly recommend
removing countries that are not of national coverage
self-employed – the members of from the selection when making comparisons across
producers’ cooperatives – are included countries. On the software, this can be done by
with wage and salaried workers. The performing the query for all data and then refining the
parameters to select “national only” under “Geographic
effects of this non-standard grouping are coverage”.
Status in employment KILM 3

wage and salaried workers are grouped


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