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Copper concentrate pressure leaching - plant

scale-up from continuous laboratory testing

R.E. Brewer
Manager of concentrate leaching, Phelps Dodge Mining Company, Phoenix, Arizona

Phelps Dodge Mining Company (Phelps Dodge) is operating a pressure-leach vessel (PLV) for copper
concentrates at the Bagdad Mine facility in Arizona. This single PLV unit was engineered and constructed
based on continuous laboratory testing, on reaction chemistry and kinetics and on available pressure-vessel
technology. The challenge of designing for optimum process retention time, agitation, oxygen mass transfer,
temperature and pressure are reviewed in this paper. The PLV interior lining, agitation equipment and
compartment configuration chosen for the PLVare also reviewed.
Key words: Copper, Pressure leaching

Scale-up objectives leaching certainly brings costs savings to the Bagdad site, the
The primary objective for scaling-up a pressure-leach vessel real economic benefits of implementing the technology lies
(PL V) for Phelps dodge was to provide the means to effec- with the potential development of Phelps Dodge's projects in
tively demonstrate pressure leaching of cha\copyrite concen- South America and other potential sites. A thorough review
trate at the Bagdad, Arizona, mine site. Successful demon- of the strategy and approach of Phelps Dodge's concentrate
stration of this technology would provide Phelps Dodge with leach development has been provided in prior publications
an alternative method of treating copper concentrates to (Marsden,2003).
reduce operating costs and broaden corporate development
opportunities. Design challenges
In addition, the demonstration plant was built to provide For pressure leaching at high temperature (225°C), cha\copy-
answers to questions about design details that in the past have rite reacts very rapidly and considerable heat is produced from
proven to be crucial in optimizing the performance of pressure the exothermic sulfide oxidation. This oxidation reaction is
oxidation facilities. These design details had to be engineered necessary to free the copper values from the sulfide host so it
from small-scale equipment performance information, theo- can be recovered. Copper sulfate then forms from the abun-
retical reaction chemistry and available pressure vessel tech- dant copper and sulfate ions produced during oxidation.
nology. Details from each of these information sources had to Copper can be recovered from this sulfate solution using
be correlated to provide practical design choices that could be standard solution extraction and electrowinning methods. The
engineered. flowsheet for the high-temperature concentrate leach plant
Another important factor motivating the construction of constructed at Bagdad is shown in Fig. 1.
the Bagdad plant was the need to demonstrate the economics The Bagdad project focused on achieving copper recover-
of capital and operating costs. The capital-cost information ies equal to or exceeding 98% and meeting design copper
was provided by the construction phase and the operating production targets from a concentrate leach plant that utilized
costs will be provided by the PL V during the first year of a commercial-scale (full-scale) pressure-leach vessel (PLV).
operation. For this first installation, a conservative design Though this target is nominally attainable through proper
approach was taken to ensure effective PLY performance. To control of temperature, pressure and retention time in a small
date, these measures have produced the projected operating pilot PL V, the challenge is to design and build a commercial-
cost profiles, and it is expected that the long-term economic scale plant that can meet these criteria in a continuous operat-
targets will be met. ing mode.
High-temperature pressure leach conditions at 225°C The operating temperature chosen for the Bagdad PL V
(437°F) were chosen for the Bagdad project. These condi- (225°C) ensures that nearly all sulfur in the feed is converted
tions ensure that almost all sulfur in the feed is oxidized to to sulfate, thereby producing the maximum amount of sulfuric
sulfate, thereby maximizing acid production for use in stock- acid that can be produced from known oxidation reactions.
pile heap leaching. Though the optimization of pressure The acid is, in turn, used by an accompanying stockpile leach

Preprint number 04-041 , presented at the SME Annual Meeting, Feb. 23-25, 2004, Denver, Colorado. Original manuscript
accepted for publication June 2004. Discussion of this peer-reviewed paper is invited and must be submitted to SME
Publications Dep\. prior to May 31,2005. Copyright 2004, SOCiety for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc.


operation at the Bagdad site. Oxidation of chalcopyrite at
225°C (437°F) occurs very rapidly and is controlled by the
addition of cooling water to the PLY to prevent excessive
temperature and pressure. If the reaction proceeds too quickl y ,
the temperature in the PL V compartments could not be effec-
tively controlled and vessel equipment could be compro-
mised. Conversely, if the reaction proceeds too slowly, insuf-
ficient extraction is achieved for the retention time available.
The challenge is to design a pressure vessel that is optimally
sized to ensure effective oxygen mass transfer and sulfide
oxidation at the desired operating temperature.
The vessel pressure resulting from the chosen operating
temperature must also include sufficient oxygen partial pres-
sure to ensure an effective driving force for oxygen to effec-
tively meet the requirements of the oxidation reactions in the
vessel. Insufficient oxygen partial pressure prevents iron
oxidation to hematite and causes the undesirable formation of
ferrous sulfate precipitate. The challenge is to identify the
nominal oxygen partial pressure and vessel size needed for the
total vessel pressure at the design operating temperature.
Parameters such as oxygen addition rate, vessel tempera-
Figure 1 - Flow diagram for Concentrate leach plant at
ture and pressure control dictate the speed of the oxidation 8agdad, Arizona.
reactions and the vessel retention time required. Most impor-
tantly, compartment temperatures must be stabilized to pre-
vent the oxidation reaction from causing excessive tempera-
tures in the vessel. The challenge is to identify the compart- for the expected PL V discharge pressure and temperature
ment sizes from the effective retention time needed, when the used in the full-scale vessel. The use of a single flash vessel
oxidation reaction rate must be slowed to permit controlled was economically attractive for this flashing service and its
vessel operation. practical use had been demonstrated at other sites. such as
The degree of agitation also directly affects the rate of Lihir in Papua. New Guinea. Using a single-stage flash
oxygen mass transfer to the oxidation reactions. Optimum system, the challenge was to flash off heat from hematite
agitation is required to give optimum oxygen utilization. If containing slurry at approximately 3.174 kPa (460 psi) and
agitation power input is insufficient, oxygen utilization may 22YC (437°F), while reducing particulate carryover to a
be reduced. Less than optimum utilization will increase oxy- minimum so vent gas scrubbing would meet environmental
gen usage and related costs or will cause reduced throughput. permitting standards.
The challenge is to determine the horsepower requirements Lastly, it was considered that the fine hematite containing
and the proper impeller design that would provide sufficient solids formed in the oxidation reaction would form a scale
agitation and oxygen dispersion to meet the needs of the layer on the metal heat-exchange cooling equipment. Exces-
oxidation reaction for each compartment. sive scale buildup in the coolers would prevent long-term
Another aspect requiring consideration was the formation continuous production efforts and increase cooler mainte-
of hematitic scale and/or ferrous sulfate precipitate on the nance. The challenge was to design a reliable cooling system
PLY and flash vessel interiors. Insufficient oxygen addition to produce residue temperatures of 50°C ( 120°F) that would
and partial pressure at the chosen PL V temperature increased allow uninterrupted downstream thickening and transfer of
the tendency for formation of ferrous suI fate and caused residue to a tailings storage area.
precipitate buildup that affected vessel operation. Hematite
scale was also increased under these conditions but did not Pressure vessel sizing
build up to a significant amount. Planned metallurgical tests With sufficient mixing and oxygen dispersion, sulfide oxida-
demonstrated the rapid formation of ferrous sulfate when tion occurs very rapidly. Heat is generated so quickly that
optimum mass transfer conditions were not met. The chal- sufficient cooling water must be added to control the vessel
lenge was to optimize oxygen addition, ensure optimum solution temperature. This aspect must be considered along
oxygen mass transfer, minimize the opportunity for hematite with the addition rates of concentrate feed and oxygen be-
to nucleate on interior vessel surfaces and prevent ferrous cause all three dictate the vessel design sizing. To determine
sulfate formation. these rates, a calculated heat balance using heats of reaction
Corrosion protection lining was not needed for the pilot was first completed to determine the reactant weights needed
vessel used for testing because the pilot-scale vessel was to balance the expected reactions. With these weights. the
constructed of titanium. Though several tested liner options addition of cooling water and oxygen were calculated for the
were available for the full-scale vessel, Phelps Dodge gave concentrate feed rate desired. The vessel size and physical
consideration to an optional corrosion-protection liner made dimensions were calculated for the chosen copper production
from a copolymer membrane. The liner appeared easier to rate, the mass of the other reactants and the retention time
install and had a lower material cost. The challenge was to test required. .
the new liner material in a full-scale vessel under high tem- For the high-temperature case, continuous vessel labora-
perature and pressure operating conditions. tory testing indicated that sulfide oxidation was essentially
The flashing ofPL V discharge solution was not piloted due complete in 30 minutes and would yield a copper extraction of
to difficulties in building a reliable small-scale continuous 98% or more. Calculations showed that this would require a
flashing system. Previous industry designs were considered vessel with only three compartments. However, other factors

affecting retention time had to be considered before finalizing Enough gas volume should be available in both pilot- or
a vessel size and the number of compartments from this simple commercial-scale vessels to ensure that any foam or fluidized
approach. solids are kept to a minimum in the gas typically vented from
the top of the vessel. Control of a relatively constant vessel
Retention time solution level will ensure a constant gas volume, as well as the
A preliminary retention time was calculated from pressure vessel discharge rate. Phelps Dodge selected a distance of
leach batch testing using a small two-liter vessel suitable for 0.75 m (2.5 ft) above the vessel centerline for the vented
high temperature pressure testing. A series of batch tests at compartment solution level.
various retention times allowed a preview of pressure leach- An additional volume of gas is dispersed into solution
ing performance at different test periods with all other vari- during agitation. This gas is present from oxygen gas injection
ables held constant. and high-temperature vapor formation. Typically, in pilot
As previously noted, 30 minutes PL V retention time was testing, excess oxygen is added to the vessel to ensure that
sufficient for 98% copper extraction at 225°C (437°F). How- metallurgical performance is maximized. Likewise, agitators
ever, when oxidation is pushed to downstream compartments are operated at high speed. For these reasons solution gas
to slow the reaction and when one considers the effects of volume or "gas hold-up" cannot be represented in a small
short-circuiting, the retention time and the number of com- vessel. For the full-scale vessel, the agitator supplier should
partments must be increased to achieve optimum copper be a source of information on the expected gas holdup for a
extraction. For example, when adding extra cooling water in particular impeller type. For example, gas holdup in the first
the first compartment to slow the oxidation rate, the required compartment could be between 15% and 20% of the solution
retention time in the same compartment would be reduced. In volume for a Rushton Turbine. The holdup volume is depen-
this situation the retention time and number of compartments dent on the gas injected and the specific power input to the
have to be increased to ensure sufficient oxidation before the compartment.
residue exits the vessel. Further, the vessel size should be In summary, the oxidation profile, the highest throughput,
inflated for total volume throughput at maximum design rate the required gas volume and short-circuiting are factors that
plus short-circuiting allowances that still produce acceptable can be used to calculate the retention time for a full-scale
copper extraction. vessel that would produce the expected extraction results
Inflated vessel sizes can be determined from continuously observed in pilot-scale metallurgical testing.
operated pilot-vessel oxidation data collected at different
temperatures. The higher temperature case should represent a Oxygen mass transfer
rapid oxidation profile and the other temperature case should The chalcopyrite feed rate to a continuously operating pres-
represent a slower oxidation profile. The slower profile would sure vessel is dependent on the retention time available and the
represent the case where lower temperatures are needed to heat generated, as well as cooling water and oxygen addition.
control the reaction. One can then combine retention time data At high temperature the sulfide oxidation reaction calls for
from both of the sulfide oxidation profiles obtained at these immediate oxygen mass transfer to meet the needs of the
different temperatures. The resulting combined oxidation reaction. As a result, optimized oxygen availability at the
profile provides a new extended retention time that can be reactive mineral surface is required. This is best accomplished
used to design a full-scale vessel, as long as acceptable copper by direct injection of oxygen gas under the mixing agitator, so
extraction is supported by the new oxidation profile. that oxygen/vapor bubbles in solution undergo maximum
The number of compartments chosen in the full-scale dispersion and shear as they are pulled into and then expelled
vessel depends on the desired sulfide oxidation profile, the from the rotating agitator impeller blades (Rushton Turbine
short-circuiting expected from agitation and the throughput case).
rate. The degree of oxidation required in each of the compart- Oxygen mass transfer and oxygen utilization rates are
ments can be selected based on the reaction rate desired. This difficult to determine in either batch-testing or continuous-
desired rate can be determined from the oxidation expected testing laboratory equipment due to the difficulty in measur-
from the agitation system selected. The degree of oxidation ing the vented gas as well as the gas injected. Therefore,
achieved in the compartments depends on the ability of the laboratory data are generally unreliable in determining these
agitators to disperse oxygen to meet the desired oxidation. The two key performance indicators. For full-scale vessel design
temperature can be controlled by an increase or decrease of purposes, the oxygen requirement can be calculated as the
cooling water and thus will increase or decrease the effective stoichiometric amount of oxygen required to oxidize 99.8% of
compartment oxidation rate. The addition of cooling water to the sulfide present in the concentrate feed to sulfate. This
the compartments should allow sufficient reaction tempera- sulfide oxidation target has proven to be sufficient to provide
ture control, a desired oxidation rate and an overall desired more than 98 % copper extraction in the vessel. The amount of
extraction, as long as the overall solution addition to the oxygen required, however, should be inflated by a selected
compartments correlates to the retention time provided in the oxygen utilization value. For design purposes, Phelps Dodge
vessel design . Pilot-scale tracer tests can give some indication determined that this value was around 80% for impeller
of what short-circuiting to expect, but generally the data is for selected, that is, 80% of the oxygen added is said to be utilized
reference only. For commercial-scale vessels, some short- by the reactions. Knowing that 99.8% of the sulfide needs to
circuiting may also occur in slots cut into the bottom of be oxidized and 80% of the oxygen can perform this function,
compartment walls to prevent sanding in each compartment. the amount of actual oxygen addition can be calculated.
Phelps Dodge's initial design allowed excessi ve slot flow, and Certainly, the concentrate feed mineralogy dictates the
compartment levels were too low. Subsequent modifications amount of sulfide available for oxidation and the types of
reduced the slot size so that two thirds of the slurry could pass reactions that occur. One must choose the prominent oxida-
over the top of the compartment wall to the next compartment. tion reactions based on known reaction kinetics and then the
Horizontal pressure vessels with multiple compartments oxygen consumption needed to take the reactions to comple-
usually allow for a shared gas volume above the solution level. tion can be calculated. Phelps Dodge has chosen the following


key reactions in calculating oxygen consumption for chal- • optimum oxygen partial pressure was demomtrated.
copyrite concentrates • optimum pressure leach retention time was identified
2CuFeS 2 + 17/2 02 + 2H 20 ~
(1) • optimum operating parameters were determined.
2CuS0 4 + Fe 20 3 + 2H 2S04
Temperature control proved to be a challenge during pilot
2FeS 2 + 15/2 02 + 4Hp ~ Fe 20 3 + 4H 2S0 4 (2) testing as well as in Bagdad's demonstration plant. At high
temperature, heat from chalcopyrite oxidation is generated at
Providing sufficient oxygen to the reaction in the PL V is an exponential rate as temperature increases. In the pilot
critical in optimizing oxygen utilization. Operating experi- vessel case, cooling water and external heating/cooling op-
ence has verified that oxygen partial pressure, oxygen addi- tions allowed easy control of the vessel temperatures. How-
tion rate and the degree of agitation play key roles in ensuring ever, in full-scale practice, instantaneous control of heat
optimum oxygen availability to the oxidation reactions in a generation throughout the first compartment was difficult
high temperature pressure-leaching vessel: with normal single-point addition of cooling water, even with
state of the art instrumentation. To compound the problem,
• Metallurgical batch testing or continuous pilot testing at over-addition of cooling water caused reaction temperatures
various oxygen partial pressures can be used to demon- to fall very rapidly as well. For Bagdad's PLY. oxygen
strate the optimum partial pressure needed in the PL V addition and cooling water control had to be tuned by trial and
for a chosen concentrate. error to finally permit effective temperature control.
• As noted above, a design oxygen addition rate can be Ineffective control of oxygen can lead to the inherent risk
calculated from the stoichiometric requirement, ad- of oxygen deprivation for the reactions in the first compart-
justed for utilization. ment. Experience has shown that this condition can generate
• Agitation requirements in commercial-scale pressure significant amounts of ferrous sulfate precipitate in the PL V.
vessels depend on the impeller chosen for the task. Fortunately, feed-rate control, oxygen-injection control, reac-
Several types are available. Generally, a full-scale agi- tion cooling, feed dilution and feed-injection point alterna-
tator cannot be directly scaled up from pilot testing. tives can be used to meet this challenge. The three latter
Support from equipment suppliers is advisable. alternatives can lower the oxidation rate in the first compart-
ment, causing the reaction to move downstream to other
Temperature and pressure compartments in the vessel. If this is preferred, sufficient
Effective pressure leaching of chalcopyrite in an acid matrix cooling water allowances for downstream compartments must
can be achieved at temperatures from 115° to 235°C (239° to be considered in the vessel design. As noted in previous mass-
455°F). The temperature chosen in this range is usually balance comments, cooling water can be calculated for any
motivated by the amount of acid required in the PL V dis- reaction heat generated. Likewise, oxygen addition rate to
charge solution. If maximum acid-make is desired, tempera- downstream compartments must also be considered.
tures higher than 200°C (392°F) are typically chosen. If low Compartment temperatures in pilot vessels are usually the
acid-make is desired, temperatures lower than 170°C (338°F) same in every compartment due to the small size of the vessel
are typically chosen. Fine grinding of the feed may also be and the small amount of reactants in each compartment.
necessary to allow sufficient copper extraction. Pressure However, a full-scale vessel can produce temperatures that
leaching at 160°C (320°F) produces about one third of the acid decline from the first compartment to the last or increase to a
that is produced from high temperature leaching. Note that high point in the middle compartment depending on the
temperature ranges below 180°C (356°F) require acid addi- temperature profile maintained in the vessel. As noted. this
tion to the vessel to ensure an acid matrix for leaching, unless temperature profile will directly affect sulfide oxidation,
catalyzers or other reactants are added. The choice of which copper extraction and vessel retention time. Considering that
temperature range to select depends on the local acid supply lowering the first compartment temperature is necessary and
and the pressure leach acid production desired at a specific that a higher mid-vessel temperature is the expected result.
site. For the high temperature case, most ofthe sulfide in the designing the placement of vent piping and pressure mea-
feed oxidizes to sulfate and produces moderately strong acid surements in this area would be most beneficial. Pressure
in a concentration range of about 45 to 55 g/L. control in the vessel has proven to be most important in
Phelps Dodge chose to perform metallurgical testing that optimizing extraction performance and stabilizing vessel
would demonstrate the expected copper extraction perfor- slurry level.
mance at the high-temperature case of 225°C (437°F). Toward For an operating temperature of 22YC (437°F), a proper
this end, a 35-L cylindrical vessel (titanium pipe) was selected full-scale vessel design pressure should be selected to ensure
as the pressure leach vessel for a series of metallurgical test that anomalous high-temperature excursions would not com-
programs at Hazen Research Inc. The vessel was divided into promise the pressure containment capabilities of the vessel.
four compartments, each with an agitator fitted with an axial Vapor pressure at the maximum leach temperature, maximum
flow impeller. All the necessary instrumentation, cooling allowed oxygen partial pressure and pressure relief valve
water and related slurry piping was included. This device allowances must all be considered in calculating the overall
provided the following chemical and metallurgical informa- design vessel pressure. For the nominal operating conditions
tion for the design of the demonstration PL V at Bagdad: noted above, the vapor pressure generated at 22YC is about
2,470 kPa (358 psi). The empirically determined oxygen
• the operating mass balance was validated, partial pressure requirement of 731 kPa ( 106 psi) increases
• cooling-water control was demonstrated, this to about 3,202 kPa (464 psi). This pressure was selected
• the scaling potential was identified, as the nominal operating pressure for the Bagdad PL V be-
• an extraction profile was demonstrated, cause optimum metallurgical performance was obtained un-
• operating challenges were identified, der these conditions.

The vessel design pressure was selected based on 230°C mass transfer does not match the oxygen demand rate of the
(446°F) maximum temperature. The resultant vapor pressure reaction, ferrous sulfate will form. This may happen when the
of2,795 kPa (405 psi) plus a selected maximum 897 kPa (130 oxygen demand rate exceeds the ability of oxygen to get to the
psi) oxygen partial pressure totaled 3,692 kPa (536 psi). This reaction occurring in remote spaces in the compartment.
pressure was further inflated to 4,140 kPa (600 psi) to account
for a 90% simmer point expected from standard pressure relief Compartment inserts
valves. Therefore, Phelps Dodge selected a vessel design Once the compartment size has been determined, the configu-
pressure for the PLY at Bagdad to be 4,140 kPa (600 psi) for ration of its mixing baffles, injection pipes and nozzle ports
the high temperature leaching case. should be considered. In pilot vessels, nozzle ports can be
easily maintained and used for either incoming or outgoing
Agitator equipment streams. Also, insertions into the vessel can easily be made.
Agitators with axial-flow impellers are typically used in pilot Larger vessels, however, require thick, high-pressure nozzles
pressure vessels because the ratio of particle size to vessel and with base and cap flanges fastened with 38.1- to 50.8-mm-
impeller size demands high impeller speed to ensure sufficient (1.5- to 2-in.-) diameter bolts to prevent gas or liquid leakage
mixing as well as oxygen dispersion. In a commercial-scale to the atmosphere. In addition, special flange gaskets are
vessel, however, high impeller speed is not practical and needed to further prevent leakage.
power input may be critical for effective oxygen dispersion. Early in the full-scale vessel design process, the number of
For example, solution power input to a Rushton Turbine is nozzles, their sizes and their placement should be selected to
important for optimum oxygen mass-transfer performance. accommodate incoming or outgoing stream pipe flanges. A
Factors such as impeller blade area, overall diameter, tip practical design would include a complete review of nozzle
speed and depth in slurry play important roles in determining dimensions to ensure that no flange or bolt interferences for
power input. Power draw is the result of transferring sufficient any nozzles exist. This is important when flange removal is
energy to the solution to permit gas bubble shear, dispersion needed for internal vessel access. The flanges can be large
and mixing, key factors in optimizing oxygen mass transfer. enough to allow for complete agitator impeller removal at one
Some support from agitator suppliers may be necessary in time, or they can be small enough to allow agitator removal
selecting the optimum impeller configuration to achieve the after the shaft and impeller have been disconnected. This
power input necessary for this function. second option is especially useful if the selected impeller size
The agitator shaft diameter chosen for a properly designed demands a nozzle that is too large for the vessel diameter. In
impeller depends on the length of shaft, impeller tip speed and this case, a man-way access nozzle should be included in the
power input. These factors can be estimated, but it is advisable design to allow removal of the impeller (a thermowell nozzle
to collaborate with agitator suppliers to determine shaft size could also be used). Further disassembly of the impeller and/
and materials of construction. These materials must be care- or its blades may be needed to provide enough workspace in
fully chosen to avoid premature failure when exposed to the vessel. As well, the hub design must ensure that the
aggressive, corrosive environments typical in pressure oxida- agitator nozzle diameter permits removal of the impeller hub.
tion vessels. Nevertheless, as field experience is gained, Generally, the vessel diameter should dictate the nozzle diam-
design alternatives may prove more cost effective. eter. One should avoid large nozzle flange diameters because
The impeller diameter chosen for a specific compartment internal linings can be compromised during normal expansion
volume for a full-scale vessel should be studied carefully. and contraction during start-ups and shutdowns.
Fortunately, in a pilot-scale vessel one can simply adjust the Placement of the nozzles on the vessel should accommo-
impeller speed and oxygen addition to accomplish optimum date the best configuration ofthermowell, injection and drain-
oxygen dispersion. However, in a full-scale vessel for an age pipes. The arrangement should ensure that pipes do not
impeller with larger blades and a smaller range of available come into contact with one another in the vessel to reduce
power input, only a small range of impeller speeds is possible. potential ignition points. If attachment of the vessel penetrat-
Therefore, an impeller size suitable to disperse oxygen for the ing pipes to the internal vessel walls is required to prevent
given compartment size should be chosen. This aspect is contact or movement, strategic location of the pipes on the top
critically intertwined with the selected compartment size. or bottom of the vessel will be very important. Sufficient
The power drawn is dependent on the impeller design and nozzle clearance on the outside of the vessel should also be
tip speed. A specific power per cubic meter of solution must allowed for all insertion pipe flanges.
be chosen that can provide the necessary oxygen dispersion
for the impeller design. Once the specific power per cubic Pressure vessel lining
meter has been selected, the agitator power can be calculated A pilot-scale vessel can easily be made of titanium pipe and
from the volume selected in the compartments. This specific fitted with multiple insertion tubes. Such a vessel does not
power choice can be inferred from empirical tests with pilot require refractory lining for the typical short periods of opera-
agitators, but more practically from experience or correlation tion and the expansion and contraction of the shell is not a
with other industry users. problem. For a full-scale vessel, carbon steel can be used for
The compartment size in a full-scale vessel that allows for the vessel shell but some type oflining is required to protect the
an effective oxygen dispersion throughout the compartment shell from corrosion and erosion. Phelps Dodge chose to use a
for the available impeller speed may be the best option. carbon steel shell with three layers of refractory brick and a
Because the vessel diameter and length can be determined single layer of corrosion liner (Fig. 2). Stebbins Engineering
from the method described above in vessel design, one can and Manufacturing Co. provided the configuration and instal-
review the selected oxidation profile to calculate compart- lation of the brick and lining. The important elements are:
ment dimensions. This design consideration is important
because insufficient dispersion in the compartment can result • three layers of Semco refractory brick provide erosion
in some solution being deprived of oxygen, which could lead protection and insulation from heat and
to unwanted ferrous sulfate deposition. If the actual oxygen • a copolymer liner provides corrosion protection.


Face course
Middle course
Backing course ---:ill

90 mll co-polymer

Figure 2 - PDMC's PL V liner configuration provided by Stebbins.

Phelps Dodge was also careful to provide ample space portion of this stream , which may contribute to particulate
between nozzles on the 8agdad vessel so that expansion and carryover with the gas exiting the vessel. Obviously. the
contraction of the interior brick lining could not compromise selected rise velocity is critical in sizing the vessel and the
the overall brick installation. This type of brick "spalling" can choke configuration is critical in minimizing fluidized par-
occur during numerous start-ups and shutdowns if nozzles are ticulate.
too close together . In this case, brick expansion that cannot be
absorbed by mortar can cause massi ve damage and eventual I y Solidlliquid separation and cooling
cause the bricking to move out of position . Thorough review Solid/liquid separation during pilot testing was quite simple as
of the interior vessel design by the prospective brick supplier filtration was almost always used. The reason for this approach
and installer would be important in avoiding this type of was that sufficient information about industrial solid/liquid
premature brick damage. separation could be acquired with simple lab tests and recom-
Several other corrosion protection liners, such as Koch mendations from several consultants experienced in the sci-
Engineering's Pyroflex ™ and other generic lead liners, are ence . Note however, that hematite containing solids in the
also available. Obviously, liner installation cost , risk and residue slurry present a challenge to normal clarification de-
performance should be carefully reviewed before a selection signs . Hematite particle sizes are in the P80 range of 8 to 10 Ilm .
is made. As well, other options for the vessel material of The aspect of cooling the flashed slurry to an acceptable
construction are available. Titanium or super-duplex steels temperature required a greater understanding of the potential
can be considered for vessel material of construction. The for scale build-up on the coolers selected for the task. Phelps
benefits of such alternate materials would be the potential for Dodge made the choice to use shell and tube heat exchangers
cost reduction and possibly lower repair and maintenance based on experience and mineralogical information indicat-
costs. Production risks should be carefully understood before ing that the residue would not attach to the tubes in such a heat
opting for a specialty metal-lined vessel. exchanger. The choice to use a scale inhibitor in the cooling
water prevented calcium build-up on the shell side of the
Flash vessel sizing cooler. Hematitic material precipitates inside the PL V if
No continuous flashing system was used in pilot testing sufficient retention time is provided in the vessel rather than
because the required orifice to control the small PL V dis- on the stainless steel tubes selected in the coolers. Usually .any
charge stream was too small, and needle control valves were precipitated iron is trying to dissolve rather than precipitate in
not reliable at this scale of operation. Phelps Dodge relied on the cooler tubes . Slurry velocities were kept at a minimum in
an industry-standard angle choke valve, which operates simi- the design to reduce tube wear .
lar to a dart valve except that the internal materials of con-
struction are usually a type of silicon carbide. Phelps Dodge Full-scale vessel performance
also opted to use a double choke design in a single flash vessel . Phelps Dodge has utilized all of the advantages suggested
That is, flashing occurs at the second choke further away from above in designing the 8agdad pressure leach and flash
the flash vessel steam outlet pipe to ensure greater gas/ vessels . To date, all of the original metallurgical and produc-
solution disengagement. As such , this function can be accom- tion objectives for the demonstration plant have been met.
plished in one flash vessel. The system has been used else- Plant availability has been betterthan planned forthe first year
where in the pressure vessel industry. of operation at about 85 % vs. 75 % anticipated. All of the
The size of the flash vessel was determined by calculating design selections surrounding the PL V and flash vessel have
the amount of steam generated from flashing, selecting an been validated. Opportunities for further refinements are
estimated steam rise velocity from experience, and calculat- under consideration. The following has been learned :
ing the dimensions of the vessel to allow the vented gas
volume to meet the rise velocity desired. The rise velocity was • The designed vessel size was adequate to provide ac-
selected to provide enough time for separation of particulate ceptable copper extra~tion at controlled compartment
and gas so that particulate carryover would be minimized . A temperatures.
factor in controlling carryover particulate material is the • Full-scale vessel information about extraction kinetics.
amount of fluidized solids and liquid that exits the second agitator performance and oxygen utilization is now
choke orifice . Experience has shown that a diverging choke known and can be used in designing a larger full-scale
orifice offers a satisfactory means of reducing the lateral copper production plant.


• Difficulty in controlling temperature in the first com- the choke expansion is successful, a smaller vessel
partment was experienced initially. Adjustment oftem- diameter may be possible in future designs.
perature and oxidation in the vessel compartments has • The shell and tube heat exchangers have encountered no
allowed effective control to be established. problematic scaling or plugging. In seven months of
• Varying the oxygen partial pressure in the vessel dem- operation, only one tube bundle has been cleaned.
onstrated that the design pressure range selected was
sufficient to meet extraction and production targets. Conclusions and recommendations
• The agitators, which were selected based on vendor The successful performance of the full-scale plant equipment
participation and industry experience, provided ad- reviewed above clearly indicates that scale-up of pilot equip-
equate oxygen dispersion in the vessel for the retention ment can be accomplished with creative pilot testing, sound
time selected. engineering and industrial experience.
• Retention time for the chaicopyrite reaction at various Certainly, the aspect of metallurgical testing before at-
temperature ranges was adequate for optimum copper tempting any design development cannot be overstated. For
extraction. A profile for retention time vs. agitator relatively minimum testing costs, many details about operat-
speed, oxygen rate, concentrate feed rate and oxidation ing parameters and equipment design can be determined
rate will be generated. before engineering costs are incurred. One should strive to
• The maximum power input from design agitator im- learn as much as possible from pilot testing, as the relative
peller configurations has been determined. Future motor costs associated with such investigations are minimal com-
sizes can now be selected with background informa- pared to errors in design that can affect production and
tion. operating costs for a full-scale plant.
• Continuous operation for long periods has demon- Processing companies that intend to use pressure vessel
strated that hematite scale and ferrous sulfate precipi- equipment should become intimately aware of the design
tate is not a continuous problem. The limits of oxygen issues surrounding installations of the type discussed herein.
deprivation have been determined empirically. Critical design issues and associated costs can only be prop-
• After seven months of operation, no incidents of shell erly addressed by the company intending to operate the
corrosion have been identified and all the original facility. Relying solely on engineering firms for most or all of
refractory brick is still in place. the design plans and information would be a serious oversight
• The selected corrosion protection liner has not pro- and should be avoided. The equipment choice and detailed
duced any catastrophic failures and no "hot spots" have designs used in pressure leach processing should be pursued
been detected with thermal imaging of the shell. with direct participation by the owner.
• The flash system has proven to be very robust, showing
no wear on any of the interior walls. The double choke References
flashing system has performed well with only two Marsden, J.O., 2003, "Copper concentrate leaching developments by Phelps
chokes showing damage from high velocity impacts. Dodge Corporation." in Proceedings of the Hydromet Conference 2003,
August 2003, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
Future vessel sizing will depend on choke configura- Marsden, J.O., 2003, "Hydrometallurgical processing of copper concentrates
tions yet to be tested. Solids carryover may be reduced by Phelps Dodge at the Bagdad Mine in Arizona," in Proceedings of A Ifa
by a further expansion of the choke discharge stream. If 2003 Copper, May 8, 2003, Perth, Australia.


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