Year 11 Term 6 Provision and Subject Revision Sessions 03,06,24

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Friday 19th April 2024

Dear Students, Parents and Carers,

Term 6 Revision sessions

To ensure the effectiveness of your child’s revision and learning opportunities, we have created a bespoke Year 11
timetable for the examination period. This has been structured around their scheduled examinations and includes the
addition of tailored subject revision sessions, to be delivered in school by your child’s subject specialist teacher in the
lead up to their subject exam. These additional revision sessions will take place during the school day and will focus on
supporting students with revision for either their examination that afternoon, or the following day. Students are able to
view the full examination schedule via Edulink or the attachment PDF with this letter.

In Term 5 all students will continue to attend school and their usual timetabled lessons, or where specified a subject
revision lesson, up to and including Friday 24 May 2024. After the May half term break, we are implementing a new
attendance policy for our year 11 students. Beginning Monday 3 June 2024, all students must be present for every exam,
arriving at school a minimum of 15 minutes before the scheduled start time. However, we understand that some
students and parents may prefer flexibility regarding attendance. Therefore, they have the option to decide whether
the student will attend school full-time and participate in all lessons, or sign out after each exam. Additionally, students
are encouraged to attend subject-specific revision sessions, which may be conducted in person, online, or both,
depending on scheduling.

To facilitate this process, please complete the form via this link by Friday 3rd May
2024 indicating your attendance preferences for each revision session in term 6. This will help us plan accordingly and
identify students who may sign out of school to revise at home. Revision sessions rooms will be confirmed directly with
the students in advance of the session.

Please also visit Summer 2024 Exams | Uplands Academy ( and the notice board section of
Edulink where we have included resources to support both our students and you as parents during the examination

Finally, all Year 11 students are invited to join us for the Year 11 Final Celebration Assembly on Tuesday 25th June 2024,
between 2.10pm to 4pm. Further details will follow at the end of term 5.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me

Kind regards

Luke Gander
Head of Year 11

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