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Bilayer Skin Tissue Engineering Constructs
with Improved Epidermal Rearrangement

Alessandra Zonari, Mariana T. Cerqueira, Silviene Novikoff,

Alfredo M. Goes, Alexandra P. Marques, Vitor M. Correlo,* Rui L. Reis

Bilayer skin substitutes constitute an attractive strategy towards improved skin wound healing.
Therefore, solvent casting and freeze-drying methodologies are used to produce polyhydroxy-
butyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate (PHBV) thin nanoporous membranes and 3D porous scaffolds that
are combined in bilayer structures to recreate the epidermal and dermal layers, respectively. The
combination of these methodologies allow attaining a bilayer structure with a high water
retention capability and adequate mechanical properties, susceptible to enzymes degradative
action. Cultures established with human keratinocytes (hKC) and dermal fibroblasts
(hDFb) confirm the suitability of the PHBV structures to
support cell adhesion and proliferation. Nonetheless,
when co-cultured under defined conditions, hKC are able
to grow and rearrange in a multilayer structure with
proliferative cells in the basal layer, and cells expressing a
terminal differentiation marker in the upper layer.
Therefore, PHBV bilayer structures demonstrate properties
that favor skin cells performance, thus representing a
promising strategy to improve wound healing.

Dr. A. Zonari, Dr. M. T. Cerqueira, Dr. A. P. Marques, Dr. V. M.

Correlo, Prof. R. L. Reis
1. Introduction
3B’s Research Group - Biomaterials, Biodegradables and
Biomimetics, University of Minho, Headquarters of the European Skin, the largest organ in humans, is responsible for the
Institute of Excellence on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative protection of the body from the external environment,
Medicine, AvePark, 4806-909, Taipas, Guimara ~es, Portugal avoiding pathogens invasion, and also for the regulation of
E-mail: temperature and the hydration state of an individual.[1]
Dr. A. Zonari, Dr. M. T. Cerqueira, Dr. A. P. Marques, Dr. V. M. Therefore, when more than 4 cm in diameter of full-
Correlo, Prof. R. L. Reis thickness skin wounds occur, closure cannot be completed
ICVS/3B’s - PT Government Associate Laboratory Braga/ without the assistance of a graft,[2] homeostasis is
Guimara ~es, Portugal
compromised[3] and the risk of bacterial infections
Dr. A. Zonari, Prof. A. M. Goes
Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Immunology, Department of
Despite the secondary injury and the limited donor sites
Biochemistry and Immunology, Institute of Biological Sciences,
Federal University of Minas Gerais, Caixa Postal 486, CEP 31.270- when large skin areas are damaged, the ‘‘gold standard’’
901, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil treatment for full-thickness wounds still is split-thickness
Dr. S. Novikoff skin autografting.[6,7] Engineered cellular skin substitutes
Department of Nephrology, Federal University of Sa ~o Paulo, CEP: are clinically available since the early 1980 s,[8,9] but despite
04.023-900, Sa ~o Paulo- SP, Brazil the progress along the years, the currently available skin

Macromol. Biosci. 2014, 14, 977–990

ß 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim DOI: 10.1002/mabi.201400005 977
A. Zonari et al.

substitutes are still associated with a range of problems, Although PHBV is being used in different tissue
such as excessive wound contraction and scar formation, engineering strategies targeting the regeneration of
poor engraftment resulting from deficient vascularization, different tissues,[33–36] few works have proposed PHBV
among others.[7,10] structures for skin wound healing applications. The
Bilayer skin substitutes that resembles full-thickness influence of mechanical properties of electrospun and
skin, comprising both dermal and epidermal cells, with a solvent cast PHBV matrices on the expression of extracel-
defined basement membrane, stratified epidermal layer lular matrix (ECM) proteins and therefore over the re-
and organized dermis are yet to be achieved. Apligraf, epithelialization and the rate of healing was demonstrated
composed by a membrane of bovine Type I collagen on by Kuppan et al.[19] Recently, PHBV nanofibers have been
which foreskin human fibroblasts are cultured as the base shown not to activate the production of inflammatory
for the stratification of a human epidermis-like structure, cytokine by lymphocytes.[37] Also, variation of the content
lacks dermal organization and depth. This issue has of PHBV in relation to chitosan, has been shown to affect in
been tackled with Orcel that combines human dermal vitro fibroblasts adhesion and growth, as well as the levels
fibroblasts within a 3D porous side of a collagen sponge and of inflammation, and rate of wound closure upon
keratinocytes on the gel coated, non-porous side of the implantation,[38] which was also shown to be enhanced
collagen matrix. Although these products do not cause by the incorporation of keratin in PHBV electrospun
immunological rejection, the use of allogeneic cells has mats.[39] In a tissue engineering approach, electrospun
been associated to graft rejection and permanent wound PHBV nanofibers seeded with hair follicular dermal and/or
closure failure[11,12] due to the death of the transplanted outer root sheath cells were shown to support wound
cells. Thus, the need to co-grafting with an autologous healing by promoting early re-epithelialization and faster
epithelial source renders these substitutes as temporary wound closure than acellular PHBV matrices. Moreover,
bioactive dressings. TissueTech offers an autologous those PHBV nanofibers cultured in vitro for 3–5 d were able
approach that comprises two independent hyaluronic to keep wound moist and maintain appropriate mechanical
acid-based constructs, Hyalograft as a dermal substitute strength during healing.[40]
and Laserskin as the epidermal substitute. However, To the best of our knowledge, the potential of PHBV
because they have to be independently and consecutively structures other than electrospun membranes to contribute
applied, they cannot be considered a ‘‘true’’ dermal- to better wound healing, or to create 3D skin analogues as
epidermal skin substitute.[13,14] improved strategies to lead skin tissue regeneration,
The restriction to collagen and hyaluronic acid as has not been explored. Therefore this work proposes the
the components of the cell supporting polymeric construction of a PHBV-based bilayer skin tissue equivalent
structures in the commercial bi-layered skin substitutes considering skin two main strata, epidermis and dermis.
reinforces the need to provide cells with adequate Taking this in consideration, we chose methodologies that
environments capable of resembling native tissue to would allow obtaining a thin membrane and a highly
achieve a better wound healing.[12,15,16] Different porous structure, respectively solvent cast and freeze-
types of natural and synthetic materials are being drying. Thus, the polymeric bilayer structure combines a 2D
investigated, seeking the best combination of scaffold denser nanoporous upper layer and a 3D scaffold for the
design, mechanical properties, degradation rate, and respective support of human keratinocytes and dermal
healing stimulation.[17–19] Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3- fibroblasts assuring their communication throughout the
hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) is a natural based polymer pores (Figure 1). The mechanical properties and degradabil-
member of the polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) family.[20] ity of the PHBV bilayer structure, tuned by the processing
It became attractive in the biomedical field due to methodologies independently used for each layer, together
its optical activity, biodegradability, biocompatibility with the cellular performance within the respective
and thermoplasticity,[20,21] as well as its piezoelectric construct counterparts, were expected to contribute to
character being capable of transforming a mechanical the assembly of a skin tissue engineered construct with
stimulus into electrical charge[21–23] which is known potential to be used as an improved autologous graft.
to direct specific cellular processes such as migration,
proliferation and differentiation.[24–29] Furthermore,
3-hydroxybutyrate, the main degradation product of 2. Experimental Section
PHBV, is a component of blood and tissues and it was
already demonstrated that 3-hydroxybutyrate mono- 2.1. Preparation of PHBV Bilayer Structures
mers promote fibroblasts and keratinocytes proliferation The PHBV polymer used in this study had a molecular weight of
by preventing apoptotic and necrotic cell death and by approximately 425.7 kDa and was provided by PHB Industrial, Serrana,
stimulating a rapid increase of cytosolic calcium ion Brazil. A 2.5% (w/v) PHBV solution was prepared in chloroform (Fisher
influx.[30–32] Scientific, UK) at 60 8C and under constant agitation.

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978 ß 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) Bilayer Skin Tissue Engineering Contructs

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the construction of A) PHBV bilayer structure and of B) the followed co-culture strategy.
KSFM ¼ Keratinocyte serum free medium; MEM ¼ minimum essential medium.

The PHBV membranes were prepared by a solvent casting incubated in phosphate buffered saline (PBS, Sigma, USA),
method. This approach consisted of dispensing the homogenous 0.01 M, pH 7.4, at 37 8C and 60 rpm for 15 min, 30 min, 1, 2, 3, 6,
polymer solution in petri dishes and then allowing the solvent to 12, 24, and 48 h. After each predefined period of time, samples were
completely evaporate in the hood. The 3D porous structures were weighted in order to determine the water uptake of the scaffolds
produced by freeze-drying. After getting a homogeneous polymer using the following equation:
solution, acetic acid (1:1, VWR Company, UK) was added to obtain
an emulsion that was frozen for 48 hours at 80 8C. The PHBV wet weight  initial weight
Water uptakeð%Þ ¼  100
solvent cast membranes were placed on the surface of the frozen initial weight
polymeric emulsion and the bilayer structures were subsequently
freeze-dried (CryoDos-80, Telstar, Spain) for 94 h.
Bilayer structures were cut into cylinders of 6 mm diameter and 2.4. Measurement of Tensile Properties
3 mm thickness and sterilized by ethylene oxide prior to cell culture The tensile properties of the solvent cast membranes, freeze-dried
studies. scaffolds and bilayer structures were determined using the
universal mechanical testing equipment (Instron 5540, USA). For
tensile tests, solvent cast membranes, freeze-dried scaffolds and
2.2. Micro-Computed Tomography (CT) Analysis
bilayer structures were prepared with a width of 5 mm and a
The microarchitecture and porosity of the bilayer structures were length of 30 mm, and a thickness of 0.04 mm for the solvent cast
evaluated by micro-CT using a SkyScan equipment (SkyScan 1072, membrane and of a 3mm for the freeze dried scaffold and the
Belgium). The structures were analyzed using a high resolution bilayer structure. Samples (n ¼ 5) were tested at a crosshead speed
mode of 6.9 mm x/y/z and an exposure time of 1792 ms. The energy of 5 mm min1 and gauge length of 10 mm at room temperature
parameters defined in the scanner were 50 kV and 185 mA. After (RT). Tensile strength was determined using both dry and wet
scanning, the obtained data was analyzed using NRecon and CT-An samples previously immersed in PBS for 3 h.
to produce binary images. A threshold of 60–255, to distinguish the
polymeric material from pore voids, was chosen and maintained
constant for all the scanned specimens. CT Vol image software’s 2.5. In Vitro Degradation Assay
(SkyScan, Belgium) was used to create a tridimensional model of Freeze-dried scaffolds (n ¼ 5) were incubated in Lipase (150 U L1,
the PHBV structures and determine pore size and porosity. Sigma, USA) and/or Lysozyme (13 mg L1, Sigma, USA) solutions in
PBS, at concentrations similar to the ones found in human
serum.[41,42] A PBS control was also performed. Samples were
2.3. Quantification of Water Uptake
maintained at 37 8C and 60 rpm for 1, 2, 4, and 8 weeks. The
The water uptake capability of the solvent cast membranes, freeze- solutions were changed every 3–4 d. At the end of each degradation
dried scaffolds, and bilayer structures were determined using a period, samples were removed, rinsed twice with distilled water,
simple gravimetric method. Samples (n ¼ 5) were weighted and dried and weighted in order to determine the percentage of weight

Macromol. Biosci. 2014, 14, 977–990 ß 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
A. Zonari et al.

loss, using the following formula: 2.7.2. Co-Culture Set-Up

initial weight  final weight To attain heterotypic epidermal/dermal-like constructs, hKC were
Weight loss ð%Þ ¼  100 first seeded on the upper layer of the bilayer structure composed by
initial weight
the solvent cast membrane at a concentration of 3.5  105 cells
cm2 and cultured in KSFM medium for one day. After 24 h,
the structure was flipped around and hDFb, at a density of
2.6. Isolation of Human Keratinocytes (hKC) and 3  106 cells cm3, were then seeded in the freeze-dried layers. The
Human Dermal Fibroblasts (hDFb) constructs were co-cultured for further three days in KSFM
medium and in a mixture of KSFM and alpha-MEM 10% FBS
hKC and hDFb were isolated from discarded skin tissue obtained (KSFM/MEM) in a 1:1 proportion (Figure 1B).
from healthy patients undergoing abdominoplasty in Hospital da
Prelada, Porto, Portugal. The samples were obtained after informed
consent of the patient and under a cooperation agreement
2.8. Analysis by Flow Cytometry
established between the Hospital and the 3B’s Research Group.
The skin samples were collected into sterile containers with 100 ml The phenotype of hKC before the homo- and heterotypic cultures
of PBS with 10% antibiotic–antimycotic (Gibco, USA). Firstly, the was screened by flow cytometry. Cells were detached from the
exceeding fat tissue was removed from the dermis and the skin culture flask with 0.5% trypsin-EDTA and permeabilized using
samples were washed with PBS, twice. The tissue samples were permeabilization buffer 1 (eBioscience, USA) for 10 min at RT.
cut into small pieces of 0.5 cm2 and incubated in PBS containing Cells were then incubated with Cytokeratin 10 (K10, Abcam, UK),
dispase (2.5 U mL1, BD Biosciences, USA) overnight at 4 8C. The Cytokeratin 14 (K14, FITC-conjugated, AbDserotec, UK) and
epidermis was then mechanically separated from the dermis and Involucrin (Imgenex, USA) primary antibodies for 1 h at RT and
incubated in 0.5% trypsin-EDTA (EDTA ¼ ethylenediamine tetraa- at the concentration advised by the manufacturer. Cells were then
cetate; Gibco, USA) for 7 min at 37 8C to isolate hKC. The cells were washed with a 2% bovine serum albumin (BSA, Sigma, USA) PBS
separated from the remaining tissue using a 100 mm pore size solution and incubated with the secondary antibody Alexa fluor
cell strainer (BD Biosciences, USA) and the cell suspension was 488 (Molecular Probes, USA) for 1 h at 4 8C, except when
centrifuged at 290 g for 5 min. hKC were seeded at a density of fluorochrome-conjugated primary antibodies were used. Cells
100 000 cells cm2 in Keratinocyte Serum Free Medium (KSFM) were washed with PBS/BSA, re-suspended in PBS with 1%
supplemented with Epidermal growth factor and Bovine pituitary formaldehyde (VWR, UK) and analyzed on a BD FACScalibur flow
extract (Gibco, UK). cytometer (BD Biosciences, USA). For each sample, 15 000 events
For the isolation of hDFb, the dermis separated from the were acquired and analyzed using CellQuest software.
epidermis was incubated in PBS containing collagenase IA (250 U
mL1, Sigma, USA) for 3 h at 37 8C and 60 rpm. The hDFb were
separated from the remaining tissue using a 100 mm pore size cell
2.9. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
strainer, centrifuged at 290 g for 5 min and seeded at a density of
50 000 cells cm2 in minimum essential medium alpha modifica- Samples from cell culture were washed in PBS, fixed in 2.5%
tion (alpha-MEM, Invitrogen, USA) supplemented with 10% Fetal glutaraldehyde (VWR UK) for two hours, and then dehydrated in
Bovine Serum (FBS; Gibco, USA) and 1% antibiotic–antimycotic. increasing concentrations of ethanol (30, 50, 70, 90, and 100%)
Media were changed every 2–3 d and hKC were used at passage and critical point-dried (Autosamdri-815, Tousimis, USA).
1–2 while hDFb were used at passage 2–4. Dehydrated cell culture samples, as well as samples before and
after degradation studies were mounted on aluminum stumps,
coated with 20 nm Au-Pd (80/20 wt%) using a high resolution
2.7. Cell Culture sputter coater (208HR, Cressington Company, UK) coupled to a
MTM-20 High Resolution Thickness Controller (Cressington
Company, UK), and analyzed on a Nova NanoSEM 200 (FEI, The
2.7.1. Homotypic Cell Cultures
Netherlands) at 5.00 kV.
The suitability of the solvent cast membranes and the freeze-dried SEM images of three different samples of solvent cast
scaffolds to respectively support the adhesion of hKC and hDFb was membranes were analyzed using ImageJ software to determine
independently assessed in homotypic cultures. the thickness and porosity.
hKC were seeded at a density of 1.75  105 cells cm2 and
3.5  105 cells cm2 on the solvent cast membranes of the PHBV
bilayer structures. Cells were allowed to attach for three hours, 2.10. Calcein AM Staining
and then 1 mL of fresh KSFM was added.
hDFb were seeded in the freeze-dried parts of the PHBV bilayer Cell viability along the cultures was assessed after Calcein AM
structures at a density of 3  106 cells cm3. Cells were allowed to staining. After each cell culture time point, samples were washed
attach for two hours and then 1 mL of fresh complete alpha-MEM with PBS and incubated for 20 min with a 0.002% (v/v) calcein AM
supplemented was added. (Molecular Probes, USA) solution prepared in alpha-MEM without
Constructs were maintained in a humidified atmosphere at phenol red and FBS. Samples were then fixed with 10% formalin for
37 8C and 5% CO2 for 7 days. Media were changed every 2–3 d. 30 min and the nuclei were counterstained with 4’,6-diamidino-2-

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Poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) Bilayer Skin Tissue Engineering Contructs

phenylindole (DAPI; Sigma, USA) for 5 min. Samples were observed 3. Results
with an Axioplan Imager Z1 fluorescence microscope (Zeiss,
Germany) and images were acquired and processed with the 3.1. Characterization of PHBV Structures
AxioVision V.4.8 software (Zeiss, Germany).
3.1.1. Microarchitecture

2.11. Double-stranded DNA Quantification A bilayer scaffold combining a PHBV membrane, obtained
by solvent casting, and a 3D freeze dried porous structure,
Proliferation of hKC and hDFb respectively on and in the PHBV
was designed having in consideration the main skin strata,
bilayer structures was assessed by the quantification of the total
epidermis and dermis. SEM analysis revealed that the
amount of double-stranded DNA along the culture time. Briefly, at
each time point, constructs were immersed in 500 mL of ultrapure
solvent cast layer is composed of a thin dense surface
water at 37 8C and frozen at –80 8C, respectively for osmotic and with a thickness of 28.48 mm  7.13 mm and nanopores of
thermal shocks. Double-stranded DNA was quantified in the lysed 75 nm  19 nm (Figure 2A,C). In opposition, the freeze dried
cell suspension using the Quant-iT PicoGreen dsDNA assay kit layer was formed by a highly porous structure (Figure 2B
(Molecular Probes, USA), according to the manufacturer’s instruc- and C), with a porosity of 82.2%  0.5% and an average pore
tions. Fluorescence was measured at an excitation wavelength of size of 122.4 mm  58.1 mm (Figure 2D).
485/20 nm and at an emission wavelength of 528/20 nm in a
Synergie HT microplate reader (Bio-Tek, USA). 3.1.2. Water Retention Capacity

The water uptake capacity of the PHBV bilayer structures, as

2.12. Immunofluorescence well as of the independent solvent cast membranes and
freeze-dried scaffolds, was assessed in order to determine
After 3 d of co-culture, hKC were analyzed for the expression of their water retention capacity (Figure 3). The solvent cast
keratinocytes markers associated to different maturation/differ-
membranes presented the lowest capability to absorb
entiation degrees. The cells were fixed with 10% formalin for
water represented by an increase in weight of about 45%
30 min at RT and then incubated with 0.2% triton X-100 (Sigma,
USA) for 10 min, again at RT. After washing with PBS, the samples within the first hour of immersion in PBS, which remained
were incubated for 1 h at RT with the primary antibodies Ki-67 unchanged up to 48 h. Contrarily, the freeze-dried scaffolds
(Abcam, UK), K10, K14 (Covance, USA) and involucrin, at the and the bilayer structures showed an increase in weight
concentration advised by the manufacturers. Following a PBS of respectively 870% and 1050% within the first 15 min of
washing, samples were incubated with the secondary antibody immersion. Moreover, the significantly higher (p < 0.05)
Alexa fluor 488. F-actin cytoskeleton fibers were stained with water uptake capacity observed for the bilayer structures in
rhodamine-conjugated phalloidin (Sigma, USA) and cell nuclei comparison to the freeze-dried scaffolds within the first
with DAPI. Samples were observed in a FluoView 1000 confocal 15 min of immersion was not detected for longer times of
microscope (Olympus, Japan). ImageJ software was used to immersion. In fact, while the bilayer structures reached
quantify the number of cells positive for Ki-67. Cells were counted
the water uptake equilibrium (around 1370% increase
in three different 20 magnification fields in each sample (n ¼ 3)
in weight) between 1 and 2 h, the freeze-dried scaffolds
and plotted in relation to the total number of cells, determined by
the DAPI stained nuclei. uptake water up to 3 h reached significantly higher
(p < 0.001) weight gain (about 1670%) at the equilibrium
2.13. Statistical Analysis
3.1.3. Mechanical Performance
All quantitative data is presented as an average of the number of
samples indicated for each methodology and standard deviation is The tensile properties of the PHBV solvent cast membranes,
reported as a measure of sample deviation. In vitro biological data freeze-dried scaffolds and bilayer structures were measured
was obtained from three independent experiments with at least in dry and wet conditions as summarized in Table 1. Overall,
three replicates for each condition. the combination of the solvent cast membranes with the
Statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad Prism 5.00 freeze-dried scaffolds lead to a bilayer structure with
software for Windows (GraphPad Software, San Diego, USA). Firstly, increased (p < 0.01, in the dry and wet state) tensile
a Shapiro-Wilk test was used to ascertain about the data normality.
modulus and maximum stress, but diminished (p < 0.05,
All results showed a normal distribution and were analyzed by one-
in the wet state) strain at break in comparison to the freeze-
way ANOVA (hDFb DNA quantification), two-way ANOVA (water
dried scaffolds alone. The immersion in PBS did not
uptake, hKC DNA quantification, co-culture DNA quantification
and Ki-67 expression) or unpaired two-tailed t-Student (tensile
significantly affect the tensile properties of the solvent
properties) tests. For one-way ANOVA and two-way ANOVA, cast membranes and the strain at break of freeze-dried
Bonferroni’s was used as a post-hoc pairwise comparison test. scaffolds and bilayer structures. However, wet freeze-
Values were considered statistically significant for p < 0.05. dried scaffolds depicted reduced tensile modulus (p < 0.01)

Macromol. Biosci. 2014, 14, 977–990 ß 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
A. Zonari et al.

Figure 2. Morphological characterization of PHBV structures. Scanning electron micrograph of A) solvent cast membrane, B) freeze-dried
scaffold, and C) cross-section of PHBV bilayer structure, combining I) the membrane and II) the porous scaffold. D) 3D image obtained by
micro-CT reconstruction model. Upper right corner: micrograph in (A) represent a magnified area, highlighting the topography and the
nanoporosity of the membrane.

and maximum stress (p < 0.001), while wet bilayer lipase and/or lysozyme at concentrations similar to the
structures only showed reduced tensile modulus (p < 0.05) ones found in human serum. The percentage of weight
in relation to the respective dry structures. loss in the different degradative solutions along the time
is shown in Figure 4A. Independent of the conditions, no
3.1.4. In Vitro Sensitivity to Enzymatic Degradation variations of weight were detected within the first 2 weeks.
Weight loss was noticed from that timepoint on but only
The susceptibility of the PHBV freeze-dried scaffolds to
in the presence of lipase and lipase plus lysozyme. After
enzymatic degradation was assessed in the presence of
4 weeks, the freeze-dried scaffolds lost about 30% of their
initial weight in the presence of lipase and around 50% in
the concomitant presence of lipase and lysozyme. At the
end of the experiment, 8 weeks, the samples immersed
in the solution containing lipase plus lysozyme were
completely degraded and the samples incubated only with
lipase had lost about 87% of their initial weight. Contrarily,
samples immersed in the solution containing only lyso-
zyme or in PBS (control) did not show any weight variation
during the time of the experiment. The alterations
caused in the freeze-dried scaffolds structure along the
degradation process were investigated by SEM (Figure 4B).
Figure 3. Water uptake of the PHBV solvent cast membranes, freeze- Topographic changes in the pores walls surface were
dried scaffolds and bilayer structures. # indicates significant observed in the presence of lipase and lipase plus lysozyme,
difference between the PHBV solvent cast membranes and the
the conditions where weight loss was detected. Up to
freeze-dried scaffolds and the PHBV bilayer structures within
the same time point. Data was obtained from 5 different
2 weeks no significant changes were observed in all
measurements,  p < 0.05,  , # p < 0.001, two-way ANOVA and conditions (data not shown) but reduced size and rougher
Bonferroni’s post-hoc test. pore walls surfaces were detected for the lipase conditions

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Poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) Bilayer Skin Tissue Engineering Contructs

Table 1. Tensile properties of PHBV solvent cast membrane, freeze-dried scaffold and bilayer structure in the dry and wet states.

Tensile Modulusa) Maximum Stressa) Strain at Breaka)

[MPa] [MPa] [%]

Solvent cast membranes Dry 1188  160 22.33  1.23 6.17  1.58
Wet 1159  217 21.73  5.76 4.79  0.93
 f  f
Freeze-dried scaffolds Dry 0.69  0.27 , 0.017  0.003 , 7.93  2.48
Wet 0.19  0.09### 0.007  0.001## 10.70  2.20#
Bilayer structures Dry 10.26  3.00 0.23  0.05 4.93  1.84
Wet 6.01  1.34 0.17  0.08 7.37  1.72

Data was obtained from 5 different measurements;  Indicates significant difference between dry and wet condition for the same structure;

indicates significant difference between dry freeze-dried scaffolds and dry bilayer structures; #indicates significant difference between
wet freeze-dried scaffolds and wet bilayer structures.  , # p < 0.05,  ,## p < 0.01 and  ,f, ### p < 0.001, Student’s t-test.

after 4 and 8 weeks. Similar observations were made in the 3.4. Heterotypic Communication between hKC and
lipase plus lysozyme conditions but only for 4 weeks, as hDFb as Part of the PHBV Bilayer Construct
after 8 weeks the structure was completely degraded and
The previous knowledge acquired with the homotypic
only small fragments of material were collected.
cultures was used to create heterotypic PHBV bilayer
constructs. hKC and hDFb were respectively cultured on the
solvent cast membranes and on the freeze-dried scaffolds,
3.2. Optimal hKC Density
at the previously defined cell densities and following
Two different hKC concentrations were used to determine subsequent cell seeding as illustrated in Figure 1B. The
the optimal density to reach a confluent cell layer on the initial hKC culture was performed in KSFM, the optimal
PHBV solvent casting membranes within 3 d of culture. hKC culture medium, but deprived of serum. Considering
Independently of the initial cell number, hKC were able to that the absence of serum could be detrimental for hDFb
adhere on the solvent cast membranes of the PHBV bilayer adhesion in the co-culture, after the initial 1 d culture of hKC
structures exhibiting the typical polygonal shape. How- on the solvent cast membranes, co-culture was performed
ever, while a cohesive cell layer was formed after 3 d of in KSFM and in KSFM/alpha-MEM in an equal proportion.
culture when 3.5  105 cells cm2 were initially seeded on Independently of the cell culture medium, hKC and hDFb in
the membranes (Figure 5A), a similar behavior was only co-culture were able to adhere to the respective PHBV
detected for the lower seeding density after 5 d of culture structure layer and remained viable for the time period
(data not shown). Cell proliferation data confirmed that tested (Figure 7A). Nonetheless, DNA quantification data
when seeded at higher density cells were able to proliferate showed that total DNA content did not vary from day 1
up to 3 d of culture (Figure 5B) occupying the whole to day 3 when cells were cultured in KSFM but cells were
membrane surface and remaining viable (Figure 5C). able to proliferate when cultured in KSFM/MEM medium
Moreover, when a lower seeding density was used, an as confirmed by the significantly higher (p < 0.05) DNA
increased number of hKC was still detected from day 3 to amount at day 3 (Figure 7B).
day 5 of culture (Figure 5B). The analysis of the hKC behavior in the homotypic and
co-cultures performed in the different medium showed
that, although forming a cohesive cell layer in both media,
3.3. Behavior of hDFb in the Freeze-dried Scaffolds
the total number of cells and the number of proliferative
The capacity of the freeze-dried scaffolds of the PHBV cells, Ki-67 positive hKC, varied. In the KSFM the hKC had
bilayer structures to support hDFb adhesion and prolifera- grown as a monolayer in both homotypic and heterotypic
tion was assessed. SEM analysis revealed that hDFb cultures (Figure 8A), but a significantly higher (p < 0.05)
attached to the scaffolds within 1 d of culture exhibiting percentage of proliferative cells was found in the co-culture,
the typical fibroblastic morphology (Figure 6A.1). Moreover, 32.76  4.17% compared to 22.18  3.61% in the homotypic
hDFb were able to proliferate along the culture period, culture (Figure 8C). Contrarily, and despite the apparent
(Figure 6A.1-3,B) colonizing the interior of the scaffolds similarities in terms of growth, the percentage of Ki-67
(Figure 6A.4) and remaining viable (Figure 6C). positive-cells cultured in KSFM/MEM was significantly

Macromol. Biosci. 2014, 14, 977–990 ß 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
A. Zonari et al.

Figure 4. Degradation of PHBV freeze-dried scaffolds. A) Percentage of weight loss along the immersion time in PBS, Lipase, Lysozyme, and
Lipase/Lysozyme, at pH 7.4 and 37 8C. Macroscopic images represent the appearance of the freeze-dried scaffolds in the different conditions
at specific time points. B) SEM images of the PHBV scaffolds before (day 0) and after 4 and 8 weeks of immersion in PBS, Lipase, Lysozyme
and Lipase/Lysozyme. Images on upper right corners represent magnified areas highlighting the topography of the pore walls surfaces.
Samples immersed in Lipase/Lysozyme solution for 8 weeks were completely degraded and therefore no image corresponding to that
condition is shown.

higher (p < 0.05) than in KSFM and was not affected by the almost all the Ki-67 positive cells, 49.12  3.48% of the total
presence of hDFb. Moreover, in the co-culture established number of hKC (Figure 8C) were confined to the basal layer
with KSFM/MEM, the hKC organized in multiple layers (Figure 8B.1). Few Ki-67 positive-cells were found in the
(basal and suprabasal). A higher number of cells presenting suprabasal layer (Figure 8B.2) and no expression of Ki-67
a smaller size and a cuboidal shape (Figure 8B.1) was was detected in the upper layer (Figure 8B.3).
observed in the basal layer, whereas in the upper layers, In addition to the proliferative character of the hKC
cells became larger and flattened (Figure 8B.2,3). Moreover, adhered to the solvent cast membranes along the co-

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Poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) Bilayer Skin Tissue Engineering Contructs

Figure 5. hKC behavior on the solvent cast membranes of the PHBV bilayer structures. A) SEM images of hKC, seeded at an initial density of
3.5  105 cells  cm2, adhered on the solvent cast membranes of the PHBV bilayer structures after (A.1) 1 and (A.2) 3 d of culture. B) hKC
proliferation on the solvent cast membranes of the PHBV bilayer structures indicated by the amount of double-strand DNA along the
culture. C) Viable hKC (green) stained with Calcein AM after 3 ds of culture and seeded at an initial density of 3.5  105 cells cm2. Cell nuclei
were stained with DAPI (blue). Data was obtained from three independent experiments with three replicates for each condition,

p < 0.001, two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni’s post-hoc test.

culture, the degree of differentiation of the hKC forming PHBV composed of a thin nanoporous upper layer and a
the different layers was assessed. Flow cytometry analysis porous sub-layer was developed combining solvent casting
of the hKC prior to seeding revealed that the cell and freeze-drying. This structure was designed to attain
populations were composed mostly by K14 positive-cells specific properties that were respectively expected not
(54.59  14.65%) but few K10- (1.03  0.59%) and involu- only to positively modulate hKC and hDFb behavior,
crin-positive (7.62  5.75%) cells. After the co-culture, allowing biochemical crosstalk between them, but to
immunostaining of the cells forming the constructs particularly contribute to retain wound moisture and to
revealed that when using KSFM medium, the majority of withstand the mechanical stresses diminishing wound
the cells continued expressing K14, no cells were expressing contraction. The solvent cast membrane where hKC were
K10 and few cells were positive for involucrin (Figure 9A–C). seeded, presented a rough surface with small pores in
When the co-culture was established in KSFM/MEM the range of 75  19 nm. These porous dimensions are
medium, the expression of K14 and involucrin was important to physically separate cells within the different
restricted to the upper layer and only few K10 positive- layers, but allowing the diffusion of nutrients and the
cells were found in the suprabasal layer (Figure 9D–L). communication between hKC and hDFb. In fact, the
exchange of cytokines and growth factors released by
hDFb and hKC are crucial for keratinocyte proliferation and
4. Discussion differentiation and for the deposition of various basement
membrane proteins and hemi-desmosome components
Engineering skin substitutes represents a prospective controlling epidermal homeostasis.[43,44]
approach to combat acute and chronic skin wounds as Concerning the freeze-drying layer, it was designed to
for instance large burn injuries or ulcers.[1] Bilayer skin depict a highly porous structure intended to favor hDFb
substitutes exploring the interaction between epidermal motility within the structure and subsequent ECM deposi-
and dermal components, as regulators of wound healing, tion and organization. Moreover, this morphology is
represent a valuable approach towards improved out- expected to favor water uptake, thus significantly contrib-
comes. Taking this into consideration, a bilayer structure of uting to maintain the wound moist environment. The

Macromol. Biosci. 2014, 14, 977–990 ß 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
A. Zonari et al.

Figure 6. Behavior of hDFb cultured in the freeze-dried scaffolds of the PHBV bilayer structures. A) SEM images of hDFb adhered to the
freeze-dried scaffolds of the PHBV bi-layer structures after (A.1) 1 d, (A.2) 3 d, and (A.3) 7 d of culture. (A.4) Constructs cross-section showing
cells in the interior of the scaffolds after 7 d of culture. Images on upper right corners represent magnified areas. B) hDFb proliferation in the
freeze-dried scaffolds of the PHBV bilayer structures indicated by the amount of double-strand DNA along the culture. C) Viable hDFb
(green), stained with calcein AM, after 7 d of culture in the interior of the freeze-dried scaffolds of the PHBV bilayer structures. Cell nuclei
were stained with DAPI (blue). Data was obtained from three independent experiments with three replicates for each condition,  p < 0.01,
one-way ANOVA and Bonferroni’s post-hoc test.

Figure 7. Viability and proliferation of hKC and hDFb in co-culture. A) hKC and hDFb viability after different times of co-culture in KSFM/
MEM medium (1 and 3 d). Green: Calcein AM, blue: DAPI. Scale bar: 50 mm. B) DNA content of co-culture samples in different medium as a
function of time. Data was obtained from three independent experiments with three replicates for each condition,  p < 0.05, two way
ANOVA and Bonferroni’s post-hoc test.

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Poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) Bilayer Skin Tissue Engineering Contructs

Figure 8. Ki-67 expression (green) of hKC adhered on the solvent cast membranes and in co-culture with hDFb in A) KSFM and B) KSFM/MEM
medium after 3 d of co-culture. Z-scan images showing the Ki-67 expression on the basal (B.1), suprabasal (B.2) and upper (B.3) layers. Nuclei
were stained with DAPI (blue) and F-actin cytoskeleton fibers with rhodamine-conjugated phalloidin (red). C) Percentage of Ki-67 positive
cells in the different culture conditions. Data was obtained from three independent experiments with three replicates for each condition,

p < 0.05,  p < 0.01,  p < 0.001, two way ANOVA and Bonferroni’s post-hoc test.

freeze-dried scaffold demonstrated a high water retention binding sites for lysozyme thus, when both enzymes
capacity being able to uptake around 900% of water, in were used, PHBV scaffold was completely degraded after
relation to its initial weight, within the first 15 min and the same period of time, eight weeks. Lipase and lysozyme
a maximum of 1600% within 2 h of immersion in PBS. are enzymes present both in healthy skin but also at
Despite the low water uptake capability of the solvent the inflammatory stage of wound healing.[49,50] In deep
cast membrane, and its impact over the overall total injuries, such as burns, that cause fat inflammation or fat
percentage of water uptake by the bilayer structure upon necrosis, lipase can be secreted by mononuclear phag-
combination with the freeze-dried scaffold, we consider ocytes to facilitate the digestion and clearance of the lipid
that the proposed bilayer structure still depicts a water material released by the damaged adipocytes.[50] Upon
retention degree that complies with the requirement of skin injury polymorphonuclear leukocytes are also re-
maintaining the injury environment moist enough in order sponsible for the release of lysozyme, which has an
to enhance wound healing.[45] The combination of the important antimicrobial action in infected wounds.[51,52]
stiffer PHBV solvent cast membrane with the freeze- The in vitro degradation tests were carried out in the
dried scaffold also impacted the mechanical properties presence of those enzymes at blood serum concentrations.
of the bilayer structure. However, the stiffer and less Thus, considering that due to the inflammatory process
ductile character of the combined structure, in relation to resulting from skin tissue injury the local tissue concen-
the freeze-dried scaffold, is considered to be positive in the tration of both lipase and lysozyme will be higher, the
sense that the combined structure is expected to better degradation of the PHBV structure in vivo is expected to
withstand the mechanical stresses that occur during the start earlier.
deposition of fibrotic tissue, thus diminishing wound The ultimate goal of this work was to obtain a skin
contraction.[17] analogue to be used as an autologous substitute. From a
One of the major limitations, particularly for biomedical clinical perspective, the time needed to expand patient’s
applications, that have been pointed out to PHBV is its own cells is nowadays considered a limitation of cellular
slow hydrolytic degradation.[46–48] Accordingly, no evi- skin substitutes[53] which is even worsened by the
dence of weight loss was detected in PHBV scaffold after additional time required to obtain living-like tissues that,
eight weeks of immersion in PBS and in the presence of histologically, closely resemble native dermis and epider-
lysozyme. Nevertheless, lipase leads to the degradation mis. Bearing this in mind, we propose a co-culture strategy
of the structures detectable after two weeks resulting in that allows the complete coverage of the PHBV solvent cast
a reduction of 87% of the initial weight after eight weeks. membrane by hKC, and the partial colonization of the
The degradation caused by lipase probably exposed freeze-dried porous layer by hDFb, after 4 d of culture. The

Macromol. Biosci. 2014, 14, 977–990 ß 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
A. Zonari et al.

Figure 9. Expression patterns of keratinocyte differentiation markers in hKC adhered on the solvent cast membranes and in co-culture with
hDFb in A–C) KSFM and D–L) KSFM/MEM medium. When cultured with KSFM medium hKC grown as a monolayer with the majority of
the cells expressing K14 (A, green), no cells expressing K10 (B, green) and some cells expressing Involucrin (C, green). When cultured
with KSFM/MEM medium, hKC organized in multiple cell layers. Z-scan images showing the localization of hKC expressing K14 (D,G,J),
K10 (E,H,K) and Involucrin (F,I,L). (D-L) depicts x-y digital sectioning images of the upper (D,E,F), suprabasal (GH,I) and basal (J,K,L) layers.
Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue) and cells cytoskeleton with rhodamine-conjugated phalloidin (red).

membrane revealed adequate surface properties to support to diminish the number of cells, consequently optimizing
the attachment and growth of hKC, confirming previously the usage of the biopsy samples.
reported results,[32] and allows to define an optimal initial The hDFb within the freeze-dried porous layer and under
cell density of 350 000 hKC per cm2 to achieve a cohesive the defined co-culture timeframe were able to support the
layer of cells within 3 d in homotypic cultures and 4 d in the hKC on the upper layer of the bilayer structure providing, in
co-cultured construct. One million of hKC can be harvest addition to the culture media, the necessary biochemical
from 1 cm2 of skin sample, and after 1 week of expansion signals to retain cells in a high proliferative state. This effect
almost 20 million cells can be obtained.[54] Several studies is mainly due to paracrine signaling, and it is well reported
using bilayer approaches, have reported the need of that cells secretome results from the direct interaction with
1 million of hKC per cm2 to obtain a stratified epidermis- either extracellular matrix or biomaterials surface.[19] Thus,
like structure, throughout a 14–21 d period.[55–57] Therefore, the bilayer structure was very important to provide the
we tested lower cell concentrations and demonstrated physical structure with the adequate properties to support
that while using PHBV bilayer structure we were able the growth of hKC and hDFb in separate layers which

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Poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) Bilayer Skin Tissue Engineering Contructs

resulted in specific signaling that allowed a particular hKC Acknowledgements: A.Z. acknowledges the Brazilian National
rearrangement. In fact, the presence of hDFb in the co- Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) for a
PhD Grant (141775/2010-6/141787/2012) and financial support of
culture system lead to hKC differentiation and organization
the projects 564779/2010-5 and 490414/2010-9, also the Brazilian
in multiple layers that contrasted with the monolayer of Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel
cells observed in the homotypic cultures. It is known that (CAPES) for providing the PhD scholarship abroad: PDEE0046/11-6.
fibroblasts play key roles promoting keratinocyte growth This work was also financed by the project RL1 – ABMR – NORTE-
and differentiation.[15,58] Additionally, the presence of 01-0124-FEDER-000016 co-financed by North Portugal Regional
calcium, serum, or both, can induce keratinocyte prolifera- Operational Programme (ON.2 – O Novo Norte), under the
National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), through the
tion and differentiation.[59,60] These observations are in European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Authors would also
agreement with the obtained results that clearly showed like to acknowledge Lucılia Goreti Ribeiro Pinto for the help with
the rearrangement and phenotypic variations of hKC to be confocal images and Edith Ariza Avila for the help with SEM
dependent on the presence of hDFb and serum in the images.
heterotypic culture established in KSFM/MEM. In fact when
culturing with KSFM/MEM, proliferative Ki-67 positive hKC
were detected in the basal layer. The expression of K14, a Received: January 6, 2014; Revised: February 4, 2014; Published
marker of early differentiation that is usually confined to online: March 4, 2014; DOI: 10.1002/mabi.201400005
the basal layer, was detected on the cells of the upper layer. Keywords: biomimetic; bioengineering; in vitro epidermal
The same expression pattern was observed for K5 (data rearrangement; polyesters; wound healing
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